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# A2osX Macro Assembler (0.95)
## Description
Multi-CPU macro assembler based on S-C MASM 3.0 dialect
Supported CPUs:
+ 6502
+ 65C02
+ 65R02
+ 65816
+ Z80
Table-driven, add your favorite CPU creating a new CPU asm.xxxx file.
## Difference with S-C MASM 3.0
+ Symbols are case sensitive
+ No .AC support
+ PC and global addresses are 32 bits
+ Local / Private labels are 16 bits range and from .1 to .255
## Directives
| Code | Description | Compatibility | Status | Syntax | Comment |
| .AC | Ascii Compressed string| S-C | NOT IMPL. | | As strings are supposed to be printed with A2osX API, Printf cannot handle 'AC' compressed strings |
| .AS | Ascii String | S-C, A2osX | Working | `.AS dTEXTd` where d is any delimiter `.AS -"TEXT"`produce ascii code with b7=1 | |
| .AT | Ascii string Terminated | S-C, A2osX | Working | (same as above) | |
| .AZ | Ascii string Zero terminated | S-C, A2osX | Working | (same as above) | |
| .BS | Block (Byte) Storage | S-C, A2osX | Working | `.BS count[,value]` | Reserves `count` bytes in output and sets them to `value` (or zero if omitted) |
| .CS | C-string | S-C 3.1, A2osX | Working | `.CS "text\a\b\e\f\n\r\n\r\t\v"` | |
| .CZ | C-String Zero terminated| S-C 3.1, A2osX | Working | (same as above) | ZERO-terminated |
| .DA | DAta value | S-C, A2osX | Working | `.DA value` | 2-byte address: `.DA $1234` (see expressions) |
| .DO | conditional start | S-C, A2osX | Working | | |
| .DU,.DUMMY | begin DUmmy section | S-C, A2osX | Working | | |
| .ED | End Dummy section | S-C, A2osX | Working | | |
| .ELSE | conditional ELSE | S-C, A2osX | Working | | |
| .EM | End Macro | S-C, A2osX | Working | | |
| .EN | ENd of source code | S-C, A2osX | IGNORED | | |
| .EP | End Phase | S-C, A2osX | Working | `.EP` | Conclude temporary addressing range started with `.PH` and resume prior assembly addressing |
| .EQ | EQuate | S-C, A2osX | Working | | |
| .FIN | conditional end| S-C, A2osX | Working | | |
| .HS | Hex String storage | S-C, A2osX | Working | `HS FE1A78` delimiter allowed : `HS 00.11,22` | |
| .HX | Hex Nibble storage | S-C, A2osX | Working | `HX EFA187` delimiter allowed : `HS 00.11,22` | |
| .IN,.INB,.INBx | INline source | S-C, A2osX | Working | `.INB MYFILE` | `.IN` inlines full text, `.INB` inlines 1 block at a time during assembly |
| .LI,.LIST | | S-C, A2osX | Working | `.LIST ON/OFF CON/COFF MON/MOFF XON/XOFF` | |
| .MA | MAcro deffinition | S-C, A2osX | Working | `.MA >MYMACRO` | |
| .OP | OPCode | S-C, A2osX | Working | `.OP cpu` where cpu is one of 6502,65C02,65R02,65816,Z80,SW16 | |
| .OR | ORigin | S-C, A2osX | Working | `.OR address` | Set initial output address (only one allowed per assembly) |
| .PG | PaGe control | S-C, A2osX | IGNORED | | |
| .PH | PHase start | S-C, A2osX | Working | `.PH address` | Start a temporary addressing range |
| .PS | Pascal-string | S-C 3.1, A2osX | Working | | |
| .SE | | S-C, A2osX | Working | | |
| .TA | Target Address| S-C, A2osX | IGNORED | | |
| .TF | Target File | S-C, A2osX | Working | `.TF TargetFile[,Txxx]` | only ,TSYS supported |
| .TI | TItle | S-C, A2osX | IGNORED | | |
| .US | USer defined | S-C, A2osX | IGNORED | | |
## Expressions
| Code | Description | Scope |
| \- | Negate : `.AS -"String"` output | .AS .AT .AZ .CS .CZ |
| \' | Char, MSB=0 `lda #'a | OPCODES |
| \" | Char, MSB=1 `lda #"a | OPCODES |
| \# | Immediate LO byte : `.DA #$1234` output 34 | .DA |
| \/ | Immediate HI byte : `.DA /$1234` output 12 | .DA
| \^ | Immediate 3rd byte : `.DA ^$123456` output 12 | .DA |
| \< | Force 24 bits output LO : `.DA <$123456` output 56 34 12 | .DA |
| \> | Force 32 bits output LO : `.DA >$123456` output 00 56 34 12 | .DA |
| \> | Force 16 bits operand : `ldx >ZP.A1L` output AE 3C 00 | OPCODES |
| \>\> | Force 24 bits operand : `lda >>ZP.A1L` output AF 3C 00 00 | OPCODES |
| \#\# | Immediate word LO : `lda ##IMMVAL` | 65816 OPCODES |
| \/\/ | Immediate word MID : `lda //IMMVAL` | 65816 OPCODES |
| \^\^ | Immediate word HI: `lda ^^IMMVAL` | 65816 OPCODES |
## License
A2osX is licensed under the GNU General Pulic License.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
The full A2osX license can be found **[Here](../LICENSE)**.
## Copyright
Copyright 2015 - 2024, Remy Gibert and the A2osX contributors.