!CE on GND

This commit is contained in:
freitz85 2017-07-05 23:55:13 +02:00
parent 21acf3ac24
commit 21117e8847
2 changed files with 48 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -65,10 +65,10 @@
<wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="100" y2="0" width="0" layer="20"/>
<wire x1="100" y1="0" x2="100" y2="80" width="0" layer="20"/>
<wire x1="100" y1="80" x2="0" y2="80" width="0" layer="20"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="80" x2="0" y2="0" width="0" layer="20"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="-0.25" x2="100.25" y2="-0.25" width="0" layer="20"/>
<wire x1="100.25" y1="-0.25" x2="100.25" y2="77.75" width="0" layer="20"/>
<wire x1="100.25" y1="77.75" x2="0" y2="77.75" width="0" layer="20"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="77.75" x2="0" y2="-0.25" width="0" layer="20"/>
<text x="2.25" y="11.25" size="1.27" layer="1" font="vector" ratio="7">Apple ][ SD V1.0
(C) Florian Reitz 2017</text>
@ -2254,7 +2254,7 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<element name="R6" library="rcl" library_urn="urn:adsk.eagle:library:334" package="0204/7" value="22k" x="93.25" y="34.25" rot="R90"/>
<element name="R7" library="rcl" library_urn="urn:adsk.eagle:library:334" package="0204/7" value="22k" x="76.75" y="34.25" rot="R270"/>
<element name="R8" library="rcl" library_urn="urn:adsk.eagle:library:334" package="0204/7" value="22k" x="79.25" y="34.25" rot="R270"/>
<element name="R9" library="rcl" library_urn="urn:adsk.eagle:library:334" package="0204/7" value="22k" x="64.75" y="56.75" rot="R90"/>
<element name="R9" library="rcl" library_urn="urn:adsk.eagle:library:334" package="0204/7" value="22k" x="98.5" y="56.75" rot="R90"/>
<element name="SV1" library="con-lstb" library_urn="urn:adsk.eagle:library:162" package="MA03-1" value="" x="43.75" y="49">
<attribute name="MF" value="" x="43.75" y="49" size="1.778" layer="27" display="off"/>
<attribute name="MPN" value="" x="43.75" y="49" size="1.778" layer="27" display="off"/>
@ -2284,13 +2284,17 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<contactref element="U$2" pad="P3"/>
<contactref element="U$2" pad="GND1"/>
<contactref element="U$2" pad="GND0"/>
<wire x1="28.55" y1="21.66" x2="26.16" y2="21.66" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="26.16" y1="21.66" x2="26" y2="21.5" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<via x="26" y="21.5" extent="1-16" drill="0.3" diameter="0.6"/>
<via x="59.5" y="25.75" extent="1-16" drill="0.3" diameter="0.6"/>
<contactref element="JP1" pad="2"/>
<wire x1="48.96" y1="25.78" x2="59.47" y2="25.78" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="59.47" y1="25.78" x2="59.5" y2="25.75" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<contactref element="IC3" pad="18"/>
<via x="31" y="23.75" extent="1-16" drill="0.35"/>
<wire x1="28.5" y1="23.75" x2="31" y2="23.75" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<via x="26" y="23.75" extent="1-16" drill="0.35"/>
<wire x1="28.5" y1="23.75" x2="26" y2="23.75" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="28.55" y1="21.66" x2="28.55" y2="23.7" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="28.55" y1="23.7" x2="28.5" y2="23.75" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="88.125" y1="40.5" x2="95.9" y2="64.7" width="0" layer="19" extent="1-1"/>
<wire x1="80.625" y1="40.5" x2="88.125" y2="40.5" width="0" layer="19" extent="1-1"/>
<wire x1="72.43" y1="25.52" x2="80.625" y2="40.5" width="0" layer="19" extent="1-1"/>
@ -2299,8 +2303,9 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<wire x1="88.265" y1="9.515" x2="82.47" y2="12.72" width="0" layer="19" extent="16-16"/>
<wire x1="59.5" y1="25.75" x2="72.43" y2="25.52" width="0" layer="19" extent="1-1"/>
<wire x1="59.72" y1="14.18" x2="59.5" y2="25.75" width="0" layer="19" extent="1-1"/>
<wire x1="28.55" y1="21.66" x2="48.96" y2="25.78" width="0" layer="19" extent="1-1"/>
<wire x1="18.35" y1="45.06" x2="26.16" y2="21.66" width="0" layer="19" extent="16-16"/>
<wire x1="31" y1="23.75" x2="48.96" y2="25.78" width="0" layer="19" extent="1-1"/>
<wire x1="31.05" y1="29.82" x2="31" y2="23.75" width="0" layer="19" extent="1-1"/>
<wire x1="18.35" y1="45.06" x2="31.05" y2="29.82" width="0" layer="19" extent="1-1"/>
<wire x1="35.54" y1="57.86" x2="18.35" y2="45.06" width="0" layer="19" extent="1-1"/>
<wire x1="45.7" y1="60.4" x2="35.54" y2="57.86" width="0" layer="19" extent="1-1"/>
<wire x1="30.46" y1="68.02" x2="35.54" y2="57.86" width="0" layer="19" extent="1-1"/>
@ -2339,8 +2344,8 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<wire x1="56.93" y1="28.32" x2="57" y2="28.25" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<contactref element="SV1" pad="1"/>
<wire x1="46.29" y1="29.82" x2="46.29" y2="39.21" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="46.29" y1="39.21" x2="45" y2="40.5" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="45" y1="40.5" x2="45" y2="46.25" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="46.29" y1="39.21" x2="45" y2="40.75" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="45" y1="40.75" x2="45" y2="46.25" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="45" y1="46.25" x2="44.5" y2="46.75" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="44.5" y1="46.75" x2="43.46" y2="46.75" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="43.46" y1="46.75" x2="41.21" y2="49" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
@ -2378,39 +2383,37 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<contactref element="JP1" pad="1"/>
<wire x1="15.9" y1="74.5" x2="15.75" y2="74.35" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="15.9" y1="74.5" x2="45.75" y2="74.5" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="64.5" y1="55.75" x2="64.5" y2="53" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<contactref element="R5" pad="1"/>
<contactref element="R6" pad="1"/>
<contactref element="R7" pad="2"/>
<contactref element="R8" pad="2"/>
<wire x1="64.5" y1="53" x2="64.5" y2="42.25" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="83.2" y1="30.5" x2="83.2" y2="29" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="83.2" y1="30.5" x2="83.2" y2="35.25" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="83.2" y1="35.25" x2="83.2" y2="40.425" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="83.2" y1="40.425" x2="83.125" y2="40.5" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="83.2" y1="30.5" x2="83.2" y2="40.425" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="83.125" y1="40.5" x2="83.2" y2="40.425" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="73.25" y1="30.44" x2="76.75" y2="30.44" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="76.75" y1="30.44" x2="79.25" y2="30.44" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="93.25" y1="30.44" x2="90.81" y2="30.44" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="90.81" y1="30.44" x2="90.8" y2="30.45" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="83.25" y1="30.45" x2="90.8" y2="30.45" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="83.25" y1="30.45" x2="83.2" y2="30.5" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="71.5" y1="35.25" x2="83.2" y2="35.25" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<via x="83.2" y="35.25" extent="1-16" drill="0.35"/>
<wire x1="64.5" y1="42.25" x2="71.5" y2="35.25" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="72.45" y1="28.01" x2="72.45" y2="29.64" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="72.45" y1="29.64" x2="73.25" y2="30.44" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="79.25" y1="30.44" x2="83.24" y2="30.44" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="83.24" y1="30.44" x2="83.25" y2="30.45" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<contactref element="R9" pad="1"/>
<wire x1="64.56" y1="52.94" x2="64.5" y2="53" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="64.75" y1="52.94" x2="64.56" y2="52.94" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="46.625" y1="73.625" x2="45.75" y2="74.5" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="50.125" y1="70.125" x2="46.625" y2="73.625" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="50.125" y1="70.125" x2="64.5" y2="55.75" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="43.16" y1="70.56" x2="43.56" y2="70.56" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="43.56" y1="70.56" x2="46.625" y2="73.625" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="52.01" y1="71.68" x2="51.68" y2="71.68" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="51.68" y1="71.68" x2="50.125" y2="70.125" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<via x="83.25" y="50.25" extent="1-16" drill="0.35"/>
<wire x1="83.25" y1="50.25" x2="83.25" y2="40.625" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="83.25" y1="40.625" x2="83.125" y2="40.5" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="83.25" y1="52.94" x2="98.5" y2="52.94" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="83.25" y1="52.94" x2="67.31" y2="52.94" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="67.31" y1="52.94" x2="50.125" y2="70.125" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="83.25" y1="50.25" x2="83.25" y2="52.94" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<signal name="N$1">
<contactref element="R1" pad="1"/>
@ -2487,17 +2490,20 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<signal name="MISO">
<contactref element="R3" pad="1"/>
<contactref element="U$2" pad="P7"/>
<wire x1="63.7645" y1="41.9855" x2="63.7645" y2="54.4855" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="63.7645" y1="54.4855" x2="48.70681875" y2="69.55841875" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="48.70681875" y1="69.55841875" x2="63.7645" y2="54.4855" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<contactref element="U$1" pad="43"/>
<wire x1="48.70681875" y1="69.55841875" x2="41.67238125" y2="69.56858125" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="41.67238125" y1="69.56858125" x2="40.62" y2="70.56" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="89.5" y1="34.5" x2="71.25" y2="34.5" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="71.25" y1="34.5" x2="63.7645" y2="41.9855" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="90.625" y1="40.5" x2="90.625" y2="38.245" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="90.625" y1="38.245" x2="90.8" y2="38.07" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="90.8" y1="38.07" x2="90.8" y2="35.8" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="90.8" y1="35.8" x2="89.5" y2="34.5" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="63.7645" y1="54.4855" x2="63.7936" y2="54.4564" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="90.5" y1="40.625" x2="90.625" y2="40.5" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="63.7645" y1="54.4855" x2="63.7645" y2="50.7355" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="63.7645" y1="50.7355" x2="65" y2="49.5" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="65" y1="49.5" x2="89.5" y2="49.5" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="89.5" y1="49.5" x2="90.5" y2="48.5" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<via x="90.5" y="48.5" extent="1-16" drill="0.35"/>
<wire x1="90.5" y1="48.5" x2="90.5" y2="40.625" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<signal name="7M">
<contactref element="ST1" pad="36"/>
@ -2899,15 +2905,15 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<signal name="WP">
<contactref element="U$1" pad="39"/>
<contactref element="U$2" pad="WP"/>
<wire x1="64.75" y1="60.6" x2="95.625" y2="60.6" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="64.75" y1="60.6" x2="58.65" y2="60.6" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="95.625" y1="60.6" x2="58.65" y2="60.6" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="58.65" y1="60.6" x2="58.5" y2="60.75" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<via x="58.5" y="60.75" extent="1-16" drill="0.3" diameter="0.6"/>
<wire x1="58.5" y1="60.75" x2="48.75" y2="70.5" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="48.75" y1="70.5" x2="45.76" y2="70.5" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="45.76" y1="70.5" x2="45.7" y2="70.56" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<contactref element="R9" pad="2"/>
<wire x1="64.75" y1="60.56" x2="64.75" y2="60.6" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="98.5" y1="60.56" x2="95.665" y2="60.56" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="95.665" y1="60.56" x2="95.625" y2="60.6" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<signal name="CARD">
<contactref element="U$1" pad="33"/>
@ -2994,9 +3000,9 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<signal name="CLK">
<contactref element="U$2" pad="P5"/>
<contactref element="U$1" pad="34"/>
<wire x1="85.625" y1="40.5" x2="85.625" y2="48.125" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="85.625" y1="48.125" x2="83" y2="51" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="83" y1="51" x2="60.75" y2="51" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="85.625" y1="40.5" x2="85.625" y2="49.625" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="85.625" y1="49.625" x2="84.25" y2="51" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="84.25" y1="51" x2="60.75" y2="51" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<via x="60.75" y="51" extent="1-16" drill="0.3" diameter="0.6"/>
<wire x1="43.16" y1="62.94" x2="43.31" y2="62.94" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="44.5" y1="61.75" x2="43.31" y2="62.94" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
@ -3053,15 +3059,9 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<signal name="!OE">
<contactref element="U$1" pad="25"/>
<contactref element="IC3" pad="20"/>
<contactref element="IC3" pad="18"/>
<wire x1="37" y1="56.78" x2="38.08" y2="57.86" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="37" y1="50.75" x2="35" y2="48.5" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="37" y1="50.75" x2="37" y2="56.78" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="35.5" y1="28.25" x2="31.5" y2="28.25" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="31.05" y1="28.7" x2="31.5" y2="28.25" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="31.05" y1="29.82" x2="31.05" y2="28.7" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="36.13" y1="29.82" x2="36.13" y2="28.88" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="36.13" y1="28.88" x2="35.5" y2="28.25" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="35" y1="40.75" x2="35" y2="48.5" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="36.13" y1="29.82" x2="36.13" y2="39.62" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="36.13" y1="39.62" x2="35" y2="40.75" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
@ -3082,9 +3082,6 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<wire x1="29.25" y1="61.73" x2="30.46" y2="62.94" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<approved hash="5,1,53ca26de766f2b1a"/>

View File

@ -15708,6 +15708,7 @@ W = angled&lt;p&gt;
<part name="SV1" library="con-lstb" library_urn="urn:adsk.eagle:library:162" deviceset="MA03-1" device=""/>
<part name="R10" library="rcl" library_urn="urn:adsk.eagle:library:334" deviceset="R-EU_" device="0204/7" value="10k"/>
<part name="P+6" library="supply1" library_urn="urn:adsk.eagle:library:371" deviceset="+5V" device=""/>
<part name="GND4" library="supply1" library_urn="urn:adsk.eagle:library:371" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
@ -15810,6 +15811,7 @@ W = angled&lt;p&gt;
<instance part="SV1" gate="G$1" x="233.68" y="101.6" rot="R270"/>
<instance part="R10" gate="G$1" x="172.72" y="154.94"/>
<instance part="P+6" gate="1" x="182.88" y="160.02"/>
<instance part="GND4" gate="1" x="241.3" y="81.28" rot="R270"/>
<bus name="DATA">
@ -15894,6 +15896,11 @@ W = angled&lt;p&gt;
<wire x1="256.54" y1="116.84" x2="279.4" y2="116.84" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<junction x="279.4" y="116.84"/>
<pinref part="IC3" gate="A" pin="!CE"/>
<pinref part="GND4" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
<wire x1="251.46" y1="81.28" x2="243.84" y2="81.28" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<net name="+5V" class="0">
@ -16639,11 +16646,7 @@ W = angled&lt;p&gt;
<wire x1="231.14" y1="121.92" x2="243.84" y2="121.92" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<pinref part="IC3" gate="A" pin="!OE"/>
<wire x1="251.46" y1="83.82" x2="243.84" y2="83.82" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<pinref part="IC3" gate="A" pin="!CE"/>
<wire x1="251.46" y1="81.28" x2="243.84" y2="81.28" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="243.84" y1="81.28" x2="243.84" y2="83.82" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="243.84" y1="121.92" x2="243.84" y2="83.82" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<junction x="243.84" y="83.82"/>
<net name="!IO_SEL" class="0">