A2osX/.Docs/Shell Developers Guide.md
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A2osX Shell Developers Guide

One of the most significant parts of A2osX is its shell which can perform both interactive and scripted tasks. With the interactive part of the shell you can perform many common and complex tasks using both built-in (native or internal to shell) and external (BINs or executables) commands. Internal commands include CD (change directory), MD (make directory), DATE, TIME, etc. External commands include CP (copy), RM (remove), CAT (display file contents), TELNET, etc.

It should be noted, that it is possible to create and execute short scripts right on the interactive command line (these are run once and not saved like true scripts). An example

The A2osX Shell (SH)


Variable overflow strings and ints Ints only no real num it just ignore

The 32-bit int data type can hold integer values in the range of 2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. If you add to or subtract from INTs that would cause a RANGE error, you actually get a result that wraps around the range, so if you add 1 to 2,147,483,647 you will get 2,147,483,648.

Strings can be up to 255 characters in length. Note, like INTs, if you try to store more then 255 chars in a string, you get the same wraparound affect where the first 255 chars are tossed out the string is set to the remaining chars, so if you concatenate 3 strings of 100 chars the resulting string will be the last 45 chars of the 3rd original string.

The Shell Interacting with the Shell. Special Keys

Key Usage
BACKSPACE Deletes character under the cursor. Note this key does not exist on Apple keyboards, but may on terminals connected via an SSC or through a Telnet Session
DELETE Deletes character to left of cursor and moves cursor/rest of line to the left
Control-C Erases entire command line
Control-D Exits SHell and if the top most SHell logs you out of your session
Control-Z Deletes character under the cursor
Up Arrow Displays previous command from history. Multiple Up Arrows scrolls progressively through history
Down Arrow Displays next command from history. Multiple Down Arrows scrolls progressively through history
Left Arrow Moves cursor to the left to edit current command
Right Arrow Moves cursor to the right to edit current command
Open Apple-0 Switches you to the console display
Open Apple-1 to 4 Switches you to Virtual Terminals 1 through 4 if so configured

Internal Commands

External Commands


Special Variables



Advanced Display Techniques

VT100 Codes \f Clear Screen \b backspace \n newline \r return (beginning of line with no new line)

\eM Scroll Screen Down 1 Line \eD Scroll the Screen Up 1 Line \ec Clear Screen

\e[05;15H Move cursor to row 5 and col 15 \e[H Move to home position (0,0) \e[K Clear from cursor to end of line \e[1K Clear from cursor to beginning of line \e[2K Clear line Plus Colors



Also look at Microsoft Flow and Integromat and Automate.io

where [ exp ] and [ condition ] allow to detail operators....

anywhere you can have [ exp ] you can have ![ exp ] which means NOT exp.

while ![ $total -eq 0 ]

is the same thing as

while [ $total -ne 0 ]

Just like

IF [ A -GT 5 ]
  DO X
  DO Y

is the same as

IF ![ A -LE 5 ]
  DO Y
  DO X

Notice that the DO X and DO Y logic is swapped between the two cases.

Internal Shell commands:

Name Status Comment
<value> Working $VAR | string | "string with SPACE" | 123 | -456
<expression> Working <value> [<op> <value>] ...
<op> Working + signed int32 add
- signed int32 sub
<condition> Working [ -D direxists ]
[ -E fileordirexists ]
[ -F fileexists ]
[ -N $VAR variable is not empty ]
[ -Z $VAR variable is empty ]
[ string1 = string2 ]
[ string1 != string2 ]
[ string1 .< string2 ]
[ string1 <= string2 ]
[ string1 .> string2 ]
[ string1 >= string2 ]
[ int32 -eq int32 ]
[ int32 -ne int32 ]
[ int32 -lt int32 ]
[ int32 -le int32 ]
[ int32 -gt int32 ]
[ int32 -ge int32 ]
CALL Working CALL function ...
CD Working CD path or relative path
.. Working CD ..
DATE Working
DEFAULT Working Default CASE for SWITCH
ECHO Working \b,\e,\f,\n,\\ and \% supported
-N : Suppress \r\n
ELSE Working Optional branch for IF block
END Working End of SWITCH Statement
EXIT Working exit function, script or shell
FI Working Terminator for IF block
FUNC In Progress FUNC fonction_name
IF Working [ <condition> ]
![ <condition> ]
LOOP Working Terminator for WHILE block
MD Working MD path or relative path
Create a directory
NOHUP Working Start a process with PPID=PS0 (Daemon)
PAUSE Working Wait until CR
POPD Working Restore previously saved working directory
PUSHD Working Save actual working directory
PUSHD <dir> do also a CD to <dir>
PWD Working Print Working Directory
RD Working Delete an empty directory
READ Working -S : no echo (password)
-P : "prompt message"
REN Working Rename a file, directory or volume
SET Working -X : toggle debug mode
-C : toggle Control-C break mode
-E : toggle error printing mode
-F : delete all declared functions
SHIFT Working Remove $1 from cmd line
SLEEP Working Wait <count> 10th sec
TIME Working
WHILE Working [ <condition> ]

Shell variables:

Name Status Comment
$0 Working Command Full Path
$1-$9 Working Arg[n]
$* Working All Args
$# Working Arg Count
$? Working Return Code
$@ Working Parent PID
$$ Working PID
$! Working Child PID
$UID Working PS Owner UID
$PWD Working Working Directory

note : '$VAR' does NOT expand Variable

Shell I/O control/redirection:

Token Status Comment
. Working use same env
& Working start proc
| Working pipe
< Working StdIn redirection
> Working StdOut redirection
>> Working Append StdOut
1>> Working
1> Working
2>> Working StdErr redirection
2> Working

Stuff to work on

if [] && [] is AND if [] || [] is OR




A2osX is licensed under the GNU General Pulic License.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

The full A2osX license can be found Here.

Copyright 2015 - 2019, Remy Gibert and the A2osX contributors.