First Joystick port USB prototype

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Charles Mangin 2013-09-30 13:59:02 -04:00
parent 8c174cab18
commit f21df5bffa
7 changed files with 249 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
Thanks to Dagen Brock:
BASIC program to test joystick in Apple II emulators:
5 DP = .10: REM Deadzone Percentage
10 XLEFT = 0:YUP = 0:XRIGHT = 279:YBOT = 159: REM Screen Bounds
15 REM Set target box coordinates
20 HALF = XRIGHT / 2:D1 = INT (HALF - (HALF * DP)):D2 = INT (HALF + (HALF * DP))
25 HALF = YBOT / 2:D3 = INT (HALF - (HALF * DP)):D4 = INT (HALF + (HALF * DP))
30 HGR : HCOLOR= 3
35 REM Draw edge box
40 X1 = XLEFT:Y1 = YUP:X2 = XRIGHT:Y2 = YBOT: GOSUB 2000:X1 = X1 + 1:X2 = X2 - 1:Y1 = Y1 + 1:Y2 = Y2 - 1: GOSUB 2000
50 P0 = PDL (0):P1 = PDL (1): GOSUB 3000
55 PRINT P0,P1
60 GOTO 50
2000 HPLOT X1,Y1 TO X1,Y2: HPLOT X1,Y2 TO X2,Y2: HPLOT X2,Y2 TO X2,Y1: HPLOT X2,Y1 TO X1,Y1
3000 X = INT (P0 * 274 / 255 + 2):Y = INT (P1 * 154 / 255 + 2)
3010 X1 = X:X2 = X + 1:Y1 = Y:Y2 = Y1 + 1: GOSUB 2000
3020 GOSUB 4000: HCOLOR= 0: GOSUB 2000: HCOLOR= 3
4000 HPLOT D1,D3 TO D1,D4: HPLOT D1,D4 TO D2,D4: HPLOT D2,D4 TO D2,D3: HPLOT D2,D3 TO D1,D3
4010 RETURN : REM End Draw Target Box
/* Read Joystick
int XPin = A8;
int YPin = A7;
int Button0Pin = 9;
int Button1Pin = 10;
int JoystickX;
int JoystickY;
int XMax = 0;
int YMax = 0;
int XMin = 1023;
int YMin = 1023;
int CalibrationMax = 800; // allows for weird "jumpy" joystick potentiometers. these things are 30 years old, after all.
void setup() {
// Serial.begin(9600);
pinMode(Button0Pin, INPUT);
pinMode(Button1Pin, INPUT);
void loop() {
/* auto calibrate:
save X, Y.
compare them to historical high/low values.
if higher/lower, reset highest/lowest variable
highest == 1023
lowest == 0
midway between now == 512
JoystickX = 1023 - analogRead(XPin); // needs to be inverted!
JoystickY = 1023 - analogRead(YPin);
/* auto calibrate:
save X, Y.
compare them to historical high/low values.
if higher/lower, reset highest/lowest variable
highest == 1023
lowest == 0
midway between now == 512
// record the maximum sensor value
if ((JoystickX < CalibrationMax) && (JoystickX > XMax)) {
XMax = JoystickX;
// record the minimum sensor value
if (JoystickX < XMin) {
XMin = JoystickX;
// record the maximum sensor value
if ((JoystickY < CalibrationMax) && (JoystickY > YMax)) {
YMax = JoystickY;
// record the minimum sensor value
if (JoystickY < YMin) {
YMin = JoystickY;
JoystickX = map(JoystickX, XMin, XMax, 0, 1023);
JoystickY = map(JoystickY, YMin, YMax, 0, 1023);
Joystick.button(1, digitalRead(Button0Pin));
Joystick.button(2, digitalRead(Button1Pin));
Serial.print(" -- ");
Serial.print(" -- ");
Serial.print(" ---- ");
Serial.print(" -- ");
Serial.print(" -- ");
Serial.print(" -- ");
Serial.print(" -- ");
Serial.print(" -- ");
// delay(100);

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@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
/* Complete USB Joystick Example
Teensy becomes a USB joystick with 16 or 32 buttons and 6 axis input
You must select Joystick from the "Tools > USB Type" menu
Pushbuttons should be connected between the digital pins and ground.
Potentiometers should be connected to analog inputs 0 to 5.
This example code is in the public domain.
// Configure the number of buttons. Be careful not
// to use a pin for both a digital button and analog
// axis. The pullup resistor will interfere with
// the analog voltage.
const int numButtons = 2; // 16 for Teensy, 32 for Teensy++
int XPin = A7;
int YPin = A8;
int Button0Pin = 9;
int Button1Pin = 10;
void setup() {
// you can print to the serial monitor while the joystick is active!
// configure the joystick to manual send mode. This gives precise
// control over when the computer receives updates, but it does
// require you to manually call Joystick.send_now().
for (int i=Button0Pin; i<numButtons; i++) {
pinMode(i, INPUT);
Serial.println("Begin Complete Joystick Test");
byte allButtons[numButtons];
byte prevButtons[numButtons];
int angle=0;
void loop() {
// read 6 analog inputs and use them for the joystick axis
// Joystick.Z(analogRead(2));
// Joystick.Zrotate(analogRead(3));
// Joystick.sliderLeft(analogRead(4));
// Joystick.sliderRight(analogRead(5));
// read digital pins and use them for the buttons
for (int i=Button0Pin; i<numButtons; i++) {
if (digitalRead(i)) {
// when a pin reads high, the button is not pressed
// the pullup resistor creates the "on" signal
allButtons[i] = 0;
} else {
// when a pin reads low, the button is connecting to ground.
allButtons[i] = 1;
Joystick.button(i + 1, allButtons[i]);
// make the hat switch automatically move in a circle
angle = angle + 1;
if (angle >= 360) angle = 0;
// Because setup configured the Joystick manual send,
// the computer does not see any of the changes yet.
// This send_now() transmits everything all at once.
// check to see if any button changed since last time
boolean anyChange = false;
for (int i=Button0Pin; i<numButtons; i++) {
if (allButtons[i] != prevButtons[i]) anyChange = true;
prevButtons[i] = allButtons[i];
// if any button changed, print them to the serial monitor
if (anyChange) {
Serial.print("Buttons: ");
for (int i=0; i<numButtons; i++) {
Serial.print(allButtons[i], DEC);
// a brief delay, so this runs "only" 200 times per second

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