4.5 KiB
List of x65 error messages
Undefined code
Could not recognize code at this point in the file
Unexpected character in expression
A character in an expression has confused the assembler evaluator
Too many values in expression
There is a limit to the number of values encountered in a single expression, feel free to change that number if you must.
Too many operators in expression
There is a limit to the number of operators encountered in a single expression, this can also be modified as needed.
Unbalanced right parenthesis in expression
A right parenthesis without a corresponding left parenthesis was encountered in the expression
Expression operation
The expression evaluator has confused itself with an unrecognized operator.
Expression missing values
Not enough values to complete an expression operator
Instruction can not be zero page
An attempt to force a zero page command that does not support it was foiled by the assembler.
Invalid addressing mode for instruction
Internal label organization mishap
Internal error
Bad addressing mode
Don't be bad
Unexpected character in addressing mode
What gives?
Unexpected label assignment format
Equal sign or EQU is desired for assigning const or mutable (LABEL) labels.
Changing value of label that is constant
You declared that you would not change your mind but you did. I can't deal with it.
Out of labels in pool
A label pool was declared at a certain size that has now been exceeded.
Internal label pool release confusion
Internal error
Label pool range evaluation failed
Could not determine the range for the label pool at the current line of assembly
Label pool was redeclared within its scope
No recursive pool dipping please.
Pool label already defined
Once is enough
Struct already defined
Don't repeat yourself
Referenced struct not found
But specify it at least once.
Declare constant type not recognized (dc.?)
Specify word size using something that can be understood
rept count expression could not be evaluated
The count needs to be evaluated at the current line of assembly
hex must be followed by an even number of hex numbers
DS directive failed to evaluate immediately
The count needs to be evaluated at the current line of assembly
File is not a valid x65 object file
A file that was referenced with an INCOBJ directive was not recognized as a valid x65 object file
Failed to read include file
Using symbol PULL without first using a PUSH
Withdrawing beyond your deposits amounts to robbery.
User invoked error
An ABORT or ERR directive was assembled
Errors after this point will stop execution
This is a placeholder error message
Branch is out of range
Max branch distance was exceeded at this point in assembly
Function declaration is missing name or expression
A FUNCTION directive requires a name, open/close parenthesis and an expression. Parameters within the parenthesis is optional.
Function could not resolve the expression
The expression could not be evaluated at this point in assembly
Expression evaluateion recursion too deep
Target address must evaluate immediately for this operation
Scoping is too deep
Unbalanced scope closure
Unexpected macro formatting
Align must evaluate immediately
Out of memory for macro expansion
Your memory is not enough
Problem with macro argument
Conditional could not be resolved
#endif encountered outside conditional block
ENDIF directive without an IF or equivalent
#else or #elif outside conditional block
ELSE or ELIF directive without an IF or equivalent
Struct can not be assembled as is
Enum can not be assembled as is
Conditional assembly (#if/#ifdef) was not terminated in file or macro
an IF or equivalent does not have a matching ENDIF directive
rept is missing a scope ('{ ... }')
You want me to repeat what exactly?
Link can only be used in a fixed address section
Link can not be used in dummy sections
Can not process this line
Unexpected target offset for reloc or late evaluation
CPU is not supported
Can't append sections
Zero page / Direct page section out of range
Attempting to assign an address to a non-existent section
Attempting to assign an address to a fixed address section
Can not link a zero page section with a non-zp section
Out of memory while building
Can not write to file
Assembly aborted
Condition too deeply nested
There is a limit to the number of IFs within IFs.