
99 lines
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2019-10-30 10:02:30 +00:00
# Thu Aug 8 18:33:50 2019
<a name=mapperReport38></a>Synopsys Lattice Technology Pre-mapping, Version maplat, Build 1796R, Built Aug 4 2017 11:10:16</a>
Copyright (C) 1994-2017 Synopsys, Inc. This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc. and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Product Version M-2017.03L-SP1-1
Mapper Startup Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 99MB peak: 99MB)
@A:<a href="@A:MF827:@XP_HELP">MF827</a> : <!@TM:1565253231> | No constraint file specified.
Linked File: <a href="C:\Dev\Apple1Display\impl1\impl1_scck.rpt:@XP_FILE">impl1_scck.rpt</a>
Printing clock summary report in "C:\Dev\Apple1Display\impl1\impl1_scck.rpt" file
@N:<a href="@N:MF248:@XP_HELP">MF248</a> : <!@TM:1565253231> | Running in 64-bit mode.
@N:<a href="@N:MF666:@XP_HELP">MF666</a> : <!@TM:1565253231> | Clock conversion enabled. (Command "set_option -fix_gated_and_generated_clocks 1" in the project file.)
Design Input Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 101MB peak: 103MB)
Mapper Initialization Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 101MB peak: 103MB)
Start loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 112MB peak: 113MB)
Finished loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 112MB peak: 115MB)
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:BN287:@XP_HELP">BN287</a> : <a href="c:\dev\apple1display\ttl\dm74175.vhd:29:2:29:4:@W:BN287:@XP_MSG">dm74175.vhd(29)</a><!@TM:1565253231> | Register states[3:0] with reset has an initial value of 1. Ignoring initial value. </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:FX474:@XP_HELP">FX474</a> : <!@TM:1565253231> | User-specified initial value defined for some sequential elements which can prevent optimum synthesis results from being achieved. </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:BN287:@XP_HELP">BN287</a> : <a href="c:\dev\apple1display\ttl\dm74174.vhd:34:2:34:4:@W:BN287:@XP_MSG">dm74174.vhd(34)</a><!@TM:1565253231> | Register states[5:0] with reset has an initial value of 1. Ignoring initial value. </font>
@N:<a href="@N:BN362:@XP_HELP">BN362</a> : <a href="c:\dev\apple1display\uart_rx.vhd:62:4:62:6:@N:BN362:@XP_MSG">uart_rx.vhd(62)</a><!@TM:1565253231> | Removing sequential instance r_RX_Byte[7] (in view: work.UART_RX(rtl)) of type view:PrimLib.dffre(prim) because it does not drive other instances.
ICG Latch Removal Summary:
Number of ICG latches removed: 0
Number of ICG latches not removed: 0
syn_allowed_resources : blockrams=26 set on top level netlist FleaFPGA_Uno_E1
Finished netlist restructuring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 141MB peak: 143MB)
<a name=mapperReport39></a>Clock Summary</a>
Start Requested Requested Clock Clock Clock
Level Clock Frequency Period Type Group Load
0 - System 1.0 MHz 1000.000 system system_clkgroup 0
0 - dm7427|y1_inferred_clock 259.2 MHz 3.858 inferred Autoconstr_clkgroup_3 83
0 - FleaFPGA_Uno_E1|sys_clock 236.1 MHz 4.236 inferred Autoconstr_clkgroup_0 57
0 - dm7400_1|y3_inferred_clock 483.5 MHz 2.068 inferred Autoconstr_clkgroup_2 44
0 - dm74175|q0_i_inferred_clock 1.0 MHz 1000.000 inferred Autoconstr_clkgroup_5 13
1 . dm74161_4|count_derived_clock[3] 1.0 MHz 1000.000 derived (from dm74175|q0_i_inferred_clock) Autoconstr_clkgroup_5 21
0 - dm7400_1|y1_inferred_clock 329.3 MHz 3.037 inferred Autoconstr_clkgroup_4 7
0 - master_clk|CLKOS_inferred_clock 285.4 MHz 3.504 inferred Autoconstr_clkgroup_1 6
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:MT529:@XP_HELP">MT529</a> : <a href="c:\dev\apple1display\uart_rx.vhd:37:36:37:39:@W:MT529:@XP_MSG">uart_rx.vhd(37)</a><!@TM:1565253231> | Found inferred clock FleaFPGA_Uno_E1|sys_clock which controls 57 sequential elements including uart_module.r_RX_Data. This clock has no specified timing constraint which may prevent conversion of gated or generated clocks and may adversely impact design performance. </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:MT529:@XP_HELP">MT529</a> : <a href="c:\dev\apple1display\ttl\dm74175.vhd:29:2:29:4:@W:MT529:@XP_MSG">dm74175.vhd(29)</a><!@TM:1565253231> | Found inferred clock master_clk|CLKOS_inferred_clock which controls 6 sequential elements including apple_module.C13.states[3:0]. This clock has no specified timing constraint which may prevent conversion of gated or generated clocks and may adversely impact design performance. </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:MT529:@XP_HELP">MT529</a> : <a href="c:\dev\apple1display\ttl\dm74175.vhd:29:2:29:4:@W:MT529:@XP_MSG">dm74175.vhd(29)</a><!@TM:1565253231> | Found inferred clock dm7400_1|y3_inferred_clock which controls 44 sequential elements including apple_module.C13.states[3:0]. This clock has no specified timing constraint which may prevent conversion of gated or generated clocks and may adversely impact design performance. </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:MT529:@XP_HELP">MT529</a> : <a href="c:\dev\apple1display\sig2504.vhd:187:4:187:16:@W:MT529:@XP_MSG">sig2504.vhd(187)</a><!@TM:1565253231> | Found inferred clock dm7427|y1_inferred_clock which controls 83 sequential elements including apple_module.ScreenBuffer0.sram_1_0_0_0. This clock has no specified timing constraint which may prevent conversion of gated or generated clocks and may adversely impact design performance. </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:MT529:@XP_HELP">MT529</a> : <a href="c:\dev\apple1display\shiftreg40.vhd:186:4:186:16:@W:MT529:@XP_MSG">shiftreg40.vhd(186)</a><!@TM:1565253231> | Found inferred clock dm7400_1|y1_inferred_clock which controls 7 sequential elements including apple_module.C3.LineBuffer.sram_1_0_0_0. This clock has no specified timing constraint which may prevent conversion of gated or generated clocks and may adversely impact design performance. </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:MT529:@XP_HELP">MT529</a> : <a href="c:\dev\apple1display\ttl\dm74175.vhd:29:2:29:4:@W:MT529:@XP_MSG">dm74175.vhd(29)</a><!@TM:1565253231> | Found inferred clock dm74175|q0_i_inferred_clock which controls 13 sequential elements including apple_module.C13.states[3:0]. This clock has no specified timing constraint which may prevent conversion of gated or generated clocks and may adversely impact design performance. </font>
Finished Pre Mapping Phase.
Starting constraint checker (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 141MB peak: 143MB)
Encoding state machine r_SM_Main[0:4] (in view: work.UART_RX(rtl))
original code -> new code
00001 -> 000
00010 -> 001
00100 -> 010
01000 -> 011
10000 -> 100
Finished constraint checker preprocessing (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 142MB peak: 143MB)
Finished constraint checker (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 142MB peak: 143MB)
Pre-mapping successful!
At Mapper Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 57MB peak: 143MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
# Thu Aug 8 18:33:51 2019