Added support and autodetection of MCP4151 digital pot.
If MCP4151 is detected then its wiper resolution is halved
to match the MCP4131 wiper resolution.
MCP4151-103 is now a drop in replacement for MCP4131-103.
New features:
* unified socket for 20 pin and 24 devices (including GAL20V8)
* variable VPP via digi pot
* VPP measurement via A0 ADC (used for VPP calibration)
The PD feature is now selectively enabled or disabled based
on the JED contents. Also, when fuses are read the printout
of the JED file reflects the PD fuse bit state. So, when
the PD fuse bit is enabled then the JED file contains an extra
fuse bit set to 1. The ATF22V10C now behaves the same way regarding
the PD fuse bit (previously Afterburner always disabled the PD
credits: GALmate software
After testing with genuine arduino uno I could not make
it to work reliably using the original baudrate 38400 on
Windows 7. Linux worked OK, but Windows 7 inserted extra 2
bytes 0xFE or 0xFF at the beginnig of the serial communication
(at least that's what arduino read from the serial line).
Baudrate 57600 so far had no issue, another reliable option
seem to be 9600.
The chip would read, and write without error, but wouldn't work.
Changing all instances of cfgV8 to cfgV8AB in ATF16V8B
specific code seemed to get the programmed chip to work.
* fixed reading of configuration bits for 22V10 chips
* fixed reporting of errors during bitstream upload
* added GAL type set commmand
* added NO-CHECK of GAL type command
* 'i' command now requires to pass the GAL type on
command line
* adjusted reporting of VPP to match Afterburner's