apple1/SmartyKit 1 basic drivers/SmartyKit1_KeyboardDriverBasic/PS2KeyAdvanced.h
Computer construction kit SmartyKit cc0350e13d
Adding PS2KeyAdvanced library to a Keyboard driver to support modern PS/2 Keyboards (like Perixx)
Adding PS2KeyAdvanced library by Paul Carpenter to let SmartyKit Keyboard controller driver work with modern PS/2 Keyboards (like Perixx –
2022-01-26 11:02:37 +03:00

441 lines
16 KiB

/* Version V1.0.9
PS2KeyAdvanced.h - PS2KeyAdvanced library
Copyright (c) 2007 Free Software Foundation. All right reserved.
Written by Paul Carpenter, PC Services <>
Created September 2014
Updated January 2016 - Paul Carpenter - add tested on Due and tidy ups for V1.5 Library Management
January 2020 Fix typos, correct keyboard reset status improve
and additional platform handling and some documentation
March 2020 Add SAMD1 as recognised support as has been tested by user
Improve different architecture handling
November 2020 Add support for STM32 from user Hiabuto-de
Tested on STM32Duino-Framework and PlatformIO on STM32F103C8T6 and an IBM Model M
July 2021 Add workaround for ESP32 issue with Silicon (hardware) from user submissions
If using a DUE or similar board with 3V3 I/O you MUST put a level translator
like a Texas Instruments TXS0102 or FET circuit as the signals are
Bi-directional (signals transmitted from both ends on same wire).
Failure to do so may damage your Arduino Due or similar board.
Test History
September 2014 Uno and Mega 2560 September 2014 using Arduino V1.6.0
January 2016 Uno, Mega 2560 and Due using Arduino 1.6.7 and Due Board
Manager V1.6.6
ONLY use defines in this file others may disappear on updates.
This is for a LATIN style keyboard using Scan code set 2. See various
websites on what different scan code sets use. Scan Code Set 2 is the
default scan code set for PS2 keyboards on power up.
Will support most keyboards even ones with multimedia keys or even 24 function keys.
Fully featured PS2 keyboard library to provide
All function and movement keys supported even multi-lingual
Parity checking of data sent/received on receive request keyboard resend
Resends data when needed handles keyboard protocol for RESEND and ECHO
Functions for get and set of
Scancode set in use READ only
LED and LOCK control
Reset keyboard
Ignore Break codes for keys
Ignore typematic repeat of CTRL, SHIFT, ALT, Num, Scroll, Caps
Handles NUM, CAPS and SCROLL lock keys to LEDs
Handles NUM/SCROLL internally
Read function Returns an UNSIGNED INT containing
Make/Break status
Caps status
Shift, CTRL, ALT, ALT GR, GUI keys
Flag for function key not a displayable/printable character
8 bit key code
Code Ranges (bottom byte of unsigned int)
0 invalid/error
1-1F Functions (Caps, Shift, ALT, Enter, DEL... )
1A-1F Functions with ASCII control code
20-61 Printable characters noting
0-9 = 0x30 to 0x39 as ASCII
A to Z = 0x41 to 0x5A as upper case ASCII type codes
8B Extra European key
61-A0 Function keys and other special keys (plus F2 and F1)
61-78 F1 to F24
79-8A Multimedia
8B NOT included
8C-8E ACPI power
91-A0 and F2 and F1 - Special multilingual
A8-FF Keyboard communications commands (note F2 and F1 are special
codes for special multi-lingual keyboards)
By using these ranges it is possible to perform detection of any key and do
easy translation to ASCII/UTF-8 avoiding keys that do not have a valid code.
Top Byte is 8 bits denoting as follows with defines for bit code
Define name bit description
PS2_BREAK 15 1 = Break key code
(MSB) 0 = Make Key code
PS2_SHIFT 14 1 = Shift key pressed as well (either side)
0 = NO shift key
PS2_CTRL 13 1 = Ctrl key pressed as well (either side)
0 = NO Ctrl key
PS2_CAPS 12 1 = Caps Lock ON
0 = Caps lock OFF
PS2_ALT 11 1 = Left Alt key pressed as well
0 = NO Left Alt key
PS2_ALT_GR 10 1 = Right Alt (Alt GR) key pressed as well
0 = NO Right Alt key
PS2_GUI 9 1 = GUI key pressed as well (either)
0 = NO GUI key
PS2_FUNCTION 8 1 = FUNCTION key non-printable character (plus space, tab, enter)
0 = standard character key
Error Codes
Most functions return 0 or 0xFFFF as error, other codes to note and
handle appropriately
0xAA keyboard has reset and passed power up tests
will happen if keyboard plugged in after code start
0xFC Keyboard General error or power up fail
It is responsibility of your programme to deal with converting special cases like
<CTRL>+<ENTER> sends a special code to something else. If you wish to do that make a
NEW library called SOMETHING different NOT a variant or revision of this one, as you
are changing base functionality
See PS2KeyCode.h for codes from the keyboard this library uses to decode.
(may disappear in updates do not rely on that file or definitions)
See this file for returned definitions of Keys
Note defines starting
PS2_KC_* are internal defines for codes from the keyboard
PS2_KEY_* are the codes this library returns
PS2_* remaining defines for use in higher levels
To get the key as ASCII/UTF-8 single byte character conversion requires use
of PS2KeyMap library AS WELL.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef PS2KeyAdvanced_h
#define PS2KeyAdvanced_h
// Platform specific areas
// Harvard architecture settings for PROGMEM
// Add separate for EACH architecture as easier to maintain
// AVR (includes Teensy 2.0)
#if defined( ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR )
#define PS2_SUPPORTED 1
// SAM (Due)
#if defined( ARDUINO_ARCH_SAM )
#define PS2_SUPPORTED 1
// SAMD1
#if defined( ARDUINO_ARCH_SAMD1 )
#define PS2_SUPPORTED 1
// STM32
#if defined( ARDUINO_ARCH_STM32 )
#define PS2_SUPPORTED 1
// ESP32
#if defined( ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 )
#define PS2_SUPPORTED 1
// Invalid architecture
#if !( defined( PS2_SUPPORTED ) )
#warning Library is NOT supported on this board Use at your OWN risk
/* Flags/bit masks for status bits in returned unsigned int value */
#define PS2_BREAK 0x8000
#define PS2_SHIFT 0x4000
#define PS2_CTRL 0x2000
#define PS2_CAPS 0x1000
#define PS2_ALT 0x800
#define PS2_ALT_GR 0x400
#define PS2_GUI 0x200
#define PS2_FUNCTION 0x100
/* General defines of communications codes */
/* Command or response */
#define PS2_KEY_RESEND 0xFE
#define PS2_KEY_ACK 0xFA
#define PS2_KEY_ECHO 0xEE
/* Responses */
#define PS2_KEY_BAT 0xAA
// Actually buffer overrun
#define PS2_KEY_OVERRUN 0xFF
// Below is general error code
#define PS2_KEY_ERROR 0xFC
/* Command parameters for functions */
/* LED codes OR together */
#define PS2_LOCK_SCROLL 0x01
#define PS2_LOCK_NUM 0x02
#define PS2_LOCK_CAPS 0x04
/* Only useful for very few keyboards */
#define PS2_LOCK_EXTRA 0x08
/* Returned keycode definitions */
/* Do NOT change these codings as you will break base
functionality use PS2KeyMap for that and internationalisation */
#define PS2_KEY_NUM 0x01
#define PS2_KEY_SCROLL 0x02
#define PS2_KEY_CAPS 0x03
#define PS2_KEY_PRTSCR 0x04
#define PS2_KEY_PAUSE 0x05
#define PS2_KEY_L_SHIFT 0x06
#define PS2_KEY_R_SHIFT 0x07
#define PS2_KEY_L_CTRL 0X08
#define PS2_KEY_R_CTRL 0X09
#define PS2_KEY_L_ALT 0x0A
#define PS2_KEY_R_ALT 0x0B
/* Sometimes called windows key */
#define PS2_KEY_L_GUI 0x0C
#define PS2_KEY_R_GUI 0x0D
#define PS2_KEY_MENU 0x0E
/* Break is CTRL + PAUSE generated inside keyboard */
#define PS2_KEY_BREAK 0x0F
/* Generated by some keyboards by ALT and PRTSCR */
#define PS2_KEY_SYSRQ 0x10
#define PS2_KEY_HOME 0x11
#define PS2_KEY_END 0x12
#define PS2_KEY_PGUP 0x13
#define PS2_KEY_PGDN 0x14
#define PS2_KEY_L_ARROW 0x15
#define PS2_KEY_R_ARROW 0x16
#define PS2_KEY_UP_ARROW 0x17
#define PS2_KEY_DN_ARROW 0x18
#define PS2_KEY_INSERT 0x19
#define PS2_KEY_DELETE 0x1A
#define PS2_KEY_ESC 0x1B
#define PS2_KEY_BS 0x1C
#define PS2_KEY_TAB 0x1D
#define PS2_KEY_ENTER 0x1E
#define PS2_KEY_SPACE 0x1F
#define PS2_KEY_KP0 0x20
#define PS2_KEY_KP1 0x21
#define PS2_KEY_KP2 0x22
#define PS2_KEY_KP3 0x23
#define PS2_KEY_KP4 0x24
#define PS2_KEY_KP5 0x25
#define PS2_KEY_KP6 0x26
#define PS2_KEY_KP7 0x27
#define PS2_KEY_KP8 0x28
#define PS2_KEY_KP9 0x29
#define PS2_KEY_KP_DOT 0x2A
#define PS2_KEY_KP_ENTER 0x2B
#define PS2_KEY_KP_PLUS 0x2C
#define PS2_KEY_KP_MINUS 0x2D
#define PS2_KEY_KP_TIMES 0x2E
#define PS2_KEY_KP_DIV 0x2F
#define PS2_KEY_0 0X30
#define PS2_KEY_1 0X31
#define PS2_KEY_2 0X32
#define PS2_KEY_3 0X33
#define PS2_KEY_4 0X34
#define PS2_KEY_5 0X35
#define PS2_KEY_6 0X36
#define PS2_KEY_7 0X37
#define PS2_KEY_8 0X38
#define PS2_KEY_9 0X39
#define PS2_KEY_APOS 0X3A
#define PS2_KEY_COMMA 0X3B
#define PS2_KEY_MINUS 0X3C
#define PS2_KEY_DOT 0X3D
#define PS2_KEY_DIV 0X3E
/* Some Numeric keyboards have an '=' on right keypad */
#define PS2_KEY_KP_EQUAL 0x3F
/* Single quote or back quote */
#define PS2_KEY_SINGLE 0X40
#define PS2_KEY_A 0X41
#define PS2_KEY_B 0X42
#define PS2_KEY_C 0X43
#define PS2_KEY_D 0X44
#define PS2_KEY_E 0X45
#define PS2_KEY_F 0X46
#define PS2_KEY_G 0X47
#define PS2_KEY_H 0X48
#define PS2_KEY_I 0X49
#define PS2_KEY_J 0X4A
#define PS2_KEY_K 0X4B
#define PS2_KEY_L 0X4C
#define PS2_KEY_M 0X4D
#define PS2_KEY_N 0X4E
#define PS2_KEY_O 0X4F
#define PS2_KEY_P 0X50
#define PS2_KEY_Q 0X51
#define PS2_KEY_R 0X52
#define PS2_KEY_S 0X53
#define PS2_KEY_T 0X54
#define PS2_KEY_U 0X55
#define PS2_KEY_V 0X56
#define PS2_KEY_W 0X57
#define PS2_KEY_X 0X58
#define PS2_KEY_Y 0X59
#define PS2_KEY_Z 0X5A
#define PS2_KEY_SEMI 0X5B
#define PS2_KEY_BACK 0X5C
#define PS2_KEY_OPEN_SQ 0X5D
#define PS2_KEY_CLOSE_SQ 0X5E
#define PS2_KEY_EQUAL 0X5F
/* Some Numeric keypads have a comma key */
#define PS2_KEY_KP_COMMA 0x60
#define PS2_KEY_F1 0X61
#define PS2_KEY_F2 0X62
#define PS2_KEY_F3 0X63
#define PS2_KEY_F4 0X64
#define PS2_KEY_F5 0X65
#define PS2_KEY_F6 0X66
#define PS2_KEY_F7 0X67
#define PS2_KEY_F8 0X68
#define PS2_KEY_F9 0X69
#define PS2_KEY_F10 0X6A
#define PS2_KEY_F11 0X6B
#define PS2_KEY_F12 0X6C
#define PS2_KEY_F13 0X6D
#define PS2_KEY_F14 0X6E
#define PS2_KEY_F15 0X6F
#define PS2_KEY_F16 0X70
#define PS2_KEY_F17 0X71
#define PS2_KEY_F18 0X72
#define PS2_KEY_F19 0X73
#define PS2_KEY_F20 0X74
#define PS2_KEY_F21 0X75
#define PS2_KEY_F22 0X76
#define PS2_KEY_F23 0X77
#define PS2_KEY_F24 0X78
#define PS2_KEY_NEXT_TR 0X79
#define PS2_KEY_PREV_TR 0X7A
#define PS2_KEY_STOP 0X7B
#define PS2_KEY_PLAY 0X7C
#define PS2_KEY_MUTE 0X7D
#define PS2_KEY_VOL_UP 0X7E
#define PS2_KEY_VOL_DN 0X7F
#define PS2_KEY_MEDIA 0X80
#define PS2_KEY_EMAIL 0X81
#define PS2_KEY_CALC 0X82
#define PS2_KEY_COMPUTER 0X83
#define PS2_KEY_WEB_SEARCH 0X84
#define PS2_KEY_WEB_HOME 0X85
#define PS2_KEY_WEB_BACK 0X86
#define PS2_KEY_WEB_FORWARD 0X87
#define PS2_KEY_WEB_STOP 0X88
#define PS2_KEY_WEB_REFRESH 0X89
#define PS2_KEY_WEB_FAVOR 0X8A
#define PS2_KEY_EUROPE2 0X8B
#define PS2_KEY_POWER 0X8C
#define PS2_KEY_SLEEP 0X8D
#define PS2_KEY_WAKE 0X90
#define PS2_KEY_INTL1 0X91
#define PS2_KEY_INTL2 0X92
#define PS2_KEY_INTL3 0X93
#define PS2_KEY_INTL4 0X94
#define PS2_KEY_INTL5 0X95
#define PS2_KEY_LANG1 0X96
#define PS2_KEY_LANG2 0X97
#define PS2_KEY_LANG3 0X98
#define PS2_KEY_LANG4 0X99
#define PS2_KEY_LANG5 0xA0
Purpose: Provides advanced access to PS2 keyboards
Public class definitions
See standard error codes for error code returns
class PS2KeyAdvanced {
/* This constructor does basically nothing. Please call the begin(int,int)
method before using any other method of this class. */
PS2KeyAdvanced( );
/* Starts the keyboard "service" by registering the external interrupt.
setting the pin modes correctly and driving those needed to high.
Sets default LOCK status (LEDs) to passed in value or default of all off
The best place to call this method is in the setup routine. */
void begin( uint8_t, uint8_t );
/* Returns number of codes available or 0 for none */
uint8_t available( );
/* Returns the key last read from the keyboard.
If there is no key available, 0 is returned. */
uint16_t read( );
/* Returns the current status of Locks
Use Macro to mask out bits from
uint8_t getLock( );
/* Sets the current status of Locks and LEDs
Use macro defines added together from
void setLock( byte );
/* Set library to not send break key codes
1 = no break codes
0 = send break codes */
void setNoBreak( uint8_t );
/* Set library to not repeat make codes for CTRL, ALT, GUI, SHIFT
1 = no repeat codes
0 = send repeat codes */
void setNoRepeat( uint8_t );
/* Resets keyboard when reset has completed
keyboard sends AA - Pass or FC for fail
Read from keyboard data buffer */
void resetKey( );
/* Get the current Scancode Set used in keyboard
returned data in keyboard buffer read as keys */
void getScanCodeSet( void );
/* Get the current Scancode Set used in keyboard
returned data in keyboard buffer read as keys */
void readID( void );
/* Send Echo command to keyboard
returned data in keyboard buffer read as keys */
void echo( void );
/* Send Typematic rate/delay command to keyboard
First Parameter rate is 0 - 0x1F (31)
0 = 30 CPS
0x1F = 2 CPS
default in keyboard is 0xB (10.9 CPS)
Second Parameter delay is 0 - 3 for 0.25s to 1s in 0.25 increments
default in keyboard is 1 = 0.5 second delay
Returned data in keyboard buffer read as keys */
int typematic( uint8_t , uint8_t );