- Code and data segments are not just merged together, each segment in
each export group just gets address assigned and relocs / labels are
fixed up.
- BSS sections won't generate binary data if not inbetween code and data
segments for an export group (labels and relocs are still extended)
- DC directive now allows for .t (3 byte values) and .l (4 byte values)
- .lst includes all section info and address ranges if fixed
- Updated x65 dump tool with fixes to x65 data
- REPT caused a crash if expression was resolved after assembly
- Fix expression % as a label at end of scope if another scope ended
before the current scope
- Removed # from conditionals since that doesn't fit with any assembler
- Added .l (long) and .t (triple) to label pool sizes, also supporting
.d as double which is the same size but different meaning than .w (word)
- XREF blocked linking with same name label
- REPT also works as a symbols for repeat counter to reduce need for
extra counting labels.
- "<<" got interpreted as a right shift
- Added LONG keyword to declare 32 bit values
- Each scope in a file shows the cycle count added up for instructions
within it.
- Added Merlin version of XREF which is EXT (was previously ignored)
- Added Merlin cycle counter on/off directive (CYC)
- XREF directive now required for referencing XDEF symbols from other
- Created cycle timing table for 6502, displaying for each line in .lst
- Map symbols might not have been updated with their labels
- Relocation index may be off
- Map symbols stored in 16 bits causing truncation of value in symbol
- Added a tool to dump the values in object files
- Fixed issue with CPU indexing
- Added missing 65816 jmp (addr,x) and jmp $123456,x and jsl
- Added a method for Merlin style linking to work in x65
- Made low byte / high byte (<, >) very low precedence
- Some more Merlin directives
- Split out some directive code from the huge ApplyDirective function
- Add source lines of keywords and labels to the output listing file
- x65 object file fixes
- added -acc=16 and -xy=16 command line options for 65816 immediate mode
instruction size
- added conditional expressions (evaluates to 0 for false and 1 for
- fixed macro substitution to be whole word only
- IMPORT directive added, works like Kick Assembler
- -endm option also applies to REPT
- REPEAT directive is an alias of REPT
- Merlin macro fix uses ]1, ]2, .. as macro params
- Erroneously flushed local labels when starting to assemble a macro
- Added aliases to opcodes
- Fixed XCode warnings
- Revisited outdated comments
- Fixed CPU / PROCESSOR keyword giving an error even if the argument was
- Rearranged switch statements to be in a more logical order
- don't allow ! in merlin labels
- don't skip initial : in merlin labels
- symbol files resolves labels from incobj relative sections
- assembler listing skipping disassembly for lines that was not built
from source code
- using -lst the disassembled and assembled source is written out side
by side
- option -opcodes saves out a source file with all opcodes & addressing
modes for testing
- cleaned up opcode table to be simpler and more robust so I can
consider supporting other cpus
- bug fixes