See clock summary report "Y:\Repos\RAM2GS\CPLD\LCMXO640C\impl1\RAM2GS_LCMXO640C_impl1_scck.rpt"
@N:<ahref="@N:MF916:@XP_HELP">MF916</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Option synthesis_strategy=base is enabled.
@N:<ahref="@N:MF248:@XP_HELP">MF248</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Running in 64-bit mode.
@N:<ahref="@N:MF666:@XP_HELP">MF666</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Clock conversion enabled. (Command "set_option -fix_gated_and_generated_clocks 1" in the project file.)
Design Input Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 137MB peak: 140MB)
Mapper Initialization Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 137MB peak: 140MB)
Start loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 149MB peak: 149MB)
Finished loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 149MB peak: 151MB)
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "0" on instance InitReady.
<fontcolor=#A52A2A>@W:<ahref="@W:FX474:@XP_HELP">FX474</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | User-specified initial value defined for some sequential elements which can prevent optimum synthesis results from being achieved. </font>
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "0" on instance Ready.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "0" on instance RCKE.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "1" on instance nRCAS.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdLEDEN.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "0" on instance Cmdn8MEGEN.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "1" on instance nRCS.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "0" on instance LEDEN.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "0" on instance n8MEGEN.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "1" on instance nRRAS.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdUFMCLK.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdUFMCS.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdUFMSDI.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "0" on instance C1Submitted.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdSubmitted.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "0" on instance ADSubmitted.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "0" on instance XOR8MEG.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "1" on instance nUFMCS.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "0" on instance UFMSDI.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "0" on instance UFMCLK.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdEnable.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying initial value "1" on instance nRWE.
Starting clock optimization phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 181MB peak: 181MB)
Finished clock optimization phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 181MB peak: 181MB)
Starting clock optimization report phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 181MB peak: 181MB)
Finished clock optimization report phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 181MB peak: 181MB)
@N:<ahref="@N:FX1184:@XP_HELP">FX1184</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Applying syn_allowed_resources blockrams=0 on top level netlist RAM2GS
Finished netlist restructuring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 181MB peak: 181MB)
@N:<ahref="@N:FX1143:@XP_HELP">FX1143</a> : <!@TM:1692493028> | Skipping assigning INTERNAL_VREF to iobanks, because the table of mapping from pin to iobank is not initialized.
Finished Pre Mapping Phase.
Starting constraint checker (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 181MB peak: 181MB)
Finished constraint checker preprocessing (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
Finished constraint checker (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
Pre-mapping successful!
At Mapper Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 102MB peak: 184MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2
Hostname: ZANEMACWIN11
Implementation : impl1
<aname=mapperReport8></a>Synopsys Lattice Technology Mapper, Version map202103lat, Build 070R, Built Oct 6 2021 11:12:38, @</a>
Mapper Startup Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 127MB peak: 127MB)
@N:<ahref="@N:MF916:@XP_HELP">MF916</a> : <!@TM:1692493032> | Option synthesis_strategy=base is enabled.
@N:<ahref="@N:MF248:@XP_HELP">MF248</a> : <!@TM:1692493032> | Running in 64-bit mode.
@N:<ahref="@N:MF666:@XP_HELP">MF666</a> : <!@TM:1692493032> | Clock conversion enabled. (Command "set_option -fix_gated_and_generated_clocks 1" in the project file.)
Design Input Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 129MB peak: 140MB)
Mapper Initialization Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 129MB peak: 140MB)
Start loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 143MB peak: 143MB)
Finished loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 145MB peak: 147MB)
Starting Optimization and Mapping (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 178MB peak: 178MB)
Finished RTL optimizations (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 182MB)
@N:<ahref="@N:MO231:@XP_HELP">MO231</a> : <ahref="y:\repos\ram2gs\cpld\ram2gs-spi.v:147:4:147:10:@N:MO231:@XP_MSG">ram2gs-spi.v(147)</a><!@TM:1692493032> | Found counter in view:work.RAM2GS(verilog) instance IS[3:0]
@N:<ahref="@N:MO231:@XP_HELP">MO231</a> : <ahref="y:\repos\ram2gs\cpld\ram2gs-spi.v:134:4:134:10:@N:MO231:@XP_MSG">ram2gs-spi.v(134)</a><!@TM:1692493032> | Found counter in view:work.RAM2GS(verilog) instance FS[17:0]
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493032> | Applying initial value "0" on instance IS[0].
<fontcolor=#A52A2A>@W:<ahref="@W:FX474:@XP_HELP">FX474</a> : <!@TM:1692493032> | User-specified initial value defined for some sequential elements which can prevent optimum synthesis results from being achieved. </font>
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493032> | Applying initial value "0" on instance IS[1].
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493032> | Applying initial value "0" on instance IS[2].
@N:<ahref="@N:FX493:@XP_HELP">FX493</a> : <!@TM:1692493032> | Applying initial value "0" on instance IS[3].
Starting factoring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 184MB peak: 184MB)
Finished factoring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 186MB peak: 186MB)
Available hyper_sources - for debug and ip models
None Found
Finished generic timing optimizations - Pass 1 (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 186MB peak: 186MB)
Starting Early Timing Optimization (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 187MB peak: 187MB)
Finished Early Timing Optimization (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 188MB peak: 188MB)
Finished generic timing optimizations - Pass 2 (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 188MB peak: 188MB)
Finished preparing to map (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 188MB peak: 188MB)
Finished technology mapping (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 189MB peak: 189MB)
@N:<ahref="@N:FX271:@XP_HELP">FX271</a> : <ahref="y:\repos\ram2gs\cpld\ram2gs-spi.v:105:4:105:10:@N:FX271:@XP_MSG">ram2gs-spi.v(105)</a><!@TM:1692493032> | Replicating instance CBR (in view: work.RAM2GS(verilog)) with 7 loads 1 time to improve timing.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX271:@XP_HELP">FX271</a> : <ahref="y:\repos\ram2gs\cpld\ram2gs-spi.v:105:4:105:10:@N:FX271:@XP_MSG">ram2gs-spi.v(105)</a><!@TM:1692493032> | Replicating instance FWEr (in view: work.RAM2GS(verilog)) with 5 loads 1 time to improve timing.
@N:<ahref="@N:FX271:@XP_HELP">FX271</a> : <ahref="y:\repos\ram2gs\cpld\ram2gs-spi.v:147:4:147:10:@N:FX271:@XP_MSG">ram2gs-spi.v(147)</a><!@TM:1692493032> | Replicating instance Ready (in view: work.RAM2GS(verilog)) with 15 loads 1 time to improve timing.
Timing driven replication report
Added 3 Registers via timing driven replication
Added 1 LUTs via timing driven replication
7 0h:00m:01s -2.99ns 128 / 92
8 0h:00m:01s -2.99ns 127 / 92
9 0h:00m:01s -3.09ns 127 / 92
10 0h:00m:01s -3.19ns 127 / 92
11 0h:00m:01s -3.19ns 127 / 92
12 0h:00m:01s -3.19ns 127 / 92
Finished technology timing optimizations and critical path resynthesis (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 190MB peak: 190MB)
Finished restoring hierarchy (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 191MB peak: 191MB)
Start Writing Netlists (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 154MB peak: 191MB)
Writing Analyst data base Y:\Repos\RAM2GS\CPLD\LCMXO640C\impl1\synwork\RAM2GS_LCMXO640C_impl1_m.srm
Finished Writing Netlist Databases (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 191MB peak: 191MB)
@N:<ahref="@N:MT320:@XP_HELP">MT320</a> : <!@TM:1692493032> | This timing report is an estimate of place and route data. For final timing results, use the FPGA vendor place and route report.
@N:<ahref="@N:MT322:@XP_HELP">MT322</a> : <!@TM:1692493032> | Clock constraints include only register-to-register paths associated with each individual clock.
Estimated period and frequency reported as NA means no slack depends directly on the clock waveform
<fontcolor=#A52A2A>@W:<ahref="@W:MT118:@XP_HELP">MT118</a> : <!@TM:1692493032> | Paths from clock (PHI2:f) to clock (RCLK:r) are overconstrained because the required time of 1.00 ns is too small. </font>
<fontcolor=#A52A2A>@W:<ahref="@W:MT117:@XP_HELP">MT117</a> : <!@TM:1692493032> | Paths from clock (RCLK:r) to clock (PHI2:f) are overconstrained because the required time of 1.00 ns is too small. </font>
<fontcolor=#A52A2A>@W:<ahref="@W:MT118:@XP_HELP">MT118</a> : <!@TM:1692493032> | Paths from clock (nCRAS:f) to clock (RCLK:r) are overconstrained because the required time of 1.00 ns is too small. </font>
<fontcolor=#A52A2A>@W:<ahref="@W:MT116:@XP_HELP">MT116</a> : <!@TM:1692493032> | Paths from clock (RCLK:r) to clock (PHI2:r) are overconstrained because the required time of 2.00 ns is too small. </font>
<fontcolor=#A52A2A>@W:<ahref="@W:MT117:@XP_HELP">MT117</a> : <!@TM:1692493032> | Paths from clock (RCLK:r) to clock (nCRAS:f) are overconstrained because the required time of 1.00 ns is too small. </font>
<ahref="Y:\Repos\RAM2GS\CPLD\LCMXO640C\impl1\RAM2GS_LCMXO640C_impl1.srr:srsfY:\Repos\RAM2GS\CPLD\LCMXO640C\impl1\RAM2GS_LCMXO640C_impl1.srs:fp:28627:29383:@XP_NAMES_GATE">View Worst Path in Analyst</a>
Path information for path number 1:
Requested Period: 1.000
- Setup time: 1.003
+ Clock delay at ending point: 0.000 (ideal)
= Required time: -0.003
- Propagation time: 3.702
- Clock delay at starting point: 0.000 (ideal)
= Slack (critical) : -3.705
Number of logic level(s): 2
Starting point: CmdSubmitted / Q
Ending point: UFMCLK / D
The start point is clocked by PHI2 [falling] (rise=0.000 fall=175.000 period=350.000) on pin CK
The end point is clocked by RCLK [rising] (rise=0.000 fall=8.000 period=16.000) on pin CK
<ahref="Y:\Repos\RAM2GS\CPLD\LCMXO640C\impl1\RAM2GS_LCMXO640C_impl1.srr:srsfY:\Repos\RAM2GS\CPLD\LCMXO640C\impl1\RAM2GS_LCMXO640C_impl1.srs:fp:37230:37728:@XP_NAMES_GATE">View Worst Path in Analyst</a>
Path information for path number 1:
Requested Period: 1.000
- Setup time: 1.003
+ Clock delay at ending point: 0.000 (ideal)
= Required time: -0.003
- Propagation time: 2.309
- Clock delay at starting point: 0.000 (ideal)
= Slack (non-critical) : -2.312
Number of logic level(s): 1
Starting point: LEDEN / Q
Ending point: CmdLEDEN / D
The start point is clocked by RCLK [rising] (rise=0.000 fall=8.000 period=16.000) on pin CK
The end point is clocked by PHI2 [falling] (rise=0.000 fall=175.000 period=350.000) on pin CK
<ahref="Y:\Repos\RAM2GS\CPLD\LCMXO640C\impl1\RAM2GS_LCMXO640C_impl1.srr:srsfY:\Repos\RAM2GS\CPLD\LCMXO640C\impl1\RAM2GS_LCMXO640C_impl1.srs:fp:44144:44891:@XP_NAMES_GATE">View Worst Path in Analyst</a>
Path information for path number 1:
Requested Period: 1.000
- Setup time: 1.003
+ Clock delay at ending point: 0.000 (ideal)
= Required time: -0.003
- Propagation time: 3.606
- Clock delay at starting point: 0.000 (ideal)
= Slack (non-critical) : -3.609
Number of logic level(s): 2
Starting point: CBR / Q
Ending point: nRWE / D
The start point is clocked by nCRAS [falling] (rise=0.000 fall=175.000 period=350.000) on pin CK
The end point is clocked by RCLK [rising] (rise=0.000 fall=8.000 period=16.000) on pin CK