Commit Graph

  • cc17224d2c
    including the 'adventure game' by Jeff Tranter master Thiago Auler 2017-12-01 09:35:22 -0200
  • 7cd85b7cdd
    implementation of indirect JMP's bug Thiago Auler 2017-12-01 08:52:50 -0200
  • 6bb5014964 correcting BRK jump Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-28 20:34:08 -0200
  • 4006475fb1
    adjusting the ready bit in display buffer Thiago Auler 2017-11-28 10:04:49 -0200
  • 078763b80c
    doesnt output backspace character (invalid to print) Thiago Auler 2017-11-28 10:03:17 -0200
  • 368e3fc02d
    removing xcode project Thiago Auler 2017-11-28 09:43:10 -0200
  • 62a6b9a331
    removing xcode project Thiago Auler 2017-11-28 09:43:00 -0200
  • a13c3ad6d5
    removing xcode project Thiago Auler 2017-11-28 09:42:50 -0200
  • 4067d32805
    removing xcode project Thiago Auler 2017-11-28 09:42:41 -0200
  • 83e840c10e
    removing xcode project Thiago Auler 2017-11-28 09:42:33 -0200
  • ef667b220a
    removing xcode project Thiago Auler 2017-11-28 09:42:21 -0200
  • d28bca485f
    removing xcode project Thiago Auler 2017-11-28 09:42:07 -0200
  • 6e38cfeb57
    Update .gitignore Thiago Auler 2017-11-28 09:41:36 -0200
  • cd2b83679a
    adjusting I/O memory Thiago Auler 2017-11-28 09:36:42 -0200
  • 186b7cfd58
    uploading correct apple basic rom Thiago Auler 2017-11-28 09:34:18 -0200
  • e9f35094d7 adjusting xcode project Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-28 01:25:38 -0200
  • d8702129fd reading all possible keys and correcting them to apple 1 Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-28 01:24:59 -0200
  • 3b0d4df10a refreshing output buffer to the screen Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-28 01:11:43 -0200
  • c244998a2e more memory implementation Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-28 01:10:57 -0200
  • 9d0fb5bb4b adjusting stack addressing Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-28 01:10:02 -0200
  • ec8b20c407 initializing the registers Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-27 23:36:15 -0200
  • 6dc70b91c5 updating gitignore Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-27 23:30:00 -0200
  • e9a2292d11 updating gitignore to ignore xcode pojetct Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-27 23:23:24 -0200
  • 50bff8c788 updates in xcode project Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-27 23:16:46 -0200
  • 3b42caba2f Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-27 23:16:03 -0200
  • 2f2c396c35 updates in the Xcode project Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-27 23:15:36 -0200
  • b2f899234b
    adding reference card for 6502 Thiago Auler 2017-11-27 15:59:39 -0200
  • 3fdb76775e
    adding applesoft basic rom Thiago Auler 2017-11-27 08:56:32 -0200
  • 9630513b75 adding applesoft basic rom Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-26 20:30:04 -0200
  • 0ab9e5f38d removing curses test file Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-26 12:35:11 -0200
  • 25165ae437 disabling cursor Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-26 02:48:01 -0200
  • 1baadbdd82 enabling scrolling to the screen Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-26 02:30:17 -0200
  • e37307986f correcting JUMP instruction decoding Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-26 02:07:50 -0200
  • cb84e4fe95 little reminder for future... Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-26 02:07:20 -0200
  • 5332a3a9e7 correcting buffer for reading and writing Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-26 01:54:43 -0200
  • eb8b6656ee Updating xcode project Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-25 21:42:54 -0200
  • 9bce392e65 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-25 21:17:39 -0200
  • 942808c6cf Update project Xcode Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-25 21:16:29 -0200
  • 1deb00495d accepting numbers, text, and other symbols as user input Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-22 23:28:49 -0200
  • bac269c9c2 correcting subtraction Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-22 19:47:01 -0200
  • 258a9f6692
    correcting adder/subtractor Thiago Auler 2017-11-22 13:18:54 -0200
  • dd4a315e93
    ajusting i/o Thiago Auler 2017-11-21 15:06:40 -0200
  • 7003d3f63b
    adjusting i/o Thiago Auler 2017-11-21 15:02:06 -0200
  • f3d4cd7771
    adding -lcurses for compiling with curses lib Thiago Auler 2017-11-20 12:43:26 -0200
  • b671408ce3
    -lcurses Thiago Auler 2017-11-20 12:40:38 -0200
  • 963694d1f9
    #include "inc/interface.h" Thiago Auler 2017-11-20 12:37:23 -0200
  • 1170f3eaae
    creating interface i/o functions Thiago Auler 2017-11-20 12:36:53 -0200
  • 50a17cd13b
    creating interface i/o functions Thiago Auler 2017-11-20 12:35:05 -0200
  • e05e5e375f
    creating interface i/o functions Thiago Auler 2017-11-20 12:33:32 -0200
  • aff8e019ec
    creating interface i/o functions Thiago Auler 2017-11-20 12:32:03 -0200
  • 065f11ac4a
    creating interface i/o functions Thiago Auler 2017-11-20 12:30:55 -0200
  • 82450e7b57
    creating interface i/o functions Thiago Auler 2017-11-20 12:25:34 -0200
  • f86abbe0e6
    creating interface i/o functions Thiago Auler 2017-11-20 12:25:09 -0200
  • 723bf8ade8 adding some curses example for further coding in apple 1 emulator Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-20 00:35:29 -0200
  • 152c6e15fa start implementation for I/O in the machine Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-17 20:54:19 -0200
  • 6eb4aaa858
    correcting pc on branches and jumps Thiago Auler 2017-11-17 09:23:46 -0200
  • 3cfe0390b8 little adjustments... woz monitor tentative run Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-16 23:21:21 -0200
  • 5392839714 implementation of all opcodes Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-16 22:09:03 -0200
  • d67f57b752 implementing relative addressing mode Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-16 20:12:06 -0200
  • c9624f1971
    better implementing the adder and subtractor Thiago Auler 2017-11-16 08:13:48 -0200
  • 680f44ed30 creating Xcode project and adjusting extern variables. Thiago Auler dos Santos 2017-11-16 00:28:59 -0200
  • 6651b76f61 Merge branch 'master' of Thiago Auler 2017-11-14 19:43:49 -0200
  • 10e4cbbdb5 some handling for video output Thiago Auler 2017-11-14 19:42:36 -0200
  • bb31cc3386
    implmenting more opcodes Thiago Auler 2017-11-14 16:06:51 -0200
  • 57159c7484
    implementing a simple adder and subtractor Thiago Auler 2017-11-14 15:54:56 -0200
  • 1a7acdaf95
    original documentations added for reference Thiago Auler 2017-11-14 09:04:33 -0200
  • f23c89dfce initial code for the opcodes Thiago Auler 2017-11-13 21:13:20 -0200
  • c39eaab7d9 coding the addressing modes Thiago Auler 2017-11-13 17:40:03 -0200
  • 4ced079268 coding the addressing modes Thiago Auler 2017-11-13 17:39:10 -0200
  • 2cb3f865a8 cleaning code Thiago Auler 2017-11-13 01:26:29 -0200
  • 260e07b59b Merge branch 'master' of Thiago Auler 2017-11-13 01:02:45 -0200
  • 8d7e748f68 further refactoring Thiago Auler 2017-11-13 01:02:14 -0200
  • 70d3f50009
    Update thiagoauler 2017-11-12 23:05:39 -0200
  • 5bf5e98fa0
    Update thiagoauler 2017-11-12 23:04:11 -0200
  • dfd4419db9 refactoring code to simplify it Thiago Auler 2017-11-12 23:00:52 -0200
  • 10f9063872 cleaning decode source code Thiago Auler 2017-11-12 22:27:51 -0200
  • d942e682ae all opcodes decoded Thiago Auler 2017-11-12 14:02:30 -0200
  • 61e4896613
    Update thiagoauler 2017-11-12 01:09:54 -0200
  • c90a158b07 adding some docs about 6502 processor Thiago Auler 2017-11-12 00:53:19 -0200
  • e574e4949a adding ignore file Thiago Auler 2017-11-12 00:48:08 -0200
  • 8a6ef73b1e
    Delete 6502.o thiagoauler 2017-11-12 00:35:23 -0200
  • 0c782ff88f
    Delete main.o thiagoauler 2017-11-12 00:35:15 -0200
  • 892f09d869
    Delete memory.o thiagoauler 2017-11-12 00:35:08 -0200
  • f09aff6b99
    Delete opcodes.o thiagoauler 2017-11-12 00:35:01 -0200
  • 4924b3db23
    Delete ram.o thiagoauler 2017-11-12 00:34:53 -0200
  • 7ab2783d89
    Delete rom.o thiagoauler 2017-11-12 00:34:42 -0200
  • 1371deaec6
    Delete apple1 thiagoauler 2017-11-12 00:34:25 -0200
  • 3444289ea9 adding all the files to the repository Thiago Auler 2017-11-12 00:31:55 -0200
  • 8c12c46e49 first commit Thiago Auler 2017-11-12 00:20:17 -0200