Delete old Diamond stuff

This commit is contained in:
Zane Kaminski 2024-06-06 22:11:31 -04:00
parent 75f7cfe481
commit 026dfbc5a4
88 changed files with 0 additions and 90693 deletions

View File

@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
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<PRE><A name="pn231218062259"></A><B><U><big>pn231218062259</big></U></B>
#Start recording tcl command: 12/5/2023 23:09:24
#Project Location: //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC; Project name: RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC
prj_project open "//Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC.ldf"
prj_run Export -impl impl1
prj_run Export -impl impl1
#Stop recording: 12/18/2023 06:22:59
<A name="pn231226182753"></A><B><U><big>pn231226182753</big></U></B>
#Start recording tcl command: 12/26/2023 18:26:59
#Project Location: //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC; Project name: RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC
prj_project open "//Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC.ldf"
#Stop recording: 12/26/2023 18:27:53
<A name="pn231226232448"></A><B><U><big>pn231226232448</big></U></B>
#Start recording tcl command: 12/26/2023 21:40:03
#Project Location: //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC; Project name: RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC
prj_project open "//Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC.ldf"
prj_run Export -impl impl1
prj_run Export -impl impl1 -forceAll
prj_run Export -impl impl1 -forceAll
prj_run Export -impl impl1 -forceAll
prj_run Export -impl impl1 -forceAll
prj_src exclude "//Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/RAM2E-LCMXO2.v"
prj_src remove "//Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/RAM2E-LCMXO2.v"
#Stop recording: 12/26/2023 23:24:48
<A name="pn231226233648"></A><B><U><big>pn231226233648</big></U></B>
#Start recording tcl command: 12/26/2023 23:26:30
#Project Location: //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC; Project name: RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC
prj_project open "//Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC.ldf"
prj_run Export -impl impl1
prj_run Export -impl impl1
prj_run Export -impl impl1
prj_run Export -impl impl1 -forceAll
#Stop recording: 12/26/2023 23:36:48
<A name="pn231226233754"></A><B><U><big>pn231226233754</big></U></B>
#Start recording tcl command: 12/26/2023 23:36:58
#Project Location: //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC; Project name: RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC
prj_project open "//Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC.ldf"
#Stop recording: 12/26/2023 23:37:54
<A name="pn231228231137"></A><B><U><big>pn231228231137</big></U></B>
#Start recording tcl command: 12/26/2023 23:38:54
#Project Location: //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC; Project name: RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC
prj_project open "//Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC.ldf"
prj_run Export -impl impl1
prj_run Export -impl impl1
prj_run Export -impl impl1 -forceAll
prj_run Export -impl impl1 -forceAll
prj_run Export -impl impl1 -forceAll
prj_run Export -impl impl1 -forceAll
prj_run Export -impl impl1 -forceAll
prj_run Export -impl impl1 -forceAll
prj_run Export -impl impl1
#Stop recording: 12/28/2023 23:11:37
<A name="pn231228232404"></A><B><U><big>pn231228232404</big></U></B>
#Start recording tcl command: 12/28/2023 23:23:13
#Project Location: //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC; Project name: RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC
prj_project open "//Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC.ldf"
prj_run Export -impl impl1
#Stop recording: 12/28/2023 23:24:04

View File

@ -1,550 +0,0 @@
(edif REFB
(edifVersion 2 0 0)
(edifLevel 0)
(keywordMap (keywordLevel 0))
(timestamp 2023 9 20 4 45 58)
(program "SCUBA" (version "Diamond (64-bit)"))))
(comment "C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\ispfpga\bin\nt64\scuba.exe -w -n REFB -lang verilog -synth synplify -bus_exp 7 -bb -type efb -arch xo2c00 -freq 14.4 -ufm -ufm_ebr 190 -mem_size 321 -memfile ../RAM2E-LCMXO2.mem -memformat hex -wb -dev 1200 ")
(library ORCLIB
(edifLevel 0)
(cell VHI
(cellType GENERIC)
(view view1
(viewType NETLIST)
(port Z
(direction OUTPUT)))))
(cell VLO
(cellType GENERIC)
(view view1
(viewType NETLIST)
(port Z
(direction OUTPUT)))))
(cell EFB
(cellType GENERIC)
(view view1
(viewType NETLIST)
(port WBCLKI
(direction INPUT))
(port WBRSTI
(direction INPUT))
(port WBCYCI
(direction INPUT))
(port WBSTBI
(direction INPUT))
(port WBWEI
(direction INPUT))
(port WBADRI7
(direction INPUT))
(port WBADRI6
(direction INPUT))
(port WBADRI5
(direction INPUT))
(port WBADRI4
(direction INPUT))
(port WBADRI3
(direction INPUT))
(port WBADRI2
(direction INPUT))
(port WBADRI1
(direction INPUT))
(port WBADRI0
(direction INPUT))
(port WBDATI7
(direction INPUT))
(port WBDATI6
(direction INPUT))
(port WBDATI5
(direction INPUT))
(port WBDATI4
(direction INPUT))
(port WBDATI3
(direction INPUT))
(port WBDATI2
(direction INPUT))
(port WBDATI1
(direction INPUT))
(port WBDATI0
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL0DATI7
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL0DATI6
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL0DATI5
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL0DATI4
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL0DATI3
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL0DATI2
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL0DATI1
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL0DATI0
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL0ACKI
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL1DATI7
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL1DATI6
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL1DATI5
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL1DATI4
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL1DATI3
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL1DATI2
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL1DATI1
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL1DATI0
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL1ACKI
(direction INPUT))
(port I2C1SCLI
(direction INPUT))
(port I2C1SDAI
(direction INPUT))
(port I2C2SCLI
(direction INPUT))
(port I2C2SDAI
(direction INPUT))
(direction INPUT))
(direction INPUT))
(direction INPUT))
(direction INPUT))
(port TCCLKI
(direction INPUT))
(port TCRSTN
(direction INPUT))
(port TCIC
(direction INPUT))
(port UFMSN
(direction INPUT))
(port WBDATO7
(direction OUTPUT))
(port WBDATO6
(direction OUTPUT))
(port WBDATO5
(direction OUTPUT))
(port WBDATO4
(direction OUTPUT))
(port WBDATO3
(direction OUTPUT))
(port WBDATO2
(direction OUTPUT))
(port WBDATO1
(direction OUTPUT))
(port WBDATO0
(direction OUTPUT))
(port WBACKO
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLL0STBO
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLL1STBO
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLWEO
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLADRO4
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLADRO3
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLADRO2
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLADRO1
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLADRO0
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLDATO7
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLDATO6
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLDATO5
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLDATO4
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLDATO3
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLDATO2
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLDATO1
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLDATO0
(direction OUTPUT))
(port I2C1SCLO
(direction OUTPUT))
(port I2C1SCLOEN
(direction OUTPUT))
(port I2C1SDAO
(direction OUTPUT))
(port I2C1SDAOEN
(direction OUTPUT))
(port I2C2SCLO
(direction OUTPUT))
(port I2C2SCLOEN
(direction OUTPUT))
(port I2C2SDAO
(direction OUTPUT))
(port I2C2SDAOEN
(direction OUTPUT))
(port I2C1IRQO
(direction OUTPUT))
(port I2C2IRQO
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(port SPIMCSN7
(direction OUTPUT))
(port SPIMCSN6
(direction OUTPUT))
(port SPIMCSN5
(direction OUTPUT))
(port SPIMCSN4
(direction OUTPUT))
(port SPIMCSN3
(direction OUTPUT))
(port SPIMCSN2
(direction OUTPUT))
(port SPIMCSN1
(direction OUTPUT))
(port SPIMCSN0
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(port TCINT
(direction OUTPUT))
(port TCOC
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT)))))
(cell REFB
(cellType GENERIC)
(view view1
(viewType NETLIST)
(port wb_clk_i
(direction INPUT))
(port wb_rst_i
(direction INPUT))
(port wb_cyc_i
(direction INPUT))
(port wb_stb_i
(direction INPUT))
(port wb_we_i
(direction INPUT))
(port (array (rename wb_adr_i "wb_adr_i(7:0)") 8)
(direction INPUT))
(port (array (rename wb_dat_i "wb_dat_i(7:0)") 8)
(direction INPUT))
(port (array (rename wb_dat_o "wb_dat_o(7:0)") 8)
(direction OUTPUT))
(port wb_ack_o
(direction OUTPUT))
(port wbc_ufm_irq
(direction OUTPUT)))
(property NGD_DRC_MASK (integer 1))
(instance scuba_vhi_inst
(viewRef view1
(cellRef VHI)))
(instance scuba_vlo_inst
(viewRef view1
(cellRef VLO)))
(instance EFBInst_0
(viewRef view1
(cellRef EFB))
(string "HEX"))
(string "../RAM2E-LCMXO2.mem"))
(string "DISABLED"))
(string "190"))
(property UFM_INIT_PAGES
(string "321"))
(property DEV_DENSITY
(string "1200L"))
(property EFB_UFM
(string "ENABLED"))
(property TC_ICAPTURE
(string "DISABLED"))
(property TC_OVERFLOW
(string "DISABLED"))
(property TC_ICR_INT
(string "OFF"))
(property TC_OCR_INT
(string "OFF"))
(property TC_OV_INT
(string "OFF"))
(property TC_TOP_SEL
(string "OFF"))
(property TC_RESETN
(string "ENABLED"))
(property TC_OC_MODE
(string "TOGGLE"))
(property TC_OCR_SET
(string "32767"))
(property TC_TOP_SET
(string "65535"))
(property GSR
(string "ENABLED"))
(property TC_CCLK_SEL
(string "1"))
(property TC_MODE
(string "CTCM"))
(property TC_SCLK_SEL
(string "PCLOCK"))
(string "WB"))
(property EFB_TC
(string "DISABLED"))
(property SPI_WAKEUP
(string "DISABLED"))
(property SPI_INTR_RXOVR
(string "DISABLED"))
(property SPI_INTR_TXOVR
(string "DISABLED"))
(property SPI_INTR_RXRDY
(string "DISABLED"))
(property SPI_INTR_TXRDY
(string "DISABLED"))
(string "DISABLED"))
(property SPI_PHASE_ADJ
(string "DISABLED"))
(property SPI_CLK_INV
(string "DISABLED"))
(property SPI_LSB_FIRST
(string "DISABLED"))
(string "1"))
(property SPI_MODE
(string "MASTER"))
(property EFB_SPI
(string "DISABLED"))
(property I2C2_WAKEUP
(string "DISABLED"))
(property I2C2_GEN_CALL
(string "DISABLED"))
(property I2C2_CLK_DIVIDER
(string "1"))
(property I2C2_BUS_PERF
(string "100kHz"))
(property I2C2_SLAVE_ADDR
(string "0b1000010"))
(property I2C2_ADDRESSING
(string "7BIT"))
(property EFB_I2C2
(string "DISABLED"))
(property I2C1_WAKEUP
(string "DISABLED"))
(property I2C1_GEN_CALL
(string "DISABLED"))
(property I2C1_CLK_DIVIDER
(string "1"))
(property I2C1_BUS_PERF
(string "100kHz"))
(property I2C1_SLAVE_ADDR
(string "0b1000001"))
(property I2C1_ADDRESSING
(string "7BIT"))
(property EFB_I2C1
(string "DISABLED"))
(property EFB_WB_CLK_FREQ
(string "14.4")))
(net scuba_vhi
(portRef Z (instanceRef scuba_vhi_inst))
(portRef UFMSN (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net scuba_vlo
(portRef Z (instanceRef scuba_vlo_inst))
(portRef PLL1DATI7 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL1DATI6 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL1DATI5 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL1DATI4 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL1DATI3 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL1DATI2 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL1DATI1 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL1DATI0 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL1ACKI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL0DATI7 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL0DATI6 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL0DATI5 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL0DATI4 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL0DATI3 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL0DATI2 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL0DATI1 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL0DATI0 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL0ACKI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef TCIC (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef TCRSTN (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef TCCLKI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef SPISCSN (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef SPIMOSII (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef SPIMISOI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef SPISCKI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef I2C2SDAI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef I2C2SCLI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef I2C1SDAI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef I2C1SCLI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wbc_ufm_irq
(portRef wbc_ufm_irq)
(portRef WBCUFMIRQ (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_ack_o
(portRef wb_ack_o)
(portRef WBACKO (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_o7
(portRef (member wb_dat_o 0))
(portRef WBDATO7 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_o6
(portRef (member wb_dat_o 1))
(portRef WBDATO6 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_o5
(portRef (member wb_dat_o 2))
(portRef WBDATO5 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_o4
(portRef (member wb_dat_o 3))
(portRef WBDATO4 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_o3
(portRef (member wb_dat_o 4))
(portRef WBDATO3 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_o2
(portRef (member wb_dat_o 5))
(portRef WBDATO2 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_o1
(portRef (member wb_dat_o 6))
(portRef WBDATO1 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_o0
(portRef (member wb_dat_o 7))
(portRef WBDATO0 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_i7
(portRef (member wb_dat_i 0))
(portRef WBDATI7 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_i6
(portRef (member wb_dat_i 1))
(portRef WBDATI6 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_i5
(portRef (member wb_dat_i 2))
(portRef WBDATI5 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_i4
(portRef (member wb_dat_i 3))
(portRef WBDATI4 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_i3
(portRef (member wb_dat_i 4))
(portRef WBDATI3 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_i2
(portRef (member wb_dat_i 5))
(portRef WBDATI2 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_i1
(portRef (member wb_dat_i 6))
(portRef WBDATI1 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_i0
(portRef (member wb_dat_i 7))
(portRef WBDATI0 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_adr_i7
(portRef (member wb_adr_i 0))
(portRef WBADRI7 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_adr_i6
(portRef (member wb_adr_i 1))
(portRef WBADRI6 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_adr_i5
(portRef (member wb_adr_i 2))
(portRef WBADRI5 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_adr_i4
(portRef (member wb_adr_i 3))
(portRef WBADRI4 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_adr_i3
(portRef (member wb_adr_i 4))
(portRef WBADRI3 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_adr_i2
(portRef (member wb_adr_i 5))
(portRef WBADRI2 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_adr_i1
(portRef (member wb_adr_i 6))
(portRef WBADRI1 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_adr_i0
(portRef (member wb_adr_i 7))
(portRef WBADRI0 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_we_i
(portRef wb_we_i)
(portRef WBWEI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_stb_i
(portRef wb_stb_i)
(portRef WBSTBI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_cyc_i
(portRef wb_cyc_i)
(portRef WBCYCI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_rst_i
(portRef wb_rst_i)
(portRef WBRSTI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_clk_i
(portRef wb_clk_i)
(portRef WBCLKI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))))))
(design REFB
(cellRef REFB
(libraryRef ORCLIB)))

View File

@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
VendorName=Lattice Semiconductor Corporation
SourceFormat=Verilog HDL
Expression=BusA(0 to 7)
Order=Big Endian [MSB:LSB]
i2c1_addr=7-Bit Addressing
i2c2_addr=7-Bit Addressing
ufm_addr=7-Bit Addressing
boot_option_internal=Single Boot
cmd_line= -w -n REFB -lang verilog -synth synplify -bus_exp 7 -bb -type efb -arch xo2c00 -freq 14.4 -ufm -ufm_ebr 190 -mem_size 321 -memfile ../RAM2E-LCMXO2.mem -memformat hex -wb -dev 1200

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
wb_clk_i i
wb_rst_i i
wb_cyc_i i
wb_stb_i i
wb_we_i i
wb_adr_i[7] i
wb_adr_i[6] i
wb_adr_i[5] i
wb_adr_i[4] i
wb_adr_i[3] i
wb_adr_i[2] i
wb_adr_i[1] i
wb_adr_i[0] i
wb_dat_i[7] i
wb_dat_i[6] i
wb_dat_i[5] i
wb_dat_i[4] i
wb_dat_i[3] i
wb_dat_i[2] i
wb_dat_i[1] i
wb_dat_i[0] i
wb_dat_o[7] o
wb_dat_o[6] o
wb_dat_o[5] o
wb_dat_o[4] o
wb_dat_o[3] o
wb_dat_o[2] o
wb_dat_o[1] o
wb_dat_o[0] o
wb_ack_o o
wbc_ufm_irq o

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
SCUBA, Version Diamond (64-bit)
Wed Sep 20 04:45:58 2023
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
Issued command : C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\ispfpga\bin\nt64\scuba.exe -w -n REFB -lang verilog -synth synplify -bus_exp 7 -bb -type efb -arch xo2c00 -freq 14.4 -ufm -ufm_ebr 190 -mem_size 321 -memfile ../RAM2E-LCMXO2.mem -memformat hex -wb -dev 1200
Circuit name : REFB
Module type : efb
Module Version : 1.2
Ports :
Inputs : wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, wb_cyc_i, wb_stb_i, wb_we_i, wb_adr_i[7:0], wb_dat_i[7:0]
Outputs : wb_dat_o[7:0], wb_ack_o, wbc_ufm_irq
I/O buffer : not inserted
EDIF output : REFB.edn
Verilog output : REFB.v
Verilog template : REFB_tmpl.v
Verilog purpose : for synthesis and simulation
Bus notation : big endian
Report output : REFB.srp
Element Usage :
EFB : 1
Estimated Resource Usage:

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
Starting process: Module
Starting process:
SCUBA, Version Diamond (64-bit)
Wed Sep 20 04:45:58 2023
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
BEGIN SCUBA Module Synthesis
Issued command : C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\ispfpga\bin\nt64\scuba.exe -w -n REFB -lang verilog -synth synplify -bus_exp 7 -bb -type efb -arch xo2c00 -freq 14.4 -ufm -ufm_ebr 190 -mem_size 321 -memfile ../RAM2E-LCMXO2.mem -memformat hex -wb -dev 1200
Circuit name : REFB
Module type : efb
Module Version : 1.2
Ports :
Inputs : wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, wb_cyc_i, wb_stb_i, wb_we_i, wb_adr_i[7:0], wb_dat_i[7:0]
Outputs : wb_dat_o[7:0], wb_ack_o, wbc_ufm_irq
I/O buffer : not inserted
EDIF output : REFB.edn
Verilog output : REFB.v
Verilog template : REFB_tmpl.v
Verilog purpose : for synthesis and simulation
Bus notation : big endian
Report output : REFB.srp
Estimated Resource Usage:
END SCUBA Module Synthesis
File: REFB.lpc created.
End process: completed successfully.
Total Warnings: 0
Total Errors: 0

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
/* Verilog module instantiation template generated by SCUBA Diamond (64-bit) */
/* Module Version: 1.2 */
/* Wed Sep 20 04:45:58 2023 */
/* parameterized module instance */
REFB __ (.wb_clk_i( ), .wb_rst_i( ), .wb_cyc_i( ), .wb_stb_i( ),
.wb_we_i( ), .wb_adr_i( ), .wb_dat_i( ), .wb_dat_o( ), .wb_ack_o( ),
.wbc_ufm_irq( ));

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
proc GetPlatform {} {
global tcl_platform
set cpu $tcl_platform(machine)
switch $cpu {
intel -
i*86* {
set cpu ix86
x86_64 {
if {$tcl_platform(wordSize) == 4} {
set cpu ix86
switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
windows {
if {$cpu == "amd64"} {
# Do not check wordSize, win32-x64 is an IL32P64 platform.
set cpu x86_64
if {$cpu == "x86_64"} {
return "nt64"
} else {
return "nt"
unix {
if {$tcl_platform(os) == "Linux"} {
if {$cpu == "x86_64"} {
return "lin64"
} else {
return "lin"
} else {
return "sol"
return "nt"
proc GetCmdLine {lpcfile} {
global Para
if [catch {open $lpcfile r} fileid] {
puts "Cannot open $para_file file!"
exit -1
seek $fileid 0 start
set default_match 0
while {[gets $fileid line] >= 0} {
if {[string first "\[Command\]" $line] == 0} {
set default_match 1
if {[string first "\[" $line] == 0} {
set default_match 0
if {$default_match == 1} {
if [regexp {([^=]*)=(.*)} $line match parameter value] {
if [regexp {([ |\t]*;)} $parameter match] {continue}
if [regexp {(.*)[ |\t]*;} $value match temp] {
set Para($parameter) $temp
} else {
set Para($parameter) $value
set default_match 0
close $fileid
return $Para(cmd_line)
set platformpath [GetPlatform]
set Para(sbp_path) [file dirname [info script]]
set Para(install_dir) $env(TOOLRTF)
set Para(FPGAPath) "[file join $Para(install_dir) ispfpga bin $platformpath]"
set scuba "$Para(FPGAPath)/scuba"
set modulename "REFB"
set lang "verilog"
set lpcfile "$Para(sbp_path)/$modulename.lpc"
set arch "xo2c00"
set cmd_line [GetCmdLine $lpcfile]
set fdcfile "$Para(sbp_path)/$modulename.fdc"
if {[file exists $fdcfile] == 0} {
append scuba " " $cmd_line
} else {
append scuba " " $cmd_line " " -fdc " " \"$fdcfile\"
set Para(result) [catch {eval exec "$scuba"} msg]
#puts $msg

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
proc GetPlatform {} {
global tcl_platform
set cpu $tcl_platform(machine)
switch $cpu {
intel -
i*86* {
set cpu ix86
x86_64 {
if {$tcl_platform(wordSize) == 4} {
set cpu ix86
switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
windows {
if {$cpu == "amd64"} {
# Do not check wordSize, win32-x64 is an IL32P64 platform.
set cpu x86_64
if {$cpu == "x86_64"} {
return "nt64"
} else {
return "nt"
unix {
if {$tcl_platform(os) == "Linux"} {
if {$cpu == "x86_64"} {
return "lin64"
} else {
return "lin"
} else {
return "sol"
return "nt"
set platformpath [GetPlatform]
set Para(sbp_path) [file dirname [info script]]
set Para(install_dir) $env(TOOLRTF)
set Para(FPGAPath) "[file join $Para(install_dir) ispfpga bin $platformpath]"
set Para(bin_dir) "[file join $Para(install_dir) bin $platformpath]"
set Para(ModuleName) "REFB"
set Para(Module) "EFB"
set Para(libname) machxo2
set Para(arch_name) xo2c00
set Para(PartType) "LCMXO2-1200HC"
set Para(tech_syn) machxo2
set Para(tech_cae) machxo2
set Para(Package) "TQFP100"
set Para(SpeedGrade) "4"
set Para(FMax) "100"
set fdcfile "$Para(sbp_path)/$Para(ModuleName).fdc"
set edif2ngd "$Para(FPGAPath)/edif2ngd"
set Para(result) [catch {eval exec $edif2ngd -l $Para(libname) -d $Para(PartType) -nopropwarn $Para(ModuleName).edn $Para(ModuleName).ngo} msg]
#puts $msg
set ngdbuild "$Para(FPGAPath)/ngdbuild"
set Para(result) [catch {eval exec $ngdbuild -addiobuf -dt -a $Para(arch_name) $Para(ModuleName).ngo $Para(ModuleName).ngd} msg]
#puts $msg

View File

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
NOTE Copyright (C), 1992-2010, Lattice Semiconductor Corporation *
NOTE All Rights Reserved *
NOTE DATE CREATED: Thu Dec 28 23:24:00 2023 *
NOTE PINS RD[0] : 36 : inout *
NOTE PINS LED : 35 : out *
NOTE PINS C14M : 62 : in *
NOTE PINS RD[7] : 43 : inout *
NOTE PINS RD[6] : 42 : inout *
NOTE PINS RD[5] : 41 : inout *
NOTE PINS RD[4] : 40 : inout *
NOTE PINS RD[3] : 39 : inout *
NOTE PINS RD[2] : 38 : inout *
NOTE PINS RD[1] : 37 : inout *
NOTE PINS DQMH : 49 : out *
NOTE PINS DQML : 48 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[11] : 59 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[10] : 64 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[9] : 63 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[8] : 65 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[7] : 67 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[6] : 69 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[5] : 71 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[4] : 75 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[3] : 74 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[2] : 70 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[1] : 68 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[0] : 66 : out *
NOTE PINS BA[1] : 60 : out *
NOTE PINS BA[0] : 58 : out *
NOTE PINS nRWEout : 51 : out *
NOTE PINS nCASout : 52 : out *
NOTE PINS nRASout : 54 : out *
NOTE PINS nCSout : 57 : out *
NOTE PINS CKEout : 53 : out *
NOTE PINS nVOE : 10 : out *
NOTE PINS Vout[7] : 12 : out *
NOTE PINS Vout[6] : 14 : out *
NOTE PINS Vout[5] : 16 : out *
NOTE PINS Vout[4] : 19 : out *
NOTE PINS Vout[3] : 13 : out *
NOTE PINS Vout[2] : 17 : out *
NOTE PINS Vout[1] : 15 : out *
NOTE PINS Vout[0] : 18 : out *
NOTE PINS nDOE : 20 : out *
NOTE PINS Dout[7] : 32 : out *
NOTE PINS Dout[6] : 31 : out *
NOTE PINS Dout[5] : 21 : out *
NOTE PINS Dout[4] : 24 : out *
NOTE PINS Dout[3] : 28 : out *
NOTE PINS Dout[2] : 25 : out *
NOTE PINS Dout[1] : 27 : out *
NOTE PINS Dout[0] : 30 : out *
NOTE PINS Din[7] : 87 : in *
NOTE PINS Din[6] : 88 : in *
NOTE PINS Din[5] : 99 : in *
NOTE PINS Din[4] : 1 : in *
NOTE PINS Din[3] : 9 : in *
NOTE PINS Din[2] : 98 : in *
NOTE PINS Din[1] : 97 : in *
NOTE PINS Din[0] : 96 : in *
NOTE PINS Ain[7] : 8 : in *
NOTE PINS Ain[6] : 86 : in *
NOTE PINS Ain[5] : 84 : in *
NOTE PINS Ain[4] : 78 : in *
NOTE PINS Ain[3] : 4 : in *
NOTE PINS Ain[2] : 7 : in *
NOTE PINS Ain[1] : 2 : in *
NOTE PINS Ain[0] : 3 : in *
NOTE PINS nC07X : 34 : in *
NOTE PINS nEN80 : 82 : in *
NOTE PINS nWE : 29 : in *
NOTE PINS PHI1 : 85 : in *

View File

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
Report for cell RAM2E.verilog
Register bits: 122 of 1280 (10%)
PIC Latch: 0
I/O cells: 69
Cell usage:
cell count Res Usage(%)
BB 8 100.0
CCU2D 9 100.0
EFB 1 100.0
FD1P3AX 61 100.0
FD1P3IX 1 100.0
FD1S3AX 21 100.0
FD1S3AY 4 100.0
FD1S3IX 6 100.0
GSR 1 100.0
IB 21 100.0
IFS1P3DX 1 100.0
INV 1 100.0
OB 40 100.0
OFS1P3BX 5 100.0
OFS1P3DX 21 100.0
OFS1P3IX 2 100.0
ORCALUT4 277 100.0
PFUMX 3 100.0
PUR 1 100.0
VHI 3 100.0
VLO 3 100.0
RAM2E_UFM 1 100.0
REFB 1 100.0
Report for cell RAM2E_UFM.netlist
Instance path: ram2e_ufm
Cell usage:
cell count Res Usage(%)
EFB 1 100.0
FD1P3AX 30 49.2
FD1P3IX 1 100.0
FD1S3IX 1 16.7
ORCALUT4 272 98.2
PFUMX 3 100.0
VHI 2 66.7
VLO 2 66.7
REFB 1 100.0
Report for cell REFB.netlist
Instance path: ram2e_ufm.ufmefb
Cell usage:
cell count Res Usage(%)
EFB 1 100.0
VHI 1 33.3
VLO 1 33.3

View File

@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
BITGEN: Bitstream Generator Diamond (64-bit)
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
Thu Dec 28 23:23:57 2023
Command: bitgen -g RamCfg:Reset -path //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC -w -jedec -gui -msgset //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/promote.xml RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.prf
Loading design for application Bitgen from file RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-1200HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: 4
Loading device for application Bitgen from file 'xo2c1200.nph' in environment: C:/lscc/diamond/3.12/ispfpga.
Package Status: Final Version 1.44.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
Running DRC.
DRC detected 0 errors and 0 warnings.
Reading Preference File from RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.prf.
Preference Summary:
| Preference | Current Setting |
| RamCfg | Reset** |
| MCCLK_FREQ | 2.08** |
| INBUF | ON** |
| MY_ASSP | OFF** |
* Default setting.
** The specified setting matches the default setting.
Creating bit map...
Bitstream Status: Final Version 1.95.
Saving bit stream in "RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.jed".
UFM Summary.
UFM Size: 511 Pages (128*511 Bits).
UFM Utilization: General Purpose Flash Memory.
Available General Purpose Flash Memory: 511 Pages (Page 0 to Page 510).
Initialized UFM Pages: 321 Pages (Page 190 to Page 510).
Total CPU Time: 3 secs
Total REAL Time: 3 secs
Peak Memory Usage: 275 MB

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
Lattice Mapping Report File for Design Module 'RAM2E'
Design Information
Command line: map -a MachXO2 -p LCMXO2-1200HC -t TQFP100 -s 4 -oc Commercial
RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.ngd -o RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1_map.ncd -pr
RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.prf -mp RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.mrp -lpf //Mac/
ify.lpf -lpf //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/RAM2E-LCMXO2.lpf -c 0 -gui
-msgset //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/promote.xml
Target Vendor: LATTICE
Target Device: LCMXO2-1200HCTQFP100
Target Performance: 4
Mapper: xo2c00, version: Diamond (64-bit)
Mapped on: 12/28/23 23:23:27
Design Summary
Number of registers: 122 out of 1520 (8%)
PFU registers: 93 out of 1280 (7%)
PIO registers: 29 out of 240 (12%)
Number of SLICEs: 148 out of 640 (23%)
SLICEs as Logic/ROM: 148 out of 640 (23%)
SLICEs as RAM: 0 out of 480 (0%)
SLICEs as Carry: 9 out of 640 (1%)
Number of LUT4s: 296 out of 1280 (23%)
Number used as logic LUTs: 278
Number used as distributed RAM: 0
Number used as ripple logic: 18
Number used as shift registers: 0
Number of PIO sites used: 69 + 4(JTAG) out of 80 (91%)
Number of block RAMs: 0 out of 7 (0%)
Number of GSRs: 0 out of 1 (0%)
EFB used : Yes
JTAG used : No
Readback used : No
Oscillator used : No
Startup used : No
POR : On
Bandgap : On
Number of Power Controller: 0 out of 1 (0%)
Number of Dynamic Bank Controller (BCINRD): 0 out of 4 (0%)
Number of Dynamic Bank Controller (BCLVDSO): 0 out of 1 (0%)
Number of DCCA: 0 out of 8 (0%)
Number of DCMA: 0 out of 2 (0%)
Number of PLLs: 0 out of 1 (0%)
Number of DQSDLLs: 0 out of 2 (0%)
Number of CLKDIVC: 0 out of 4 (0%)
Number of ECLKSYNCA: 0 out of 4 (0%)
Number of ECLKBRIDGECS: 0 out of 2 (0%)
1. Total number of LUT4s = (Number of logic LUT4s) + 2*(Number of
distributed RAMs) + 2*(Number of ripple logic)
2. Number of logic LUT4s does not include count of distributed RAM and
ripple logic.
Number of clocks: 1
Net C14M_c: 89 loads, 73 rising, 16 falling (Driver: PIO C14M )
Number of Clock Enables: 14
Page 1
Design: RAM2E Date: 12/28/23 23:23:27
Design Summary (cont)
Net N_225_i: 2 loads, 0 LSLICEs
Net N_201_i: 2 loads, 0 LSLICEs
Net N_187_i: 11 loads, 11 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/wb_adr_0_sqmuxa_1_i: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net RC12: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/CmdBitbangMXO2_RNINSM62: 8 loads, 8 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/wb_we_RNO_0: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net N_185_i: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/un1_CmdSetRWBankFFChip13_1_i_0_0[0]: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0]: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/un1_LEDEN_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0]: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net N_126: 6 loads, 6 LSLICEs
Net un9_VOEEN_0_a2_0_a3_0_a3: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net Vout3: 8 loads, 0 LSLICEs
Number of LSRs: 7
Net un1_CS_0_sqmuxa_i: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
Net BA_0_sqmuxa: 2 loads, 0 LSLICEs
Net S[2]: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/wb_rst: 1 loads, 0 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/wb_rst16_i: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net N_1080_0: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net N_1078_0: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Number of nets driven by tri-state buffers: 0
Top 10 highest fanout non-clock nets:
Net S[2]: 50 loads
Net S[3]: 45 loads
Net S[0]: 37 loads
Net S[1]: 34 loads
Net FS[12]: 24 loads
Net FS[11]: 22 loads
Net FS[10]: 19 loads
Net FS[13]: 19 loads
Net FS[9]: 19 loads
Net FS[8]: 18 loads
Number of warnings: 3
Number of errors: 0
Design Errors/Warnings
WARNING - map: //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/RAM2E-LCMXO2.lpf(93): Semantic
"nWE80" does not exist in the design. This preference has been disabled.
WARNING - map: UFM was enabled in EFB: Enabling the configuration interface will
temporarily disable certain features of the device including Power
Controller, GSR, Hardened User SPI Port, Hardened Primary User I2C Port.
Functionality is restored after the Flash Memory (UFM/Configuration)
Interface is disabled using Disable Configuration Interface command 0x26
followed by Bypass command 0xFF.
WARNING - map: IO buffer missing for top level port nWE80...logic will be
Page 2
Design: RAM2E Date: 12/28/23 23:23:27
IO (PIO) Attributes
| IO Name | Direction | Levelmode | IO |
| | | IO_TYPE | Register |
| RD[0] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| C14M | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[7] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[6] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[5] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[4] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[3] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[2] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[1] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RAout[11] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[10] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[9] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[8] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[7] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[6] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[5] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[4] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[3] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[2] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[1] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[0] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| BA[1] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
Page 3
Design: RAM2E Date: 12/28/23 23:23:27
IO (PIO) Attributes (cont)
| BA[0] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nRWEout | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nCASout | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nRASout | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nCSout | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| CKEout | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nVOE | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Vout[7] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[6] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[5] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[4] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[3] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[2] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[1] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[0] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nDOE | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[7] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[6] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[5] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[4] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[3] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[2] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[1] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[0] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[7] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[6] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[5] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[4] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
Page 4
Design: RAM2E Date: 12/28/23 23:23:27
IO (PIO) Attributes (cont)
| Din[3] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[2] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[1] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[0] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[7] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[6] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[5] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[4] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[3] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[2] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[1] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[0] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| nC07X | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| nEN80 | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| nWE | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| PHI1 | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | IN |
Removed logic
Block GSR_INST undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Block ram2e_ufm/VCC undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Block ram2e_ufm/GND undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal CKEout.CN was merged into signal C14M_c
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/VCC undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/GND undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal FS_s_0_S1[15] undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal FS_s_0_COUT[15] undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/CFGSTDBY undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/CFGWAKE undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/wbc_ufm_irq undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/TCOC undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/TCINT undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIIRQO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPICSNEN undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN7 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN6 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN5 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN4 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Page 5
Design: RAM2E Date: 12/28/23 23:23:27
Removed logic (cont)
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN3 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN2 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMOSIEN undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMOSIO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMISOEN undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMISOO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPISCKEN undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPISCKO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C2IRQO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C1IRQO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C2SDAOEN undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C2SDAO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C2SCLOEN undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C2SCLO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C1SDAOEN undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C1SDAO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C1SCLOEN undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C1SCLO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO2 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO3 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO4 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO5 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO6 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO7 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLADRO0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLADRO1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLADRO2 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLADRO3 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLADRO4 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLWEO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLL1STBO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLL0STBO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLRSTO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLCLKO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal FS_cry_0_S0[0] undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal N_1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Block nCASout.CN was optimized away.
Block ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/VCC was optimized away.
Block ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/GND was optimized away.
Embedded Functional Block Connection Summary
Desired WISHBONE clock frequency: 14.4 MHz
Page 6
Design: RAM2E Date: 12/28/23 23:23:27
Embedded Functional Block Connection Summary (cont)
Clock source: C14M_c
Reset source: ram2e_ufm/wb_rst
Functions mode:
I2C #1 (Primary) Function: DISABLED
I2C #2 (Secondary) Function: DISABLED
Timer/Counter Function: DISABLED
Timer/Counter Mode: WB
UFM Connection: ENABLED
PLL0 Connection: DISABLED
PLL1 Connection: DISABLED
I2C Function Summary:
SPI Function Summary:
Timer/Counter Function Summary:
UFM Function Summary:
UFM Utilization: General Purpose Flash Memory
Initialized UFM Pages: 321 Pages (321*128 Bits)
Available General
Purpose Flash Memory: 511 Pages (511*128 Bits)
EBR Blocks with Unique
Initialization Data: 0
WID EBR Instance
--- ------------
ASIC Components
Instance Name: ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/EFBInst_0
Type: EFB
Run Time and Memory Usage
Total CPU Time: 0 secs
Total REAL Time: 0 secs
Peak Memory Usage: 64 MB
Page 7
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights

View File

@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
PAD Specification File
Performance Grade: 4
Package Status: Final Version 1.44
Thu Dec 28 23:23:38 2023
Pinout by Port Name:
| Port Name | Pin/Bank | Buffer Type | Site | PG Enable | BC Enable | Properties |
| Ain[0] | 3/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[1] | 2/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2D | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[2] | 7/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3C | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[3] | 4/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3B | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[4] | 78/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT16C | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[5] | 84/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT15A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[6] | 86/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT12C | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[7] | 8/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3D | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| BA[0] | 58/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR9A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| BA[1] | 60/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR8C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| CKEout | 53/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR9D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| DQMH | 49/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB20D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| DQML | 48/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB20C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Din[0] | 96/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT10B | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[1] | 97/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT10A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[2] | 98/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9B | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[3] | 9/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL4A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[4] | 1/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2C | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[5] | 99/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[6] | 88/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT12A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[7] | 87/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT12B | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Dout[0] | 30/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[1] | 27/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB4C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[2] | 25/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL10D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[3] | 28/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB4D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[4] | 24/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL10C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[5] | 21/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL9B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[6] | 31/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[7] | 32/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| LED | 35/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB9B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[0] | 66/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR4D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[10] | 64/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[11] | 59/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR8D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[1] | 68/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR4B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[2] | 70/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[3] | 74/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[4] | 75/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[5] | 71/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[6] | 69/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR4A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[7] | 67/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR4C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[8] | 65/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[9] | 63/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[0] | 18/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL8C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[1] | 15/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[2] | 17/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL8B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[3] | 13/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[4] | 19/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL8D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[5] | 16/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL8A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[6] | 14/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[7] | 12/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nCASout | 52/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR10C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nCSout | 57/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR9B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nDOE | 20/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL9A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nEN80 | 82/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT15C | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| nRASout | 54/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR9C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nRWEout | 51/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR10D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nVOE | 10/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL4B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
Vccio by Bank:
| Bank | Vccio |
| 0 | 3.3V |
| 1 | 3.3V |
| 2 | 3.3V |
| 3 | 3.3V |
Vref by Bank:
| Vref | Pin | Bank # / Vref # | Load(s) |
Pinout by Pin Number:
| Pin/Bank | Pin Info | Preference | Buffer Type | Site | Dual Function | PG Enable | BC Enable |
| 1/3 | Din[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2C | L_GPLLT_IN | | |
| 2/3 | Ain[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2D | L_GPLLC_IN | | |
| 3/3 | Ain[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3A | PCLKT3_2 | | |
| 4/3 | Ain[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3B | PCLKC3_2 | | |
| 7/3 | Ain[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3C | | | |
| 8/3 | Ain[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3D | | | |
| 9/3 | Din[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL4A | | | |
| 10/3 | nVOE | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL4B | | | |
| 12/3 | Vout[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5A | PCLKT3_1 | | |
| 13/3 | Vout[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5B | PCLKC3_1 | | |
| 14/3 | Vout[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5C | | | |
| 15/3 | Vout[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5D | | | |
| 16/3 | Vout[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL8A | | | |
| 17/3 | Vout[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL8B | | | |
| 18/3 | Vout[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL8C | | | |
| 19/3 | Vout[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL8D | | | |
| 20/3 | nDOE | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL9A | PCLKT3_0 | | |
| 21/3 | Dout[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL9B | PCLKC3_0 | | |
| 24/3 | Dout[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL10C | | | |
| 25/3 | Dout[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL10D | | | |
| 27/2 | Dout[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB4C | CSSPIN | | |
| 28/2 | Dout[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB4D | | | |
| 29/2 | nWE | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PB6A | | | |
| 30/2 | Dout[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6B | | | |
| 31/2 | Dout[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6C | MCLK/CCLK | | |
| 32/2 | Dout[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6D | SO/SPISO | | |
| 34/2 | nC07X | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PB9A | PCLKT2_0 | | |
| 35/2 | LED | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB9B | PCLKC2_0 | | |
| 36/2 | RD[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB11C | | | |
| 37/2 | RD[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB11D | | | |
| 38/2 | RD[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB11A | PCLKT2_1 | | |
| 39/2 | RD[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB11B | PCLKC2_1 | | |
| 40/2 | RD[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB15A | | | |
| 41/2 | RD[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB15B | | | |
| 42/2 | RD[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB18A | | | |
| 43/2 | RD[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB18B | | | |
| 45/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB18C | | | |
| 47/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB18D | | | |
| 48/2 | DQML | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB20C | SN | | |
| 49/2 | DQMH | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB20D | SI/SISPI | | |
| 51/1 | nRWEout | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR10D | DQ1 | | |
| 52/1 | nCASout | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR10C | DQ1 | | |
| 53/1 | CKEout | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR9D | DQ1 | | |
| 54/1 | nRASout | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR9C | DQ1 | | |
| 57/1 | nCSout | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR9B | DQ1 | | |
| 58/1 | BA[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR9A | DQ1 | | |
| 59/1 | RAout[11] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR8D | DQ1 | | |
| 60/1 | BA[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR8C | DQ1 | | |
| 61/1 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PR8A | DQS1 | | |
| 62/1 | C14M | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PR5D | PCLKC1_0/DQ0 | | |
| 63/1 | RAout[9] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5C | PCLKT1_0/DQ0 | | |
| 64/1 | RAout[10] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5B | DQS0N | | |
| 65/1 | RAout[8] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5A | DQS0 | | |
| 66/1 | RAout[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR4D | DQ0 | | |
| 67/1 | RAout[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR4C | DQ0 | | |
| 68/1 | RAout[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR4B | DQ0 | | |
| 69/1 | RAout[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR4A | DQ0 | | |
| 70/1 | RAout[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3B | DQ0 | | |
| 71/1 | RAout[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3A | DQ0 | | |
| 74/1 | RAout[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2B | DQ0 | | |
| 75/1 | RAout[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2A | DQ0 | | |
| 76/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT17D | DONE | | |
| 77/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT17C | INITN | | |
| 78/0 | Ain[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT16C | | | |
| 81/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT15D | PROGRAMN | | |
| 82/0 | nEN80 | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT15C | JTAGENB | | |
| 83/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT15B | | | |
| 84/0 | Ain[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT15A | | | |
| 85/0 | PHI1 | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT12D | SDA/PCLKC0_0 | | |
| 86/0 | Ain[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT12C | SCL/PCLKT0_0 | | |
| 87/0 | Din[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT12B | PCLKC0_1 | | |
| 88/0 | Din[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT12A | PCLKT0_1 | | |
| 90/0 | Reserved: sysCONFIG | | | PT11D | TMS | | |
| 91/0 | Reserved: sysCONFIG | | | PT11C | TCK | | |
| 94/0 | Reserved: sysCONFIG | | | PT10D | TDI | | |
| 95/0 | Reserved: sysCONFIG | | | PT10C | TDO | | |
| 96/0 | Din[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT10B | | | |
| 97/0 | Din[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT10A | | | |
| 98/0 | Din[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9B | | | |
| 99/0 | Din[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9A | | | |
| PB4A/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB4A | | | |
| PB4B/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB4B | | | |
| PB9C/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB9C | | | |
| PB9D/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB9D | | | |
| PB15C/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB15C | | | |
| PB15D/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB15D | | | |
| PB20A/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB20A | | | |
| PB20B/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB20B | | | |
| PL2A/3 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PL2A | L_GPLLT_FB | | |
| PL2B/3 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PL2B | L_GPLLC_FB | | |
| PL4C/3 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PL4C | | | |
| PL4D/3 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PL4D | | | |
| PL10A/3 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PL10A | | | |
| PL10B/3 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PL10B | | | |
| PR2C/1 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PR2C | DQ0 | | |
| PR2D/1 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PR2D | DQ0 | | |
| PR8B/1 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PR8B | DQS1N | | |
| PR10A/1 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PR10A | DQ1 | | |
| PR10B/1 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PR10B | DQ1 | | |
| PT9C/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT9C | | | |
| PT9D/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT9D | | | |
| PT11A/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT11A | | | |
| PT11B/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT11B | | | |
| PT16A/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT16A | | | |
| PT16B/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT16B | | | |
| PT16D/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT16D | | | |
| PT17A/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT17A | | | |
| PT17B/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT17B | | | |
sysCONFIG Pins:
| Pad Name | sysCONFIG Pin Name | sysCONFIG Settings | Pin/Bank | Buffer Type | Config Pull Mode |
| PT11D | TMS | JTAG_PORT=ENABLE | 90/0 | | PULLUP |
| PT11C | TCK/TEST_CLK | JTAG_PORT=ENABLE | 91/0 | | NO pull up/down |
| PT10D | TDI/MD7 | JTAG_PORT=ENABLE | 94/0 | | PULLUP |
| PT10C | TDO | JTAG_PORT=ENABLE | 95/0 | | PULLUP |
Dedicated sysCONFIG Pins:
List of All Pins' Locate Preferences Based on Final Placement After PAR
to Help Users Lock Down ALL the Pins Easily (by Simply Copy & Paste):
LOCATE COMP "Ain[0]" SITE "3";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[1]" SITE "2";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[2]" SITE "7";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[3]" SITE "4";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[4]" SITE "78";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[5]" SITE "84";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[6]" SITE "86";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[7]" SITE "8";
LOCATE COMP "Din[0]" SITE "96";
LOCATE COMP "Din[1]" SITE "97";
LOCATE COMP "Din[2]" SITE "98";
LOCATE COMP "Din[3]" SITE "9";
LOCATE COMP "Din[4]" SITE "1";
LOCATE COMP "Din[5]" SITE "99";
LOCATE COMP "Din[6]" SITE "88";
LOCATE COMP "Din[7]" SITE "87";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[0]" SITE "30";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[1]" SITE "27";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[2]" SITE "25";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[3]" SITE "28";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[4]" SITE "24";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[5]" SITE "21";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[6]" SITE "31";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[7]" SITE "32";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[0]" SITE "66";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[10]" SITE "64";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[11]" SITE "59";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[1]" SITE "68";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[2]" SITE "70";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[3]" SITE "74";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[4]" SITE "75";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[5]" SITE "71";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[6]" SITE "69";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[7]" SITE "67";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[8]" SITE "65";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[9]" SITE "63";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[0]" SITE "18";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[1]" SITE "15";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[2]" SITE "17";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[3]" SITE "13";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[4]" SITE "19";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[5]" SITE "16";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[6]" SITE "14";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[7]" SITE "12";
PAR: Place And Route Diamond (64-bit)
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
Thu Dec 28 23:23:42 2023

View File

@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
# map: version Diamond (64-bit) -- WARNING: Map write only section -- Thu Dec 28 23:23:28 2023
LOCATE COMP "RAout[11]" SITE "59" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[10]" SITE "64" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[9]" SITE "63" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[8]" SITE "65" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[7]" SITE "67" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[6]" SITE "69" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[5]" SITE "71" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[4]" SITE "75" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[3]" SITE "74" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[2]" SITE "70" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[1]" SITE "68" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[0]" SITE "66" ;
LOCATE COMP "nCSout" SITE "57" ;
LOCATE COMP "Vout[7]" SITE "12" ;
LOCATE COMP "Vout[6]" SITE "14" ;
LOCATE COMP "Vout[5]" SITE "16" ;
LOCATE COMP "Vout[4]" SITE "19" ;
LOCATE COMP "Vout[3]" SITE "13" ;
LOCATE COMP "Vout[2]" SITE "17" ;
LOCATE COMP "Vout[1]" SITE "15" ;
LOCATE COMP "Vout[0]" SITE "18" ;
LOCATE COMP "Dout[7]" SITE "32" ;
LOCATE COMP "Dout[6]" SITE "31" ;
LOCATE COMP "Dout[5]" SITE "21" ;
LOCATE COMP "Dout[4]" SITE "24" ;
LOCATE COMP "Dout[3]" SITE "28" ;
LOCATE COMP "Dout[2]" SITE "25" ;
LOCATE COMP "Dout[1]" SITE "27" ;
LOCATE COMP "Dout[0]" SITE "30" ;
LOCATE COMP "Din[7]" SITE "87" ;
LOCATE COMP "Din[6]" SITE "88" ;
LOCATE COMP "Din[5]" SITE "99" ;
LOCATE COMP "Din[4]" SITE "1" ;
LOCATE COMP "Din[3]" SITE "9" ;
LOCATE COMP "Din[2]" SITE "98" ;
LOCATE COMP "Din[1]" SITE "97" ;
LOCATE COMP "Din[0]" SITE "96" ;
LOCATE COMP "Ain[7]" SITE "8" ;
LOCATE COMP "Ain[6]" SITE "86" ;
LOCATE COMP "Ain[5]" SITE "84" ;
LOCATE COMP "Ain[4]" SITE "78" ;
LOCATE COMP "Ain[3]" SITE "4" ;
LOCATE COMP "Ain[2]" SITE "7" ;
LOCATE COMP "Ain[1]" SITE "2" ;
LOCATE COMP "Ain[0]" SITE "3" ;
FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ;
OUTPUT PORT "LED" LOAD 100.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "BA[1]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "BA[0]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "CKEout" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Dout[0]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Dout[1]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Dout[2]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Dout[3]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Dout[4]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Dout[5]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Dout[6]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Dout[7]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[0]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[1]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[2]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[3]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[4]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[5]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[6]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[7]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[8]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[9]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[10]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[11]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Vout[0]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Vout[1]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Vout[2]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Vout[3]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Vout[4]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Vout[5]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Vout[6]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Vout[7]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "nCASout" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "nCSout" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "nDOE" LOAD 10.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "nRASout" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "nRWEout" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "nVOE" LOAD 10.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RD[0]" LOAD 9.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RD[1]" LOAD 9.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RD[2]" LOAD 9.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RD[3]" LOAD 9.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RD[4]" LOAD 9.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RD[5]" LOAD 9.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RD[6]" LOAD 9.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RD[7]" LOAD 9.000000 pF ;

View File

@ -1,696 +0,0 @@
#Build: Synplify Pro (R) R-2021.03L-SP1, Build 093R, Aug 10 2021
#install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
#OS: Windows 8 6.2
#Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:19 2023
#Implementation: impl1
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys HDL Compiler, Version comp202103synp2, Build 093R, Built Aug 10 2021 09:15:36, @
@N|Running in 64-bit mode
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Verilog Compiler, Version comp202103synp2, Build 093R, Built Aug 10 2021 09:15:36, @
@N|Running in 64-bit mode
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\machxo2.v" (library work)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\pmi_def.v" (library work)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\vlog\hypermods.v" (library __hyper__lib__)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\vlog\umr_capim.v" (library snps_haps)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\vlog\scemi_objects.v" (library snps_haps)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\vlog\scemi_pipes.svh" (library snps_haps)
@I::"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\RAM2E.v" (library work)
@I::"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\UFM-LCMXO2.v" (library work)
@I::"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\LCMXO2-1200HC\REFB.v" (library work)
Verilog syntax check successful!
File \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\RAM2E.v changed - recompiling
File \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\UFM-LCMXO2.v changed - recompiling
Selecting top level module RAM2E
@N: CG364 :"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\machxo2.v":1120:7:1120:9|Synthesizing module VHI in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on VHI .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on VHI (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 99MB peak: 99MB)
@N: CG364 :"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\machxo2.v":1124:7:1124:9|Synthesizing module VLO in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on VLO .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on VLO (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 99MB peak: 99MB)
@N: CG364 :"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\machxo2.v":1800:7:1800:9|Synthesizing module EFB in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on EFB .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on EFB (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 99MB peak: 99MB)
@N: CG364 :"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\LCMXO2-1200HC\REFB.v":8:7:8:10|Synthesizing module REFB in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on REFB .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on REFB (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 99MB peak: 99MB)
@N: CG364 :"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\UFM-LCMXO2.v":1:7:1:15|Synthesizing module RAM2E_UFM in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on RAM2E_UFM .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on RAM2E_UFM (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 100MB peak: 101MB)
@N: CG364 :"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\RAM2E.v":1:7:1:11|Synthesizing module RAM2E in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on RAM2E .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on RAM2E (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 101MB peak: 101MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on RAM2E .......
@N: CL159 :"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\RAM2E.v":11:15:11:19|Input nWE80 is unused.
Finished optimization stage 2 on RAM2E (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 101MB peak: 101MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on RAM2E_UFM .......
@N: CL159 :"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\UFM-LCMXO2.v":10:7:10:11|Input Ready is unused.
Finished optimization stage 2 on RAM2E_UFM (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on REFB .......
Finished optimization stage 2 on REFB (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on EFB .......
Finished optimization stage 2 on EFB (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on VLO .......
Finished optimization stage 2 on VLO (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on VHI .......
Finished optimization stage 2 on VHI (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
At c_ver Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
Process completed successfully.
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:19 2023
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Synopsys Netlist Linker, Version comp202103synp2, Build 093R, Built Aug 10 2021 09:15:36, @
@N|Running in 64-bit mode
File \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\LCMXO2-1200HC\impl1\synwork\layer0.srs changed - recompiling
At syn_nfilter Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 98MB peak: 98MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
Process completed successfully.
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:20 2023
For a summary of runtime and memory usage for all design units, please see file:
@L: A:\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\LCMXO2-1200HC\impl1\synwork\RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1_comp.rt.csv
At c_hdl Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 30MB peak: 31MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
Process completed successfully.
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:20 2023
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Synopsys Netlist Linker, Version comp202103synp2, Build 093R, Built Aug 10 2021 09:15:36, @
@N|Running in 64-bit mode
File \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\LCMXO2-1200HC\impl1\synwork\RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1_comp.srs changed - recompiling
At syn_nfilter Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 99MB peak: 99MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
Process completed successfully.
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:21 2023
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:21 2023
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Lattice Technology Pre-mapping, Version map202103lat, Build 070R, Built Oct 6 2021 11:12:38, @
Mapper Startup Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 128MB peak: 128MB)
Done reading skeleton netlist (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 132MB peak: 140MB)
Reading constraint file: \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\RAM2E.sdc
@L: \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\LCMXO2-1200HC\impl1\RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1_scck.rpt
See clock summary report "\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\LCMXO2-1200HC\impl1\RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1_scck.rpt"
@N: MF916 |Option synthesis_strategy=base is enabled.
@N: MF248 |Running in 64-bit mode.
@N: MF666 |Clock conversion enabled. (Command "set_option -fix_gated_and_generated_clocks 1" in the project file.)
Design Input Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 136MB peak: 140MB)
Mapper Initialization Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 136MB peak: 140MB)
Start loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 149MB peak: 149MB)
Finished loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 150MB peak: 151MB)
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdBitbangMXO2.
@W: FX474 |User-specified initial value defined for some sequential elements which can prevent optimum synthesis results from being achieved.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdExecMXO2.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance PHI1r.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance RWSel.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance Ready.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "00000000" on instance RWBank[7:0].
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdLEDGet.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdLEDSet.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdRWMaskSet.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdSetRWBankFFLED.
@A: FX681 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":163:4:163:9|Initial value on register DQMH is non-zero which can prevent the register from being packed into a block RAM or DSP.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance DQMH.
@A: FX681 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":163:4:163:9|Initial value on register DQML is non-zero which can prevent the register from being packed into a block RAM or DSP.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance DQML.
@A: FX681 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":21:4:21:9|Initial value on register S[3:0] is non-zero which can prevent the register from being packed into a block RAM or DSP.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0000" on instance S[3:0].
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance CKE.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nRWE.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nRWEout.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nCAS.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nCASout.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nRAS.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nRASout.
Starting clock optimization phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 181MB peak: 181MB)
Finished clock optimization phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
Starting clock optimization report phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
Finished clock optimization report phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
@N: FX1184 |Applying syn_allowed_resources blockrams=7 on top level netlist RAM2E
Finished netlist restructuring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
Clock Summary
Start Requested Requested Clock Clock Clock
Level Clock Frequency Period Type Group Load
0 - C14M 14.3 MHz 69.841 declared default_clkgroup 122
0 - System 100.0 MHz 10.000 system system_clkgroup 0
Clock Load Summary
Clock Source Clock Pin Non-clock Pin Non-clock Pin
Clock Load Pin Seq Example Seq Example Comb Example
C14M 122 C14M(port) DOEEN.C - un1_C14M.I[0](inv)
System 0 - - - -
ICG Latch Removal Summary:
Number of ICG latches removed: 0
Number of ICG latches not removed: 0
For details review file gcc_ICG_report.rpt
@S |Clock Optimization Summary
1 non-gated/non-generated clock tree(s) driving 122 clock pin(s) of sequential element(s)
0 gated/generated clock tree(s) driving 0 clock pin(s) of sequential element(s)
0 instances converted, 0 sequential instances remain driven by gated/generated clocks
=========================== Non-Gated/Non-Generated Clocks ============================
Clock Tree ID Driving Element Drive Element Type Fanout Sample Instance
@KP:ckid0_0 C14M port 122 nRAS
@N: FX1143 |Skipping assigning INTERNAL_VREF to iobanks, because the table of mapping from pin to iobank is not initialized.
Finished Pre Mapping Phase.
Starting constraint checker (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
Finished constraint checker preprocessing (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 183MB peak: 183MB)
Finished constraint checker (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 183MB peak: 183MB)
Pre-mapping successful!
At Mapper Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 99MB peak: 185MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:23 2023
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:23 2023
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Lattice Technology Mapper, Version map202103lat, Build 070R, Built Oct 6 2021 11:12:38, @
Mapper Startup Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 128MB peak: 128MB)
@N: MF916 |Option synthesis_strategy=base is enabled.
@N: MF248 |Running in 64-bit mode.
@N: MF666 |Clock conversion enabled. (Command "set_option -fix_gated_and_generated_clocks 1" in the project file.)
Design Input Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 129MB peak: 140MB)
Mapper Initialization Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 129MB peak: 140MB)
Start loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 143MB peak: 143MB)
Finished loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 145MB peak: 147MB)
Starting Optimization and Mapping (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 179MB peak: 179MB)
Finished RTL optimizations (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 183MB peak: 183MB)
@N: MO231 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":14:23:14:28|Found counter in view:work.RAM2E(verilog) instance FS[15:0]
@W: FX474 |User-specified initial value defined for some sequential elements which can prevent optimum synthesis results from being achieved.
Starting factoring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 186MB peak: 186MB)
Finished factoring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 190MB)
Available hyper_sources - for debug and ip models
None Found
Finished generic timing optimizations - Pass 1 (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 190MB)
Starting Early Timing Optimization (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 190MB)
Finished Early Timing Optimization (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 190MB)
Finished generic timing optimizations - Pass 2 (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 191MB)
Finished preparing to map (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 191MB peak: 191MB)
Finished technology mapping (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 211MB peak: 211MB)
Pass CPU time Worst Slack Luts / Registers
1 0h:00m:01s 33.71ns 284 / 122
Finished technology timing optimizations and critical path resynthesis (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 211MB peak: 211MB)
@N: FX164 |The option to pack registers in the IOB has not been specified. Please set syn_useioff attribute.
@A: BN291 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":163:4:163:9|Boundary register BA_1_.fb (in view: work.RAM2E(verilog)) is packed into a complex cell. To disable register packing, set syn_keep=1 on the net between the register and the complex cell.
@A: BN291 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":163:4:163:9|Boundary register BA_0_.fb (in view: work.RAM2E(verilog)) is packed into a complex cell. To disable register packing, set syn_keep=1 on the net between the register and the complex cell.
Finished restoring hierarchy (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 212MB peak: 212MB)
Start Writing Netlists (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 174MB peak: 212MB)
Writing Analyst data base \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\LCMXO2-1200HC\impl1\synwork\RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1_m.srm
Finished Writing Netlist Databases (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 212MB peak: 212MB)
Writing EDIF Netlist and constraint files
@N: FX1056 |Writing EDF file: \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\LCMXO2-1200HC\impl1\RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.edi
@N: BW106 |Synplicity Constraint File capacitance units using default value of 1pF
Finished Writing EDIF Netlist and constraint files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 217MB peak: 217MB)
Finished Writing Netlists (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 217MB peak: 217MB)
Start final timing analysis (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 215MB peak: 217MB)
@W: MT246 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\lcmxo2-1200hc\refb.v":78:8:78:16|Blackbox EFB is missing a user supplied timing model. This may have a negative effect on timing analysis and optimizations (Quality of Results)
@N: MT615 |Found clock C14M with period 69.84ns
# Timing report written on Thu Dec 28 23:23:26 2023
Top view: RAM2E
Requested Frequency: 14.3 MHz
Wire load mode: top
Paths requested: 5
Constraint File(s): \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\RAM2E.sdc
@N: MT320 |This timing report is an estimate of place and route data. For final timing results, use the FPGA vendor place and route report.
@N: MT322 |Clock constraints include only register-to-register paths associated with each individual clock.
Performance Summary
Worst slack in design: 33.707
Requested Estimated Requested Estimated Clock Clock
Starting Clock Frequency Frequency Period Period Slack Type Group
C14M 14.3 MHz 128.0 MHz 69.841 7.813 33.707 declared default_clkgroup
System 100.0 MHz NA 10.000 NA 67.088 system system_clkgroup
Estimated period and frequency reported as NA means no slack depends directly on the clock waveform
Clock Relationships
Clocks | rise to rise | fall to fall | rise to fall | fall to rise
Starting Ending | constraint slack | constraint slack | constraint slack | constraint slack
System C14M | 69.841 67.088 | No paths - | No paths - | No paths -
C14M System | 69.841 68.797 | No paths - | No paths - | No paths -
C14M C14M | 69.841 62.028 | No paths - | 34.920 33.707 | No paths -
Note: 'No paths' indicates there are no paths in the design for that pair of clock edges.
'Diff grp' indicates that paths exist but the starting clock and ending clock are in different clock groups.
Interface Information
No IO constraint found
Detailed Report for Clock: C14M
Starting Points with Worst Slack
Starting Arrival
Instance Reference Type Pin Net Time Slack
RA[0] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[0] 1.108 33.707
RA[3] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[3] 1.108 33.707
RA[1] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[1] 1.044 33.771
RA[2] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[2] 1.044 33.771
RA[4] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[4] 1.044 33.771
RA[5] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[5] 1.044 33.771
RA[6] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[6] 1.044 33.771
RA[7] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[7] 1.044 33.771
RA[8] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[8] 1.044 33.771
RA[9] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[9] 1.044 33.771
Ending Points with Worst Slack
Starting Required
Instance Reference Type Pin Net Time Slack
RAout_0io[0] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[0] 34.815 33.707
RAout_0io[3] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[3] 34.815 33.707
RAout_0io[1] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[1] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[2] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[2] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[4] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[4] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[5] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[5] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[6] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[6] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[7] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[7] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[8] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[8] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[9] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[9] 34.815 33.771
Worst Path Information
Path information for path number 1:
Requested Period: 34.920
- Setup time: 0.106
+ Clock delay at ending point: 0.000 (ideal)
= Required time: 34.815
- Propagation time: 1.108
- Clock delay at starting point: 0.000 (ideal)
= Slack (critical) : 33.707
Number of logic level(s): 0
Starting point: RA[0] / Q
Ending point: RAout_0io[0] / D
The start point is clocked by C14M [rising] (rise=0.000 fall=34.920 period=69.841) on pin CK
The end point is clocked by C14M [falling] (rise=0.000 fall=34.920 period=69.841) on pin SCLK
Instance / Net Pin Pin Arrival No. of
Name Type Name Dir Delay Time Fan Out(s)
RA[0] FD1P3AX Q Out 1.108 1.108 r -
RA[0] Net - - - - 3
RAout_0io[0] OFS1P3DX D In 0.000 1.108 r -
Detailed Report for Clock: System
Starting Points with Worst Slack
Starting Arrival
Instance Reference Type Pin Net Time Slack
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBACKO wb_ack 0.000 67.088
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO0 wb_dato[0] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO1 wb_dato[1] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO2 wb_dato[2] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO3 wb_dato[3] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO4 wb_dato[4] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO5 wb_dato[5] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO6 wb_dato[6] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO7 wb_dato[7] 0.000 69.313
Ending Points with Worst Slack
Starting Required
Instance Reference Type Pin Net Time Slack
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[0] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[1] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[2] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[3] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[4] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[5] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[6] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[7] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.LEDEN System FD1P3AX SP un1_LEDEN_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.736
ram2e_ufm.wb_cyc_stb System FD1P3AX SP un1_CmdSetRWBankFFChip13_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.736
Worst Path Information
Path information for path number 1:
Requested Period: 69.841
- Setup time: 0.472
+ Clock delay at ending point: 0.000 (ideal)
= Required time: 69.369
- Propagation time: 2.282
- Clock delay at starting point: 0.000 (ideal)
- Estimated clock delay at start point: -0.000
= Slack (non-critical) : 67.088
Number of logic level(s): 2
Starting point: ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 / WBACKO
Ending point: ram2e_ufm.RWMask[0] / SP
The start point is clocked by System [rising]
The end point is clocked by C14M [rising] (rise=0.000 fall=34.920 period=69.841) on pin CK
Instance / Net Pin Pin Arrival No. of
Name Type Name Dir Delay Time Fan Out(s)
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 EFB WBACKO Out 0.000 0.000 r -
wb_ack Net - - - - 5
ram2e_ufm.un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_a3_0_0[0] ORCALUT4 B In 0.000 0.000 r -
ram2e_ufm.un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_a3_0_0[0] ORCALUT4 Z Out 1.017 1.017 r -
un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_a3_0_0[0] Net - - - - 1
ram2e_ufm.un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] ORCALUT4 D In 0.000 1.017 r -
ram2e_ufm.un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] ORCALUT4 Z Out 1.265 2.282 r -
un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] Net - - - - 8
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[0] FD1P3AX SP In 0.000 2.282 r -
Timing exceptions that could not be applied
Finished final timing analysis (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 216MB peak: 217MB)
Finished timing report (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 216MB peak: 217MB)
Resource Usage Report
Part: lcmxo2_1200hc-4
Register bits: 122 of 1280 (10%)
PIC Latch: 0
I/O cells: 69
BB: 8
CCU2D: 9
EFB: 1
FD1P3AX: 61
FD1P3IX: 1
FD1S3AX: 21
FD1S3AY: 4
FD1S3IX: 6
GSR: 1
IB: 21
INV: 1
OB: 40
OFS1P3DX: 21
PUR: 1
VHI: 3
VLO: 3
Mapper successful!
At Mapper Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 80MB peak: 217MB)
Process took 0h:00m:03s realtime, 0h:00m:03s cputime
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:26 2023

View File

@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
Loading design for application trce from file ram2e_lcmxo2_1200hc_impl1_map.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-1200HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: 4
Loading device for application trce from file 'xo2c1200.nph' in environment: C:/lscc/diamond/3.12/ispfpga.
Package Status: Final Version 1.44.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
Setup and Hold Report
Lattice TRACE Report - Setup, Version Diamond (64-bit)
Thu Dec 28 23:23:29 2023
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
Report Information
Command line: trce -v 1 -gt -mapchkpnt 0 -sethld -o RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.tw1 -gui -msgset //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/promote.xml RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1_map.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.prf
Design file: ram2e_lcmxo2_1200hc_impl1_map.ncd
Preference file: ram2e_lcmxo2_1200hc_impl1.prf
Device,speed: LCMXO2-1200HC,4
Report level: verbose report, limited to 1 item per preference
Preference: FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ;
1611 items scored, 0 timing errors detected.
Passed: The following path meets requirements by 58.937ns
Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-)
Source: FF Q S[2] (from C14M_c +)
Destination: FF Data in ram2e_ufm/wb_adr[0] (to C14M_c +)
Delay: 10.827ns (31.6% logic, 68.4% route), 7 logic levels.
Constraint Details:
10.827ns physical path delay SLICE_34 to ram2e_ufm/SLICE_47 meets
69.930ns delay constraint less
0.166ns DIN_SET requirement (totaling 69.764ns) by 58.937ns
Physical Path Details:
Data path SLICE_34 to ram2e_ufm/SLICE_47:
Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource
REG_DEL --- 0.452 SLICE_34.CLK to SLICE_34.Q0 SLICE_34 (from C14M_c)
ROUTE 50 e 1.234 SLICE_34.Q0 to SLICE_35.A0 S[2]
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 SLICE_35.A0 to SLICE_35.F0 SLICE_35
ROUTE 7 e 1.234 SLICE_35.F0 to *m/SLICE_80.D1 N_551
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 *m/SLICE_80.D1 to *m/SLICE_80.F1 ram2e_ufm/SLICE_80
ROUTE 8 e 1.234 *m/SLICE_80.F1 to *m/SLICE_98.B1 ram2e_ufm/N_777
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 *m/SLICE_98.B1 to *m/SLICE_98.F1 ram2e_ufm/SLICE_98
ROUTE 5 e 1.234 *m/SLICE_98.F1 to *m/SLICE_99.C0 ram2e_ufm/N_781
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 *m/SLICE_99.C0 to *m/SLICE_99.F0 ram2e_ufm/SLICE_99
ROUTE 1 e 1.234 *m/SLICE_99.F0 to *m/SLICE_86.C0 ram2e_ufm/wb_adr_7_i_i_1[0]
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 *m/SLICE_86.C0 to *m/SLICE_86.F0 ram2e_ufm/SLICE_86
ROUTE 1 e 1.234 *m/SLICE_86.F0 to *m/SLICE_47.C0 ram2e_ufm/wb_adr_7_i_i_4[0]
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 *m/SLICE_47.C0 to *m/SLICE_47.F0 ram2e_ufm/SLICE_47
ROUTE 1 e 0.001 *m/SLICE_47.F0 to */SLICE_47.DI0 ram2e_ufm/wb_adr_7_i_i[0] (to C14M_c)
10.827 (31.6% logic, 68.4% route), 7 logic levels.
Report: 90.967MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference.
Report Summary
Preference | Constraint| Actual|Levels
| | |
FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ; | 14.300 MHz| 90.967 MHz| 7
| | |
All preferences were met.
Clock Domains Analysis
Found 1 clocks:
Clock Domain: C14M_c Source: C14M.PAD Loads: 89
Covered under: FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ;
Timing summary (Setup):
Timing errors: 0 Score: 0
Cumulative negative slack: 0
Constraints cover 1611 paths, 1 nets, and 1095 connections (82.33% coverage)
Lattice TRACE Report - Hold, Version Diamond (64-bit)
Thu Dec 28 23:23:29 2023
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
Report Information
Command line: trce -v 1 -gt -mapchkpnt 0 -sethld -o RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.tw1 -gui -msgset //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/promote.xml RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1_map.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.prf
Design file: ram2e_lcmxo2_1200hc_impl1_map.ncd
Preference file: ram2e_lcmxo2_1200hc_impl1.prf
Device,speed: LCMXO2-1200HC,M
Report level: verbose report, limited to 1 item per preference
Preference: FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ;
1611 items scored, 0 timing errors detected.
Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.447ns
Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-)
Source: FF Q FS[0] (from C14M_c +)
Destination: FF Data in FS[0] (to C14M_c +)
Delay: 0.434ns (53.9% logic, 46.1% route), 2 logic levels.
Constraint Details:
0.434ns physical path delay SLICE_0 to SLICE_0 meets
-0.013ns DIN_HLD and
0.000ns delay constraint requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.447ns
Physical Path Details:
Data path SLICE_0 to SLICE_0:
Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource
REG_DEL --- 0.133 SLICE_0.CLK to SLICE_0.Q1 SLICE_0 (from C14M_c)
ROUTE 6 e 0.199 SLICE_0.Q1 to SLICE_0.A1 FS[0]
CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 SLICE_0.A1 to SLICE_0.F1 SLICE_0
ROUTE 1 e 0.001 SLICE_0.F1 to SLICE_0.DI1 FS_s[0] (to C14M_c)
0.434 (53.9% logic, 46.1% route), 2 logic levels.
Report Summary
Preference(MIN Delays) | Constraint| Actual|Levels
| | |
FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ; | -| -| 2
| | |
All preferences were met.
Clock Domains Analysis
Found 1 clocks:
Clock Domain: C14M_c Source: C14M.PAD Loads: 89
Covered under: FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ;
Timing summary (Hold):
Timing errors: 0 Score: 0
Cumulative negative slack: 0
Constraints cover 1611 paths, 1 nets, and 1095 connections (82.33% coverage)
Timing summary (Setup and Hold):
Timing errors: 0 (setup), 0 (hold)
Score: 0 (setup), 0 (hold)
Cumulative negative slack: 0 (0+0)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>Bitgen Report</TITLE>
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
body,pre{ font-family:'Courier New', monospace; color: #000000; font-size:88%; background-color: #ffffff; } h1 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 24px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 3px solid #000; font-size: 1em; } h2 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 18px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.90em; } h3 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.80em; } p { font-size:78%; } P.Table { margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-right: 4px; margin-left: 4px; } table { border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; border-collapse: collapse; } th { font-weight:bold; padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; text-align:left; font-size:78%; } td { padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; font-size:78%; } a { color:#013C9A; text-decoration:none; } a:visited { color:#013C9A; } a:hover, a:active { text-decoration:underline; color:#5BAFD4; } .pass { background-color: #00ff00; } .fail { background-color: #ff0000; } .comment { font-size: 90%; font-style: italic; }
<PRE><A name="Bgn"></A>BITGEN: Bitstream Generator Diamond (64-bit)
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
Thu Dec 28 23:23:57 2023
Command: bitgen -g RamCfg:Reset -path //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC -w -jedec -gui -msgset //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/promote.xml RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.prf
Loading design for application Bitgen from file RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-1200HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: 4
Loading device for application Bitgen from file 'xo2c1200.nph' in environment: C:/lscc/diamond/3.12/ispfpga.
Package Status: Final Version 1.44.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
Running DRC.
DRC detected 0 errors and 0 warnings.
Reading Preference File from RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.prf.
<A name="bgn_ps"></A>
<B><U><big>Preference Summary:</big></U></B>
| Preference | Current Setting |
| RamCfg | Reset** |
| MCCLK_FREQ | 2.08** |
| INBUF | ON** |
| MY_ASSP | OFF** |
* Default setting.
** The specified setting matches the default setting.
Creating bit map...
Bitstream Status: Final Version 1.95.
Saving bit stream in "RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.jed".
UFM Summary.
UFM Size: 511 Pages (128*511 Bits).
UFM Utilization: General Purpose Flash Memory.
Available General Purpose Flash Memory: 511 Pages (Page 0 to Page 510).
Initialized UFM Pages: 321 Pages (Page 190 to Page 510).
Total CPU Time: 3 secs
Total REAL Time: 3 secs
Peak Memory Usage: 275 MB

View File

@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
# Written on Thu Dec 28 23:23:22 2023
##### DESIGN INFO #######################################################
Top View: "RAM2E"
Constraint File(s): "\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\RAM2E.sdc"
##### SUMMARY ############################################################
Found 0 issues in 0 out of 1 constraints
##### DETAILS ############################################################
Clock Relationships
Starting Ending | rise to rise | fall to fall | rise to fall | fall to rise
System C14M | 69.841 | No paths | No paths | No paths
C14M System | 69.841 | No paths | No paths | No paths
C14M C14M | 69.841 | No paths | 34.920 | No paths
Note: 'No paths' indicates there are no paths in the design for that pair of clock edges.
'Diff grp' indicates that paths exist but the starting clock and ending clock are in different clock groups.
Unconstrained Start/End Points
p:RD[0] (bidir end point)
p:RD[0] (bidir start point)
p:RD[1] (bidir end point)
p:RD[1] (bidir start point)
p:RD[2] (bidir end point)
p:RD[2] (bidir start point)
p:RD[3] (bidir end point)
p:RD[3] (bidir start point)
p:RD[4] (bidir end point)
p:RD[4] (bidir start point)
p:RD[5] (bidir end point)
p:RD[5] (bidir start point)
p:RD[6] (bidir end point)
p:RD[6] (bidir start point)
p:RD[7] (bidir end point)
p:RD[7] (bidir start point)
Inapplicable constraints
Applicable constraints with issues
Constraints with matching wildcard expressions
Library Report
# End of Constraint Checker Report

View File

@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>I/O Timing Report</TITLE>
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
body,pre{ font-family:'Courier New', monospace; color: #000000; font-size:88%; background-color: #ffffff; } h1 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 24px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 3px solid #000; font-size: 1em; } h2 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 18px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.90em; } h3 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.80em; } p { font-size:78%; } P.Table { margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-right: 4px; margin-left: 4px; } table { border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; border-collapse: collapse; } th { font-weight:bold; padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; text-align:left; font-size:78%; } td { padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; font-size:78%; } a { color:#013C9A; text-decoration:none; } a:visited { color:#013C9A; } a:hover, a:active { text-decoration:underline; color:#5BAFD4; } .pass { background-color: #00ff00; } .fail { background-color: #ff0000; } .comment { font-size: 90%; font-style: italic; }
<PRE><A name="Top"></A><B><U><big>I/O Timing Report</big></U></B>
Loading design for application iotiming from file ram2e_lcmxo2_1200hc_impl1.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-1200HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: 5
Package Status: Final Version 1.44.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
Loading design for application iotiming from file ram2e_lcmxo2_1200hc_impl1.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-1200HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: 6
Package Status: Final Version 1.44.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
Loading design for application iotiming from file ram2e_lcmxo2_1200hc_impl1.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-1200HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: M
Package Status: Final Version 1.44.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
// Design: RAM2E
// Package: TQFP100
// ncd File: ram2e_lcmxo2_1200hc_impl1.ncd
// Version: Diamond (64-bit)
// Written on Thu Dec 28 23:23:48 2023
// M: Minimum Performance Grade
// iotiming RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.prf -gui -msgset //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/promote.xml
I/O Timing Report (All units are in ns)
Worst Case Results across Performance Grades (M, 6, 5, 4):
// Input Setup and Hold Times
Port Clock Edge Setup Performance_Grade Hold Performance_Grade
Ain[0] C14M R 0.163 4 1.694 4
Ain[1] C14M R -0.150 M 2.217 4
Ain[2] C14M R -0.080 M 2.156 4
Ain[3] C14M R 0.466 4 1.338 4
Ain[4] C14M R 0.215 4 1.597 4
Ain[5] C14M R -0.331 M 2.651 4
Ain[6] C14M R 0.065 M 1.882 4
Ain[7] C14M R 0.284 4 1.683 4
Din[0] C14M R 6.887 4 2.257 4
Din[1] C14M R 8.753 4 2.907 4
Din[2] C14M R 6.379 4 2.740 4
Din[3] C14M R 7.129 4 1.402 4
Din[4] C14M R 6.869 4 2.791 4
Din[5] C14M R 6.514 4 2.334 4
Din[6] C14M R 6.735 4 1.914 4
Din[7] C14M R 8.094 4 1.968 4
PHI1 C14M R 1.557 4 4.842 4
RD[0] C14M R -0.266 M 2.342 4
RD[1] C14M R -0.248 M 2.283 4
RD[2] C14M R -0.407 M 2.610 4
RD[3] C14M R -0.243 M 2.193 4
RD[4] C14M R -0.246 M 2.201 4
RD[5] C14M R -0.243 M 2.193 4
RD[6] C14M R -0.087 M 1.756 4
RD[7] C14M R -0.092 M 1.769 4
nC07X C14M R -0.320 M 2.703 4
nEN80 C14M R 4.607 4 1.925 4
nWE C14M R 4.609 4 2.010 4
// Clock to Output Delay
Port Clock Edge Max_Delay Performance_Grade Min_Delay Performance_Grade
BA[0] C14M R 10.424 4 3.355 M
BA[1] C14M R 10.424 4 3.355 M
CKEout C14M F 10.424 4 3.355 M
DQMH C14M R 10.404 4 3.362 M
DQML C14M R 10.404 4 3.362 M
LED C14M R 22.936 4 8.890 M
RAout[0] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RAout[10] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RAout[11] C14M F 10.424 4 3.355 M
RAout[1] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RAout[2] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RAout[3] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RAout[4] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RAout[5] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RAout[6] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RAout[7] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RAout[8] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RAout[9] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RD[0] C14M R 13.733 4 3.707 M
RD[1] C14M R 13.745 4 3.707 M
RD[2] C14M R 14.285 4 3.790 M
RD[3] C14M R 13.348 4 3.790 M
RD[4] C14M R 14.450 4 3.952 M
RD[5] C14M R 14.480 4 3.952 M
RD[6] C14M R 14.784 4 3.952 M
RD[7] C14M R 14.247 4 3.952 M
Vout[0] C14M R 11.348 4 3.872 M
Vout[1] C14M R 11.434 4 3.871 M
Vout[2] C14M R 11.348 4 3.872 M
Vout[3] C14M R 11.434 4 3.871 M
Vout[4] C14M R 11.348 4 3.872 M
Vout[5] C14M R 11.348 4 3.872 M
Vout[6] C14M R 11.434 4 3.871 M
Vout[7] C14M R 11.434 4 3.871 M
nCASout C14M F 10.424 4 3.355 M
nDOE C14M R 13.929 4 4.309 M
nRASout C14M F 10.424 4 3.355 M
nRWEout C14M F 10.424 4 3.355 M
nVOE C14M R 13.926 4 4.281 M
WARNING: you must also run trce with hold speed: 4
WARNING: you must also run trce with setup speed: M

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,487 +0,0 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>Project Summary</TITLE>
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body,pre{ font-family:'Courier New', monospace; color: #000000; font-size:88%; background-color: #ffffff; } h1 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 24px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 3px solid #000; font-size: 1em; } h2 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 18px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.90em; } h3 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.80em; } p { font-size:78%; } P.Table { margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-right: 4px; margin-left: 4px; } table { border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; border-collapse: collapse; } th { font-weight:bold; padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; text-align:left; font-size:78%; } td { padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; font-size:78%; } a { color:#013C9A; text-decoration:none; } a:visited { color:#013C9A; } a:hover, a:active { text-decoration:underline; color:#5BAFD4; } .pass { background-color: #00ff00; } .fail { background-color: #ff0000; } .comment { font-size: 90%; font-style: italic; }
<PRE><A name="Mrp"></A>
Lattice Mapping Report File for Design Module 'RAM2E'
<A name="mrp_di"></A><B><U><big>Design Information</big></U></B>
Command line: map -a MachXO2 -p LCMXO2-1200HC -t TQFP100 -s 4 -oc Commercial
RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.ngd -o RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1_map.ncd -pr
RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.prf -mp RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.mrp -lpf //Mac/
ify.lpf -lpf //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/RAM2E-LCMXO2.lpf -c 0 -gui
-msgset //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/promote.xml
Target Vendor: LATTICE
Target Device: LCMXO2-1200HCTQFP100
Target Performance: 4
Mapper: xo2c00, version: Diamond (64-bit)
Mapped on: 12/28/23 23:23:27
<A name="mrp_ds"></A><B><U><big>Design Summary</big></U></B>
Number of registers: 122 out of 1520 (8%)
PFU registers: 93 out of 1280 (7%)
PIO registers: 29 out of 240 (12%)
Number of SLICEs: 148 out of 640 (23%)
SLICEs as Logic/ROM: 148 out of 640 (23%)
SLICEs as RAM: 0 out of 480 (0%)
SLICEs as Carry: 9 out of 640 (1%)
Number of LUT4s: 296 out of 1280 (23%)
Number used as logic LUTs: 278
Number used as distributed RAM: 0
Number used as ripple logic: 18
Number used as shift registers: 0
Number of PIO sites used: 69 + 4(JTAG) out of 80 (91%)
Number of block RAMs: 0 out of 7 (0%)
Number of GSRs: 0 out of 1 (0%)
EFB used : Yes
JTAG used : No
Readback used : No
Oscillator used : No
Startup used : No
POR : On
Bandgap : On
Number of Power Controller: 0 out of 1 (0%)
Number of Dynamic Bank Controller (BCINRD): 0 out of 4 (0%)
Number of Dynamic Bank Controller (BCLVDSO): 0 out of 1 (0%)
Number of DCCA: 0 out of 8 (0%)
Number of DCMA: 0 out of 2 (0%)
Number of PLLs: 0 out of 1 (0%)
Number of DQSDLLs: 0 out of 2 (0%)
Number of CLKDIVC: 0 out of 4 (0%)
Number of ECLKSYNCA: 0 out of 4 (0%)
Number of ECLKBRIDGECS: 0 out of 2 (0%)
1. Total number of LUT4s = (Number of logic LUT4s) + 2*(Number of
distributed RAMs) + 2*(Number of ripple logic)
2. Number of logic LUT4s does not include count of distributed RAM and
ripple logic.
Number of clocks: 1
Net C14M_c: 89 loads, 73 rising, 16 falling (Driver: PIO C14M )
Number of Clock Enables: 14
Net N_225_i: 2 loads, 0 LSLICEs
Net N_201_i: 2 loads, 0 LSLICEs
Net N_187_i: 11 loads, 11 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/wb_adr_0_sqmuxa_1_i: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net RC12: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/CmdBitbangMXO2_RNINSM62: 8 loads, 8 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/wb_we_RNO_0: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net N_185_i: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/un1_CmdSetRWBankFFChip13_1_i_0_0[0]: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0]: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/un1_LEDEN_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0]: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net N_126: 6 loads, 6 LSLICEs
Net un9_VOEEN_0_a2_0_a3_0_a3: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net Vout3: 8 loads, 0 LSLICEs
Number of LSRs: 7
Net un1_CS_0_sqmuxa_i: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
Net BA_0_sqmuxa: 2 loads, 0 LSLICEs
Net S[2]: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/wb_rst: 1 loads, 0 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/wb_rst16_i: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net N_1080_0: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net N_1078_0: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Number of nets driven by tri-state buffers: 0
Top 10 highest fanout non-clock nets:
Net S[2]: 50 loads
Net S[3]: 45 loads
Net S[0]: 37 loads
Net S[1]: 34 loads
Net FS[12]: 24 loads
Net FS[11]: 22 loads
Net FS[10]: 19 loads
Net FS[13]: 19 loads
Net FS[9]: 19 loads
Net FS[8]: 18 loads
Number of warnings: 3
Number of errors: 0
<A name="mrp_dwe"></A><B><U><big>Design Errors/Warnings</big></U></B>
WARNING - map: //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/RAM2E-LCMXO2.lpf(93): Semantic
"nWE80" does not exist in the design. This preference has been disabled.
WARNING - map: UFM was enabled in EFB: Enabling the configuration interface will
temporarily disable certain features of the device including Power
Controller, GSR, Hardened User SPI Port, Hardened Primary User I2C Port.
Functionality is restored after the Flash Memory (UFM/Configuration)
Interface is disabled using Disable Configuration Interface command 0x26
followed by Bypass command 0xFF.
WARNING - map: IO buffer missing for top level port nWE80...logic will be
<A name="mrp_ioa"></A><B><U><big>IO (PIO) Attributes</big></U></B>
| IO Name | Direction | Levelmode | IO |
| | | IO_TYPE | Register |
| RD[0] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| C14M | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[7] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[6] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[5] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[4] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[3] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[2] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[1] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RAout[11] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[10] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[9] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[8] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[7] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[6] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[5] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[4] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[3] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[2] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[1] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[0] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| BA[1] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| BA[0] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nRWEout | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nCASout | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nRASout | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nCSout | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| CKEout | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nVOE | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Vout[7] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[6] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[5] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[4] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[3] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[2] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[1] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[0] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nDOE | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[7] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[6] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[5] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[4] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[3] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[2] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[1] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[0] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[7] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[6] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[5] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[4] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[3] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[2] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[1] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[0] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[7] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[6] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[5] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[4] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[3] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[2] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[1] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[0] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| nC07X | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| nEN80 | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| nWE | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| PHI1 | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | IN |
<A name="mrp_rm"></A><B><U><big>Removed logic</big></U></B>
Block GSR_INST undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Block ram2e_ufm/VCC undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Block ram2e_ufm/GND undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal CKEout.CN was merged into signal C14M_c
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/VCC undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/GND undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal FS_s_0_S1[15] undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal FS_s_0_COUT[15] undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/CFGSTDBY undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/CFGWAKE undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/wbc_ufm_irq undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/TCOC undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/TCINT undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIIRQO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPICSNEN undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN7 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN6 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN5 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN4 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN3 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN2 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMOSIEN undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMOSIO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMISOEN undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMISOO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPISCKEN undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPISCKO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C2IRQO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C1IRQO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C2SDAOEN undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C2SDAO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C2SCLOEN undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C2SCLO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C1SDAOEN undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C1SDAO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C1SCLOEN undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C1SCLO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO2 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO3 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO4 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO5 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO6 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO7 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLADRO0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLADRO1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLADRO2 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLADRO3 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLADRO4 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLWEO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLL1STBO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLL0STBO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLRSTO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLCLKO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal FS_cry_0_S0[0] undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal N_1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Block nCASout.CN was optimized away.
Block ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/VCC was optimized away.
Block ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/GND was optimized away.
<A name="mrp_efb"></A><B><U><big>Embedded Functional Block Connection Summary</big></U></B>
Desired WISHBONE clock frequency: 14.4 MHz
Clock source: C14M_c
Reset source: ram2e_ufm/wb_rst
Functions mode:
I2C #1 (Primary) Function: DISABLED
I2C #2 (Secondary) Function: DISABLED
Timer/Counter Function: DISABLED
Timer/Counter Mode: WB
UFM Connection: ENABLED
PLL0 Connection: DISABLED
PLL1 Connection: DISABLED
I2C Function Summary:
SPI Function Summary:
Timer/Counter Function Summary:
UFM Function Summary:
UFM Utilization: General Purpose Flash Memory
Initialized UFM Pages: 321 Pages (321*128 Bits)
Available General
Purpose Flash Memory: 511 Pages (511*128 Bits)
EBR Blocks with Unique
Initialization Data: 0
WID EBR Instance
--- ------------
<A name="mrp_asic"></A><B><U><big>ASIC Components</big></U></B>
Instance Name: ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/EFBInst_0
Type: EFB
<A name="mrp_runtime"></A><B><U><big>Run Time and Memory Usage</big></U></B>
Total CPU Time: 0 secs
Total REAL Time: 0 secs
Peak Memory Usage: 64 MB
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights

View File

@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>PAD Specification File</TITLE>
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body,pre{ font-family:'Courier New', monospace; color: #000000; font-size:88%; background-color: #ffffff; } h1 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 24px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 3px solid #000; font-size: 1em; } h2 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 18px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.90em; } h3 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.80em; } p { font-size:78%; } P.Table { margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-right: 4px; margin-left: 4px; } table { border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; border-collapse: collapse; } th { font-weight:bold; padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; text-align:left; font-size:78%; } td { padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; font-size:78%; } a { color:#013C9A; text-decoration:none; } a:visited { color:#013C9A; } a:hover, a:active { text-decoration:underline; color:#5BAFD4; } .pass { background-color: #00ff00; } .fail { background-color: #ff0000; } .comment { font-size: 90%; font-style: italic; }
<PRE><A name="Pad"></A>PAD Specification File
Performance Grade: 4
Package Status: Final Version 1.44
Thu Dec 28 23:23:38 2023
Pinout by Port Name:
| Port Name | Pin/Bank | Buffer Type | Site | PG Enable | BC Enable | Properties |
| Ain[0] | 3/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[1] | 2/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2D | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[2] | 7/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3C | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[3] | 4/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3B | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[4] | 78/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT16C | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[5] | 84/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT15A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[6] | 86/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT12C | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[7] | 8/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3D | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| BA[0] | 58/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR9A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| BA[1] | 60/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR8C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| CKEout | 53/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR9D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| DQMH | 49/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB20D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| DQML | 48/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB20C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Din[0] | 96/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT10B | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[1] | 97/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT10A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[2] | 98/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9B | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[3] | 9/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL4A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[4] | 1/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2C | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[5] | 99/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[6] | 88/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT12A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[7] | 87/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT12B | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Dout[0] | 30/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[1] | 27/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB4C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[2] | 25/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL10D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[3] | 28/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB4D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[4] | 24/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL10C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[5] | 21/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL9B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[6] | 31/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[7] | 32/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| LED | 35/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB9B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[0] | 66/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR4D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[10] | 64/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[11] | 59/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR8D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[1] | 68/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR4B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[2] | 70/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[3] | 74/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[4] | 75/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[5] | 71/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[6] | 69/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR4A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[7] | 67/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR4C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[8] | 65/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[9] | 63/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[0] | 18/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL8C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[1] | 15/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[2] | 17/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL8B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[3] | 13/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[4] | 19/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL8D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[5] | 16/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL8A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[6] | 14/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[7] | 12/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nCASout | 52/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR10C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nCSout | 57/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR9B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nDOE | 20/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL9A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nEN80 | 82/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT15C | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| nRASout | 54/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR9C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nRWEout | 51/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR10D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nVOE | 10/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL4B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
Vccio by Bank:
| Bank | Vccio |
| 0 | 3.3V |
| 1 | 3.3V |
| 2 | 3.3V |
| 3 | 3.3V |
<A name="pad_vref"></A><B><U><big>Vref by Bank:</big></U></B>
| Vref | Pin | Bank # / Vref # | Load(s) |
<A name="pad_pin"></A><B><U><big>Pinout by Pin Number:</big></U></B>
| Pin/Bank | Pin Info | Preference | Buffer Type | Site | Dual Function | PG Enable | BC Enable |
| 1/3 | Din[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2C | L_GPLLT_IN | | |
| 2/3 | Ain[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2D | L_GPLLC_IN | | |
| 3/3 | Ain[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3A | PCLKT3_2 | | |
| 4/3 | Ain[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3B | PCLKC3_2 | | |
| 7/3 | Ain[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3C | | | |
| 8/3 | Ain[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3D | | | |
| 9/3 | Din[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL4A | | | |
| 10/3 | nVOE | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL4B | | | |
| 12/3 | Vout[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5A | PCLKT3_1 | | |
| 13/3 | Vout[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5B | PCLKC3_1 | | |
| 14/3 | Vout[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5C | | | |
| 15/3 | Vout[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5D | | | |
| 16/3 | Vout[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL8A | | | |
| 17/3 | Vout[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL8B | | | |
| 18/3 | Vout[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL8C | | | |
| 19/3 | Vout[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL8D | | | |
| 20/3 | nDOE | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL9A | PCLKT3_0 | | |
| 21/3 | Dout[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL9B | PCLKC3_0 | | |
| 24/3 | Dout[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL10C | | | |
| 25/3 | Dout[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL10D | | | |
| 27/2 | Dout[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB4C | CSSPIN | | |
| 28/2 | Dout[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB4D | | | |
| 29/2 | nWE | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PB6A | | | |
| 30/2 | Dout[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6B | | | |
| 31/2 | Dout[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6C | MCLK/CCLK | | |
| 32/2 | Dout[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6D | SO/SPISO | | |
| 34/2 | nC07X | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PB9A | PCLKT2_0 | | |
| 35/2 | LED | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB9B | PCLKC2_0 | | |
| 36/2 | RD[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB11C | | | |
| 37/2 | RD[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB11D | | | |
| 38/2 | RD[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB11A | PCLKT2_1 | | |
| 39/2 | RD[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB11B | PCLKC2_1 | | |
| 40/2 | RD[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB15A | | | |
| 41/2 | RD[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB15B | | | |
| 42/2 | RD[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB18A | | | |
| 43/2 | RD[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB18B | | | |
| 45/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB18C | | | |
| 47/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB18D | | | |
| 48/2 | DQML | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB20C | SN | | |
| 49/2 | DQMH | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB20D | SI/SISPI | | |
| 51/1 | nRWEout | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR10D | DQ1 | | |
| 52/1 | nCASout | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR10C | DQ1 | | |
| 53/1 | CKEout | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR9D | DQ1 | | |
| 54/1 | nRASout | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR9C | DQ1 | | |
| 57/1 | nCSout | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR9B | DQ1 | | |
| 58/1 | BA[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR9A | DQ1 | | |
| 59/1 | RAout[11] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR8D | DQ1 | | |
| 60/1 | BA[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR8C | DQ1 | | |
| 61/1 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PR8A | DQS1 | | |
| 62/1 | C14M | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PR5D | PCLKC1_0/DQ0 | | |
| 63/1 | RAout[9] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5C | PCLKT1_0/DQ0 | | |
| 64/1 | RAout[10] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5B | DQS0N | | |
| 65/1 | RAout[8] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5A | DQS0 | | |
| 66/1 | RAout[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR4D | DQ0 | | |
| 67/1 | RAout[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR4C | DQ0 | | |
| 68/1 | RAout[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR4B | DQ0 | | |
| 69/1 | RAout[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR4A | DQ0 | | |
| 70/1 | RAout[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3B | DQ0 | | |
| 71/1 | RAout[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3A | DQ0 | | |
| 74/1 | RAout[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2B | DQ0 | | |
| 75/1 | RAout[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2A | DQ0 | | |
| 76/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT17D | DONE | | |
| 77/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT17C | INITN | | |
| 78/0 | Ain[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT16C | | | |
| 81/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT15D | PROGRAMN | | |
| 82/0 | nEN80 | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT15C | JTAGENB | | |
| 83/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT15B | | | |
| 84/0 | Ain[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT15A | | | |
| 85/0 | PHI1 | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT12D | SDA/PCLKC0_0 | | |
| 86/0 | Ain[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT12C | SCL/PCLKT0_0 | | |
| 87/0 | Din[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT12B | PCLKC0_1 | | |
| 88/0 | Din[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT12A | PCLKT0_1 | | |
| 90/0 | Reserved: sysCONFIG | | | PT11D | TMS | | |
| 91/0 | Reserved: sysCONFIG | | | PT11C | TCK | | |
| 94/0 | Reserved: sysCONFIG | | | PT10D | TDI | | |
| 95/0 | Reserved: sysCONFIG | | | PT10C | TDO | | |
| 96/0 | Din[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT10B | | | |
| 97/0 | Din[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT10A | | | |
| 98/0 | Din[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9B | | | |
| 99/0 | Din[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9A | | | |
| PB4A/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB4A | | | |
| PB4B/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB4B | | | |
| PB9C/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB9C | | | |
| PB9D/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB9D | | | |
| PB15C/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB15C | | | |
| PB15D/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB15D | | | |
| PB20A/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB20A | | | |
| PB20B/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB20B | | | |
| PL2A/3 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PL2A | L_GPLLT_FB | | |
| PL2B/3 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PL2B | L_GPLLC_FB | | |
| PL4C/3 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PL4C | | | |
| PL4D/3 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PL4D | | | |
| PL10A/3 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PL10A | | | |
| PL10B/3 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PL10B | | | |
| PR2C/1 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PR2C | DQ0 | | |
| PR2D/1 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PR2D | DQ0 | | |
| PR8B/1 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PR8B | DQS1N | | |
| PR10A/1 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PR10A | DQ1 | | |
| PR10B/1 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PR10B | DQ1 | | |
| PT9C/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT9C | | | |
| PT9D/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT9D | | | |
| PT11A/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT11A | | | |
| PT11B/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT11B | | | |
| PT16A/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT16A | | | |
| PT16B/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT16B | | | |
| PT16D/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT16D | | | |
| PT17A/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT17A | | | |
| PT17B/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT17B | | | |
sysCONFIG Pins:
| Pad Name | sysCONFIG Pin Name | sysCONFIG Settings | Pin/Bank | Buffer Type | Config Pull Mode |
| PT11D | TMS | JTAG_PORT=ENABLE | 90/0 | | PULLUP |
| PT11C | TCK/TEST_CLK | JTAG_PORT=ENABLE | 91/0 | | NO pull up/down |
| PT10D | TDI/MD7 | JTAG_PORT=ENABLE | 94/0 | | PULLUP |
| PT10C | TDO | JTAG_PORT=ENABLE | 95/0 | | PULLUP |
Dedicated sysCONFIG Pins:
List of All Pins' Locate Preferences Based on Final Placement After PAR
to Help Users Lock Down ALL the Pins Easily (by Simply Copy & Paste):
LOCATE COMP "Ain[0]" SITE "3";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[1]" SITE "2";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[2]" SITE "7";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[3]" SITE "4";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[4]" SITE "78";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[5]" SITE "84";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[6]" SITE "86";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[7]" SITE "8";
LOCATE COMP "Din[0]" SITE "96";
LOCATE COMP "Din[1]" SITE "97";
LOCATE COMP "Din[2]" SITE "98";
LOCATE COMP "Din[3]" SITE "9";
LOCATE COMP "Din[4]" SITE "1";
LOCATE COMP "Din[5]" SITE "99";
LOCATE COMP "Din[6]" SITE "88";
LOCATE COMP "Din[7]" SITE "87";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[0]" SITE "30";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[1]" SITE "27";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[2]" SITE "25";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[3]" SITE "28";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[4]" SITE "24";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[5]" SITE "21";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[6]" SITE "31";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[7]" SITE "32";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[0]" SITE "66";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[10]" SITE "64";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[11]" SITE "59";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[1]" SITE "68";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[2]" SITE "70";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[3]" SITE "74";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[4]" SITE "75";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[5]" SITE "71";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[6]" SITE "69";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[7]" SITE "67";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[8]" SITE "65";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[9]" SITE "63";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[0]" SITE "18";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[1]" SITE "15";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[2]" SITE "17";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[3]" SITE "13";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[4]" SITE "19";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[5]" SITE "16";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[6]" SITE "14";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[7]" SITE "12";
PAR: Place And Route Diamond (64-bit)
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
Thu Dec 28 23:23:42 2023

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<PRE><A name="Par"></A>PAR: Place And Route Diamond (64-bit)
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&amp;T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
Thu Dec 28 23:23:31 2023
C:/lscc/diamond/3.12/ispfpga\bin\nt64\par -f RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.p2t
RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1_map.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.dir
RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.prf -gui -msgset
Preference file: RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.prf.
<A name="par_cts"></A><B><U><big>Cost Table Summary</big></U></B>
Level/ Number Worst Timing Worst Timing Run NCD
Cost [ncd] Unrouted Slack Score Slack(hold) Score(hold) Time Status
---------- -------- ----- ------ ----------- ----------- ---- ------
5_1 * 0 58.069 0 0.342 0 13 Completed
* : Design saved.
Total (real) run time for 1-seed: 13 secs
par done!
Note: user must run &apos;Trace&apos; for timing closure signoff.
Lattice Place and Route Report for Design &quot;RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1_map.ncd&quot;
Thu Dec 28 23:23:31 2023
<A name="par_best"></A><B><U><big>Best Par Run</big></U></B>
PAR: Place And Route Diamond (64-bit)
Command Line: par -w -l 5 -i 6 -t 1 -c 0 -e 0 -gui -msgset //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/promote.xml -exp parUseNBR=1:parCDP=0:parCDR=0:parPathBased=OFF:parASE=1 RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1_map.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.dir/5_1.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.prf
Preference file: RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.prf.
Placement level-cost: 5-1.
Routing Iterations: 6
Loading design for application par from file RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1_map.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-1200HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: 4
Loading device for application par from file &apos;xo2c1200.nph&apos; in environment: C:/lscc/diamond/3.12/ispfpga.
Package Status: Final Version 1.44.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
License checked out.
Ignore Preference Error(s): True
<A name="par_dus"></A><B><U><big>Device utilization summary:</big></U></B>
PIO (prelim) 69+4(JTAG)/108 68% used
69+4(JTAG)/80 91% bonded
IOLOGIC 29/108 26% used
SLICE 148/640 23% used
EFB 1/1 100% used
Number of Signals: 459
Number of Connections: 1330
Pin Constraint Summary:
69 out of 69 pins locked (100% locked).
The following 1 signal is selected to use the primary clock routing resources:
C14M_c (driver: C14M, clk load #: 89)
WARNING - par: Signal &quot;C14M_c&quot; is selected to use Primary clock resources. However, its driver comp &quot;C14M&quot; is located at &quot;62&quot;, which is not a dedicated pin for connecting to Primary clock resources. General routing has to be used to route this signal, and it might suffer from excessive delay or skew.
The following 1 signal is selected to use the secondary clock routing resources:
N_187_i (driver: ram2e_ufm/SLICE_130, clk load #: 0, sr load #: 0, ce load #: 11)
No signal is selected as Global Set/Reset.
Starting Placer Phase 0.
Finished Placer Phase 0. REAL time: 2 secs
Starting Placer Phase 1.
Placer score = 82860.
Finished Placer Phase 1. REAL time: 7 secs
Starting Placer Phase 2.
Placer score = 82610
Finished Placer Phase 2. REAL time: 7 secs
<A name="par_clk"></A><B><U><big>Clock Report</big></U></B>
Global Clock Resources:
CLK_PIN : 0 out of 8 (0%)
General PIO: 1 out of 108 (0%)
PLL : 0 out of 1 (0%)
DCM : 0 out of 2 (0%)
DCC : 0 out of 8 (0%)
Global Clocks:
PRIMARY &quot;C14M_c&quot; from comp &quot;C14M&quot; on PIO site &quot;62 (PR5D)&quot;, clk load = 89
SECONDARY &quot;N_187_i&quot; from F1 on comp &quot;ram2e_ufm/SLICE_130&quot; on site &quot;R7C12C&quot;, clk load = 0, ce load = 11, sr load = 0
PRIMARY : 1 out of 8 (12%)
SECONDARY: 1 out of 8 (12%)
Edge Clocks:
No edge clock selected.
I/O Usage Summary (final):
69 + 4(JTAG) out of 108 (67.6%) PIO sites used.
69 + 4(JTAG) out of 80 (91.3%) bonded PIO sites used.
Number of PIO comps: 69; differential: 0.
Number of Vref pins used: 0.
I/O Bank Usage Summary:
| I/O Bank | Usage | Bank Vccio | Bank Vref |
| 0 | 11 / 19 ( 57%) | 3.3V | - |
| 1 | 20 / 21 ( 95%) | 3.3V | - |
| 2 | 18 / 20 ( 90%) | 3.3V | - |
| 3 | 20 / 20 (100%) | 3.3V | - |
Total placer CPU time: 6 secs
Dumping design to file RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.dir/5_1.ncd.
0 connections routed; 1330 unrouted.
Starting router resource preassignment
WARNING - par: The driver of primary clock net C14M_c is not placed on one of the sites dedicated for primary clocks. This primary clock will be routed to an H-spine through general routing resource and might suffer from excessive delay or skew.
Completed router resource preassignment. Real time: 12 secs
Start NBR router at 23:23:43 12/28/23
Info: NBR allows conflicts(one node used by more than one signal)
in the earlier iterations. In each iteration, it tries to
solve the conflicts while keeping the critical connections
routed as short as possible. The routing process is said to
be completed when no conflicts exist and all connections
are routed.
Note: NBR uses a different method to calculate timing slacks. The
worst slack and total negative slack may not be the same as
that in TRCE report. You should always run TRCE to verify
your design.
Start NBR special constraint process at 23:23:43 12/28/23
Start NBR section for initial routing at 23:23:43 12/28/23
Level 4, iteration 1
19(0.02%) conflicts; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score;
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack&lt;setup&gt;: 58.075ns/0.000ns; real time: 12 secs
Info: Initial congestion level at 75% usage is 0
Info: Initial congestion area at 75% usage is 0 (0.00%)
Start NBR section for normal routing at 23:23:43 12/28/23
Level 4, iteration 1
3(0.00%) conflicts; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score;
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack&lt;setup&gt;: 58.069ns/0.000ns; real time: 12 secs
Level 4, iteration 2
0(0.00%) conflict; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score;
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack&lt;setup&gt;: 58.069ns/0.000ns; real time: 12 secs
Start NBR section for setup/hold timing optimization with effort level 3 at 23:23:43 12/28/23
Start NBR section for re-routing at 23:23:43 12/28/23
Level 4, iteration 1
0(0.00%) conflict; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score;
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack&lt;setup&gt;: 58.069ns/0.000ns; real time: 12 secs
Start NBR section for post-routing at 23:23:43 12/28/23
End NBR router with 0 unrouted connection
NBR Summary
Number of unrouted connections : 0 (0.00%)
Number of connections with timing violations : 0 (0.00%)
Estimated worst slack&lt;setup&gt; : 58.069ns
Timing score&lt;setup&gt; : 0
Notes: The timing info is calculated for SETUP only and all PAR_ADJs are ignored.
Total CPU time 12 secs
Total REAL time: 13 secs
Completely routed.
End of route. 1330 routed (100.00%); 0 unrouted.
Hold time timing score: 0, hold timing errors: 0
Timing score: 0
Dumping design to file RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.dir/5_1.ncd.
All signals are completely routed.
PAR_SUMMARY::Run status = Completed
PAR_SUMMARY::Number of unrouted conns = 0
PAR_SUMMARY::Worst slack&lt;setup/&lt;ns&gt;&gt; = 58.069
PAR_SUMMARY::Timing score&lt;setup/&lt;ns&gt;&gt; = 0.000
PAR_SUMMARY::Worst slack&lt;hold /&lt;ns&gt;&gt; = 0.342
PAR_SUMMARY::Timing score&lt;hold /&lt;ns&gt;&gt; = 0.000
PAR_SUMMARY::Number of errors = 0
Total CPU time to completion: 12 secs
Total REAL time to completion: 13 secs
par done!
Note: user must run &apos;Trace&apos; for timing closure signoff.
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&amp;T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
# Written on Thu Dec 28 23:23:22 2023
##### FILES SYNTAX CHECKED ##############################################
Constraint File(s): "\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\RAM2E.sdc"
#Run constraint checker to find more issues with constraints.
No issues found in constraint syntax.
Clock Summary
Start Requested Requested Clock Clock Clock
Level Clock Frequency Period Type Group Load
0 - C14M 14.3 MHz 69.841 declared default_clkgroup 122
0 - System 100.0 MHz 10.000 system system_clkgroup 0
Clock Load Summary
Clock Source Clock Pin Non-clock Pin Non-clock Pin
Clock Load Pin Seq Example Seq Example Comb Example
C14M 122 C14M(port) DOEEN.C - un1_C14M.I[0](inv)
System 0 - - - -

View File

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>Project Summary</TITLE>
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
body,pre{ font-family:'Courier New', monospace; color: #000000; font-size:88%; background-color: #ffffff; } h1 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 24px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 3px solid #000; font-size: 1em; } h2 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 18px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.90em; } h3 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.80em; } p { font-size:78%; } P.Table { margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-right: 4px; margin-left: 4px; } table { border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; border-collapse: collapse; } th { font-weight:bold; padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; text-align:left; font-size:78%; } td { padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; font-size:78%; } a { color:#013C9A; text-decoration:none; } a:visited { color:#013C9A; } a:hover, a:active { text-decoration:underline; color:#5BAFD4; } .pass { background-color: #00ff00; } .fail { background-color: #ff0000; } .comment { font-size: 90%; font-style: italic; }
<PRE><TABLE border=1 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2><small>
<TD align='center' BGCOLOR='#000099' COLSPAN='4'><SPAN style="COLOR: #FFFFFF"><B>RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC project summary</B></SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Module Name:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Synthesis:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">SynplifyPro</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Implementation Name:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">impl1</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Strategy Name:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Strategy1</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Last Process:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000"></SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">State:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000"></SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Target Device:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">LCMXO2-1200HC-4TG100C</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Device Family:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">MachXO2</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Device Type:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">LCMXO2-1200HC</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Package Type:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">TQFP100</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Performance grade:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">4</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Operating conditions:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">COM</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Logic preference file:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='3'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">RAM2E-LCMXO2.lpf</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Physical Preference file:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='3'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">impl1/RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.prf</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Product Version:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000"></SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Patch Version:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000"></SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Updated:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='3'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">2024/01/05 05:57:03</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Implementation Location:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='3'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">//Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/impl1</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Project File:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='3'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">//Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC.ldf</SPAN></TD>

View File

@ -1,761 +0,0 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>Synthesis Report</TITLE>
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
body,pre{ font-family:'Courier New', monospace; color: #000000; font-size:88%; background-color: #ffffff; } h1 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 24px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 3px solid #000; font-size: 1em; } h2 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 18px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.90em; } h3 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.80em; } p { font-size:78%; } P.Table { margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-right: 4px; margin-left: 4px; } table { border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; border-collapse: collapse; } th { font-weight:bold; padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; text-align:left; font-size:78%; } td { padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; font-size:78%; } a { color:#013C9A; text-decoration:none; } a:visited { color:#013C9A; } a:hover, a:active { text-decoration:underline; color:#5BAFD4; } .pass { background-color: #00ff00; } .fail { background-color: #ff0000; } .comment { font-size: 90%; font-style: italic; }
<PRE><A name="Syn"></A><B><U><big>Synthesis Report</big></U></B>
#Build: Synplify Pro (R) R-2021.03L-SP1, Build 093R, Aug 10 2021
#install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
#OS: Windows 8 6.2
#Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:19 2023
#Implementation: impl1
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys HDL Compiler, Version comp202103synp2, Build 093R, Built Aug 10 2021 09:15:36, @
@N|Running in 64-bit mode
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Verilog Compiler, Version comp202103synp2, Build 093R, Built Aug 10 2021 09:15:36, @
@N|Running in 64-bit mode
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\machxo2.v" (library work)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\pmi_def.v" (library work)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\vlog\hypermods.v" (library __hyper__lib__)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\vlog\umr_capim.v" (library snps_haps)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\vlog\scemi_objects.v" (library snps_haps)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\vlog\scemi_pipes.svh" (library snps_haps)
@I::"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\RAM2E.v" (library work)
@I::"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\UFM-LCMXO2.v" (library work)
@I::"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\LCMXO2-1200HC\REFB.v" (library work)
Verilog syntax check successful!
File \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\RAM2E.v changed - recompiling
File \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\UFM-LCMXO2.v changed - recompiling
Selecting top level module RAM2E
@N: CG364 :"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\machxo2.v":1120:7:1120:9|Synthesizing module VHI in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on VHI .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on VHI (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 99MB peak: 99MB)
@N: CG364 :"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\machxo2.v":1124:7:1124:9|Synthesizing module VLO in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on VLO .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on VLO (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 99MB peak: 99MB)
@N: CG364 :"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\machxo2.v":1800:7:1800:9|Synthesizing module EFB in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on EFB .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on EFB (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 99MB peak: 99MB)
@N: CG364 :"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\LCMXO2-1200HC\REFB.v":8:7:8:10|Synthesizing module REFB in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on REFB .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on REFB (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 99MB peak: 99MB)
@N: CG364 :"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\UFM-LCMXO2.v":1:7:1:15|Synthesizing module RAM2E_UFM in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on RAM2E_UFM .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on RAM2E_UFM (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 100MB peak: 101MB)
@N: CG364 :"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\RAM2E.v":1:7:1:11|Synthesizing module RAM2E in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on RAM2E .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on RAM2E (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 101MB peak: 101MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on RAM2E .......
@N: CL159 :"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\RAM2E.v":11:15:11:19|Input nWE80 is unused.
Finished optimization stage 2 on RAM2E (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 101MB peak: 101MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on RAM2E_UFM .......
@N: CL159 :"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\UFM-LCMXO2.v":10:7:10:11|Input Ready is unused.
Finished optimization stage 2 on RAM2E_UFM (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on REFB .......
Finished optimization stage 2 on REFB (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on EFB .......
Finished optimization stage 2 on EFB (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on VLO .......
Finished optimization stage 2 on VLO (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on VHI .......
Finished optimization stage 2 on VHI (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
At c_ver Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
Process completed successfully.
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:19 2023
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Synopsys Netlist Linker, Version comp202103synp2, Build 093R, Built Aug 10 2021 09:15:36, @
@N|Running in 64-bit mode
File \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\LCMXO2-1200HC\impl1\synwork\layer0.srs changed - recompiling
At syn_nfilter Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 98MB peak: 98MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
Process completed successfully.
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:20 2023
For a summary of runtime and memory usage for all design units, please see file:
@L: A:\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\LCMXO2-1200HC\impl1\synwork\RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1_comp.rt.csv
At c_hdl Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 30MB peak: 31MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
Process completed successfully.
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:20 2023
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Synopsys Netlist Linker, Version comp202103synp2, Build 093R, Built Aug 10 2021 09:15:36, @
@N|Running in 64-bit mode
File \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\LCMXO2-1200HC\impl1\synwork\RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1_comp.srs changed - recompiling
At syn_nfilter Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 99MB peak: 99MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
Process completed successfully.
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:21 2023
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:21 2023
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Lattice Technology Pre-mapping, Version map202103lat, Build 070R, Built Oct 6 2021 11:12:38, @
Mapper Startup Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 128MB peak: 128MB)
Done reading skeleton netlist (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 132MB peak: 140MB)
Reading constraint file: \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\RAM2E.sdc
@L: \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\LCMXO2-1200HC\impl1\RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1_scck.rpt
See clock summary report "\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\LCMXO2-1200HC\impl1\RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1_scck.rpt"
@N: MF916 |Option synthesis_strategy=base is enabled.
@N: MF248 |Running in 64-bit mode.
@N: MF666 |Clock conversion enabled. (Command "set_option -fix_gated_and_generated_clocks 1" in the project file.)
Design Input Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 136MB peak: 140MB)
Mapper Initialization Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 136MB peak: 140MB)
Start loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 149MB peak: 149MB)
Finished loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 150MB peak: 151MB)
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdBitbangMXO2.
@W: FX474 |User-specified initial value defined for some sequential elements which can prevent optimum synthesis results from being achieved.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdExecMXO2.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance PHI1r.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance RWSel.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance Ready.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "00000000" on instance RWBank[7:0].
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdLEDGet.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdLEDSet.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdRWMaskSet.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdSetRWBankFFLED.
@A: FX681 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":163:4:163:9|Initial value on register DQMH is non-zero which can prevent the register from being packed into a block RAM or DSP.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance DQMH.
@A: FX681 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":163:4:163:9|Initial value on register DQML is non-zero which can prevent the register from being packed into a block RAM or DSP.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance DQML.
@A: FX681 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":21:4:21:9|Initial value on register S[3:0] is non-zero which can prevent the register from being packed into a block RAM or DSP.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0000" on instance S[3:0].
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance CKE.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nRWE.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nRWEout.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nCAS.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nCASout.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nRAS.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nRASout.
Starting clock optimization phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 181MB peak: 181MB)
Finished clock optimization phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
Starting clock optimization report phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
Finished clock optimization report phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
@N: FX1184 |Applying syn_allowed_resources blockrams=7 on top level netlist RAM2E
Finished netlist restructuring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
Clock Summary
Start Requested Requested Clock Clock Clock
Level Clock Frequency Period Type Group Load
0 - C14M 14.3 MHz 69.841 declared default_clkgroup 122
0 - System 100.0 MHz 10.000 system system_clkgroup 0
Clock Load Summary
Clock Source Clock Pin Non-clock Pin Non-clock Pin
Clock Load Pin Seq Example Seq Example Comb Example
C14M 122 C14M(port) DOEEN.C - un1_C14M.I[0](inv)
System 0 - - - -
ICG Latch Removal Summary:
Number of ICG latches removed: 0
Number of ICG latches not removed: 0
For details review file gcc_ICG_report.rpt
@S |Clock Optimization Summary
1 non-gated/non-generated clock tree(s) driving 122 clock pin(s) of sequential element(s)
0 gated/generated clock tree(s) driving 0 clock pin(s) of sequential element(s)
0 instances converted, 0 sequential instances remain driven by gated/generated clocks
=========================== Non-Gated/Non-Generated Clocks ============================
Clock Tree ID Driving Element Drive Element Type Fanout Sample Instance
@KP:ckid0_0 C14M port 122 nRAS
@N: FX1143 |Skipping assigning INTERNAL_VREF to iobanks, because the table of mapping from pin to iobank is not initialized.
Finished Pre Mapping Phase.
Starting constraint checker (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
Finished constraint checker preprocessing (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 183MB peak: 183MB)
Finished constraint checker (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 183MB peak: 183MB)
Pre-mapping successful!
At Mapper Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 99MB peak: 185MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:23 2023
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:23 2023
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Lattice Technology Mapper, Version map202103lat, Build 070R, Built Oct 6 2021 11:12:38, @
Mapper Startup Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 128MB peak: 128MB)
@N: MF916 |Option synthesis_strategy=base is enabled.
@N: MF248 |Running in 64-bit mode.
@N: MF666 |Clock conversion enabled. (Command "set_option -fix_gated_and_generated_clocks 1" in the project file.)
Design Input Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 129MB peak: 140MB)
Mapper Initialization Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 129MB peak: 140MB)
Start loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 143MB peak: 143MB)
Finished loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 145MB peak: 147MB)
Starting Optimization and Mapping (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 179MB peak: 179MB)
Finished RTL optimizations (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 183MB peak: 183MB)
@N: MO231 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":14:23:14:28|Found counter in view:work.RAM2E(verilog) instance FS[15:0]
@W: FX474 |User-specified initial value defined for some sequential elements which can prevent optimum synthesis results from being achieved.
Starting factoring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 186MB peak: 186MB)
Finished factoring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 190MB)
Available hyper_sources - for debug and ip models
None Found
Finished generic timing optimizations - Pass 1 (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 190MB)
Starting Early Timing Optimization (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 190MB)
Finished Early Timing Optimization (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 190MB)
Finished generic timing optimizations - Pass 2 (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 191MB)
Finished preparing to map (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 191MB peak: 191MB)
Finished technology mapping (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 211MB peak: 211MB)
Pass CPU time Worst Slack Luts / Registers
1 0h:00m:01s 33.71ns 284 / 122
Finished technology timing optimizations and critical path resynthesis (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 211MB peak: 211MB)
@N: FX164 |The option to pack registers in the IOB has not been specified. Please set syn_useioff attribute.
@A: BN291 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":163:4:163:9|Boundary register BA_1_.fb (in view: work.RAM2E(verilog)) is packed into a complex cell. To disable register packing, set syn_keep=1 on the net between the register and the complex cell.
@A: BN291 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":163:4:163:9|Boundary register BA_0_.fb (in view: work.RAM2E(verilog)) is packed into a complex cell. To disable register packing, set syn_keep=1 on the net between the register and the complex cell.
Finished restoring hierarchy (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 212MB peak: 212MB)
Start Writing Netlists (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 174MB peak: 212MB)
Writing Analyst data base \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\LCMXO2-1200HC\impl1\synwork\RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1_m.srm
Finished Writing Netlist Databases (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 212MB peak: 212MB)
Writing EDIF Netlist and constraint files
@N: FX1056 |Writing EDF file: \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\LCMXO2-1200HC\impl1\RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.edi
@N: BW106 |Synplicity Constraint File capacitance units using default value of 1pF
Finished Writing EDIF Netlist and constraint files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 217MB peak: 217MB)
Finished Writing Netlists (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 217MB peak: 217MB)
Start final timing analysis (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 215MB peak: 217MB)
@W: MT246 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\lcmxo2-1200hc\refb.v":78:8:78:16|Blackbox EFB is missing a user supplied timing model. This may have a negative effect on timing analysis and optimizations (Quality of Results)
@N: MT615 |Found clock C14M with period 69.84ns
# Timing report written on Thu Dec 28 23:23:26 2023
Top view: RAM2E
Requested Frequency: 14.3 MHz
Wire load mode: top
Paths requested: 5
Constraint File(s): \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\RAM2E\CPLD\RAM2E.sdc
@N: MT320 |This timing report is an estimate of place and route data. For final timing results, use the FPGA vendor place and route report.
@N: MT322 |Clock constraints include only register-to-register paths associated with each individual clock.
Performance Summary
Worst slack in design: 33.707
Requested Estimated Requested Estimated Clock Clock
Starting Clock Frequency Frequency Period Period Slack Type Group
C14M 14.3 MHz 128.0 MHz 69.841 7.813 33.707 declared default_clkgroup
System 100.0 MHz NA 10.000 NA 67.088 system system_clkgroup
Estimated period and frequency reported as NA means no slack depends directly on the clock waveform
Clock Relationships
Clocks | rise to rise | fall to fall | rise to fall | fall to rise
Starting Ending | constraint slack | constraint slack | constraint slack | constraint slack
System C14M | 69.841 67.088 | No paths - | No paths - | No paths -
C14M System | 69.841 68.797 | No paths - | No paths - | No paths -
C14M C14M | 69.841 62.028 | No paths - | 34.920 33.707 | No paths -
Note: 'No paths' indicates there are no paths in the design for that pair of clock edges.
'Diff grp' indicates that paths exist but the starting clock and ending clock are in different clock groups.
Interface Information
No IO constraint found
Detailed Report for Clock: C14M
Starting Points with Worst Slack
Starting Arrival
Instance Reference Type Pin Net Time Slack
RA[0] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[0] 1.108 33.707
RA[3] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[3] 1.108 33.707
RA[1] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[1] 1.044 33.771
RA[2] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[2] 1.044 33.771
RA[4] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[4] 1.044 33.771
RA[5] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[5] 1.044 33.771
RA[6] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[6] 1.044 33.771
RA[7] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[7] 1.044 33.771
RA[8] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[8] 1.044 33.771
RA[9] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[9] 1.044 33.771
Ending Points with Worst Slack
Starting Required
Instance Reference Type Pin Net Time Slack
RAout_0io[0] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[0] 34.815 33.707
RAout_0io[3] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[3] 34.815 33.707
RAout_0io[1] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[1] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[2] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[2] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[4] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[4] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[5] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[5] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[6] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[6] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[7] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[7] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[8] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[8] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[9] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[9] 34.815 33.771
Worst Path Information
Path information for path number 1:
Requested Period: 34.920
- Setup time: 0.106
+ Clock delay at ending point: 0.000 (ideal)
= Required time: 34.815
- Propagation time: 1.108
- Clock delay at starting point: 0.000 (ideal)
= Slack (critical) : 33.707
Number of logic level(s): 0
Starting point: RA[0] / Q
Ending point: RAout_0io[0] / D
The start point is clocked by C14M [rising] (rise=0.000 fall=34.920 period=69.841) on pin CK
The end point is clocked by C14M [falling] (rise=0.000 fall=34.920 period=69.841) on pin SCLK
Instance / Net Pin Pin Arrival No. of
Name Type Name Dir Delay Time Fan Out(s)
RA[0] FD1P3AX Q Out 1.108 1.108 r -
RA[0] Net - - - - 3
RAout_0io[0] OFS1P3DX D In 0.000 1.108 r -
Detailed Report for Clock: System
Starting Points with Worst Slack
Starting Arrival
Instance Reference Type Pin Net Time Slack
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBACKO wb_ack 0.000 67.088
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO0 wb_dato[0] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO1 wb_dato[1] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO2 wb_dato[2] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO3 wb_dato[3] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO4 wb_dato[4] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO5 wb_dato[5] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO6 wb_dato[6] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO7 wb_dato[7] 0.000 69.313
Ending Points with Worst Slack
Starting Required
Instance Reference Type Pin Net Time Slack
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[0] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[1] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[2] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[3] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[4] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[5] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[6] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[7] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.LEDEN System FD1P3AX SP un1_LEDEN_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.736
ram2e_ufm.wb_cyc_stb System FD1P3AX SP un1_CmdSetRWBankFFChip13_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.736
Worst Path Information
Path information for path number 1:
Requested Period: 69.841
- Setup time: 0.472
+ Clock delay at ending point: 0.000 (ideal)
= Required time: 69.369
- Propagation time: 2.282
- Clock delay at starting point: 0.000 (ideal)
- Estimated clock delay at start point: -0.000
= Slack (non-critical) : 67.088
Number of logic level(s): 2
Starting point: ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 / WBACKO
Ending point: ram2e_ufm.RWMask[0] / SP
The start point is clocked by System [rising]
The end point is clocked by C14M [rising] (rise=0.000 fall=34.920 period=69.841) on pin CK
Instance / Net Pin Pin Arrival No. of
Name Type Name Dir Delay Time Fan Out(s)
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 EFB WBACKO Out 0.000 0.000 r -
wb_ack Net - - - - 5
ram2e_ufm.un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_a3_0_0[0] ORCALUT4 B In 0.000 0.000 r -
ram2e_ufm.un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_a3_0_0[0] ORCALUT4 Z Out 1.017 1.017 r -
un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_a3_0_0[0] Net - - - - 1
ram2e_ufm.un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] ORCALUT4 D In 0.000 1.017 r -
ram2e_ufm.un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] ORCALUT4 Z Out 1.265 2.282 r -
un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] Net - - - - 8
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[0] FD1P3AX SP In 0.000 2.282 r -
Timing exceptions that could not be applied
Finished final timing analysis (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 216MB peak: 217MB)
Finished timing report (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 216MB peak: 217MB)
Resource Usage Report
Part: lcmxo2_1200hc-4
Register bits: 122 of 1280 (10%)
PIC Latch: 0
I/O cells: 69
BB: 8
CCU2D: 9
EFB: 1
FD1P3AX: 61
FD1P3IX: 1
FD1S3AX: 21
FD1S3AY: 4
FD1S3IX: 6
GSR: 1
IB: 21
INV: 1
OB: 40
OFS1P3DX: 21
PUR: 1
VHI: 3
VLO: 3
Mapper successful!
At Mapper Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 80MB peak: 217MB)
Process took 0h:00m:03s realtime, 0h:00m:03s cputime
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:26 2023

View File

@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>Lattice Map TRACE Report</TITLE>
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<PRE><A name="Map_Twr"></A><B><U><big>Map TRACE Report</big></U></B>
Loading design for application trce from file ram2e_lcmxo2_1200hc_impl1_map.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-1200HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: 4
Loading device for application trce from file 'xo2c1200.nph' in environment: C:/lscc/diamond/3.12/ispfpga.
Package Status: Final Version 1.44.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
Setup and Hold Report
<A name="Map_Twr_setup"></A><B><U><big>Lattice TRACE Report - Setup, Version Diamond (64-bit)</big></U></B>
Thu Dec 28 23:23:29 2023
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
<A name="mtw1_set_ri"></A><B><U><big>Report Information</big></U></B>
Command line: trce -v 1 -gt -mapchkpnt 0 -sethld -o RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.tw1 -gui -msgset //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/promote.xml RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1_map.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.prf
Design file: ram2e_lcmxo2_1200hc_impl1_map.ncd
Preference file: ram2e_lcmxo2_1200hc_impl1.prf
Device,speed: LCMXO2-1200HC,4
Report level: verbose report, limited to 1 item per preference
<A name="mtw1_set_ps"></A><B><U><big>Preference Summary</big></U></B>
<LI><A href='#map_twr_pref_0_0' Target='right'>FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz (0 errors)</A></LI> 1611 items scored, 0 timing errors detected.
Report: 90.967MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference.
<A name="map_twr_pref_0_0"></A>Preference: FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ;
1611 items scored, 0 timing errors detected.
Passed: The following path meets requirements by 58.937ns
Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-)
Source: FF Q S[2] (from C14M_c +)
Destination: FF Data in ram2e_ufm/wb_adr[0] (to C14M_c +)
Delay: 10.827ns (31.6% logic, 68.4% route), 7 logic levels.
Constraint Details:
10.827ns physical path delay SLICE_34 to ram2e_ufm/SLICE_47 meets
69.930ns delay constraint less
0.166ns DIN_SET requirement (totaling 69.764ns) by 58.937ns
Physical Path Details:
Data path SLICE_34 to ram2e_ufm/SLICE_47:
Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource
REG_DEL --- 0.452 SLICE_34.CLK to SLICE_34.Q0 SLICE_34 (from C14M_c)
ROUTE 50 e 1.234 SLICE_34.Q0 to SLICE_35.A0 S[2]
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 SLICE_35.A0 to SLICE_35.F0 SLICE_35
ROUTE 7 e 1.234 SLICE_35.F0 to *m/SLICE_80.D1 N_551
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 *m/SLICE_80.D1 to *m/SLICE_80.F1 ram2e_ufm/SLICE_80
ROUTE 8 e 1.234 *m/SLICE_80.F1 to *m/SLICE_98.B1 ram2e_ufm/N_777
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 *m/SLICE_98.B1 to *m/SLICE_98.F1 ram2e_ufm/SLICE_98
ROUTE 5 e 1.234 *m/SLICE_98.F1 to *m/SLICE_99.C0 ram2e_ufm/N_781
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 *m/SLICE_99.C0 to *m/SLICE_99.F0 ram2e_ufm/SLICE_99
ROUTE 1 e 1.234 *m/SLICE_99.F0 to *m/SLICE_86.C0 ram2e_ufm/wb_adr_7_i_i_1[0]
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 *m/SLICE_86.C0 to *m/SLICE_86.F0 ram2e_ufm/SLICE_86
ROUTE 1 e 1.234 *m/SLICE_86.F0 to *m/SLICE_47.C0 ram2e_ufm/wb_adr_7_i_i_4[0]
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 *m/SLICE_47.C0 to *m/SLICE_47.F0 ram2e_ufm/SLICE_47
ROUTE 1 e 0.001 *m/SLICE_47.F0 to */SLICE_47.DI0 ram2e_ufm/wb_adr_7_i_i[0] (to C14M_c)
10.827 (31.6% logic, 68.4% route), 7 logic levels.
Report: 90.967MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference.
<A name="mtw1_set_rs"></A><B><U><big>Report Summary</big></U></B>
Preference | Constraint| Actual|Levels
| | |
FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ; | 14.300 MHz| 90.967 MHz| 7
| | |
All preferences were met.
<A name="mtw1_set_clkda"></A><B><U><big>Clock Domains Analysis</big></U></B>
Found 1 clocks:
Clock Domain: C14M_c Source: C14M.PAD Loads: 89
Covered under: FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ;
<A name="mtw1_set_ts"></A><B><U><big>Timing summary (Setup):</big></U></B>
Timing errors: 0 Score: 0
Cumulative negative slack: 0
Constraints cover 1611 paths, 1 nets, and 1095 connections (82.33% coverage)
<A name="Map_Twr_hold"></A><B><U><big>Lattice TRACE Report - Hold, Version Diamond (64-bit)</big></U></B>
Thu Dec 28 23:23:29 2023
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
<A name="mtw1_hold_ri"></A><B><U><big>Report Information</big></U></B>
Command line: trce -v 1 -gt -mapchkpnt 0 -sethld -o RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.tw1 -gui -msgset //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/promote.xml RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1_map.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.prf
Design file: ram2e_lcmxo2_1200hc_impl1_map.ncd
Preference file: ram2e_lcmxo2_1200hc_impl1.prf
Device,speed: LCMXO2-1200HC,M
Report level: verbose report, limited to 1 item per preference
<A name="mtw1_hold_ps"></A><B><U><big>Preference Summary</big></U></B>
<LI><A href='#map_twr_pref_1_0' Target='right'>FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz (0 errors)</A></LI> 1611 items scored, 0 timing errors detected.
<A name="map_twr_pref_1_0"></A>Preference: FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ;
1611 items scored, 0 timing errors detected.
Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.447ns
Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-)
Source: FF Q FS[0] (from C14M_c +)
Destination: FF Data in FS[0] (to C14M_c +)
Delay: 0.434ns (53.9% logic, 46.1% route), 2 logic levels.
Constraint Details:
0.434ns physical path delay SLICE_0 to SLICE_0 meets
-0.013ns DIN_HLD and
0.000ns delay constraint requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.447ns
Physical Path Details:
Data path SLICE_0 to SLICE_0:
Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource
REG_DEL --- 0.133 SLICE_0.CLK to SLICE_0.Q1 SLICE_0 (from C14M_c)
ROUTE 6 e 0.199 SLICE_0.Q1 to SLICE_0.A1 FS[0]
CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 SLICE_0.A1 to SLICE_0.F1 SLICE_0
ROUTE 1 e 0.001 SLICE_0.F1 to SLICE_0.DI1 FS_s[0] (to C14M_c)
0.434 (53.9% logic, 46.1% route), 2 logic levels.
<A name="mtw1_hold_rs"></A><B><U><big>Report Summary</big></U></B>
Preference(MIN Delays) | Constraint| Actual|Levels
| | |
FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ; | -| -| 2
| | |
All preferences were met.
<A name="mtw1_hold_clkda"></A><B><U><big>Clock Domains Analysis</big></U></B>
Found 1 clocks:
Clock Domain: C14M_c Source: C14M.PAD Loads: 89
Covered under: FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ;
<A name="mtw1_hold_ts"></A><B><U><big>Timing summary (Hold):</big></U></B>
Timing errors: 0 Score: 0
Cumulative negative slack: 0
Constraints cover 1611 paths, 1 nets, and 1095 connections (82.33% coverage)
<A name="mtw1_ts"></A><B><U><big>Timing summary (Setup and Hold):</big></U></B>
Timing errors: 0 (setup), 0 (hold)
Score: 0 (setup), 0 (hold)
Cumulative negative slack: 0 (0+0)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
Loading design for application iotiming from file ram2e_lcmxo2_1200hc_impl1.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-1200HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: 5
Package Status: Final Version 1.44.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
Loading design for application iotiming from file ram2e_lcmxo2_1200hc_impl1.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-1200HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: 6
Package Status: Final Version 1.44.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
Loading design for application iotiming from file ram2e_lcmxo2_1200hc_impl1.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-1200HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: M
Package Status: Final Version 1.44.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
// Design: RAM2E
// Package: TQFP100
// ncd File: ram2e_lcmxo2_1200hc_impl1.ncd
// Version: Diamond (64-bit)
// Written on Thu Dec 28 23:23:48 2023
// M: Minimum Performance Grade
// iotiming RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_1200HC_impl1.prf -gui -msgset //Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/promote.xml
I/O Timing Report (All units are in ns)
Worst Case Results across Performance Grades (M, 6, 5, 4):
// Input Setup and Hold Times
Port Clock Edge Setup Performance_Grade Hold Performance_Grade
Ain[0] C14M R 0.163 4 1.694 4
Ain[1] C14M R -0.150 M 2.217 4
Ain[2] C14M R -0.080 M 2.156 4
Ain[3] C14M R 0.466 4 1.338 4
Ain[4] C14M R 0.215 4 1.597 4
Ain[5] C14M R -0.331 M 2.651 4
Ain[6] C14M R 0.065 M 1.882 4
Ain[7] C14M R 0.284 4 1.683 4
Din[0] C14M R 6.887 4 2.257 4
Din[1] C14M R 8.753 4 2.907 4
Din[2] C14M R 6.379 4 2.740 4
Din[3] C14M R 7.129 4 1.402 4
Din[4] C14M R 6.869 4 2.791 4
Din[5] C14M R 6.514 4 2.334 4
Din[6] C14M R 6.735 4 1.914 4
Din[7] C14M R 8.094 4 1.968 4
PHI1 C14M R 1.557 4 4.842 4
RD[0] C14M R -0.266 M 2.342 4
RD[1] C14M R -0.248 M 2.283 4
RD[2] C14M R -0.407 M 2.610 4
RD[3] C14M R -0.243 M 2.193 4
RD[4] C14M R -0.246 M 2.201 4
RD[5] C14M R -0.243 M 2.193 4
RD[6] C14M R -0.087 M 1.756 4
RD[7] C14M R -0.092 M 1.769 4
nC07X C14M R -0.320 M 2.703 4
nEN80 C14M R 4.607 4 1.925 4
nWE C14M R 4.609 4 2.010 4
// Clock to Output Delay
Port Clock Edge Max_Delay Performance_Grade Min_Delay Performance_Grade
BA[0] C14M R 10.424 4 3.355 M
BA[1] C14M R 10.424 4 3.355 M
CKEout C14M F 10.424 4 3.355 M
DQMH C14M R 10.404 4 3.362 M
DQML C14M R 10.404 4 3.362 M
LED C14M R 22.936 4 8.890 M
RAout[0] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RAout[10] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RAout[11] C14M F 10.424 4 3.355 M
RAout[1] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RAout[2] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RAout[3] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RAout[4] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RAout[5] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RAout[6] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RAout[7] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RAout[8] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RAout[9] C14M F 10.490 4 3.360 M
RD[0] C14M R 13.733 4 3.707 M
RD[1] C14M R 13.745 4 3.707 M
RD[2] C14M R 14.285 4 3.790 M
RD[3] C14M R 13.348 4 3.790 M
RD[4] C14M R 14.450 4 3.952 M
RD[5] C14M R 14.480 4 3.952 M
RD[6] C14M R 14.784 4 3.952 M
RD[7] C14M R 14.247 4 3.952 M
Vout[0] C14M R 11.348 4 3.872 M
Vout[1] C14M R 11.434 4 3.871 M
Vout[2] C14M R 11.348 4 3.872 M
Vout[3] C14M R 11.434 4 3.871 M
Vout[4] C14M R 11.348 4 3.872 M
Vout[5] C14M R 11.348 4 3.872 M
Vout[6] C14M R 11.434 4 3.871 M
Vout[7] C14M R 11.434 4 3.871 M
nCASout C14M F 10.424 4 3.355 M
nDOE C14M R 13.929 4 4.309 M
nRASout C14M F 10.424 4 3.355 M
nRWEout C14M F 10.424 4 3.355 M
nVOE C14M R 13.926 4 4.281 M
WARNING: you must also run trce with hold speed: 4
WARNING: you must also run trce with setup speed: M

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
SCUBA, Version Diamond (64-bit)
Wed Sep 20 04:45:58 2023
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
BEGIN SCUBA Module Synthesis
Issued command : C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\ispfpga\bin\nt64\scuba.exe -w -n REFB -lang verilog -synth synplify -bus_exp 7 -bb -type efb -arch xo2c00 -freq 14.4 -ufm -ufm_ebr 190 -mem_size 321 -memfile ../RAM2E-LCMXO2.mem -memformat hex -wb -dev 1200
Circuit name : REFB
Module type : efb
Module Version : 1.2
Ports :
Inputs : wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, wb_cyc_i, wb_stb_i, wb_we_i, wb_adr_i[7:0], wb_dat_i[7:0]
Outputs : wb_dat_o[7:0], wb_ack_o, wbc_ufm_irq
I/O buffer : not inserted
EDIF output : REFB.edn
Verilog output : REFB.v
Verilog template : REFB_tmpl.v
Verilog purpose : for synthesis and simulation
Bus notation : big endian
Report output : REFB.srp
Estimated Resource Usage:
END SCUBA Module Synthesis

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<userSetting name="//Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/promote.xml" version="Diamond (64-bit)" date="Fri Jan 05 05:58:46 2024" vendor="Lattice Semiconductor Corporation" >

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Report>
<ReportView version="2.0">
<Implement name="impl1">
<ToolReport id="tooldec" path="" status="0"/>
<ToolReport id="toolhle_genhierarchy" path="//Mac/iCloud/Repos/RAM2E/CPLD/LCMXO2-1200HC/impl1/hdla_gen_hierarchy.html" status="1"/>
<ToolReport id="toolpio" path="" status="2"/>
<ToolReport id="toolsso" path="" status="2"/>

View File

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
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<PRE><A name="pn231205230924"></A><B><U><big>pn231205230924</big></U></B>
#Start recording tcl command: 12/5/2023 14:55:22
#Project Location: //Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC; Project name: RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC
prj_project open "//Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC/RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC.ldf"
prj_run Export -impl impl1
prj_run Export -impl impl1
prj_project save
prj_project close
#Stop recording: 12/5/2023 23:09:24
<A name="pn231226232445"></A><B><U><big>pn231226232445</big></U></B>
#Start recording tcl command: 12/26/2023 18:23:53
#Project Location: //Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC; Project name: RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC
prj_project open "//Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC/RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC.ldf"
prj_run Export -impl impl1
prj_run Export -impl impl1
prj_run Export -impl impl1
prj_run Export -impl impl1
prj_run Export -impl impl1 -task IBIS
prj_run Export -impl impl1
prj_run Export -impl impl1
prj_run Export -impl impl1
prj_run Export -impl impl1 -forceAll
prj_run Export -impl impl1 -forceAll
prj_run Export -impl impl1 -forceAll
prj_run Export -impl impl1 -forceAll
prj_run Export -impl impl1
prj_run Export -impl impl1 -forceAll
prj_run Export -impl impl1 -forceAll
prj_src remove "//Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/RAM2E-LCMXO2.v"
#Stop recording: 12/26/2023 23:24:45
<A name="pn231228232403"></A><B><U><big>pn231228232403</big></U></B>
#Start recording tcl command: 12/28/2023 23:23:13
#Project Location: //Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC; Project name: RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC
prj_project open "//Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC/RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC.ldf"
prj_run Export -impl impl1
#Stop recording: 12/28/2023 23:24:03

View File

@ -1,550 +0,0 @@
(edif REFB
(edifVersion 2 0 0)
(edifLevel 0)
(keywordMap (keywordLevel 0))
(timestamp 2023 9 20 4 17 14)
(program "SCUBA" (version "Diamond (64-bit)"))))
(comment "C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\ispfpga\bin\nt64\scuba.exe -w -n REFB -lang verilog -synth synplify -bus_exp 7 -bb -type efb -arch xo2c00 -freq 14.4 -ufm -ufm_ebr 190 -mem_size 1 -memfile ../RAM2E-LCMXO2.mem -memformat hex -wb -dev 640 ")
(library ORCLIB
(edifLevel 0)
(cell VHI
(cellType GENERIC)
(view view1
(viewType NETLIST)
(port Z
(direction OUTPUT)))))
(cell VLO
(cellType GENERIC)
(view view1
(viewType NETLIST)
(port Z
(direction OUTPUT)))))
(cell EFB
(cellType GENERIC)
(view view1
(viewType NETLIST)
(port WBCLKI
(direction INPUT))
(port WBRSTI
(direction INPUT))
(port WBCYCI
(direction INPUT))
(port WBSTBI
(direction INPUT))
(port WBWEI
(direction INPUT))
(port WBADRI7
(direction INPUT))
(port WBADRI6
(direction INPUT))
(port WBADRI5
(direction INPUT))
(port WBADRI4
(direction INPUT))
(port WBADRI3
(direction INPUT))
(port WBADRI2
(direction INPUT))
(port WBADRI1
(direction INPUT))
(port WBADRI0
(direction INPUT))
(port WBDATI7
(direction INPUT))
(port WBDATI6
(direction INPUT))
(port WBDATI5
(direction INPUT))
(port WBDATI4
(direction INPUT))
(port WBDATI3
(direction INPUT))
(port WBDATI2
(direction INPUT))
(port WBDATI1
(direction INPUT))
(port WBDATI0
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL0DATI7
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL0DATI6
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL0DATI5
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL0DATI4
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL0DATI3
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL0DATI2
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL0DATI1
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL0DATI0
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL0ACKI
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL1DATI7
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL1DATI6
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL1DATI5
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL1DATI4
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL1DATI3
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL1DATI2
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL1DATI1
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL1DATI0
(direction INPUT))
(port PLL1ACKI
(direction INPUT))
(port I2C1SCLI
(direction INPUT))
(port I2C1SDAI
(direction INPUT))
(port I2C2SCLI
(direction INPUT))
(port I2C2SDAI
(direction INPUT))
(direction INPUT))
(direction INPUT))
(direction INPUT))
(direction INPUT))
(port TCCLKI
(direction INPUT))
(port TCRSTN
(direction INPUT))
(port TCIC
(direction INPUT))
(port UFMSN
(direction INPUT))
(port WBDATO7
(direction OUTPUT))
(port WBDATO6
(direction OUTPUT))
(port WBDATO5
(direction OUTPUT))
(port WBDATO4
(direction OUTPUT))
(port WBDATO3
(direction OUTPUT))
(port WBDATO2
(direction OUTPUT))
(port WBDATO1
(direction OUTPUT))
(port WBDATO0
(direction OUTPUT))
(port WBACKO
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLL0STBO
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLL1STBO
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLWEO
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLADRO4
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLADRO3
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLADRO2
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLADRO1
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLADRO0
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLDATO7
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLDATO6
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLDATO5
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLDATO4
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLDATO3
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLDATO2
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLDATO1
(direction OUTPUT))
(port PLLDATO0
(direction OUTPUT))
(port I2C1SCLO
(direction OUTPUT))
(port I2C1SCLOEN
(direction OUTPUT))
(port I2C1SDAO
(direction OUTPUT))
(port I2C1SDAOEN
(direction OUTPUT))
(port I2C2SCLO
(direction OUTPUT))
(port I2C2SCLOEN
(direction OUTPUT))
(port I2C2SDAO
(direction OUTPUT))
(port I2C2SDAOEN
(direction OUTPUT))
(port I2C1IRQO
(direction OUTPUT))
(port I2C2IRQO
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(port SPIMCSN7
(direction OUTPUT))
(port SPIMCSN6
(direction OUTPUT))
(port SPIMCSN5
(direction OUTPUT))
(port SPIMCSN4
(direction OUTPUT))
(port SPIMCSN3
(direction OUTPUT))
(port SPIMCSN2
(direction OUTPUT))
(port SPIMCSN1
(direction OUTPUT))
(port SPIMCSN0
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(port TCINT
(direction OUTPUT))
(port TCOC
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT))
(direction OUTPUT)))))
(cell REFB
(cellType GENERIC)
(view view1
(viewType NETLIST)
(port wb_clk_i
(direction INPUT))
(port wb_rst_i
(direction INPUT))
(port wb_cyc_i
(direction INPUT))
(port wb_stb_i
(direction INPUT))
(port wb_we_i
(direction INPUT))
(port (array (rename wb_adr_i "wb_adr_i(7:0)") 8)
(direction INPUT))
(port (array (rename wb_dat_i "wb_dat_i(7:0)") 8)
(direction INPUT))
(port (array (rename wb_dat_o "wb_dat_o(7:0)") 8)
(direction OUTPUT))
(port wb_ack_o
(direction OUTPUT))
(port wbc_ufm_irq
(direction OUTPUT)))
(property NGD_DRC_MASK (integer 1))
(instance scuba_vhi_inst
(viewRef view1
(cellRef VHI)))
(instance scuba_vlo_inst
(viewRef view1
(cellRef VLO)))
(instance EFBInst_0
(viewRef view1
(cellRef EFB))
(string "HEX"))
(string "../RAM2E-LCMXO2.mem"))
(string "DISABLED"))
(string "190"))
(property UFM_INIT_PAGES
(string "1"))
(property DEV_DENSITY
(string "640L"))
(property EFB_UFM
(string "ENABLED"))
(property TC_ICAPTURE
(string "DISABLED"))
(property TC_OVERFLOW
(string "DISABLED"))
(property TC_ICR_INT
(string "OFF"))
(property TC_OCR_INT
(string "OFF"))
(property TC_OV_INT
(string "OFF"))
(property TC_TOP_SEL
(string "OFF"))
(property TC_RESETN
(string "ENABLED"))
(property TC_OC_MODE
(string "TOGGLE"))
(property TC_OCR_SET
(string "32767"))
(property TC_TOP_SET
(string "65535"))
(property GSR
(string "ENABLED"))
(property TC_CCLK_SEL
(string "1"))
(property TC_MODE
(string "CTCM"))
(property TC_SCLK_SEL
(string "PCLOCK"))
(string "WB"))
(property EFB_TC
(string "DISABLED"))
(property SPI_WAKEUP
(string "DISABLED"))
(property SPI_INTR_RXOVR
(string "DISABLED"))
(property SPI_INTR_TXOVR
(string "DISABLED"))
(property SPI_INTR_RXRDY
(string "DISABLED"))
(property SPI_INTR_TXRDY
(string "DISABLED"))
(string "DISABLED"))
(property SPI_PHASE_ADJ
(string "DISABLED"))
(property SPI_CLK_INV
(string "DISABLED"))
(property SPI_LSB_FIRST
(string "DISABLED"))
(string "1"))
(property SPI_MODE
(string "MASTER"))
(property EFB_SPI
(string "DISABLED"))
(property I2C2_WAKEUP
(string "DISABLED"))
(property I2C2_GEN_CALL
(string "DISABLED"))
(property I2C2_CLK_DIVIDER
(string "1"))
(property I2C2_BUS_PERF
(string "100kHz"))
(property I2C2_SLAVE_ADDR
(string "0b1000010"))
(property I2C2_ADDRESSING
(string "7BIT"))
(property EFB_I2C2
(string "DISABLED"))
(property I2C1_WAKEUP
(string "DISABLED"))
(property I2C1_GEN_CALL
(string "DISABLED"))
(property I2C1_CLK_DIVIDER
(string "1"))
(property I2C1_BUS_PERF
(string "100kHz"))
(property I2C1_SLAVE_ADDR
(string "0b1000001"))
(property I2C1_ADDRESSING
(string "7BIT"))
(property EFB_I2C1
(string "DISABLED"))
(property EFB_WB_CLK_FREQ
(string "14.4")))
(net scuba_vhi
(portRef Z (instanceRef scuba_vhi_inst))
(portRef UFMSN (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net scuba_vlo
(portRef Z (instanceRef scuba_vlo_inst))
(portRef PLL1DATI7 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL1DATI6 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL1DATI5 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL1DATI4 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL1DATI3 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL1DATI2 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL1DATI1 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL1DATI0 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL1ACKI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL0DATI7 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL0DATI6 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL0DATI5 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL0DATI4 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL0DATI3 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL0DATI2 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL0DATI1 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL0DATI0 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef PLL0ACKI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef TCIC (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef TCRSTN (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef TCCLKI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef SPISCSN (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef SPIMOSII (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef SPIMISOI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef SPISCKI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef I2C2SDAI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef I2C2SCLI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef I2C1SDAI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))
(portRef I2C1SCLI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wbc_ufm_irq
(portRef wbc_ufm_irq)
(portRef WBCUFMIRQ (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_ack_o
(portRef wb_ack_o)
(portRef WBACKO (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_o7
(portRef (member wb_dat_o 0))
(portRef WBDATO7 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_o6
(portRef (member wb_dat_o 1))
(portRef WBDATO6 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_o5
(portRef (member wb_dat_o 2))
(portRef WBDATO5 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_o4
(portRef (member wb_dat_o 3))
(portRef WBDATO4 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_o3
(portRef (member wb_dat_o 4))
(portRef WBDATO3 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_o2
(portRef (member wb_dat_o 5))
(portRef WBDATO2 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_o1
(portRef (member wb_dat_o 6))
(portRef WBDATO1 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_o0
(portRef (member wb_dat_o 7))
(portRef WBDATO0 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_i7
(portRef (member wb_dat_i 0))
(portRef WBDATI7 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_i6
(portRef (member wb_dat_i 1))
(portRef WBDATI6 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_i5
(portRef (member wb_dat_i 2))
(portRef WBDATI5 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_i4
(portRef (member wb_dat_i 3))
(portRef WBDATI4 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_i3
(portRef (member wb_dat_i 4))
(portRef WBDATI3 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_i2
(portRef (member wb_dat_i 5))
(portRef WBDATI2 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_i1
(portRef (member wb_dat_i 6))
(portRef WBDATI1 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_dat_i0
(portRef (member wb_dat_i 7))
(portRef WBDATI0 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_adr_i7
(portRef (member wb_adr_i 0))
(portRef WBADRI7 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_adr_i6
(portRef (member wb_adr_i 1))
(portRef WBADRI6 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_adr_i5
(portRef (member wb_adr_i 2))
(portRef WBADRI5 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_adr_i4
(portRef (member wb_adr_i 3))
(portRef WBADRI4 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_adr_i3
(portRef (member wb_adr_i 4))
(portRef WBADRI3 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_adr_i2
(portRef (member wb_adr_i 5))
(portRef WBADRI2 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_adr_i1
(portRef (member wb_adr_i 6))
(portRef WBADRI1 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_adr_i0
(portRef (member wb_adr_i 7))
(portRef WBADRI0 (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_we_i
(portRef wb_we_i)
(portRef WBWEI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_stb_i
(portRef wb_stb_i)
(portRef WBSTBI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_cyc_i
(portRef wb_cyc_i)
(portRef WBCYCI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_rst_i
(portRef wb_rst_i)
(portRef WBRSTI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))
(net wb_clk_i
(portRef wb_clk_i)
(portRef WBCLKI (instanceRef EFBInst_0))))))))
(design REFB
(cellRef REFB
(libraryRef ORCLIB)))

View File

@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
VendorName=Lattice Semiconductor Corporation
SourceFormat=Verilog HDL
Expression=BusA(0 to 7)
Order=Big Endian [MSB:LSB]
i2c1_addr=7-Bit Addressing
i2c2_addr=7-Bit Addressing
ufm_addr=7-Bit Addressing
boot_option_internal=Single Boot
cmd_line= -w -n REFB -lang verilog -synth synplify -bus_exp 7 -bb -type efb -arch xo2c00 -freq 14.4 -ufm -ufm_ebr 190 -mem_size 1 -memfile ../RAM2E-LCMXO2.mem -memformat hex -wb -dev 640

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
wb_clk_i i
wb_rst_i i
wb_cyc_i i
wb_stb_i i
wb_we_i i
wb_adr_i[7] i
wb_adr_i[6] i
wb_adr_i[5] i
wb_adr_i[4] i
wb_adr_i[3] i
wb_adr_i[2] i
wb_adr_i[1] i
wb_adr_i[0] i
wb_dat_i[7] i
wb_dat_i[6] i
wb_dat_i[5] i
wb_dat_i[4] i
wb_dat_i[3] i
wb_dat_i[2] i
wb_dat_i[1] i
wb_dat_i[0] i
wb_dat_o[7] o
wb_dat_o[6] o
wb_dat_o[5] o
wb_dat_o[4] o
wb_dat_o[3] o
wb_dat_o[2] o
wb_dat_o[1] o
wb_dat_o[0] o
wb_ack_o o
wbc_ufm_irq o

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
SCUBA, Version Diamond (64-bit)
Wed Sep 20 04:17:14 2023
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
Issued command : C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\ispfpga\bin\nt64\scuba.exe -w -n REFB -lang verilog -synth synplify -bus_exp 7 -bb -type efb -arch xo2c00 -freq 14.4 -ufm -ufm_ebr 190 -mem_size 1 -memfile ../RAM2E-LCMXO2.mem -memformat hex -wb -dev 640
Circuit name : REFB
Module type : efb
Module Version : 1.2
Ports :
Inputs : wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, wb_cyc_i, wb_stb_i, wb_we_i, wb_adr_i[7:0], wb_dat_i[7:0]
Outputs : wb_dat_o[7:0], wb_ack_o, wbc_ufm_irq
I/O buffer : not inserted
EDIF output : REFB.edn
Verilog output : REFB.v
Verilog template : REFB_tmpl.v
Verilog purpose : for synthesis and simulation
Bus notation : big endian
Report output : REFB.srp
Element Usage :
EFB : 1
Estimated Resource Usage:

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
Starting process: Module
Starting process:
SCUBA, Version Diamond (64-bit)
Wed Sep 20 04:17:14 2023
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
BEGIN SCUBA Module Synthesis
Issued command : C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\ispfpga\bin\nt64\scuba.exe -w -n REFB -lang verilog -synth synplify -bus_exp 7 -bb -type efb -arch xo2c00 -freq 14.4 -ufm -ufm_ebr 190 -mem_size 1 -memfile ../RAM2E-LCMXO2.mem -memformat hex -wb -dev 640
Circuit name : REFB
Module type : efb
Module Version : 1.2
Ports :
Inputs : wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, wb_cyc_i, wb_stb_i, wb_we_i, wb_adr_i[7:0], wb_dat_i[7:0]
Outputs : wb_dat_o[7:0], wb_ack_o, wbc_ufm_irq
I/O buffer : not inserted
EDIF output : REFB.edn
Verilog output : REFB.v
Verilog template : REFB_tmpl.v
Verilog purpose : for synthesis and simulation
Bus notation : big endian
Report output : REFB.srp
Estimated Resource Usage:
END SCUBA Module Synthesis
File: REFB.lpc created.
End process: completed successfully.
Total Warnings: 0
Total Errors: 0

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
/* Verilog module instantiation template generated by SCUBA Diamond (64-bit) */
/* Module Version: 1.2 */
/* Wed Sep 20 04:17:14 2023 */
/* parameterized module instance */
REFB __ (.wb_clk_i( ), .wb_rst_i( ), .wb_cyc_i( ), .wb_stb_i( ),
.wb_we_i( ), .wb_adr_i( ), .wb_dat_i( ), .wb_dat_o( ), .wb_ack_o( ),
.wbc_ufm_irq( ));

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
proc GetPlatform {} {
global tcl_platform
set cpu $tcl_platform(machine)
switch $cpu {
intel -
i*86* {
set cpu ix86
x86_64 {
if {$tcl_platform(wordSize) == 4} {
set cpu ix86
switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
windows {
if {$cpu == "amd64"} {
# Do not check wordSize, win32-x64 is an IL32P64 platform.
set cpu x86_64
if {$cpu == "x86_64"} {
return "nt64"
} else {
return "nt"
unix {
if {$tcl_platform(os) == "Linux"} {
if {$cpu == "x86_64"} {
return "lin64"
} else {
return "lin"
} else {
return "sol"
return "nt"
proc GetCmdLine {lpcfile} {
global Para
if [catch {open $lpcfile r} fileid] {
puts "Cannot open $para_file file!"
exit -1
seek $fileid 0 start
set default_match 0
while {[gets $fileid line] >= 0} {
if {[string first "\[Command\]" $line] == 0} {
set default_match 1
if {[string first "\[" $line] == 0} {
set default_match 0
if {$default_match == 1} {
if [regexp {([^=]*)=(.*)} $line match parameter value] {
if [regexp {([ |\t]*;)} $parameter match] {continue}
if [regexp {(.*)[ |\t]*;} $value match temp] {
set Para($parameter) $temp
} else {
set Para($parameter) $value
set default_match 0
close $fileid
return $Para(cmd_line)
set platformpath [GetPlatform]
set Para(sbp_path) [file dirname [info script]]
set Para(install_dir) $env(TOOLRTF)
set Para(FPGAPath) "[file join $Para(install_dir) ispfpga bin $platformpath]"
set scuba "$Para(FPGAPath)/scuba"
set modulename "REFB"
set lang "verilog"
set lpcfile "$Para(sbp_path)/$modulename.lpc"
set arch "xo2c00"
set cmd_line [GetCmdLine $lpcfile]
set fdcfile "$Para(sbp_path)/$modulename.fdc"
if {[file exists $fdcfile] == 0} {
append scuba " " $cmd_line
} else {
append scuba " " $cmd_line " " -fdc " " \"$fdcfile\"
set Para(result) [catch {eval exec "$scuba"} msg]
#puts $msg

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
proc GetPlatform {} {
global tcl_platform
set cpu $tcl_platform(machine)
switch $cpu {
intel -
i*86* {
set cpu ix86
x86_64 {
if {$tcl_platform(wordSize) == 4} {
set cpu ix86
switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
windows {
if {$cpu == "amd64"} {
# Do not check wordSize, win32-x64 is an IL32P64 platform.
set cpu x86_64
if {$cpu == "x86_64"} {
return "nt64"
} else {
return "nt"
unix {
if {$tcl_platform(os) == "Linux"} {
if {$cpu == "x86_64"} {
return "lin64"
} else {
return "lin"
} else {
return "sol"
return "nt"
set platformpath [GetPlatform]
set Para(sbp_path) [file dirname [info script]]
set Para(install_dir) $env(TOOLRTF)
set Para(FPGAPath) "[file join $Para(install_dir) ispfpga bin $platformpath]"
set Para(bin_dir) "[file join $Para(install_dir) bin $platformpath]"
set Para(ModuleName) "REFB"
set Para(Module) "EFB"
set Para(libname) machxo2
set Para(arch_name) xo2c00
set Para(PartType) "LCMXO2-640HC"
set Para(tech_syn) machxo2
set Para(tech_cae) machxo2
set Para(Package) "TQFP100"
set Para(SpeedGrade) "4"
set Para(FMax) "100"
set fdcfile "$Para(sbp_path)/$Para(ModuleName).fdc"
set edif2ngd "$Para(FPGAPath)/edif2ngd"
set Para(result) [catch {eval exec $edif2ngd -l $Para(libname) -d $Para(PartType) -nopropwarn $Para(ModuleName).edn $Para(ModuleName).ngo} msg]
#puts $msg
set ngdbuild "$Para(FPGAPath)/ngdbuild"
set Para(result) [catch {eval exec $ngdbuild -addiobuf -dt -a $Para(arch_name) $Para(ModuleName).ngo $Para(ModuleName).ngd} msg]
#puts $msg

View File

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
NOTE Copyright (C), 1992-2010, Lattice Semiconductor Corporation *
NOTE All Rights Reserved *
NOTE DATE CREATED: Thu Dec 28 23:23:58 2023 *
NOTE PINS RD[0] : 36 : inout *
NOTE PINS LED : 35 : out *
NOTE PINS C14M : 62 : in *
NOTE PINS RD[7] : 43 : inout *
NOTE PINS RD[6] : 42 : inout *
NOTE PINS RD[5] : 41 : inout *
NOTE PINS RD[4] : 40 : inout *
NOTE PINS RD[3] : 39 : inout *
NOTE PINS RD[2] : 38 : inout *
NOTE PINS RD[1] : 37 : inout *
NOTE PINS DQMH : 49 : out *
NOTE PINS DQML : 48 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[11] : 59 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[10] : 64 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[9] : 63 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[8] : 65 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[7] : 67 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[6] : 69 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[5] : 71 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[4] : 75 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[3] : 74 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[2] : 70 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[1] : 68 : out *
NOTE PINS RAout[0] : 66 : out *
NOTE PINS BA[1] : 60 : out *
NOTE PINS BA[0] : 58 : out *
NOTE PINS nRWEout : 51 : out *
NOTE PINS nCASout : 52 : out *
NOTE PINS nRASout : 54 : out *
NOTE PINS nCSout : 57 : out *
NOTE PINS CKEout : 53 : out *
NOTE PINS nVOE : 10 : out *
NOTE PINS Vout[7] : 12 : out *
NOTE PINS Vout[6] : 14 : out *
NOTE PINS Vout[5] : 16 : out *
NOTE PINS Vout[4] : 19 : out *
NOTE PINS Vout[3] : 13 : out *
NOTE PINS Vout[2] : 17 : out *
NOTE PINS Vout[1] : 15 : out *
NOTE PINS Vout[0] : 18 : out *
NOTE PINS nDOE : 20 : out *
NOTE PINS Dout[7] : 32 : out *
NOTE PINS Dout[6] : 31 : out *
NOTE PINS Dout[5] : 21 : out *
NOTE PINS Dout[4] : 24 : out *
NOTE PINS Dout[3] : 28 : out *
NOTE PINS Dout[2] : 25 : out *
NOTE PINS Dout[1] : 27 : out *
NOTE PINS Dout[0] : 30 : out *
NOTE PINS Din[7] : 87 : in *
NOTE PINS Din[6] : 88 : in *
NOTE PINS Din[5] : 99 : in *
NOTE PINS Din[4] : 1 : in *
NOTE PINS Din[3] : 9 : in *
NOTE PINS Din[2] : 98 : in *
NOTE PINS Din[1] : 97 : in *
NOTE PINS Din[0] : 96 : in *
NOTE PINS Ain[7] : 8 : in *
NOTE PINS Ain[6] : 86 : in *
NOTE PINS Ain[5] : 84 : in *
NOTE PINS Ain[4] : 78 : in *
NOTE PINS Ain[3] : 4 : in *
NOTE PINS Ain[2] : 7 : in *
NOTE PINS Ain[1] : 2 : in *
NOTE PINS Ain[0] : 3 : in *
NOTE PINS nC07X : 34 : in *
NOTE PINS nEN80 : 82 : in *
NOTE PINS nWE : 29 : in *
NOTE PINS PHI1 : 85 : in *

View File

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
Report for cell RAM2E.verilog
Register bits: 122 of 640 (19%)
PIC Latch: 0
I/O cells: 69
Cell usage:
cell count Res Usage(%)
BB 8 100.0
CCU2D 9 100.0
EFB 1 100.0
FD1P3AX 61 100.0
FD1P3IX 1 100.0
FD1S3AX 21 100.0
FD1S3AY 4 100.0
FD1S3IX 6 100.0
GSR 1 100.0
IB 21 100.0
IFS1P3DX 1 100.0
INV 1 100.0
OB 40 100.0
OFS1P3BX 5 100.0
OFS1P3DX 21 100.0
OFS1P3IX 2 100.0
ORCALUT4 277 100.0
PFUMX 3 100.0
PUR 1 100.0
VHI 3 100.0
VLO 3 100.0
RAM2E_UFM 1 100.0
REFB 1 100.0
Report for cell RAM2E_UFM.netlist
Instance path: ram2e_ufm
Cell usage:
cell count Res Usage(%)
EFB 1 100.0
FD1P3AX 30 49.2
FD1P3IX 1 100.0
FD1S3IX 1 16.7
ORCALUT4 272 98.2
PFUMX 3 100.0
VHI 2 66.7
VLO 2 66.7
REFB 1 100.0
Report for cell REFB.netlist
Instance path: ram2e_ufm.ufmefb
Cell usage:
cell count Res Usage(%)
EFB 1 100.0
VHI 1 33.3
VLO 1 33.3

View File

@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
BITGEN: Bitstream Generator Diamond (64-bit)
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
Thu Dec 28 23:23:55 2023
Command: bitgen -g RamCfg:Reset -path //Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC -w -jedec -gui -msgset //Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC/promote.xml RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.prf
Loading design for application Bitgen from file RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-640HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: 4
Loading device for application Bitgen from file 'xo2c640.nph' in environment: C:/lscc/diamond/3.12/ispfpga.
Package Status: Final Version 1.39.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
Running DRC.
DRC detected 0 errors and 0 warnings.
Reading Preference File from RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.prf.
Preference Summary:
| Preference | Current Setting |
| RamCfg | Reset** |
| MCCLK_FREQ | 2.08** |
| INBUF | ON** |
| MY_ASSP | OFF** |
* Default setting.
** The specified setting matches the default setting.
Creating bit map...
Bitstream Status: Final Version 1.95.
Saving bit stream in "RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.jed".
UFM Summary.
UFM Size: 191 Pages (128*191 Bits).
UFM Utilization: General Purpose Flash Memory.
Available General Purpose Flash Memory: 191 Pages (Page 0 to Page 190).
Initialized UFM Pages: 1 Page (Page 190).
Total CPU Time: 3 secs
Total REAL Time: 3 secs
Peak Memory Usage: 267 MB

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
Lattice Mapping Report File for Design Module 'RAM2E'
Design Information
Command line: map -a MachXO2 -p LCMXO2-640HC -t TQFP100 -s 4 -oc Commercial
RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.ngd -o RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1_map.ncd -pr
RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.prf -mp RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.mrp -lpf //Mac/iC
lpf -lpf //Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/RAM2E-LCMXO2.lpf -c 0 -gui -msgset
Target Vendor: LATTICE
Target Device: LCMXO2-640HCTQFP100
Target Performance: 4
Mapper: xo2c00, version: Diamond (64-bit)
Mapped on: 12/28/23 23:23:28
Design Summary
Number of registers: 122 out of 877 (14%)
PFU registers: 93 out of 640 (15%)
PIO registers: 29 out of 237 (12%)
Number of SLICEs: 148 out of 320 (46%)
SLICEs as Logic/ROM: 148 out of 320 (46%)
SLICEs as RAM: 0 out of 240 (0%)
SLICEs as Carry: 9 out of 320 (3%)
Number of LUT4s: 296 out of 640 (46%)
Number used as logic LUTs: 278
Number used as distributed RAM: 0
Number used as ripple logic: 18
Number used as shift registers: 0
Number of PIO sites used: 69 + 4(JTAG) out of 79 (92%)
Number of block RAMs: 0 out of 2 (0%)
Number of GSRs: 0 out of 1 (0%)
EFB used : Yes
JTAG used : No
Readback used : No
Oscillator used : No
Startup used : No
POR : On
Bandgap : On
Number of Power Controller: 0 out of 1 (0%)
Number of Dynamic Bank Controller (BCINRD): 0 out of 4 (0%)
Number of DCCA: 0 out of 8 (0%)
Number of DCMA: 0 out of 2 (0%)
1. Total number of LUT4s = (Number of logic LUT4s) + 2*(Number of
distributed RAMs) + 2*(Number of ripple logic)
2. Number of logic LUT4s does not include count of distributed RAM and
ripple logic.
Number of clocks: 1
Net C14M_c: 89 loads, 73 rising, 16 falling (Driver: PIO C14M )
Number of Clock Enables: 14
Net N_225_i: 2 loads, 0 LSLICEs
Net N_201_i: 2 loads, 0 LSLICEs
Net N_187_i: 11 loads, 11 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/wb_adr_0_sqmuxa_1_i: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net RC12: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/CmdBitbangMXO2_RNINSM62: 8 loads, 8 LSLICEs
Page 1
Design: RAM2E Date: 12/28/23 23:23:28
Design Summary (cont)
Net ram2e_ufm/wb_we_RNO_0: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net N_185_i: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/un1_CmdSetRWBankFFChip13_1_i_0_0[0]: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0]: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/un1_LEDEN_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0]: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net N_126: 6 loads, 6 LSLICEs
Net un9_VOEEN_0_a2_0_a3_0_a3: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net Vout3: 8 loads, 0 LSLICEs
Number of LSRs: 7
Net un1_CS_0_sqmuxa_i: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
Net BA_0_sqmuxa: 2 loads, 0 LSLICEs
Net S[2]: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/wb_rst: 1 loads, 0 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/wb_rst16_i: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net N_1080_0: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net N_1078_0: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Number of nets driven by tri-state buffers: 0
Top 10 highest fanout non-clock nets:
Net S[2]: 50 loads
Net S[3]: 45 loads
Net S[0]: 37 loads
Net S[1]: 34 loads
Net FS[12]: 24 loads
Net FS[11]: 22 loads
Net FS[10]: 19 loads
Net FS[13]: 19 loads
Net FS[9]: 19 loads
Net FS[8]: 18 loads
Number of warnings: 3
Number of errors: 0
Design Errors/Warnings
WARNING - map: //Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/RAM2E-LCMXO2.lpf(93): Semantic
"nWE80" does not exist in the design. This preference has been disabled.
WARNING - map: UFM was enabled in EFB: Enabling the configuration interface will
temporarily disable certain features of the device including Power
Controller, GSR, Hardened User SPI Port, Hardened Primary User I2C Port.
Functionality is restored after the Flash Memory (UFM/Configuration)
Interface is disabled using Disable Configuration Interface command 0x26
followed by Bypass command 0xFF.
WARNING - map: IO buffer missing for top level port nWE80...logic will be
IO (PIO) Attributes
| IO Name | Direction | Levelmode | IO |
Page 2
Design: RAM2E Date: 12/28/23 23:23:28
IO (PIO) Attributes (cont)
| | | IO_TYPE | Register |
| RD[0] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| C14M | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[7] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[6] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[5] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[4] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[3] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[2] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[1] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RAout[11] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[10] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[9] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[8] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[7] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[6] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[5] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[4] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[3] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[2] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[1] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[0] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| BA[1] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| BA[0] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nRWEout | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
Page 3
Design: RAM2E Date: 12/28/23 23:23:28
IO (PIO) Attributes (cont)
| nCASout | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nRASout | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nCSout | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| CKEout | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nVOE | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Vout[7] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[6] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[5] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[4] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[3] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[2] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[1] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[0] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nDOE | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[7] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[6] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[5] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[4] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[3] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[2] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[1] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[0] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[7] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[6] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[5] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[4] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[3] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[2] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
Page 4
Design: RAM2E Date: 12/28/23 23:23:28
IO (PIO) Attributes (cont)
| Din[1] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[0] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[7] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[6] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[5] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[4] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[3] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[2] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[1] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[0] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| nC07X | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| nEN80 | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| nWE | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| PHI1 | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | IN |
Removed logic
Block GSR_INST undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Block ram2e_ufm/VCC undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Block ram2e_ufm/GND undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal CKEout.CN was merged into signal C14M_c
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/VCC undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/GND undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal FS_s_0_S1[15] undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal FS_s_0_COUT[15] undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/CFGSTDBY undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/CFGWAKE undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/wbc_ufm_irq undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/TCOC undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/TCINT undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIIRQO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPICSNEN undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN7 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN6 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN5 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN4 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN3 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN2 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Page 5
Design: RAM2E Date: 12/28/23 23:23:28
Removed logic (cont)
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMOSIEN undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMOSIO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMISOEN undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMISOO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPISCKEN undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPISCKO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C2IRQO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C1IRQO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C2SDAOEN undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C2SDAO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C2SCLOEN undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C2SCLO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C1SDAOEN undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C1SDAO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C1SCLOEN undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C1SCLO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO2 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO3 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO4 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO5 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO6 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO7 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLADRO0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLADRO1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLADRO2 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLADRO3 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLADRO4 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLWEO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLL1STBO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLL0STBO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLRSTO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLCLKO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal FS_cry_0_S0[0] undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal N_1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Block nCASout.CN was optimized away.
Block ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/VCC was optimized away.
Block ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/GND was optimized away.
Embedded Functional Block Connection Summary
Desired WISHBONE clock frequency: 14.4 MHz
Clock source: C14M_c
Reset source: ram2e_ufm/wb_rst
Functions mode:
I2C #1 (Primary) Function: DISABLED
Page 6
Design: RAM2E Date: 12/28/23 23:23:28
Embedded Functional Block Connection Summary (cont)
I2C #2 (Secondary) Function: DISABLED
Timer/Counter Function: DISABLED
Timer/Counter Mode: WB
UFM Connection: ENABLED
PLL0 Connection: DISABLED
PLL1 Connection: DISABLED
I2C Function Summary:
SPI Function Summary:
Timer/Counter Function Summary:
UFM Function Summary:
UFM Utilization: General Purpose Flash Memory
Initialized UFM Pages: 1 Pages (1*128 Bits)
Available General
Purpose Flash Memory: 191 Pages (191*128 Bits)
EBR Blocks with Unique
Initialization Data: 0
WID EBR Instance
--- ------------
ASIC Components
Instance Name: ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/EFBInst_0
Type: EFB
Run Time and Memory Usage
Total CPU Time: 0 secs
Total REAL Time: 0 secs
Peak Memory Usage: 59 MB
Page 7
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights

View File

@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
PAD Specification File
Performance Grade: 4
Package Status: Final Version 1.39
Thu Dec 28 23:23:38 2023
Pinout by Port Name:
| Port Name | Pin/Bank | Buffer Type | Site | PG Enable | BC Enable | Properties |
| Ain[0] | 3/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2C | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[1] | 2/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2B | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[2] | 7/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[3] | 4/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2D | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[4] | 78/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT11A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[5] | 84/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT10A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[6] | 86/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9C | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[7] | 8/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3B | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| BA[0] | 58/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR6C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| BA[1] | 60/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR6A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| CKEout | 53/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR7B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| DQMH | 49/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB14D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| DQML | 48/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB14C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Din[0] | 96/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT6D | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[1] | 97/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT6C | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[2] | 98/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT6B | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[3] | 9/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3C | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[4] | 1/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[5] | 99/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT6A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[6] | 88/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[7] | 87/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9B | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Dout[0] | 30/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB4D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[1] | 27/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB4A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[2] | 25/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL7D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[3] | 28/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB4B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[4] | 24/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL7C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[5] | 21/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL7B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[6] | 31/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[7] | 32/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| LED | 35/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[0] | 66/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[10] | 64/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[11] | 59/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR6B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[1] | 68/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[2] | 70/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[3] | 74/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[4] | 75/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[5] | 71/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[6] | 69/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[7] | 67/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[8] | 65/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[9] | 63/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[0] | 18/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL6C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[1] | 15/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[2] | 17/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL6B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[3] | 13/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[4] | 19/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL6D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[5] | 16/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL6A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[6] | 14/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[7] | 12/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nCASout | 52/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR7C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nCSout | 57/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR6D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nDOE | 20/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL7A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nEN80 | 82/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT10C | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| nRASout | 54/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR7A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nRWEout | 51/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR7D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nVOE | 10/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL3D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
Vccio by Bank:
| Bank | Vccio |
| 0 | 3.3V |
| 1 | 3.3V |
| 2 | 3.3V |
| 3 | 3.3V |
Vref by Bank:
| Vref | Pin | Bank # / Vref # | Load(s) |
Pinout by Pin Number:
| Pin/Bank | Pin Info | Preference | Buffer Type | Site | Dual Function | PG Enable | BC Enable |
| 1/3 | Din[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2A | | | |
| 2/3 | Ain[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2B | | | |
| 3/3 | Ain[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2C | PCLKT3_2 | | |
| 4/3 | Ain[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2D | PCLKC3_2 | | |
| 7/3 | Ain[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3A | | | |
| 8/3 | Ain[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3B | | | |
| 9/3 | Din[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3C | | | |
| 10/3 | nVOE | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL3D | | | |
| 12/3 | Vout[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5A | PCLKT3_1 | | |
| 13/3 | Vout[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5B | PCLKC3_1 | | |
| 14/3 | Vout[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5C | | | |
| 15/3 | Vout[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5D | | | |
| 16/3 | Vout[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL6A | | | |
| 17/3 | Vout[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL6B | | | |
| 18/3 | Vout[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL6C | | | |
| 19/3 | Vout[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL6D | | | |
| 20/3 | nDOE | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL7A | PCLKT3_0 | | |
| 21/3 | Dout[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL7B | PCLKC3_0 | | |
| 24/3 | Dout[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL7C | | | |
| 25/3 | Dout[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL7D | | | |
| 27/2 | Dout[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB4A | CSSPIN | | |
| 28/2 | Dout[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB4B | | | |
| 29/2 | nWE | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PB4C | | | |
| 30/2 | Dout[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB4D | | | |
| 31/2 | Dout[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6A | MCLK/CCLK | | |
| 32/2 | Dout[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6B | SO/SPISO | | |
| 34/2 | nC07X | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PB6C | PCLKT2_0 | | |
| 35/2 | LED | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6D | PCLKC2_0 | | |
| 36/2 | RD[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB10A | | | |
| 37/2 | RD[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB10B | | | |
| 38/2 | RD[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB10C | PCLKT2_1 | | |
| 39/2 | RD[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB10D | PCLKC2_1 | | |
| 40/2 | RD[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB12A | | | |
| 41/2 | RD[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB12B | | | |
| 42/2 | RD[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB12C | | | |
| 43/2 | RD[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB12D | | | |
| 45/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB14A | | | |
| 47/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB14B | | | |
| 48/2 | DQML | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB14C | SN | | |
| 49/2 | DQMH | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB14D | SI/SISPI | | |
| 51/1 | nRWEout | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR7D | | | |
| 52/1 | nCASout | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR7C | | | |
| 53/1 | CKEout | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR7B | | | |
| 54/1 | nRASout | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR7A | | | |
| 57/1 | nCSout | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR6D | | | |
| 58/1 | BA[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR6C | | | |
| 59/1 | RAout[11] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR6B | | | |
| 60/1 | BA[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR6A | | | |
| 62/1 | C14M | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PR5D | PCLKC1_0 | | |
| 63/1 | RAout[9] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5C | PCLKT1_0 | | |
| 64/1 | RAout[10] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5B | | | |
| 65/1 | RAout[8] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5A | | | |
| 66/1 | RAout[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3D | | | |
| 67/1 | RAout[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3C | | | |
| 68/1 | RAout[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3B | | | |
| 69/1 | RAout[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3A | | | |
| 70/1 | RAout[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2D | | | |
| 71/1 | RAout[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2C | | | |
| 74/1 | RAout[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2B | | | |
| 75/1 | RAout[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2A | | | |
| 76/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT11D | DONE | | |
| 77/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT11C | INITN | | |
| 78/0 | Ain[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT11A | | | |
| 81/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT10D | PROGRAMN | | |
| 82/0 | nEN80 | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT10C | JTAGENB | | |
| 83/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT10B | | | |
| 84/0 | Ain[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT10A | | | |
| 85/0 | PHI1 | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9D | SDA/PCLKC0_0 | | |
| 86/0 | Ain[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9C | SCL/PCLKT0_0 | | |
| 87/0 | Din[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9B | PCLKC0_1 | | |
| 88/0 | Din[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9A | PCLKT0_1 | | |
| 90/0 | Reserved: sysCONFIG | | | PT7D | TMS | | |
| 91/0 | Reserved: sysCONFIG | | | PT7C | TCK | | |
| 94/0 | Reserved: sysCONFIG | | | PT7B | TDI | | |
| 95/0 | Reserved: sysCONFIG | | | PT7A | TDO | | |
| 96/0 | Din[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT6D | | | |
| 97/0 | Din[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT6C | | | |
| 98/0 | Din[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT6B | | | |
| 99/0 | Din[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT6A | | | |
| PT11B/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT11B | | | |
sysCONFIG Pins:
| Pad Name | sysCONFIG Pin Name | sysCONFIG Settings | Pin/Bank | Buffer Type | Config Pull Mode |
| PT7C | TCK/TEST_CLK | JTAG_PORT=ENABLE | 91/0 | | NO pull up/down |
Dedicated sysCONFIG Pins:
List of All Pins' Locate Preferences Based on Final Placement After PAR
to Help Users Lock Down ALL the Pins Easily (by Simply Copy & Paste):
LOCATE COMP "Ain[0]" SITE "3";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[1]" SITE "2";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[2]" SITE "7";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[3]" SITE "4";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[4]" SITE "78";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[5]" SITE "84";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[6]" SITE "86";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[7]" SITE "8";
LOCATE COMP "Din[0]" SITE "96";
LOCATE COMP "Din[1]" SITE "97";
LOCATE COMP "Din[2]" SITE "98";
LOCATE COMP "Din[3]" SITE "9";
LOCATE COMP "Din[4]" SITE "1";
LOCATE COMP "Din[5]" SITE "99";
LOCATE COMP "Din[6]" SITE "88";
LOCATE COMP "Din[7]" SITE "87";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[0]" SITE "30";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[1]" SITE "27";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[2]" SITE "25";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[3]" SITE "28";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[4]" SITE "24";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[5]" SITE "21";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[6]" SITE "31";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[7]" SITE "32";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[0]" SITE "66";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[10]" SITE "64";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[11]" SITE "59";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[1]" SITE "68";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[2]" SITE "70";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[3]" SITE "74";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[4]" SITE "75";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[5]" SITE "71";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[6]" SITE "69";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[7]" SITE "67";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[8]" SITE "65";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[9]" SITE "63";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[0]" SITE "18";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[1]" SITE "15";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[2]" SITE "17";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[3]" SITE "13";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[4]" SITE "19";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[5]" SITE "16";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[6]" SITE "14";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[7]" SITE "12";
PAR: Place And Route Diamond (64-bit)
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
Thu Dec 28 23:23:41 2023

View File

@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
# map: version Diamond (64-bit) -- WARNING: Map write only section -- Thu Dec 28 23:23:28 2023
LOCATE COMP "RAout[11]" SITE "59" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[10]" SITE "64" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[9]" SITE "63" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[8]" SITE "65" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[7]" SITE "67" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[6]" SITE "69" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[5]" SITE "71" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[4]" SITE "75" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[3]" SITE "74" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[2]" SITE "70" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[1]" SITE "68" ;
LOCATE COMP "RAout[0]" SITE "66" ;
LOCATE COMP "nCSout" SITE "57" ;
LOCATE COMP "Vout[7]" SITE "12" ;
LOCATE COMP "Vout[6]" SITE "14" ;
LOCATE COMP "Vout[5]" SITE "16" ;
LOCATE COMP "Vout[4]" SITE "19" ;
LOCATE COMP "Vout[3]" SITE "13" ;
LOCATE COMP "Vout[2]" SITE "17" ;
LOCATE COMP "Vout[1]" SITE "15" ;
LOCATE COMP "Vout[0]" SITE "18" ;
LOCATE COMP "Dout[7]" SITE "32" ;
LOCATE COMP "Dout[6]" SITE "31" ;
LOCATE COMP "Dout[5]" SITE "21" ;
LOCATE COMP "Dout[4]" SITE "24" ;
LOCATE COMP "Dout[3]" SITE "28" ;
LOCATE COMP "Dout[2]" SITE "25" ;
LOCATE COMP "Dout[1]" SITE "27" ;
LOCATE COMP "Dout[0]" SITE "30" ;
LOCATE COMP "Din[7]" SITE "87" ;
LOCATE COMP "Din[6]" SITE "88" ;
LOCATE COMP "Din[5]" SITE "99" ;
LOCATE COMP "Din[4]" SITE "1" ;
LOCATE COMP "Din[3]" SITE "9" ;
LOCATE COMP "Din[2]" SITE "98" ;
LOCATE COMP "Din[1]" SITE "97" ;
LOCATE COMP "Din[0]" SITE "96" ;
LOCATE COMP "Ain[7]" SITE "8" ;
LOCATE COMP "Ain[6]" SITE "86" ;
LOCATE COMP "Ain[5]" SITE "84" ;
LOCATE COMP "Ain[4]" SITE "78" ;
LOCATE COMP "Ain[3]" SITE "4" ;
LOCATE COMP "Ain[2]" SITE "7" ;
LOCATE COMP "Ain[1]" SITE "2" ;
LOCATE COMP "Ain[0]" SITE "3" ;
FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ;
OUTPUT PORT "LED" LOAD 100.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "BA[1]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "BA[0]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "CKEout" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Dout[0]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Dout[1]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Dout[2]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Dout[3]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Dout[4]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Dout[5]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Dout[6]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Dout[7]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[0]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[1]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[2]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[3]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[4]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[5]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[6]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[7]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[8]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[9]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[10]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RAout[11]" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Vout[0]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Vout[1]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Vout[2]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Vout[3]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Vout[4]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Vout[5]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Vout[6]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "Vout[7]" LOAD 15.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "nCASout" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "nCSout" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "nDOE" LOAD 10.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "nRASout" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "nRWEout" LOAD 5.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "nVOE" LOAD 10.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RD[0]" LOAD 9.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RD[1]" LOAD 9.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RD[2]" LOAD 9.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RD[3]" LOAD 9.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RD[4]" LOAD 9.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RD[5]" LOAD 9.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RD[6]" LOAD 9.000000 pF ;
OUTPUT PORT "RD[7]" LOAD 9.000000 pF ;

View File

@ -1,696 +0,0 @@
#Build: Synplify Pro (R) R-2021.03L-SP1, Build 093R, Aug 10 2021
#install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
#OS: Windows 8 6.2
#Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:17 2023
#Implementation: impl1
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys HDL Compiler, Version comp202103synp2, Build 093R, Built Aug 10 2021 09:15:36, @
@N|Running in 64-bit mode
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Verilog Compiler, Version comp202103synp2, Build 093R, Built Aug 10 2021 09:15:36, @
@N|Running in 64-bit mode
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\machxo2.v" (library work)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\pmi_def.v" (library work)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\vlog\hypermods.v" (library __hyper__lib__)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\vlog\umr_capim.v" (library snps_haps)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\vlog\scemi_objects.v" (library snps_haps)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\vlog\scemi_pipes.svh" (library snps_haps)
@I::"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\RAM2E.v" (library work)
@I::"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\UFM-LCMXO2.v" (library work)
@I::"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\LCMXO2-640HC\REFB.v" (library work)
Verilog syntax check successful!
File \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\RAM2E.v changed - recompiling
File \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\UFM-LCMXO2.v changed - recompiling
Selecting top level module RAM2E
@N: CG364 :"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\machxo2.v":1120:7:1120:9|Synthesizing module VHI in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on VHI .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on VHI (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 98MB peak: 99MB)
@N: CG364 :"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\machxo2.v":1124:7:1124:9|Synthesizing module VLO in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on VLO .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on VLO (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 98MB peak: 99MB)
@N: CG364 :"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\machxo2.v":1800:7:1800:9|Synthesizing module EFB in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on EFB .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on EFB (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 99MB peak: 99MB)
@N: CG364 :"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\LCMXO2-640HC\REFB.v":8:7:8:10|Synthesizing module REFB in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on REFB .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on REFB (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 99MB peak: 99MB)
@N: CG364 :"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\UFM-LCMXO2.v":1:7:1:15|Synthesizing module RAM2E_UFM in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on RAM2E_UFM .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on RAM2E_UFM (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 100MB peak: 101MB)
@N: CG364 :"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\RAM2E.v":1:7:1:11|Synthesizing module RAM2E in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on RAM2E .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on RAM2E (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 101MB peak: 101MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on RAM2E .......
@N: CL159 :"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\RAM2E.v":11:15:11:19|Input nWE80 is unused.
Finished optimization stage 2 on RAM2E (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on RAM2E_UFM .......
@N: CL159 :"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\UFM-LCMXO2.v":10:7:10:11|Input Ready is unused.
Finished optimization stage 2 on RAM2E_UFM (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on REFB .......
Finished optimization stage 2 on REFB (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on EFB .......
Finished optimization stage 2 on EFB (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on VLO .......
Finished optimization stage 2 on VLO (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on VHI .......
Finished optimization stage 2 on VHI (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
At c_ver Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
Process completed successfully.
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:18 2023
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Synopsys Netlist Linker, Version comp202103synp2, Build 093R, Built Aug 10 2021 09:15:36, @
@N|Running in 64-bit mode
File \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\LCMXO2-640HC\impl1\synwork\layer0.srs changed - recompiling
At syn_nfilter Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 98MB peak: 99MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
Process completed successfully.
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:18 2023
For a summary of runtime and memory usage for all design units, please see file:
@L: A:\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\LCMXO2-640HC\impl1\synwork\RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1_comp.rt.csv
At c_hdl Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 31MB peak: 31MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
Process completed successfully.
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:18 2023
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Synopsys Netlist Linker, Version comp202103synp2, Build 093R, Built Aug 10 2021 09:15:36, @
@N|Running in 64-bit mode
File \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\LCMXO2-640HC\impl1\synwork\RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1_comp.srs changed - recompiling
At syn_nfilter Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 99MB peak: 99MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
Process completed successfully.
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:19 2023
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:19 2023
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Lattice Technology Pre-mapping, Version map202103lat, Build 070R, Built Oct 6 2021 11:12:38, @
Mapper Startup Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 127MB peak: 127MB)
Done reading skeleton netlist (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 131MB peak: 140MB)
Reading constraint file: \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\RAM2E.sdc
@L: \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\LCMXO2-640HC\impl1\RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1_scck.rpt
See clock summary report "\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\LCMXO2-640HC\impl1\RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1_scck.rpt"
@N: MF916 |Option synthesis_strategy=base is enabled.
@N: MF248 |Running in 64-bit mode.
@N: MF666 |Clock conversion enabled. (Command "set_option -fix_gated_and_generated_clocks 1" in the project file.)
Design Input Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 137MB peak: 140MB)
Mapper Initialization Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 137MB peak: 140MB)
Start loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 149MB peak: 149MB)
Finished loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 150MB peak: 151MB)
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdBitbangMXO2.
@W: FX474 |User-specified initial value defined for some sequential elements which can prevent optimum synthesis results from being achieved.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdExecMXO2.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance PHI1r.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance RWSel.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance Ready.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "00000000" on instance RWBank[7:0].
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdLEDGet.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdLEDSet.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdRWMaskSet.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdSetRWBankFFLED.
@A: FX681 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":163:4:163:9|Initial value on register DQMH is non-zero which can prevent the register from being packed into a block RAM or DSP.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance DQMH.
@A: FX681 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":163:4:163:9|Initial value on register DQML is non-zero which can prevent the register from being packed into a block RAM or DSP.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance DQML.
@A: FX681 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":21:4:21:9|Initial value on register S[3:0] is non-zero which can prevent the register from being packed into a block RAM or DSP.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0000" on instance S[3:0].
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance CKE.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nRWE.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nRWEout.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nCAS.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nCASout.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nRAS.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nRASout.
Starting clock optimization phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 181MB peak: 181MB)
Finished clock optimization phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
Starting clock optimization report phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
Finished clock optimization report phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
@N: FX1184 |Applying syn_allowed_resources blockrams=2 on top level netlist RAM2E
Finished netlist restructuring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
Clock Summary
Start Requested Requested Clock Clock Clock
Level Clock Frequency Period Type Group Load
0 - C14M 14.3 MHz 69.841 declared default_clkgroup 122
0 - System 100.0 MHz 10.000 system system_clkgroup 0
Clock Load Summary
Clock Source Clock Pin Non-clock Pin Non-clock Pin
Clock Load Pin Seq Example Seq Example Comb Example
C14M 122 C14M(port) DOEEN.C - un1_C14M.I[0](inv)
System 0 - - - -
ICG Latch Removal Summary:
Number of ICG latches removed: 0
Number of ICG latches not removed: 0
For details review file gcc_ICG_report.rpt
@S |Clock Optimization Summary
1 non-gated/non-generated clock tree(s) driving 122 clock pin(s) of sequential element(s)
0 gated/generated clock tree(s) driving 0 clock pin(s) of sequential element(s)
0 instances converted, 0 sequential instances remain driven by gated/generated clocks
=========================== Non-Gated/Non-Generated Clocks ============================
Clock Tree ID Driving Element Drive Element Type Fanout Sample Instance
@KP:ckid0_0 C14M port 122 nRAS
@N: FX1143 |Skipping assigning INTERNAL_VREF to iobanks, because the table of mapping from pin to iobank is not initialized.
Finished Pre Mapping Phase.
Starting constraint checker (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
Finished constraint checker preprocessing (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 183MB peak: 183MB)
Finished constraint checker (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 184MB peak: 184MB)
Pre-mapping successful!
At Mapper Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 99MB peak: 185MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:21 2023
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:21 2023
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Lattice Technology Mapper, Version map202103lat, Build 070R, Built Oct 6 2021 11:12:38, @
Mapper Startup Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 127MB peak: 127MB)
@N: MF916 |Option synthesis_strategy=base is enabled.
@N: MF248 |Running in 64-bit mode.
@N: MF666 |Clock conversion enabled. (Command "set_option -fix_gated_and_generated_clocks 1" in the project file.)
Design Input Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 128MB peak: 139MB)
Mapper Initialization Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 128MB peak: 139MB)
Start loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 143MB peak: 143MB)
Finished loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 145MB peak: 146MB)
Starting Optimization and Mapping (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 178MB peak: 178MB)
Finished RTL optimizations (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 183MB peak: 183MB)
@N: MO231 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":14:23:14:28|Found counter in view:work.RAM2E(verilog) instance FS[15:0]
@W: FX474 |User-specified initial value defined for some sequential elements which can prevent optimum synthesis results from being achieved.
Starting factoring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 186MB peak: 186MB)
Finished factoring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 190MB)
Available hyper_sources - for debug and ip models
None Found
Finished generic timing optimizations - Pass 1 (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 190MB)
Starting Early Timing Optimization (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 190MB)
Finished Early Timing Optimization (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 190MB)
Finished generic timing optimizations - Pass 2 (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 191MB)
Finished preparing to map (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 191MB peak: 191MB)
Finished technology mapping (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 211MB peak: 211MB)
Pass CPU time Worst Slack Luts / Registers
1 0h:00m:02s 33.71ns 284 / 122
Finished technology timing optimizations and critical path resynthesis (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 211MB peak: 211MB)
@N: FX164 |The option to pack registers in the IOB has not been specified. Please set syn_useioff attribute.
@A: BN291 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":163:4:163:9|Boundary register BA_1_.fb (in view: work.RAM2E(verilog)) is packed into a complex cell. To disable register packing, set syn_keep=1 on the net between the register and the complex cell.
@A: BN291 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":163:4:163:9|Boundary register BA_0_.fb (in view: work.RAM2E(verilog)) is packed into a complex cell. To disable register packing, set syn_keep=1 on the net between the register and the complex cell.
Finished restoring hierarchy (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 212MB peak: 212MB)
Start Writing Netlists (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 174MB peak: 212MB)
Writing Analyst data base \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\LCMXO2-640HC\impl1\synwork\RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1_m.srm
Finished Writing Netlist Databases (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 212MB peak: 212MB)
Writing EDIF Netlist and constraint files
@N: FX1056 |Writing EDF file: \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\LCMXO2-640HC\impl1\RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.edi
@N: BW106 |Synplicity Constraint File capacitance units using default value of 1pF
Finished Writing EDIF Netlist and constraint files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 217MB peak: 217MB)
Finished Writing Netlists (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 217MB peak: 217MB)
Start final timing analysis (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:04s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 215MB peak: 217MB)
@W: MT246 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\lcmxo2-640hc\refb.v":78:8:78:16|Blackbox EFB is missing a user supplied timing model. This may have a negative effect on timing analysis and optimizations (Quality of Results)
@N: MT615 |Found clock C14M with period 69.84ns
# Timing report written on Thu Dec 28 23:23:25 2023
Top view: RAM2E
Requested Frequency: 14.3 MHz
Wire load mode: top
Paths requested: 5
Constraint File(s): \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\RAM2E.sdc
@N: MT320 |This timing report is an estimate of place and route data. For final timing results, use the FPGA vendor place and route report.
@N: MT322 |Clock constraints include only register-to-register paths associated with each individual clock.
Performance Summary
Worst slack in design: 33.707
Requested Estimated Requested Estimated Clock Clock
Starting Clock Frequency Frequency Period Period Slack Type Group
C14M 14.3 MHz 128.0 MHz 69.841 7.813 33.707 declared default_clkgroup
System 100.0 MHz NA 10.000 NA 67.088 system system_clkgroup
Estimated period and frequency reported as NA means no slack depends directly on the clock waveform
Clock Relationships
Clocks | rise to rise | fall to fall | rise to fall | fall to rise
Starting Ending | constraint slack | constraint slack | constraint slack | constraint slack
System C14M | 69.841 67.088 | No paths - | No paths - | No paths -
C14M System | 69.841 68.797 | No paths - | No paths - | No paths -
C14M C14M | 69.841 62.028 | No paths - | 34.920 33.707 | No paths -
Note: 'No paths' indicates there are no paths in the design for that pair of clock edges.
'Diff grp' indicates that paths exist but the starting clock and ending clock are in different clock groups.
Interface Information
No IO constraint found
Detailed Report for Clock: C14M
Starting Points with Worst Slack
Starting Arrival
Instance Reference Type Pin Net Time Slack
RA[0] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[0] 1.108 33.707
RA[3] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[3] 1.108 33.707
RA[1] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[1] 1.044 33.771
RA[2] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[2] 1.044 33.771
RA[4] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[4] 1.044 33.771
RA[5] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[5] 1.044 33.771
RA[6] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[6] 1.044 33.771
RA[7] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[7] 1.044 33.771
RA[8] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[8] 1.044 33.771
RA[9] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[9] 1.044 33.771
Ending Points with Worst Slack
Starting Required
Instance Reference Type Pin Net Time Slack
RAout_0io[0] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[0] 34.815 33.707
RAout_0io[3] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[3] 34.815 33.707
RAout_0io[1] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[1] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[2] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[2] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[4] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[4] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[5] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[5] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[6] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[6] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[7] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[7] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[8] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[8] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[9] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[9] 34.815 33.771
Worst Path Information
Path information for path number 1:
Requested Period: 34.920
- Setup time: 0.106
+ Clock delay at ending point: 0.000 (ideal)
= Required time: 34.815
- Propagation time: 1.108
- Clock delay at starting point: 0.000 (ideal)
= Slack (critical) : 33.707
Number of logic level(s): 0
Starting point: RA[0] / Q
Ending point: RAout_0io[0] / D
The start point is clocked by C14M [rising] (rise=0.000 fall=34.920 period=69.841) on pin CK
The end point is clocked by C14M [falling] (rise=0.000 fall=34.920 period=69.841) on pin SCLK
Instance / Net Pin Pin Arrival No. of
Name Type Name Dir Delay Time Fan Out(s)
RA[0] FD1P3AX Q Out 1.108 1.108 r -
RA[0] Net - - - - 3
RAout_0io[0] OFS1P3DX D In 0.000 1.108 r -
Detailed Report for Clock: System
Starting Points with Worst Slack
Starting Arrival
Instance Reference Type Pin Net Time Slack
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBACKO wb_ack 0.000 67.088
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO0 wb_dato[0] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO1 wb_dato[1] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO2 wb_dato[2] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO3 wb_dato[3] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO4 wb_dato[4] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO5 wb_dato[5] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO6 wb_dato[6] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO7 wb_dato[7] 0.000 69.313
Ending Points with Worst Slack
Starting Required
Instance Reference Type Pin Net Time Slack
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[0] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[1] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[2] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[3] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[4] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[5] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[6] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[7] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.LEDEN System FD1P3AX SP un1_LEDEN_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.736
ram2e_ufm.wb_cyc_stb System FD1P3AX SP un1_CmdSetRWBankFFChip13_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.736
Worst Path Information
Path information for path number 1:
Requested Period: 69.841
- Setup time: 0.472
+ Clock delay at ending point: 0.000 (ideal)
= Required time: 69.369
- Propagation time: 2.282
- Clock delay at starting point: 0.000 (ideal)
- Estimated clock delay at start point: -0.000
= Slack (non-critical) : 67.088
Number of logic level(s): 2
Starting point: ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 / WBACKO
Ending point: ram2e_ufm.RWMask[0] / SP
The start point is clocked by System [rising]
The end point is clocked by C14M [rising] (rise=0.000 fall=34.920 period=69.841) on pin CK
Instance / Net Pin Pin Arrival No. of
Name Type Name Dir Delay Time Fan Out(s)
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 EFB WBACKO Out 0.000 0.000 r -
wb_ack Net - - - - 5
ram2e_ufm.un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_a3_0_0[0] ORCALUT4 B In 0.000 0.000 r -
ram2e_ufm.un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_a3_0_0[0] ORCALUT4 Z Out 1.017 1.017 r -
un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_a3_0_0[0] Net - - - - 1
ram2e_ufm.un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] ORCALUT4 D In 0.000 1.017 r -
ram2e_ufm.un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] ORCALUT4 Z Out 1.265 2.282 r -
un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] Net - - - - 8
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[0] FD1P3AX SP In 0.000 2.282 r -
Timing exceptions that could not be applied
Finished final timing analysis (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:04s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 216MB peak: 217MB)
Finished timing report (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:04s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 216MB peak: 217MB)
Resource Usage Report
Part: lcmxo2_640hc-4
Register bits: 122 of 640 (19%)
PIC Latch: 0
I/O cells: 69
BB: 8
CCU2D: 9
EFB: 1
FD1P3AX: 61
FD1P3IX: 1
FD1S3AX: 21
FD1S3AY: 4
FD1S3IX: 6
GSR: 1
IB: 21
INV: 1
OB: 40
OFS1P3DX: 21
PUR: 1
VHI: 3
VLO: 3
Mapper successful!
At Mapper Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:04s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:04s; Memory used current: 78MB peak: 217MB)
Process took 0h:00m:04s realtime, 0h:00m:04s cputime
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:25 2023

View File

@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
Loading design for application trce from file ram2e_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1_map.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-640HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: 4
Loading device for application trce from file 'xo2c640.nph' in environment: C:/lscc/diamond/3.12/ispfpga.
Package Status: Final Version 1.39.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
Setup and Hold Report
Lattice TRACE Report - Setup, Version Diamond (64-bit)
Thu Dec 28 23:23:29 2023
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
Report Information
Command line: trce -v 1 -gt -mapchkpnt 0 -sethld -o RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.tw1 -gui -msgset //Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC/promote.xml RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1_map.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.prf
Design file: ram2e_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1_map.ncd
Preference file: ram2e_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1.prf
Device,speed: LCMXO2-640HC,4
Report level: verbose report, limited to 1 item per preference
Preference: FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ;
1611 items scored, 0 timing errors detected.
Passed: The following path meets requirements by 58.937ns
Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-)
Source: FF Q S[2] (from C14M_c +)
Destination: FF Data in ram2e_ufm/wb_adr[0] (to C14M_c +)
Delay: 10.827ns (31.6% logic, 68.4% route), 7 logic levels.
Constraint Details:
10.827ns physical path delay SLICE_34 to ram2e_ufm/SLICE_47 meets
69.930ns delay constraint less
0.166ns DIN_SET requirement (totaling 69.764ns) by 58.937ns
Physical Path Details:
Data path SLICE_34 to ram2e_ufm/SLICE_47:
Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource
REG_DEL --- 0.452 SLICE_34.CLK to SLICE_34.Q0 SLICE_34 (from C14M_c)
ROUTE 50 e 1.234 SLICE_34.Q0 to SLICE_35.A0 S[2]
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 SLICE_35.A0 to SLICE_35.F0 SLICE_35
ROUTE 7 e 1.234 SLICE_35.F0 to *m/SLICE_80.D1 N_551
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 *m/SLICE_80.D1 to *m/SLICE_80.F1 ram2e_ufm/SLICE_80
ROUTE 8 e 1.234 *m/SLICE_80.F1 to *m/SLICE_98.B1 ram2e_ufm/N_777
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 *m/SLICE_98.B1 to *m/SLICE_98.F1 ram2e_ufm/SLICE_98
ROUTE 5 e 1.234 *m/SLICE_98.F1 to *m/SLICE_99.C0 ram2e_ufm/N_781
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 *m/SLICE_99.C0 to *m/SLICE_99.F0 ram2e_ufm/SLICE_99
ROUTE 1 e 1.234 *m/SLICE_99.F0 to *m/SLICE_86.C0 ram2e_ufm/wb_adr_7_i_i_1[0]
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 *m/SLICE_86.C0 to *m/SLICE_86.F0 ram2e_ufm/SLICE_86
ROUTE 1 e 1.234 *m/SLICE_86.F0 to *m/SLICE_47.C0 ram2e_ufm/wb_adr_7_i_i_4[0]
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 *m/SLICE_47.C0 to *m/SLICE_47.F0 ram2e_ufm/SLICE_47
ROUTE 1 e 0.001 *m/SLICE_47.F0 to */SLICE_47.DI0 ram2e_ufm/wb_adr_7_i_i[0] (to C14M_c)
10.827 (31.6% logic, 68.4% route), 7 logic levels.
Report: 90.967MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference.
Report Summary
Preference | Constraint| Actual|Levels
| | |
FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ; | 14.300 MHz| 90.967 MHz| 7
| | |
All preferences were met.
Clock Domains Analysis
Found 1 clocks:
Clock Domain: C14M_c Source: C14M.PAD Loads: 89
Covered under: FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ;
Timing summary (Setup):
Timing errors: 0 Score: 0
Cumulative negative slack: 0
Constraints cover 1611 paths, 1 nets, and 1095 connections (82.33% coverage)
Lattice TRACE Report - Hold, Version Diamond (64-bit)
Thu Dec 28 23:23:29 2023
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
Report Information
Command line: trce -v 1 -gt -mapchkpnt 0 -sethld -o RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.tw1 -gui -msgset //Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC/promote.xml RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1_map.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.prf
Design file: ram2e_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1_map.ncd
Preference file: ram2e_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1.prf
Device,speed: LCMXO2-640HC,M
Report level: verbose report, limited to 1 item per preference
Preference: FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ;
1611 items scored, 0 timing errors detected.
Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.447ns
Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-)
Source: FF Q FS[0] (from C14M_c +)
Destination: FF Data in FS[0] (to C14M_c +)
Delay: 0.434ns (53.9% logic, 46.1% route), 2 logic levels.
Constraint Details:
0.434ns physical path delay SLICE_0 to SLICE_0 meets
-0.013ns DIN_HLD and
0.000ns delay constraint requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.447ns
Physical Path Details:
Data path SLICE_0 to SLICE_0:
Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource
REG_DEL --- 0.133 SLICE_0.CLK to SLICE_0.Q1 SLICE_0 (from C14M_c)
ROUTE 6 e 0.199 SLICE_0.Q1 to SLICE_0.A1 FS[0]
CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 SLICE_0.A1 to SLICE_0.F1 SLICE_0
ROUTE 1 e 0.001 SLICE_0.F1 to SLICE_0.DI1 FS_s[0] (to C14M_c)
0.434 (53.9% logic, 46.1% route), 2 logic levels.
Report Summary
Preference(MIN Delays) | Constraint| Actual|Levels
| | |
FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ; | -| -| 2
| | |
All preferences were met.
Clock Domains Analysis
Found 1 clocks:
Clock Domain: C14M_c Source: C14M.PAD Loads: 89
Covered under: FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ;
Timing summary (Hold):
Timing errors: 0 Score: 0
Cumulative negative slack: 0
Constraints cover 1611 paths, 1 nets, and 1095 connections (82.33% coverage)
Timing summary (Setup and Hold):
Timing errors: 0 (setup), 0 (hold)
Score: 0 (setup), 0 (hold)
Cumulative negative slack: 0 (0+0)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>Bitgen Report</TITLE>
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
body,pre{ font-family:'Courier New', monospace; color: #000000; font-size:88%; background-color: #ffffff; } h1 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 24px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 3px solid #000; font-size: 1em; } h2 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 18px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.90em; } h3 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.80em; } p { font-size:78%; } P.Table { margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-right: 4px; margin-left: 4px; } table { border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; border-collapse: collapse; } th { font-weight:bold; padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; text-align:left; font-size:78%; } td { padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; font-size:78%; } a { color:#013C9A; text-decoration:none; } a:visited { color:#013C9A; } a:hover, a:active { text-decoration:underline; color:#5BAFD4; } .pass { background-color: #00ff00; } .fail { background-color: #ff0000; } .comment { font-size: 90%; font-style: italic; }
<PRE><A name="Bgn"></A>BITGEN: Bitstream Generator Diamond (64-bit)
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
Thu Dec 28 23:23:55 2023
Command: bitgen -g RamCfg:Reset -path //Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC -w -jedec -gui -msgset //Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC/promote.xml RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.prf
Loading design for application Bitgen from file RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-640HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: 4
Loading device for application Bitgen from file 'xo2c640.nph' in environment: C:/lscc/diamond/3.12/ispfpga.
Package Status: Final Version 1.39.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
Running DRC.
DRC detected 0 errors and 0 warnings.
Reading Preference File from RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.prf.
<A name="bgn_ps"></A>
<B><U><big>Preference Summary:</big></U></B>
| Preference | Current Setting |
| RamCfg | Reset** |
| MCCLK_FREQ | 2.08** |
| INBUF | ON** |
| MY_ASSP | OFF** |
* Default setting.
** The specified setting matches the default setting.
Creating bit map...
Bitstream Status: Final Version 1.95.
Saving bit stream in "RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.jed".
UFM Summary.
UFM Size: 191 Pages (128*191 Bits).
UFM Utilization: General Purpose Flash Memory.
Available General Purpose Flash Memory: 191 Pages (Page 0 to Page 190).
Initialized UFM Pages: 1 Page (Page 190).
Total CPU Time: 3 secs
Total REAL Time: 3 secs
Peak Memory Usage: 267 MB

View File

@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
# Written on Thu Dec 28 23:23:21 2023
##### DESIGN INFO #######################################################
Top View: "RAM2E"
Constraint File(s): "\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\RAM2E.sdc"
##### SUMMARY ############################################################
Found 0 issues in 0 out of 1 constraints
##### DETAILS ############################################################
Clock Relationships
Starting Ending | rise to rise | fall to fall | rise to fall | fall to rise
System C14M | 69.841 | No paths | No paths | No paths
C14M System | 69.841 | No paths | No paths | No paths
C14M C14M | 69.841 | No paths | 34.920 | No paths
Note: 'No paths' indicates there are no paths in the design for that pair of clock edges.
'Diff grp' indicates that paths exist but the starting clock and ending clock are in different clock groups.
Unconstrained Start/End Points
p:RD[0] (bidir end point)
p:RD[0] (bidir start point)
p:RD[1] (bidir end point)
p:RD[1] (bidir start point)
p:RD[2] (bidir end point)
p:RD[2] (bidir start point)
p:RD[3] (bidir end point)
p:RD[3] (bidir start point)
p:RD[4] (bidir end point)
p:RD[4] (bidir start point)
p:RD[5] (bidir end point)
p:RD[5] (bidir start point)
p:RD[6] (bidir end point)
p:RD[6] (bidir start point)
p:RD[7] (bidir end point)
p:RD[7] (bidir start point)
Inapplicable constraints
Applicable constraints with issues
Constraints with matching wildcard expressions
Library Report
# End of Constraint Checker Report

View File

@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>I/O Timing Report</TITLE>
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
body,pre{ font-family:'Courier New', monospace; color: #000000; font-size:88%; background-color: #ffffff; } h1 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 24px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 3px solid #000; font-size: 1em; } h2 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 18px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.90em; } h3 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.80em; } p { font-size:78%; } P.Table { margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-right: 4px; margin-left: 4px; } table { border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; border-collapse: collapse; } th { font-weight:bold; padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; text-align:left; font-size:78%; } td { padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; font-size:78%; } a { color:#013C9A; text-decoration:none; } a:visited { color:#013C9A; } a:hover, a:active { text-decoration:underline; color:#5BAFD4; } .pass { background-color: #00ff00; } .fail { background-color: #ff0000; } .comment { font-size: 90%; font-style: italic; }
<PRE><A name="Top"></A><B><U><big>I/O Timing Report</big></U></B>
Loading design for application iotiming from file ram2e_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-640HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: 5
Package Status: Final Version 1.39.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
Loading design for application iotiming from file ram2e_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-640HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: 6
Package Status: Final Version 1.39.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
Loading design for application iotiming from file ram2e_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-640HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: M
Package Status: Final Version 1.39.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
// Design: RAM2E
// Package: TQFP100
// ncd File: ram2e_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1.ncd
// Version: Diamond (64-bit)
// Written on Thu Dec 28 23:23:47 2023
// M: Minimum Performance Grade
// iotiming RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.prf -gui -msgset //Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC/promote.xml
I/O Timing Report (All units are in ns)
Worst Case Results across Performance Grades (M, 6, 5, 4):
// Input Setup and Hold Times
Port Clock Edge Setup Performance_Grade Hold Performance_Grade
Ain[0] C14M R 2.463 4 -0.066 M
Ain[1] C14M R 1.330 4 0.135 6
Ain[2] C14M R 1.221 4 0.223 4
Ain[3] C14M R 2.776 4 -0.165 M
Ain[4] C14M R 1.603 4 0.140 M
Ain[5] C14M R 0.021 6 1.287 4
Ain[6] C14M R 1.444 4 0.205 M
Ain[7] C14M R 1.816 4 0.114 M
Din[0] C14M R 8.919 4 0.723 4
Din[1] C14M R 8.410 4 1.156 4
Din[2] C14M R 8.503 4 1.181 4
Din[3] C14M R 8.783 4 0.110 M
Din[4] C14M R 10.420 4 1.022 4
Din[5] C14M R 8.001 4 0.566 4
Din[6] C14M R 9.731 4 1.050 4
Din[7] C14M R 10.052 4 0.862 4
PHI1 C14M R 2.579 4 3.047 4
RD[0] C14M R 0.267 4 0.866 4
RD[1] C14M R 0.173 4 0.937 4
RD[2] C14M R 0.100 4 1.018 4
RD[3] C14M R 0.267 4 0.866 4
RD[4] C14M R 0.172 4 0.936 4
RD[5] C14M R 0.267 4 0.866 4
RD[6] C14M R 0.766 4 0.420 4
RD[7] C14M R 0.267 4 0.866 4
nC07X C14M R 0.998 4 0.405 6
nEN80 C14M R 6.107 4 0.114 M
nWE C14M R 6.726 4 0.069 M
// Clock to Output Delay
Port Clock Edge Max_Delay Performance_Grade Min_Delay Performance_Grade
BA[0] C14M R 8.629 4 2.885 M
BA[1] C14M R 8.629 4 2.885 M
CKEout C14M F 8.629 4 2.885 M
DQMH C14M R 8.609 4 2.892 M
DQML C14M R 8.609 4 2.892 M
LED C14M R 19.935 4 8.161 M
RAout[0] C14M F 8.695 4 2.890 M
RAout[10] C14M F 8.629 4 2.885 M
RAout[11] C14M F 8.629 4 2.885 M
RAout[1] C14M F 8.695 4 2.890 M
RAout[2] C14M F 8.695 4 2.890 M
RAout[3] C14M F 8.695 4 2.890 M
RAout[4] C14M F 8.695 4 2.890 M
RAout[5] C14M F 8.695 4 2.890 M
RAout[6] C14M F 8.695 4 2.890 M
RAout[7] C14M F 8.695 4 2.890 M
RAout[8] C14M F 8.629 4 2.885 M
RAout[9] C14M F 8.629 4 2.885 M
RD[0] C14M R 11.414 4 3.265 M
RD[1] C14M R 11.811 4 3.265 M
RD[2] C14M R 11.925 4 3.265 M
RD[3] C14M R 11.384 4 3.265 M
RD[4] C14M R 12.301 4 3.371 M
RD[5] C14M R 12.767 4 3.371 M
RD[6] C14M R 12.010 4 3.371 M
RD[7] C14M R 12.313 4 3.371 M
Vout[0] C14M R 9.553 4 3.402 M
Vout[1] C14M R 9.553 4 3.402 M
Vout[2] C14M R 9.553 4 3.402 M
Vout[3] C14M R 9.553 4 3.402 M
Vout[4] C14M R 9.553 4 3.402 M
Vout[5] C14M R 9.553 4 3.402 M
Vout[6] C14M R 9.553 4 3.402 M
Vout[7] C14M R 9.553 4 3.402 M
nCASout C14M F 8.629 4 2.885 M
nDOE C14M R 12.048 4 3.811 M
nRASout C14M F 8.629 4 2.885 M
nRWEout C14M F 8.629 4 2.885 M
nVOE C14M R 12.164 4 3.783 M
WARNING: you must also run trce with hold speed: 4
WARNING: you must also run trce with setup speed: 6
WARNING: you must also run trce with hold speed: 6

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,485 +0,0 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>Project Summary</TITLE>
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
body,pre{ font-family:'Courier New', monospace; color: #000000; font-size:88%; background-color: #ffffff; } h1 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 24px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 3px solid #000; font-size: 1em; } h2 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 18px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.90em; } h3 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.80em; } p { font-size:78%; } P.Table { margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-right: 4px; margin-left: 4px; } table { border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; border-collapse: collapse; } th { font-weight:bold; padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; text-align:left; font-size:78%; } td { padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; font-size:78%; } a { color:#013C9A; text-decoration:none; } a:visited { color:#013C9A; } a:hover, a:active { text-decoration:underline; color:#5BAFD4; } .pass { background-color: #00ff00; } .fail { background-color: #ff0000; } .comment { font-size: 90%; font-style: italic; }
<PRE><A name="Mrp"></A>
Lattice Mapping Report File for Design Module 'RAM2E'
<A name="mrp_di"></A><B><U><big>Design Information</big></U></B>
Command line: map -a MachXO2 -p LCMXO2-640HC -t TQFP100 -s 4 -oc Commercial
RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.ngd -o RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1_map.ncd -pr
RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.prf -mp RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.mrp -lpf //Mac/iC
lpf -lpf //Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/RAM2E-LCMXO2.lpf -c 0 -gui -msgset
Target Vendor: LATTICE
Target Device: LCMXO2-640HCTQFP100
Target Performance: 4
Mapper: xo2c00, version: Diamond (64-bit)
Mapped on: 12/28/23 23:23:28
<A name="mrp_ds"></A><B><U><big>Design Summary</big></U></B>
Number of registers: 122 out of 877 (14%)
PFU registers: 93 out of 640 (15%)
PIO registers: 29 out of 237 (12%)
Number of SLICEs: 148 out of 320 (46%)
SLICEs as Logic/ROM: 148 out of 320 (46%)
SLICEs as RAM: 0 out of 240 (0%)
SLICEs as Carry: 9 out of 320 (3%)
Number of LUT4s: 296 out of 640 (46%)
Number used as logic LUTs: 278
Number used as distributed RAM: 0
Number used as ripple logic: 18
Number used as shift registers: 0
Number of PIO sites used: 69 + 4(JTAG) out of 79 (92%)
Number of block RAMs: 0 out of 2 (0%)
Number of GSRs: 0 out of 1 (0%)
EFB used : Yes
JTAG used : No
Readback used : No
Oscillator used : No
Startup used : No
POR : On
Bandgap : On
Number of Power Controller: 0 out of 1 (0%)
Number of Dynamic Bank Controller (BCINRD): 0 out of 4 (0%)
Number of DCCA: 0 out of 8 (0%)
Number of DCMA: 0 out of 2 (0%)
1. Total number of LUT4s = (Number of logic LUT4s) + 2*(Number of
distributed RAMs) + 2*(Number of ripple logic)
2. Number of logic LUT4s does not include count of distributed RAM and
ripple logic.
Number of clocks: 1
Net C14M_c: 89 loads, 73 rising, 16 falling (Driver: PIO C14M )
Number of Clock Enables: 14
Net N_225_i: 2 loads, 0 LSLICEs
Net N_201_i: 2 loads, 0 LSLICEs
Net N_187_i: 11 loads, 11 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/wb_adr_0_sqmuxa_1_i: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net RC12: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/CmdBitbangMXO2_RNINSM62: 8 loads, 8 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/wb_we_RNO_0: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net N_185_i: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/un1_CmdSetRWBankFFChip13_1_i_0_0[0]: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0]: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/un1_LEDEN_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0]: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net N_126: 6 loads, 6 LSLICEs
Net un9_VOEEN_0_a2_0_a3_0_a3: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net Vout3: 8 loads, 0 LSLICEs
Number of LSRs: 7
Net un1_CS_0_sqmuxa_i: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
Net BA_0_sqmuxa: 2 loads, 0 LSLICEs
Net S[2]: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/wb_rst: 1 loads, 0 LSLICEs
Net ram2e_ufm/wb_rst16_i: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net N_1080_0: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Net N_1078_0: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
Number of nets driven by tri-state buffers: 0
Top 10 highest fanout non-clock nets:
Net S[2]: 50 loads
Net S[3]: 45 loads
Net S[0]: 37 loads
Net S[1]: 34 loads
Net FS[12]: 24 loads
Net FS[11]: 22 loads
Net FS[10]: 19 loads
Net FS[13]: 19 loads
Net FS[9]: 19 loads
Net FS[8]: 18 loads
Number of warnings: 3
Number of errors: 0
<A name="mrp_dwe"></A><B><U><big>Design Errors/Warnings</big></U></B>
WARNING - map: //Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/RAM2E-LCMXO2.lpf(93): Semantic
"nWE80" does not exist in the design. This preference has been disabled.
WARNING - map: UFM was enabled in EFB: Enabling the configuration interface will
temporarily disable certain features of the device including Power
Controller, GSR, Hardened User SPI Port, Hardened Primary User I2C Port.
Functionality is restored after the Flash Memory (UFM/Configuration)
Interface is disabled using Disable Configuration Interface command 0x26
followed by Bypass command 0xFF.
WARNING - map: IO buffer missing for top level port nWE80...logic will be
<A name="mrp_ioa"></A><B><U><big>IO (PIO) Attributes</big></U></B>
| IO Name | Direction | Levelmode | IO |
| | | IO_TYPE | Register |
| RD[0] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| C14M | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[7] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[6] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[5] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[4] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[3] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[2] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RD[1] | BIDIR | LVCMOS33 | |
| RAout[11] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[10] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[9] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[8] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[7] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[6] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[5] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[4] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[3] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[2] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[1] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| RAout[0] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| BA[1] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| BA[0] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nRWEout | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nCASout | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nRASout | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nCSout | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| CKEout | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nVOE | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Vout[7] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[6] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[5] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[4] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[3] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[2] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[1] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| Vout[0] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | OUT |
| nDOE | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[7] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[6] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[5] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[4] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[3] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[2] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[1] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Dout[0] | OUTPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[7] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[6] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[5] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[4] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[3] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[2] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[1] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Din[0] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[7] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[6] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[5] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[4] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[3] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[2] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[1] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| Ain[0] | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| nC07X | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| nEN80 | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| nWE | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | |
| PHI1 | INPUT | LVCMOS33 | IN |
<A name="mrp_rm"></A><B><U><big>Removed logic</big></U></B>
Block GSR_INST undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Block ram2e_ufm/VCC undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Block ram2e_ufm/GND undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal CKEout.CN was merged into signal C14M_c
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/VCC undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/GND undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal FS_s_0_S1[15] undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal FS_s_0_COUT[15] undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/CFGSTDBY undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/CFGWAKE undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/wbc_ufm_irq undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/TCOC undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/TCINT undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIIRQO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPICSNEN undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN7 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN6 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN5 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN4 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN3 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN2 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMCSN0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMOSIEN undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMOSIO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMISOEN undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPIMISOO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPISCKEN undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/SPISCKO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C2IRQO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C1IRQO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C2SDAOEN undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C2SDAO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C2SCLOEN undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C2SCLO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C1SDAOEN undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C1SDAO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C1SCLOEN undriven or does not drive anything -
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/I2C1SCLO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO2 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO3 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO4 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO5 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO6 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLDATO7 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLADRO0 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLADRO1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLADRO2 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLADRO3 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLADRO4 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLWEO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLL1STBO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLL0STBO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLRSTO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/PLLCLKO undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal FS_cry_0_S0[0] undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Signal N_1 undriven or does not drive anything - clipped.
Block nCASout.CN was optimized away.
Block ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/VCC was optimized away.
Block ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/GND was optimized away.
<A name="mrp_efb"></A><B><U><big>Embedded Functional Block Connection Summary</big></U></B>
Desired WISHBONE clock frequency: 14.4 MHz
Clock source: C14M_c
Reset source: ram2e_ufm/wb_rst
Functions mode:
I2C #1 (Primary) Function: DISABLED
I2C #2 (Secondary) Function: DISABLED
Timer/Counter Function: DISABLED
Timer/Counter Mode: WB
UFM Connection: ENABLED
PLL0 Connection: DISABLED
PLL1 Connection: DISABLED
I2C Function Summary:
SPI Function Summary:
Timer/Counter Function Summary:
UFM Function Summary:
UFM Utilization: General Purpose Flash Memory
Initialized UFM Pages: 1 Pages (1*128 Bits)
Available General
Purpose Flash Memory: 191 Pages (191*128 Bits)
EBR Blocks with Unique
Initialization Data: 0
WID EBR Instance
--- ------------
<A name="mrp_asic"></A><B><U><big>ASIC Components</big></U></B>
Instance Name: ram2e_ufm/ufmefb/EFBInst_0
Type: EFB
<A name="mrp_runtime"></A><B><U><big>Run Time and Memory Usage</big></U></B>
Total CPU Time: 0 secs
Total REAL Time: 0 secs
Peak Memory Usage: 59 MB
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights

View File

@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>PAD Specification File</TITLE>
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<PRE><A name="Pad"></A>PAD Specification File
Performance Grade: 4
Package Status: Final Version 1.39
Thu Dec 28 23:23:38 2023
Pinout by Port Name:
| Port Name | Pin/Bank | Buffer Type | Site | PG Enable | BC Enable | Properties |
| Ain[0] | 3/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2C | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[1] | 2/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2B | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[2] | 7/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[3] | 4/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2D | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[4] | 78/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT11A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[5] | 84/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT10A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[6] | 86/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9C | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Ain[7] | 8/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3B | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| BA[0] | 58/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR6C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| BA[1] | 60/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR6A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| CKEout | 53/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR7B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| DQMH | 49/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB14D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| DQML | 48/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB14C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Din[0] | 96/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT6D | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[1] | 97/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT6C | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[2] | 98/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT6B | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[3] | 9/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3C | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[4] | 1/3 | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[5] | 99/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT6A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[6] | 88/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9A | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Din[7] | 87/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9B | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| Dout[0] | 30/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB4D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[1] | 27/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB4A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[2] | 25/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL7D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[3] | 28/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB4B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[4] | 24/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL7C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[5] | 21/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL7B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[6] | 31/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Dout[7] | 32/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| LED | 35/2 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[0] | 66/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[10] | 64/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[11] | 59/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR6B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[1] | 68/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[2] | 70/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[3] | 74/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[4] | 75/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[5] | 71/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[6] | 69/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[7] | 67/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[8] | 65/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| RAout[9] | 63/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[0] | 18/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL6C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[1] | 15/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[2] | 17/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL6B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[3] | 13/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5B | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[4] | 19/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL6D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[5] | 16/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL6A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[6] | 14/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| Vout[7] | 12/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nCASout | 52/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR7C | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nCSout | 57/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR6D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nDOE | 20/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL7A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nEN80 | 82/0 | LVCMOS33_IN | PT10C | | | CLAMP:ON HYSTERESIS:SMALL |
| nRASout | 54/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR7A | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nRWEout | 51/1 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR7D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
| nVOE | 10/3 | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL3D | | | DRIVE:4mA SLEW:SLOW |
Vccio by Bank:
| Bank | Vccio |
| 0 | 3.3V |
| 1 | 3.3V |
| 2 | 3.3V |
| 3 | 3.3V |
<A name="pad_vref"></A><B><U><big>Vref by Bank:</big></U></B>
| Vref | Pin | Bank # / Vref # | Load(s) |
<A name="pad_pin"></A><B><U><big>Pinout by Pin Number:</big></U></B>
| Pin/Bank | Pin Info | Preference | Buffer Type | Site | Dual Function | PG Enable | BC Enable |
| 1/3 | Din[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2A | | | |
| 2/3 | Ain[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2B | | | |
| 3/3 | Ain[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2C | PCLKT3_2 | | |
| 4/3 | Ain[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL2D | PCLKC3_2 | | |
| 7/3 | Ain[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3A | | | |
| 8/3 | Ain[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3B | | | |
| 9/3 | Din[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PL3C | | | |
| 10/3 | nVOE | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL3D | | | |
| 12/3 | Vout[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5A | PCLKT3_1 | | |
| 13/3 | Vout[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5B | PCLKC3_1 | | |
| 14/3 | Vout[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5C | | | |
| 15/3 | Vout[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL5D | | | |
| 16/3 | Vout[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL6A | | | |
| 17/3 | Vout[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL6B | | | |
| 18/3 | Vout[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL6C | | | |
| 19/3 | Vout[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL6D | | | |
| 20/3 | nDOE | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL7A | PCLKT3_0 | | |
| 21/3 | Dout[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL7B | PCLKC3_0 | | |
| 24/3 | Dout[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL7C | | | |
| 25/3 | Dout[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PL7D | | | |
| 27/2 | Dout[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB4A | CSSPIN | | |
| 28/2 | Dout[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB4B | | | |
| 29/2 | nWE | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PB4C | | | |
| 30/2 | Dout[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB4D | | | |
| 31/2 | Dout[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6A | MCLK/CCLK | | |
| 32/2 | Dout[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6B | SO/SPISO | | |
| 34/2 | nC07X | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PB6C | PCLKT2_0 | | |
| 35/2 | LED | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB6D | PCLKC2_0 | | |
| 36/2 | RD[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB10A | | | |
| 37/2 | RD[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB10B | | | |
| 38/2 | RD[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB10C | PCLKT2_1 | | |
| 39/2 | RD[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB10D | PCLKC2_1 | | |
| 40/2 | RD[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB12A | | | |
| 41/2 | RD[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB12B | | | |
| 42/2 | RD[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB12C | | | |
| 43/2 | RD[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_BIDI | PB12D | | | |
| 45/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB14A | | | |
| 47/2 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PB14B | | | |
| 48/2 | DQML | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB14C | SN | | |
| 49/2 | DQMH | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PB14D | SI/SISPI | | |
| 51/1 | nRWEout | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR7D | | | |
| 52/1 | nCASout | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR7C | | | |
| 53/1 | CKEout | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR7B | | | |
| 54/1 | nRASout | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR7A | | | |
| 57/1 | nCSout | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR6D | | | |
| 58/1 | BA[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR6C | | | |
| 59/1 | RAout[11] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR6B | | | |
| 60/1 | BA[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR6A | | | |
| 62/1 | C14M | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PR5D | PCLKC1_0 | | |
| 63/1 | RAout[9] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5C | PCLKT1_0 | | |
| 64/1 | RAout[10] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5B | | | |
| 65/1 | RAout[8] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR5A | | | |
| 66/1 | RAout[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3D | | | |
| 67/1 | RAout[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3C | | | |
| 68/1 | RAout[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3B | | | |
| 69/1 | RAout[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR3A | | | |
| 70/1 | RAout[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2D | | | |
| 71/1 | RAout[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2C | | | |
| 74/1 | RAout[3] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2B | | | |
| 75/1 | RAout[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_OUT | PR2A | | | |
| 76/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT11D | DONE | | |
| 77/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT11C | INITN | | |
| 78/0 | Ain[4] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT11A | | | |
| 81/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT10D | PROGRAMN | | |
| 82/0 | nEN80 | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT10C | JTAGENB | | |
| 83/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT10B | | | |
| 84/0 | Ain[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT10A | | | |
| 85/0 | PHI1 | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9D | SDA/PCLKC0_0 | | |
| 86/0 | Ain[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9C | SCL/PCLKT0_0 | | |
| 87/0 | Din[7] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9B | PCLKC0_1 | | |
| 88/0 | Din[6] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT9A | PCLKT0_1 | | |
| 90/0 | Reserved: sysCONFIG | | | PT7D | TMS | | |
| 91/0 | Reserved: sysCONFIG | | | PT7C | TCK | | |
| 94/0 | Reserved: sysCONFIG | | | PT7B | TDI | | |
| 95/0 | Reserved: sysCONFIG | | | PT7A | TDO | | |
| 96/0 | Din[0] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT6D | | | |
| 97/0 | Din[1] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT6C | | | |
| 98/0 | Din[2] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT6B | | | |
| 99/0 | Din[5] | LOCATED | LVCMOS33_IN | PT6A | | | |
| PT11B/0 | unused, PULL:DOWN | | | PT11B | | | |
sysCONFIG Pins:
| Pad Name | sysCONFIG Pin Name | sysCONFIG Settings | Pin/Bank | Buffer Type | Config Pull Mode |
| PT7C | TCK/TEST_CLK | JTAG_PORT=ENABLE | 91/0 | | NO pull up/down |
Dedicated sysCONFIG Pins:
List of All Pins' Locate Preferences Based on Final Placement After PAR
to Help Users Lock Down ALL the Pins Easily (by Simply Copy & Paste):
LOCATE COMP "Ain[0]" SITE "3";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[1]" SITE "2";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[2]" SITE "7";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[3]" SITE "4";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[4]" SITE "78";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[5]" SITE "84";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[6]" SITE "86";
LOCATE COMP "Ain[7]" SITE "8";
LOCATE COMP "Din[0]" SITE "96";
LOCATE COMP "Din[1]" SITE "97";
LOCATE COMP "Din[2]" SITE "98";
LOCATE COMP "Din[3]" SITE "9";
LOCATE COMP "Din[4]" SITE "1";
LOCATE COMP "Din[5]" SITE "99";
LOCATE COMP "Din[6]" SITE "88";
LOCATE COMP "Din[7]" SITE "87";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[0]" SITE "30";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[1]" SITE "27";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[2]" SITE "25";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[3]" SITE "28";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[4]" SITE "24";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[5]" SITE "21";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[6]" SITE "31";
LOCATE COMP "Dout[7]" SITE "32";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[0]" SITE "66";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[10]" SITE "64";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[11]" SITE "59";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[1]" SITE "68";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[2]" SITE "70";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[3]" SITE "74";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[4]" SITE "75";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[5]" SITE "71";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[6]" SITE "69";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[7]" SITE "67";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[8]" SITE "65";
LOCATE COMP "RAout[9]" SITE "63";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[0]" SITE "18";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[1]" SITE "15";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[2]" SITE "17";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[3]" SITE "13";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[4]" SITE "19";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[5]" SITE "16";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[6]" SITE "14";
LOCATE COMP "Vout[7]" SITE "12";
PAR: Place And Route Diamond (64-bit)
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
Thu Dec 28 23:23:41 2023

View File

@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>Place & Route Report</TITLE>
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
body,pre{ font-family:'Courier New', monospace; color: #000000; font-size:88%; background-color: #ffffff; } h1 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 24px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 3px solid #000; font-size: 1em; } h2 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 18px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.90em; } h3 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.80em; } p { font-size:78%; } P.Table { margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-right: 4px; margin-left: 4px; } table { border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; border-collapse: collapse; } th { font-weight:bold; padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; text-align:left; font-size:78%; } td { padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; font-size:78%; } a { color:#013C9A; text-decoration:none; } a:visited { color:#013C9A; } a:hover, a:active { text-decoration:underline; color:#5BAFD4; } .pass { background-color: #00ff00; } .fail { background-color: #ff0000; } .comment { font-size: 90%; font-style: italic; }
<PRE><A name="Par"></A>PAR: Place And Route Diamond (64-bit)
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&amp;T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
Thu Dec 28 23:23:31 2023
C:/lscc/diamond/3.12/ispfpga\bin\nt64\par -f RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.p2t
RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1_map.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.dir
RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.prf -gui -msgset
Preference file: RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.prf.
<A name="par_cts"></A><B><U><big>Cost Table Summary</big></U></B>
Level/ Number Worst Timing Worst Timing Run NCD
Cost [ncd] Unrouted Slack Score Slack(hold) Score(hold) Time Status
---------- -------- ----- ------ ----------- ----------- ---- ------
5_1 * 0 57.938 0 0.379 0 13 Completed
* : Design saved.
Total (real) run time for 1-seed: 13 secs
par done!
Note: user must run &apos;Trace&apos; for timing closure signoff.
Lattice Place and Route Report for Design &quot;RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1_map.ncd&quot;
Thu Dec 28 23:23:31 2023
<A name="par_best"></A><B><U><big>Best Par Run</big></U></B>
PAR: Place And Route Diamond (64-bit)
Command Line: par -w -l 5 -i 6 -t 1 -c 0 -e 0 -gui -msgset //Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC/promote.xml -exp parUseNBR=1:parCDP=0:parCDR=0:parPathBased=OFF:parASE=1 RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1_map.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.dir/5_1.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.prf
Preference file: RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.prf.
Placement level-cost: 5-1.
Routing Iterations: 6
Loading design for application par from file RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1_map.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-640HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: 4
Loading device for application par from file &apos;xo2c640.nph&apos; in environment: C:/lscc/diamond/3.12/ispfpga.
Package Status: Final Version 1.39.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
License checked out.
Ignore Preference Error(s): True
<A name="par_dus"></A><B><U><big>Device utilization summary:</big></U></B>
PIO (prelim) 69+4(JTAG)/80 91% used
69+4(JTAG)/79 92% bonded
IOLOGIC 29/80 36% used
SLICE 148/320 46% used
EFB 1/1 100% used
Number of Signals: 459
Number of Connections: 1330
Pin Constraint Summary:
69 out of 69 pins locked (100% locked).
The following 1 signal is selected to use the primary clock routing resources:
C14M_c (driver: C14M, clk load #: 89)
WARNING - par: Signal &quot;C14M_c&quot; is selected to use Primary clock resources. However, its driver comp &quot;C14M&quot; is located at &quot;62&quot;, which is not a dedicated pin for connecting to Primary clock resources. General routing has to be used to route this signal, and it might suffer from excessive delay or skew.
The following 1 signal is selected to use the secondary clock routing resources:
N_187_i (driver: ram2e_ufm/SLICE_130, clk load #: 0, sr load #: 0, ce load #: 11)
No signal is selected as Global Set/Reset.
Starting Placer Phase 0.
Finished Placer Phase 0. REAL time: 0 secs
Starting Placer Phase 1.
Placer score = 69810.
Finished Placer Phase 1. REAL time: 7 secs
Starting Placer Phase 2.
Placer score = 69262
Finished Placer Phase 2. REAL time: 7 secs
<A name="par_clk"></A><B><U><big>Clock Report</big></U></B>
Global Clock Resources:
CLK_PIN : 0 out of 8 (0%)
General PIO: 1 out of 80 (1%)
DCM : 0 out of 2 (0%)
DCC : 0 out of 8 (0%)
Global Clocks:
PRIMARY &quot;C14M_c&quot; from comp &quot;C14M&quot; on PIO site &quot;62 (PR5D)&quot;, clk load = 89
SECONDARY &quot;N_187_i&quot; from F1 on comp &quot;ram2e_ufm/SLICE_130&quot; on site &quot;R6C8B&quot;, clk load = 0, ce load = 11, sr load = 0
PRIMARY : 1 out of 8 (12%)
SECONDARY: 1 out of 8 (12%)
I/O Usage Summary (final):
69 + 4(JTAG) out of 80 (91.3%) PIO sites used.
69 + 4(JTAG) out of 79 (92.4%) bonded PIO sites used.
Number of PIO comps: 69; differential: 0.
Number of Vref pins used: 0.
I/O Bank Usage Summary:
| I/O Bank | Usage | Bank Vccio | Bank Vref |
| 0 | 11 / 19 ( 57%) | 3.3V | - |
| 1 | 20 / 20 (100%) | 3.3V | - |
| 2 | 18 / 20 ( 90%) | 3.3V | - |
| 3 | 20 / 20 (100%) | 3.3V | - |
Total placer CPU time: 6 secs
Dumping design to file RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.dir/5_1.ncd.
0 connections routed; 1330 unrouted.
Starting router resource preassignment
WARNING - par: The driver of primary clock net C14M_c is not placed on one of the sites dedicated for primary clocks. This primary clock will be routed to an H-spine through general routing resource and might suffer from excessive delay or skew.
Completed router resource preassignment. Real time: 11 secs
Start NBR router at 23:23:42 12/28/23
Info: NBR allows conflicts(one node used by more than one signal)
in the earlier iterations. In each iteration, it tries to
solve the conflicts while keeping the critical connections
routed as short as possible. The routing process is said to
be completed when no conflicts exist and all connections
are routed.
Note: NBR uses a different method to calculate timing slacks. The
worst slack and total negative slack may not be the same as
that in TRCE report. You should always run TRCE to verify
your design.
Start NBR special constraint process at 23:23:42 12/28/23
Start NBR section for initial routing at 23:23:42 12/28/23
Level 4, iteration 1
19(0.04%) conflicts; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score;
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack&lt;setup&gt;: 58.137ns/0.000ns; real time: 11 secs
Info: Initial congestion level at 75% usage is 0
Info: Initial congestion area at 75% usage is 0 (0.00%)
Start NBR section for normal routing at 23:23:42 12/28/23
Level 4, iteration 1
8(0.02%) conflicts; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score;
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack&lt;setup&gt;: 57.938ns/0.000ns; real time: 11 secs
Level 4, iteration 2
1(0.00%) conflict; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score;
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack&lt;setup&gt;: 57.938ns/0.000ns; real time: 11 secs
Level 4, iteration 3
0(0.00%) conflict; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score;
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack&lt;setup&gt;: 57.938ns/0.000ns; real time: 12 secs
Start NBR section for setup/hold timing optimization with effort level 3 at 23:23:43 12/28/23
Start NBR section for re-routing at 23:23:43 12/28/23
Level 4, iteration 1
0(0.00%) conflict; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score;
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack&lt;setup&gt;: 57.938ns/0.000ns; real time: 12 secs
Start NBR section for post-routing at 23:23:43 12/28/23
End NBR router with 0 unrouted connection
NBR Summary
Number of unrouted connections : 0 (0.00%)
Number of connections with timing violations : 0 (0.00%)
Estimated worst slack&lt;setup&gt; : 57.938ns
Timing score&lt;setup&gt; : 0
Notes: The timing info is calculated for SETUP only and all PAR_ADJs are ignored.
Total CPU time 12 secs
Total REAL time: 12 secs
Completely routed.
End of route. 1330 routed (100.00%); 0 unrouted.
Hold time timing score: 0, hold timing errors: 0
Timing score: 0
Dumping design to file RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.dir/5_1.ncd.
All signals are completely routed.
PAR_SUMMARY::Run status = Completed
PAR_SUMMARY::Number of unrouted conns = 0
PAR_SUMMARY::Worst slack&lt;setup/&lt;ns&gt;&gt; = 57.938
PAR_SUMMARY::Timing score&lt;setup/&lt;ns&gt;&gt; = 0.000
PAR_SUMMARY::Worst slack&lt;hold /&lt;ns&gt;&gt; = 0.379
PAR_SUMMARY::Timing score&lt;hold /&lt;ns&gt;&gt; = 0.000
PAR_SUMMARY::Number of errors = 0
Total CPU time to completion: 12 secs
Total REAL time to completion: 13 secs
par done!
Note: user must run &apos;Trace&apos; for timing closure signoff.
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&amp;T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
# Written on Thu Dec 28 23:23:20 2023
##### FILES SYNTAX CHECKED ##############################################
Constraint File(s): "\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\RAM2E.sdc"
#Run constraint checker to find more issues with constraints.
No issues found in constraint syntax.
Clock Summary
Start Requested Requested Clock Clock Clock
Level Clock Frequency Period Type Group Load
0 - C14M 14.3 MHz 69.841 declared default_clkgroup 122
0 - System 100.0 MHz 10.000 system system_clkgroup 0
Clock Load Summary
Clock Source Clock Pin Non-clock Pin Non-clock Pin
Clock Load Pin Seq Example Seq Example Comb Example
C14M 122 C14M(port) DOEEN.C - un1_C14M.I[0](inv)
System 0 - - - -

View File

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>Project Summary</TITLE>
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
body,pre{ font-family:'Courier New', monospace; color: #000000; font-size:88%; background-color: #ffffff; } h1 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 24px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 3px solid #000; font-size: 1em; } h2 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 18px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.90em; } h3 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.80em; } p { font-size:78%; } P.Table { margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-right: 4px; margin-left: 4px; } table { border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; border-collapse: collapse; } th { font-weight:bold; padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; text-align:left; font-size:78%; } td { padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; font-size:78%; } a { color:#013C9A; text-decoration:none; } a:visited { color:#013C9A; } a:hover, a:active { text-decoration:underline; color:#5BAFD4; } .pass { background-color: #00ff00; } .fail { background-color: #ff0000; } .comment { font-size: 90%; font-style: italic; }
<PRE><TABLE border=1 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2><small>
<TD align='center' BGCOLOR='#000099' COLSPAN='4'><SPAN style="COLOR: #FFFFFF"><B>RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC project summary</B></SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Module Name:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Synthesis:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">SynplifyPro</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Implementation Name:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">impl1</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Strategy Name:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Strategy1</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Last Process:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000"></SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">State:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000"></SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Target Device:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">LCMXO2-640HC-4TG100C</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Device Family:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">MachXO2</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Device Type:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">LCMXO2-640HC</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Package Type:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">TQFP100</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Performance grade:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">4</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Operating conditions:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">COM</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Logic preference file:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='3'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">RAM2E-LCMXO2.lpf</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Physical Preference file:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='3'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">impl1/RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.prf</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Product Version:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000"></SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Patch Version:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000"></SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Updated:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='3'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">2024/01/05 06:01:02</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Implementation Location:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='3'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">//Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC/impl1</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#DEE8F4' COLSPAN='1'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">Project File:</SPAN></TD>
<TD align='left' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' COLSPAN='3'><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000">//Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC/RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC.ldf</SPAN></TD>

View File

@ -1,761 +0,0 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>Synthesis Report</TITLE>
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
body,pre{ font-family:'Courier New', monospace; color: #000000; font-size:88%; background-color: #ffffff; } h1 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 24px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 3px solid #000; font-size: 1em; } h2 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 18px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.90em; } h3 { font-weight: bold; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 0.80em; } p { font-size:78%; } P.Table { margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-right: 4px; margin-left: 4px; } table { border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; border-collapse: collapse; } th { font-weight:bold; padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; text-align:left; font-size:78%; } td { padding: 4px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: black black black black; vertical-align:top; font-size:78%; } a { color:#013C9A; text-decoration:none; } a:visited { color:#013C9A; } a:hover, a:active { text-decoration:underline; color:#5BAFD4; } .pass { background-color: #00ff00; } .fail { background-color: #ff0000; } .comment { font-size: 90%; font-style: italic; }
<PRE><A name="Syn"></A><B><U><big>Synthesis Report</big></U></B>
#Build: Synplify Pro (R) R-2021.03L-SP1, Build 093R, Aug 10 2021
#install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
#OS: Windows 8 6.2
#Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:17 2023
#Implementation: impl1
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys HDL Compiler, Version comp202103synp2, Build 093R, Built Aug 10 2021 09:15:36, @
@N|Running in 64-bit mode
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Verilog Compiler, Version comp202103synp2, Build 093R, Built Aug 10 2021 09:15:36, @
@N|Running in 64-bit mode
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\machxo2.v" (library work)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\pmi_def.v" (library work)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\vlog\hypermods.v" (library __hyper__lib__)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\vlog\umr_capim.v" (library snps_haps)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\vlog\scemi_objects.v" (library snps_haps)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\vlog\scemi_pipes.svh" (library snps_haps)
@I::"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\RAM2E.v" (library work)
@I::"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\UFM-LCMXO2.v" (library work)
@I::"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\LCMXO2-640HC\REFB.v" (library work)
Verilog syntax check successful!
File \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\RAM2E.v changed - recompiling
File \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\UFM-LCMXO2.v changed - recompiling
Selecting top level module RAM2E
@N: CG364 :"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\machxo2.v":1120:7:1120:9|Synthesizing module VHI in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on VHI .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on VHI (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 98MB peak: 99MB)
@N: CG364 :"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\machxo2.v":1124:7:1124:9|Synthesizing module VLO in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on VLO .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on VLO (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 98MB peak: 99MB)
@N: CG364 :"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\machxo2.v":1800:7:1800:9|Synthesizing module EFB in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on EFB .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on EFB (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 99MB peak: 99MB)
@N: CG364 :"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\LCMXO2-640HC\REFB.v":8:7:8:10|Synthesizing module REFB in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on REFB .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on REFB (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 99MB peak: 99MB)
@N: CG364 :"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\UFM-LCMXO2.v":1:7:1:15|Synthesizing module RAM2E_UFM in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on RAM2E_UFM .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on RAM2E_UFM (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 100MB peak: 101MB)
@N: CG364 :"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\RAM2E.v":1:7:1:11|Synthesizing module RAM2E in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on RAM2E .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on RAM2E (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 101MB peak: 101MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on RAM2E .......
@N: CL159 :"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\RAM2E.v":11:15:11:19|Input nWE80 is unused.
Finished optimization stage 2 on RAM2E (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on RAM2E_UFM .......
@N: CL159 :"\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\UFM-LCMXO2.v":10:7:10:11|Input Ready is unused.
Finished optimization stage 2 on RAM2E_UFM (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on REFB .......
Finished optimization stage 2 on REFB (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on EFB .......
Finished optimization stage 2 on EFB (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on VLO .......
Finished optimization stage 2 on VLO (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on VHI .......
Finished optimization stage 2 on VHI (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
At c_ver Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 102MB peak: 102MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
Process completed successfully.
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:18 2023
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Synopsys Netlist Linker, Version comp202103synp2, Build 093R, Built Aug 10 2021 09:15:36, @
@N|Running in 64-bit mode
File \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\LCMXO2-640HC\impl1\synwork\layer0.srs changed - recompiling
At syn_nfilter Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 98MB peak: 99MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
Process completed successfully.
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:18 2023
For a summary of runtime and memory usage for all design units, please see file:
@L: A:\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\LCMXO2-640HC\impl1\synwork\RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1_comp.rt.csv
At c_hdl Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 31MB peak: 31MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
Process completed successfully.
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:18 2023
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Synopsys Netlist Linker, Version comp202103synp2, Build 093R, Built Aug 10 2021 09:15:36, @
@N|Running in 64-bit mode
File \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\LCMXO2-640HC\impl1\synwork\RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1_comp.srs changed - recompiling
At syn_nfilter Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 99MB peak: 99MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
Process completed successfully.
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:19 2023
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:19 2023
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Lattice Technology Pre-mapping, Version map202103lat, Build 070R, Built Oct 6 2021 11:12:38, @
Mapper Startup Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 127MB peak: 127MB)
Done reading skeleton netlist (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 131MB peak: 140MB)
Reading constraint file: \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\RAM2E.sdc
@L: \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\LCMXO2-640HC\impl1\RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1_scck.rpt
See clock summary report "\\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\LCMXO2-640HC\impl1\RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1_scck.rpt"
@N: MF916 |Option synthesis_strategy=base is enabled.
@N: MF248 |Running in 64-bit mode.
@N: MF666 |Clock conversion enabled. (Command "set_option -fix_gated_and_generated_clocks 1" in the project file.)
Design Input Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 137MB peak: 140MB)
Mapper Initialization Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 137MB peak: 140MB)
Start loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 149MB peak: 149MB)
Finished loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 150MB peak: 151MB)
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdBitbangMXO2.
@W: FX474 |User-specified initial value defined for some sequential elements which can prevent optimum synthesis results from being achieved.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdExecMXO2.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance PHI1r.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance RWSel.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance Ready.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "00000000" on instance RWBank[7:0].
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdLEDGet.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdLEDSet.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdRWMaskSet.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdSetRWBankFFLED.
@A: FX681 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":163:4:163:9|Initial value on register DQMH is non-zero which can prevent the register from being packed into a block RAM or DSP.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance DQMH.
@A: FX681 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":163:4:163:9|Initial value on register DQML is non-zero which can prevent the register from being packed into a block RAM or DSP.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance DQML.
@A: FX681 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":21:4:21:9|Initial value on register S[3:0] is non-zero which can prevent the register from being packed into a block RAM or DSP.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0000" on instance S[3:0].
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance CKE.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nRWE.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nRWEout.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nCAS.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nCASout.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nRAS.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nRASout.
Starting clock optimization phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 181MB peak: 181MB)
Finished clock optimization phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
Starting clock optimization report phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
Finished clock optimization report phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
@N: FX1184 |Applying syn_allowed_resources blockrams=2 on top level netlist RAM2E
Finished netlist restructuring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
Clock Summary
Start Requested Requested Clock Clock Clock
Level Clock Frequency Period Type Group Load
0 - C14M 14.3 MHz 69.841 declared default_clkgroup 122
0 - System 100.0 MHz 10.000 system system_clkgroup 0
Clock Load Summary
Clock Source Clock Pin Non-clock Pin Non-clock Pin
Clock Load Pin Seq Example Seq Example Comb Example
C14M 122 C14M(port) DOEEN.C - un1_C14M.I[0](inv)
System 0 - - - -
ICG Latch Removal Summary:
Number of ICG latches removed: 0
Number of ICG latches not removed: 0
For details review file gcc_ICG_report.rpt
@S |Clock Optimization Summary
1 non-gated/non-generated clock tree(s) driving 122 clock pin(s) of sequential element(s)
0 gated/generated clock tree(s) driving 0 clock pin(s) of sequential element(s)
0 instances converted, 0 sequential instances remain driven by gated/generated clocks
=========================== Non-Gated/Non-Generated Clocks ============================
Clock Tree ID Driving Element Drive Element Type Fanout Sample Instance
@KP:ckid0_0 C14M port 122 nRAS
@N: FX1143 |Skipping assigning INTERNAL_VREF to iobanks, because the table of mapping from pin to iobank is not initialized.
Finished Pre Mapping Phase.
Starting constraint checker (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
Finished constraint checker preprocessing (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 183MB peak: 183MB)
Finished constraint checker (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 184MB peak: 184MB)
Pre-mapping successful!
At Mapper Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 99MB peak: 185MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:21 2023
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:21 2023
Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Lattice Technology Mapper, Version map202103lat, Build 070R, Built Oct 6 2021 11:12:38, @
Mapper Startup Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 127MB peak: 127MB)
@N: MF916 |Option synthesis_strategy=base is enabled.
@N: MF248 |Running in 64-bit mode.
@N: MF666 |Clock conversion enabled. (Command "set_option -fix_gated_and_generated_clocks 1" in the project file.)
Design Input Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 128MB peak: 139MB)
Mapper Initialization Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 128MB peak: 139MB)
Start loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 143MB peak: 143MB)
Finished loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 145MB peak: 146MB)
Starting Optimization and Mapping (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 178MB peak: 178MB)
Finished RTL optimizations (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 183MB peak: 183MB)
@N: MO231 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":14:23:14:28|Found counter in view:work.RAM2E(verilog) instance FS[15:0]
@W: FX474 |User-specified initial value defined for some sequential elements which can prevent optimum synthesis results from being achieved.
Starting factoring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 186MB peak: 186MB)
Finished factoring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 190MB)
Available hyper_sources - for debug and ip models
None Found
Finished generic timing optimizations - Pass 1 (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 190MB)
Starting Early Timing Optimization (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 190MB)
Finished Early Timing Optimization (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 190MB)
Finished generic timing optimizations - Pass 2 (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 191MB)
Finished preparing to map (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 191MB peak: 191MB)
Finished technology mapping (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 211MB peak: 211MB)
Pass CPU time Worst Slack Luts / Registers
1 0h:00m:02s 33.71ns 284 / 122
Finished technology timing optimizations and critical path resynthesis (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 211MB peak: 211MB)
@N: FX164 |The option to pack registers in the IOB has not been specified. Please set syn_useioff attribute.
@A: BN291 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":163:4:163:9|Boundary register BA_1_.fb (in view: work.RAM2E(verilog)) is packed into a complex cell. To disable register packing, set syn_keep=1 on the net between the register and the complex cell.
@A: BN291 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\ram2e.v":163:4:163:9|Boundary register BA_0_.fb (in view: work.RAM2E(verilog)) is packed into a complex cell. To disable register packing, set syn_keep=1 on the net between the register and the complex cell.
Finished restoring hierarchy (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 212MB peak: 212MB)
Start Writing Netlists (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 174MB peak: 212MB)
Writing Analyst data base \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\LCMXO2-640HC\impl1\synwork\RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1_m.srm
Finished Writing Netlist Databases (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 212MB peak: 212MB)
Writing EDIF Netlist and constraint files
@N: FX1056 |Writing EDF file: \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\LCMXO2-640HC\impl1\RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.edi
@N: BW106 |Synplicity Constraint File capacitance units using default value of 1pF
Finished Writing EDIF Netlist and constraint files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 217MB peak: 217MB)
Finished Writing Netlists (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 217MB peak: 217MB)
Start final timing analysis (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:04s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 215MB peak: 217MB)
@W: MT246 :"\\mac\icloud\repos\ram2e\cpld\lcmxo2-640hc\refb.v":78:8:78:16|Blackbox EFB is missing a user supplied timing model. This may have a negative effect on timing analysis and optimizations (Quality of Results)
@N: MT615 |Found clock C14M with period 69.84ns
# Timing report written on Thu Dec 28 23:23:25 2023
Top view: RAM2E
Requested Frequency: 14.3 MHz
Wire load mode: top
Paths requested: 5
Constraint File(s): \\Mac\iCloud\Repos\ram2e\CPLD\RAM2E.sdc
@N: MT320 |This timing report is an estimate of place and route data. For final timing results, use the FPGA vendor place and route report.
@N: MT322 |Clock constraints include only register-to-register paths associated with each individual clock.
Performance Summary
Worst slack in design: 33.707
Requested Estimated Requested Estimated Clock Clock
Starting Clock Frequency Frequency Period Period Slack Type Group
C14M 14.3 MHz 128.0 MHz 69.841 7.813 33.707 declared default_clkgroup
System 100.0 MHz NA 10.000 NA 67.088 system system_clkgroup
Estimated period and frequency reported as NA means no slack depends directly on the clock waveform
Clock Relationships
Clocks | rise to rise | fall to fall | rise to fall | fall to rise
Starting Ending | constraint slack | constraint slack | constraint slack | constraint slack
System C14M | 69.841 67.088 | No paths - | No paths - | No paths -
C14M System | 69.841 68.797 | No paths - | No paths - | No paths -
C14M C14M | 69.841 62.028 | No paths - | 34.920 33.707 | No paths -
Note: 'No paths' indicates there are no paths in the design for that pair of clock edges.
'Diff grp' indicates that paths exist but the starting clock and ending clock are in different clock groups.
Interface Information
No IO constraint found
Detailed Report for Clock: C14M
Starting Points with Worst Slack
Starting Arrival
Instance Reference Type Pin Net Time Slack
RA[0] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[0] 1.108 33.707
RA[3] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[3] 1.108 33.707
RA[1] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[1] 1.044 33.771
RA[2] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[2] 1.044 33.771
RA[4] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[4] 1.044 33.771
RA[5] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[5] 1.044 33.771
RA[6] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[6] 1.044 33.771
RA[7] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[7] 1.044 33.771
RA[8] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[8] 1.044 33.771
RA[9] C14M FD1P3AX Q RA[9] 1.044 33.771
Ending Points with Worst Slack
Starting Required
Instance Reference Type Pin Net Time Slack
RAout_0io[0] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[0] 34.815 33.707
RAout_0io[3] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[3] 34.815 33.707
RAout_0io[1] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[1] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[2] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[2] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[4] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[4] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[5] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[5] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[6] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[6] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[7] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[7] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[8] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[8] 34.815 33.771
RAout_0io[9] C14M OFS1P3DX D RA[9] 34.815 33.771
Worst Path Information
Path information for path number 1:
Requested Period: 34.920
- Setup time: 0.106
+ Clock delay at ending point: 0.000 (ideal)
= Required time: 34.815
- Propagation time: 1.108
- Clock delay at starting point: 0.000 (ideal)
= Slack (critical) : 33.707
Number of logic level(s): 0
Starting point: RA[0] / Q
Ending point: RAout_0io[0] / D
The start point is clocked by C14M [rising] (rise=0.000 fall=34.920 period=69.841) on pin CK
The end point is clocked by C14M [falling] (rise=0.000 fall=34.920 period=69.841) on pin SCLK
Instance / Net Pin Pin Arrival No. of
Name Type Name Dir Delay Time Fan Out(s)
RA[0] FD1P3AX Q Out 1.108 1.108 r -
RA[0] Net - - - - 3
RAout_0io[0] OFS1P3DX D In 0.000 1.108 r -
Detailed Report for Clock: System
Starting Points with Worst Slack
Starting Arrival
Instance Reference Type Pin Net Time Slack
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBACKO wb_ack 0.000 67.088
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO0 wb_dato[0] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO1 wb_dato[1] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO2 wb_dato[2] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO3 wb_dato[3] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO4 wb_dato[4] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO5 wb_dato[5] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO6 wb_dato[6] 0.000 69.313
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 System EFB WBDATO7 wb_dato[7] 0.000 69.313
Ending Points with Worst Slack
Starting Required
Instance Reference Type Pin Net Time Slack
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[0] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[1] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[2] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[3] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[4] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[5] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[6] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[7] System FD1P3AX SP un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.088
ram2e_ufm.LEDEN System FD1P3AX SP un1_LEDEN_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.736
ram2e_ufm.wb_cyc_stb System FD1P3AX SP un1_CmdSetRWBankFFChip13_1_i_0_0[0] 69.369 67.736
Worst Path Information
Path information for path number 1:
Requested Period: 69.841
- Setup time: 0.472
+ Clock delay at ending point: 0.000 (ideal)
= Required time: 69.369
- Propagation time: 2.282
- Clock delay at starting point: 0.000 (ideal)
- Estimated clock delay at start point: -0.000
= Slack (non-critical) : 67.088
Number of logic level(s): 2
Starting point: ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 / WBACKO
Ending point: ram2e_ufm.RWMask[0] / SP
The start point is clocked by System [rising]
The end point is clocked by C14M [rising] (rise=0.000 fall=34.920 period=69.841) on pin CK
Instance / Net Pin Pin Arrival No. of
Name Type Name Dir Delay Time Fan Out(s)
ram2e_ufm.ufmefb.EFBInst_0 EFB WBACKO Out 0.000 0.000 r -
wb_ack Net - - - - 5
ram2e_ufm.un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_a3_0_0[0] ORCALUT4 B In 0.000 0.000 r -
ram2e_ufm.un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_a3_0_0[0] ORCALUT4 Z Out 1.017 1.017 r -
un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_a3_0_0[0] Net - - - - 1
ram2e_ufm.un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] ORCALUT4 D In 0.000 1.017 r -
ram2e_ufm.un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] ORCALUT4 Z Out 1.265 2.282 r -
un1_RWMask_0_sqmuxa_1_i_0_0[0] Net - - - - 8
ram2e_ufm.RWMask[0] FD1P3AX SP In 0.000 2.282 r -
Timing exceptions that could not be applied
Finished final timing analysis (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:04s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 216MB peak: 217MB)
Finished timing report (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:04s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 216MB peak: 217MB)
Resource Usage Report
Part: lcmxo2_640hc-4
Register bits: 122 of 640 (19%)
PIC Latch: 0
I/O cells: 69
BB: 8
CCU2D: 9
EFB: 1
FD1P3AX: 61
FD1P3IX: 1
FD1S3AX: 21
FD1S3AY: 4
FD1S3IX: 6
GSR: 1
IB: 21
INV: 1
OB: 40
OFS1P3DX: 21
PUR: 1
VHI: 3
VLO: 3
Mapper successful!
At Mapper Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:04s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:04s; Memory used current: 78MB peak: 217MB)
Process took 0h:00m:04s realtime, 0h:00m:04s cputime
# Thu Dec 28 23:23:25 2023

View File

@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>Lattice Map TRACE Report</TITLE>
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<PRE><A name="Map_Twr"></A><B><U><big>Map TRACE Report</big></U></B>
Loading design for application trce from file ram2e_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1_map.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-640HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: 4
Loading device for application trce from file 'xo2c640.nph' in environment: C:/lscc/diamond/3.12/ispfpga.
Package Status: Final Version 1.39.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
Setup and Hold Report
<A name="Map_Twr_setup"></A><B><U><big>Lattice TRACE Report - Setup, Version Diamond (64-bit)</big></U></B>
Thu Dec 28 23:23:29 2023
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
<A name="mtw1_set_ri"></A><B><U><big>Report Information</big></U></B>
Command line: trce -v 1 -gt -mapchkpnt 0 -sethld -o RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.tw1 -gui -msgset //Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC/promote.xml RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1_map.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.prf
Design file: ram2e_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1_map.ncd
Preference file: ram2e_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1.prf
Device,speed: LCMXO2-640HC,4
Report level: verbose report, limited to 1 item per preference
<A name="mtw1_set_ps"></A><B><U><big>Preference Summary</big></U></B>
<LI><A href='#map_twr_pref_0_0' Target='right'>FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz (0 errors)</A></LI> 1611 items scored, 0 timing errors detected.
Report: 90.967MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference.
<A name="map_twr_pref_0_0"></A>Preference: FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ;
1611 items scored, 0 timing errors detected.
Passed: The following path meets requirements by 58.937ns
Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-)
Source: FF Q S[2] (from C14M_c +)
Destination: FF Data in ram2e_ufm/wb_adr[0] (to C14M_c +)
Delay: 10.827ns (31.6% logic, 68.4% route), 7 logic levels.
Constraint Details:
10.827ns physical path delay SLICE_34 to ram2e_ufm/SLICE_47 meets
69.930ns delay constraint less
0.166ns DIN_SET requirement (totaling 69.764ns) by 58.937ns
Physical Path Details:
Data path SLICE_34 to ram2e_ufm/SLICE_47:
Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource
REG_DEL --- 0.452 SLICE_34.CLK to SLICE_34.Q0 SLICE_34 (from C14M_c)
ROUTE 50 e 1.234 SLICE_34.Q0 to SLICE_35.A0 S[2]
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 SLICE_35.A0 to SLICE_35.F0 SLICE_35
ROUTE 7 e 1.234 SLICE_35.F0 to *m/SLICE_80.D1 N_551
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 *m/SLICE_80.D1 to *m/SLICE_80.F1 ram2e_ufm/SLICE_80
ROUTE 8 e 1.234 *m/SLICE_80.F1 to *m/SLICE_98.B1 ram2e_ufm/N_777
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 *m/SLICE_98.B1 to *m/SLICE_98.F1 ram2e_ufm/SLICE_98
ROUTE 5 e 1.234 *m/SLICE_98.F1 to *m/SLICE_99.C0 ram2e_ufm/N_781
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 *m/SLICE_99.C0 to *m/SLICE_99.F0 ram2e_ufm/SLICE_99
ROUTE 1 e 1.234 *m/SLICE_99.F0 to *m/SLICE_86.C0 ram2e_ufm/wb_adr_7_i_i_1[0]
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 *m/SLICE_86.C0 to *m/SLICE_86.F0 ram2e_ufm/SLICE_86
ROUTE 1 e 1.234 *m/SLICE_86.F0 to *m/SLICE_47.C0 ram2e_ufm/wb_adr_7_i_i_4[0]
CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 *m/SLICE_47.C0 to *m/SLICE_47.F0 ram2e_ufm/SLICE_47
ROUTE 1 e 0.001 *m/SLICE_47.F0 to */SLICE_47.DI0 ram2e_ufm/wb_adr_7_i_i[0] (to C14M_c)
10.827 (31.6% logic, 68.4% route), 7 logic levels.
Report: 90.967MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference.
<A name="mtw1_set_rs"></A><B><U><big>Report Summary</big></U></B>
Preference | Constraint| Actual|Levels
| | |
FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ; | 14.300 MHz| 90.967 MHz| 7
| | |
All preferences were met.
<A name="mtw1_set_clkda"></A><B><U><big>Clock Domains Analysis</big></U></B>
Found 1 clocks:
Clock Domain: C14M_c Source: C14M.PAD Loads: 89
Covered under: FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ;
<A name="mtw1_set_ts"></A><B><U><big>Timing summary (Setup):</big></U></B>
Timing errors: 0 Score: 0
Cumulative negative slack: 0
Constraints cover 1611 paths, 1 nets, and 1095 connections (82.33% coverage)
<A name="Map_Twr_hold"></A><B><U><big>Lattice TRACE Report - Hold, Version Diamond (64-bit)</big></U></B>
Thu Dec 28 23:23:29 2023
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
<A name="mtw1_hold_ri"></A><B><U><big>Report Information</big></U></B>
Command line: trce -v 1 -gt -mapchkpnt 0 -sethld -o RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.tw1 -gui -msgset //Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC/promote.xml RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1_map.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.prf
Design file: ram2e_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1_map.ncd
Preference file: ram2e_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1.prf
Device,speed: LCMXO2-640HC,M
Report level: verbose report, limited to 1 item per preference
<A name="mtw1_hold_ps"></A><B><U><big>Preference Summary</big></U></B>
<LI><A href='#map_twr_pref_1_0' Target='right'>FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz (0 errors)</A></LI> 1611 items scored, 0 timing errors detected.
<A name="map_twr_pref_1_0"></A>Preference: FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ;
1611 items scored, 0 timing errors detected.
Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.447ns
Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-)
Source: FF Q FS[0] (from C14M_c +)
Destination: FF Data in FS[0] (to C14M_c +)
Delay: 0.434ns (53.9% logic, 46.1% route), 2 logic levels.
Constraint Details:
0.434ns physical path delay SLICE_0 to SLICE_0 meets
-0.013ns DIN_HLD and
0.000ns delay constraint requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.447ns
Physical Path Details:
Data path SLICE_0 to SLICE_0:
Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource
REG_DEL --- 0.133 SLICE_0.CLK to SLICE_0.Q1 SLICE_0 (from C14M_c)
ROUTE 6 e 0.199 SLICE_0.Q1 to SLICE_0.A1 FS[0]
CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 SLICE_0.A1 to SLICE_0.F1 SLICE_0
ROUTE 1 e 0.001 SLICE_0.F1 to SLICE_0.DI1 FS_s[0] (to C14M_c)
0.434 (53.9% logic, 46.1% route), 2 logic levels.
<A name="mtw1_hold_rs"></A><B><U><big>Report Summary</big></U></B>
Preference(MIN Delays) | Constraint| Actual|Levels
| | |
FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ; | -| -| 2
| | |
All preferences were met.
<A name="mtw1_hold_clkda"></A><B><U><big>Clock Domains Analysis</big></U></B>
Found 1 clocks:
Clock Domain: C14M_c Source: C14M.PAD Loads: 89
Covered under: FREQUENCY PORT "C14M" 14.300000 MHz ;
<A name="mtw1_hold_ts"></A><B><U><big>Timing summary (Hold):</big></U></B>
Timing errors: 0 Score: 0
Cumulative negative slack: 0
Constraints cover 1611 paths, 1 nets, and 1095 connections (82.33% coverage)
<A name="mtw1_ts"></A><B><U><big>Timing summary (Setup and Hold):</big></U></B>
Timing errors: 0 (setup), 0 (hold)
Score: 0 (setup), 0 (hold)
Cumulative negative slack: 0 (0+0)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
Loading design for application iotiming from file ram2e_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-640HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: 5
Package Status: Final Version 1.39.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
Loading design for application iotiming from file ram2e_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-640HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: 6
Package Status: Final Version 1.39.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
Loading design for application iotiming from file ram2e_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1.ncd.
Design name: RAM2E
NCD version: 3.3
Device: LCMXO2-640HC
Package: TQFP100
Performance: M
Package Status: Final Version 1.39.
Performance Hardware Data Status: Final Version 34.4.
// Design: RAM2E
// Package: TQFP100
// ncd File: ram2e_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1.ncd
// Version: Diamond (64-bit)
// Written on Thu Dec 28 23:23:47 2023
// M: Minimum Performance Grade
// iotiming RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.ncd RAM2E_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.prf -gui -msgset //Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC/promote.xml
I/O Timing Report (All units are in ns)
Worst Case Results across Performance Grades (M, 6, 5, 4):
// Input Setup and Hold Times
Port Clock Edge Setup Performance_Grade Hold Performance_Grade
Ain[0] C14M R 2.463 4 -0.066 M
Ain[1] C14M R 1.330 4 0.135 6
Ain[2] C14M R 1.221 4 0.223 4
Ain[3] C14M R 2.776 4 -0.165 M
Ain[4] C14M R 1.603 4 0.140 M
Ain[5] C14M R 0.021 6 1.287 4
Ain[6] C14M R 1.444 4 0.205 M
Ain[7] C14M R 1.816 4 0.114 M
Din[0] C14M R 8.919 4 0.723 4
Din[1] C14M R 8.410 4 1.156 4
Din[2] C14M R 8.503 4 1.181 4
Din[3] C14M R 8.783 4 0.110 M
Din[4] C14M R 10.420 4 1.022 4
Din[5] C14M R 8.001 4 0.566 4
Din[6] C14M R 9.731 4 1.050 4
Din[7] C14M R 10.052 4 0.862 4
PHI1 C14M R 2.579 4 3.047 4
RD[0] C14M R 0.267 4 0.866 4
RD[1] C14M R 0.173 4 0.937 4
RD[2] C14M R 0.100 4 1.018 4
RD[3] C14M R 0.267 4 0.866 4
RD[4] C14M R 0.172 4 0.936 4
RD[5] C14M R 0.267 4 0.866 4
RD[6] C14M R 0.766 4 0.420 4
RD[7] C14M R 0.267 4 0.866 4
nC07X C14M R 0.998 4 0.405 6
nEN80 C14M R 6.107 4 0.114 M
nWE C14M R 6.726 4 0.069 M
// Clock to Output Delay
Port Clock Edge Max_Delay Performance_Grade Min_Delay Performance_Grade
BA[0] C14M R 8.629 4 2.885 M
BA[1] C14M R 8.629 4 2.885 M
CKEout C14M F 8.629 4 2.885 M
DQMH C14M R 8.609 4 2.892 M
DQML C14M R 8.609 4 2.892 M
LED C14M R 19.935 4 8.161 M
RAout[0] C14M F 8.695 4 2.890 M
RAout[10] C14M F 8.629 4 2.885 M
RAout[11] C14M F 8.629 4 2.885 M
RAout[1] C14M F 8.695 4 2.890 M
RAout[2] C14M F 8.695 4 2.890 M
RAout[3] C14M F 8.695 4 2.890 M
RAout[4] C14M F 8.695 4 2.890 M
RAout[5] C14M F 8.695 4 2.890 M
RAout[6] C14M F 8.695 4 2.890 M
RAout[7] C14M F 8.695 4 2.890 M
RAout[8] C14M F 8.629 4 2.885 M
RAout[9] C14M F 8.629 4 2.885 M
RD[0] C14M R 11.414 4 3.265 M
RD[1] C14M R 11.811 4 3.265 M
RD[2] C14M R 11.925 4 3.265 M
RD[3] C14M R 11.384 4 3.265 M
RD[4] C14M R 12.301 4 3.371 M
RD[5] C14M R 12.767 4 3.371 M
RD[6] C14M R 12.010 4 3.371 M
RD[7] C14M R 12.313 4 3.371 M
Vout[0] C14M R 9.553 4 3.402 M
Vout[1] C14M R 9.553 4 3.402 M
Vout[2] C14M R 9.553 4 3.402 M
Vout[3] C14M R 9.553 4 3.402 M
Vout[4] C14M R 9.553 4 3.402 M
Vout[5] C14M R 9.553 4 3.402 M
Vout[6] C14M R 9.553 4 3.402 M
Vout[7] C14M R 9.553 4 3.402 M
nCASout C14M F 8.629 4 2.885 M
nDOE C14M R 12.048 4 3.811 M
nRASout C14M F 8.629 4 2.885 M
nRWEout C14M F 8.629 4 2.885 M
nVOE C14M R 12.164 4 3.783 M
WARNING: you must also run trce with hold speed: 4
WARNING: you must also run trce with setup speed: 6
WARNING: you must also run trce with hold speed: 6

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
SCUBA, Version Diamond (64-bit)
Wed Sep 20 04:17:14 2023
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
BEGIN SCUBA Module Synthesis
Issued command : C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\ispfpga\bin\nt64\scuba.exe -w -n REFB -lang verilog -synth synplify -bus_exp 7 -bb -type efb -arch xo2c00 -freq 14.4 -ufm -ufm_ebr 190 -mem_size 1 -memfile ../RAM2E-LCMXO2.mem -memformat hex -wb -dev 640
Circuit name : REFB
Module type : efb
Module Version : 1.2
Ports :
Inputs : wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, wb_cyc_i, wb_stb_i, wb_we_i, wb_adr_i[7:0], wb_dat_i[7:0]
Outputs : wb_dat_o[7:0], wb_ack_o, wbc_ufm_irq
I/O buffer : not inserted
EDIF output : REFB.edn
Verilog output : REFB.v
Verilog template : REFB_tmpl.v
Verilog purpose : for synthesis and simulation
Bus notation : big endian
Report output : REFB.srp
Estimated Resource Usage:
END SCUBA Module Synthesis

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<userSetting name="//Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC/promote.xml" version="Diamond (64-bit)" date="Fri Jan 05 06:01:06 2024" vendor="Lattice Semiconductor Corporation" >

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Report>
<ReportView version="2.0">
<Implement name="impl1">
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<ToolReport id="toolhle_genhierarchy" path="//Mac/iCloud/Repos/ram2e/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC/impl1/hdla_gen_hierarchy.html" status="1"/>
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