Sergei Panarin a058720e39 POM1 cross-platform emulator by Verhille Arnaud to test SmartyKit 1 ROM with software
Pom1	Version 0.61 (21 juin 2001)
Written by VERHILLE Arnaud
E.mail :
2021-01-21 00:09:26 +03:00

7 lines
222 B

// Pom1 Save : Program to print ASCII HEX equivalent of any keyboard character
// Type 700R to execute
0700: A9 8D 20 EF FF AD 11 D0
0708: 10 FB AD 10 D0 AA 20 EF
0710: FF A9 A0 20 EF FF 8A 20
0718: DC FF 4C 00 07