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2019-10-30 10:02:30 +00:00
-- ********* 'FleaFPGA Uno' Platform VHDL top-level module ***********
-- This is basically a wrapper allows connection of user projects to
-- FleaFPGA Uno's on-board hardware
-- Creation Date: 30th October 2015
-- Author: Valentin Angelovski
-- <20>2015 - Valentin Angelovski
library IEEE;
use IEEE.numeric_std.ALL;
entity FleaFPGA_Uno_E1 is
-- System clock input from onboard 25MHz oscillator
sys_clock : in std_logic; -- main clock input from 25MHz clock source
-- Master reset control line
--Shield_reset : inout std_logic; -- Buffered reset signal out to GPIO header
-- Digital Video Output - control lines
--LVDS_Red : out std_logic; -- main clock input from external clock source
--LVDS_Green : out std_logic; -- main clock input from external RC reset circuit
--LVDS_Blue : out std_logic;
--LVDS_ck : out std_logic;
-- User LEDs
User_LED1 : out std_logic;
User_LED2 : out std_logic;
NTSC_DAC : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-- User GPIO accessible from the shield header
--GPIO_wordport : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
luma : out std_logic;
sync : out std_logic;
--GPIO_pullup : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-- User push button
User_PB1 : in std_logic;
-- Sigma Delta ADC channels (x6) - input comparator and error out lines
--ADC0_Comp_in : inout std_logic;
--ADC0_Error_out : inout std_logic;
--ADC1_Comp_in : inout std_logic;
--ADC1_Error_out : inout std_logic;
--ADC2_Comp_in : inout std_logic;
--ADC2_Error_out : inout std_logic;
--ADC3_Comp_in : inout std_logic;
--ADC3_Error_out : inout std_logic;
--ADC4_Comp_in : inout std_logic;
--ADC4_Error_out : inout std_logic;
--ADC5_Comp_in : inout std_logic;
--ADC5_Error_out : inout std_logic;
-- SRAM interface (For use with 512Kx8bit Fast SRAM)
--SRAM_Addr : out std_logic_vector(18 downto 0); -- SRAM address bus
--SRAM_Data : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- data bus to/from SRAM
SRAM_n_cs : out std_logic;
--SRAM_n_oe : out std_logic;
--SRAM_n_we : out std_logic;
-- Stereo (PWM) audio out interface
Audio_l : out std_logic;
Audio_r : out std_logic;
-- SPI1 to Flash ROM
--spi1_miso : in std_logic;
--spi1_mosi : out std_logic;
--spi1_clk : out std_logic;
spi1_cs : out std_logic;
-- PS2 interface
--PS2_clk1 : inout std_logic;
--PS2_data1 : inout std_logic;
-- UART interface
slave_rx_i : in std_logic
--slave_tx_o : out std_logic
end FleaFPGA_Uno_E1;
architecture arch of FleaFPGA_Uno_E1 is
signal circuit_clk : std_logic;
signal sync_temp : std_logic;
signal luma_temp : std_logic;
signal rx_ready : std_logic;
signal rx_data: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal rd: std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
signal da : std_logic;
signal rda_i : std_logic := '1';
signal reset : std_logic;
constant flash_max: integer := 25000000/2-1;
signal flash_count: integer range 0 to flash_max;
-- Housekeeping logic for unwanted peripherals on FleaFPGA Uno board goes here..
-- (Note: comment out any of the following code lines if peripheral is required)
reset <= not User_PB1;
User_LED1 <= '1';
User_LED2 <= '0'; -- (Must be set to '1' if using the WiFi option - becomes 'module enable')
--GPIO_pullup(0) <= '1'; (Must be set to '1' if using the WiFi option)
spi1_cs <= '1';
SRAM_n_cs <= '1';
Audio_l <= '0';
Audio_r <= '0';
-- User HDL component entitites go here!
clock_module : entity work.master_clk
port map(
clki => sys_clock,
clkos => circuit_clk
--div_module : entity work.divider
--generic map(div => 14)
--port map(
--input => master_clk,
--output => circuit_clk
apple_module : entity work.apple1display
port map(
reset => reset,
clk => circuit_clk,
sync => sync_temp,
luma => luma_temp,
rd => rd,
da => da,
rda_i => rda_i
NTSC_DAC(0) <= '0';
NTSC_DAC(1) <= '0';
NTSC_DAC(2) <= '0';
NTSC_DAC(3) <= sync_temp;
sync <= sync_temp;
luma <= luma_temp;
uart_module : entity work.UART_RX
generic map(g_CLKS_PER_BIT => 25000000/115200)
port map (
i_Clk => sys_clock,
i_RX_Serial => slave_rx_i,
o_RX_DV => rx_ready,
o_RX_Byte => rx_data
process (sys_clock, rx_ready, rda_i, flash_count, rx_data)
if rising_edge(sys_clock) then
if flash_count>=flash_max then
if rda_i='0' then
da <= '0';
elsif rx_ready='1' then
da <= '1';
rd <= rx_data(6 downto 0);
end if;
elsif flash_count=flash_max then
da <= '0';
rd <= "0000000";
flash_count <= flash_count+1;
da <= '1';
rd <= "1111111";
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;