A2osX/.Docs/Acosx Words.md
2021-04-15 16:03:04 +02:00

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AcosX Words


This document lists all of the ACOS Words supported in the A2osX implementation of ACOS. Note that not all Words are implemented at this time, please check the Status and Comment Columns. Currently only an interpreter is available (../bin/bbsd) | | though a compiler is planned |


Word Syntax Status Description Comment
ADDINT (string1 [,string2...]) dev The ADDINT command will add more keys to the existing interrupt keys table. previous keys will not be cleared. The functions of the keys is the same as with the SETINT command.
APPEND #device dev The APPEND statement is generally used to add data to an existing file. If you issue an APPEND statement, the file pointer will be moved to the end of the file. You can also find out the length of a file by doing an APPEND and then using the MARK function. Mark will then return the length of the file in bytes.
BYTE byte=number
dev The BYTE function is similar to the FLAG function. It is a low overhead data storage unit. Just point to where in memory you want the data to be stored using the first syntax, and you can then access the data using the second or third syntax's.
CHR$ string=CHR$(ascii code [,number chars]) dev Returns a string with the character represented by the ASCII code. If extra numchars is specified, then returned string will contain that many repetitions of the character instead of just one.
CLEAR clear
clear #device
dev The forms to clears share only one thing in common; they both clear data in one form or another. In the first syntax (without an argument), CLEAR will reset all the variables to nil, clear all the addresses from the for-next and gosub-return stack, and close all open files. Suggested use is at beginning of program.

In its second syntax, CLEAR is used to clear out device buffers. The legal device channels are 8, 9, 10. CLEAR #8 will clear the editor so that any output into the editor will be appended to a clear editor. CLEAR #9 will clear the top of screen display. You must clear the top of screen display before you write any info into it. CLEAR #10 will clear the ram drive. any further writes will be appended on to the end.

dev The CLOCK function/statement is used for setting a time limit. It can also be used to find out how long someone has been using the system (i.e. how long since CLOCK(0) was called). The following options are available:

  • CLOCK(0)- This statement is used to reset the clock time to zero. It should be executed when your program begins.
  • CLOCK(1)- You will need to set CLOCK(1) equal to the number of minutes you want as a time limit, or 0 for no limit. when the time limit expires, it will be handled as a "no carrier" situation. The program will jump to the NOCAR routine.
  • CLOCK(2)- The CLOCK(2) function will return the number of seconds that a user has been connected. divide this number by 60 to find how many minutes they have been connected.
CLOSE #device
dev The CLOSE command is used to close a disk file after you are done with it. If you give a device channel with the close command, only that file will be closed. If you CLOSE with no arguments, all open files will be closed.
COPY COPY filename [,#device]
COPY #device [,#device]
dev The COPY command is used for displaying and copying information from device to device. The first argument can be a filename, in which case, the file is opened and input is taken from that file, or it can be a device. The second device is optional. If present all output will be routed there, otherwise it will be displayed to the modem/console. The second argument may not be another filename. If you wish to copy to a file, open the file with the OPEN command, and copy to that device.
CREATE CREATE filename dev The CREATE statement is used to create an empty file on the disk. The new file can be opened and read and written to just as any other file would be. If you want to create a new file, you must use the CREATE statement first unlike some other languages which will create files by simply using the OPEN command on a file that does not already exist. If the file already exists, the file (contents or timestamp) will not be modified in any way.
CRUNCH CRUNCH dev The CRUNCH statement is used in conjunction with the MSG commands. It is used to "CRUNCH" together (truncate) a message file to reclaim space from deleted messages.
DATE$ string=DATE$ dev The DATE$ function returns the current date in MM/DD/YY format. The input will be taken from whatever device was configured as a clock. If 00/00/00 is returned, then there is no clock in the system and the date hasn't been set.
ECHO ECHO=string
dev The ECHO statement is used to set the echo character to be used with the INPUT statement (e.g ECHO="*" will mask password entry with asterisks). Once the echo has been set, that character will be sent each time a user types a character when entering text. The ECHO statement in the second syntax (setting to an empty string) will reset the echo function to normal where user input will send the character that is being typed.
EDIT EDIT(number) dev The EDIT statement is the command used to interface ACOS with its editor. With the different EDIT statements, you can clear the editor, see how much space is free, etc. The following list gives all legal calls:

  • EDIT(0)- clears the editor. there will be a total of 4096 bytes free after a clear takes place.
  • EDIT(1)- enter the editor. If no data is present, the editor will start to accept input right away. If other data is present, the editor will start in the prompt mode.
  • EDIT(2)- this is a function that returns the number of bytes used within the editor. If this number equals 0 the editor is empty.
  • EDIT(3)- this is used to set the video width to be used within the editor. Any value from 1 to 255 is legal. the most often used widths are 32, 40, 64, 80, 128. All operations within the editor will be based around this width. You can also read the current width using EDIT(3) as a function.
  • EDIT(4)- this is used to set the 'back-space mode' that the editor will use. Certain modes allow more control than others. Mode 0 indicates that the actual mode is not known. The editor will work fine, but some functions will be disabled. Under mode 1, the editor will assume that the user has a 'non-destructible' backspace. This allows all the editor functions to be used and is how the local console is setup. Mode 2 tells the editor that the user has a 'destructible' backspace. Under this mode, some functions are disabled, but the editor speeds up certain other functions.
END END impl Same as AppleSoft, this command terminates program. Returns to ACOS restart state. REMY TODO: Does this just return to A2osX shell?
FILL FILL start, length, data dev The FILL statement is used to fill an area of memory with some bytes of data. Generally it is used to zero out memory. start is a 16 bit memory address, length is an 8 bit [0-255] number, and data is the byte that will be used to fill memory.
FLAG variable=FLAG
dev The FLAG function is a low overhead way to store 1 bit information. You just need to point the FLAG function to a point in memory (typically 'ram' or 'ram2') that you wish to store your data in, and you can manipulate as many flags as you need. Each byte of memory can contain 8 flags.

To setup the FLAG function, you need to first point it to a location in memory (memloc), which is typically 'ram' or 'ram2', but you can specify an offset, e.g. FLAG=ram+20 will specify that you're using the 20th byte inside of the 'ram' location.

Once the pointer is set up, you can use the FLAG function just like any variable using the remaining syntax forms outlined for reading/writing flags.

FOR FOR numvar=startvalue TO targetvalue [STEP number]
dev Creates a loop in program execution that sets a variable numvar to initially startvalue and increments its value with each iteration and will repeat until that variable reaches targetvalue. The STEP keyword is optional, but allows you to specify number which overrides the typical +1 increment of the loop, i.e. you can count by 2 by specifying STEP 2 or you can decrement by specifying a negative step number. In general, operates much the same way as AppleSoft FOR-NEXT loops, However, you can only have ONE for loop active at a time, i.e. the NEXT command does not allow for a variable, it only operates on the currently active FOR loop.
FREE FREE dev Has the same function as the AppleSoft FRE(0) command, in that it returns the amount of free memory. REMY TODO: Does this garbage collect?
GET GET varstr dev The GET statement is used to get a single keypress from the user. This is a blocking call in that the system will wait until a key is pressed. The key will be returned in varstr. Control characters will not be filtered out as they are with INPUT.
GOSUB GOSUB label impl Calls subroutine label in the program and sets the point in code so that when a RETURN function is encountered, execution will resume after the GOSUB statement. While behaves the same way as AppleSoft basic, it is worth pointing out that ACOS uses labels as targets instead of line numbers.
GOTO GOTO label impl Redirects program execution to continue from label. Unlike GOSUB, no record of where the GOTO call occurred. As with GOSUB, it is worth pointing out that ACOS uses labels as targets intead of line number.
HOME HOME dev Clears the screen and positions the cursor at the top left. REMY TODO: Does this clear the remote session as well?
IF IF condition [THEN] statement1 [ELSE] statement2 dev Evaluate condition and if true (or greater than zero), execute statement1. If optional ELSE keyword is specified, then a false condition will execute statement2. If ELSE is used, it must appear on the same line as the IF statement, i.e. there is no multi-line if/then/else construct like some other languages. Logical constructs for condition supports parenthesis, AND, and OR.

THEN is optional (as it is in AppleSoft BASIC) but if you use THEN, it cannot be followed by a label directly.(use IF arg THEN GOTO label).

INFO expression=INFO(optional)
dev INFO can be used as either a statement or as a function. It is really a 'catch-all' of ACOS state value functions in nature in that many values that are more or less unrelated are accessible through it. The following table gives the meanings of all the INFO data.

argument r/w       function
-------- ---- -----------------
INFO(0) r is there a caller online? (0=no)
INFO(1) r capacity of current message file.
INFO(2) r callers baud rate /300 (1=300)
INFO(3) r/w current number of nulls.
INFO(4) w top screen stats. (1=chat, 2=exec)
INFO(5) r/w executive user online? (1=yes)
INFO(6) r checks bit map for mail/msg bases for room.
INPUT INPUT [#device,] [@mode,] [\] ["text"] variable [,[\] variable..] dev Gets input from a device or interactively with the user and stores the result in one-to-many variables. There are quite a few variations how the INPUT statement can be used, but at a minimum it requires one variable to be specified.

Specifying the device is required if inputting data from a device handle (e.g. an open file). Omitting the device will default to getting input from the user.

A text prompt can be optionally specified by supplying text before the variables. The text can serve as a prompt (e.g. "What is your name? input here"). If backslash (\) is put before or after the text, this will result in a newline being part of the prompt (note distinction between this and using backslash for multiple variables).

Multiple variables can be specified in either a comma-separated or backslash (\) way (or a mixture thereof), though this is typically for file input rather than interactive user input. As with the PRINT statement, the comma is taken literally (e.g. if you were to read multiple fields from a comma-separated file), and the backslash as part of the variable list implies that there will be a newline to parse (e.g. INPUT #1, A$\B$ reads two lines from the file, A$ on the first line and B$ on the second line).

The mode (with '@' symbol prefix) is an optional way of specifying how the INPUT command will behave. Using mode is ONLY for interactive input and cannot be combined with a device. The various modes are as follows:

  • INPUT - (no mode specified) set the input mode to uppercase, don't accept a blank line.
  • INPUT @0 - set the input mode to uppercase, don't accept a blank line, just return the first character.
  • INPUT @1 - set the input mode to uppercase, don't accept a blank line, don't accept any commas.
  • INPUT @2 - set the input mode to uppercase, blank lines will be accepted.
  • INPUT @3 - accept everything. (upper & lower).
INSTR expression=INSTR(match, source) dev The INSTR function is used to search within a source string for the existence of the specified match string. The search is case insensitive. The function will return the numerical position of the first character in the source string where the match was found. Note that the first character in source string starts at 1, not 0 like many other languages. So in other words, if the function returns zero, no match was found.
KEY expression=KEY(0)
dev The KEY function is used to check and see what if any keys have been pressed. It is generally used to check to see if a routine needs to be interrupted and is used in conjunction with the SETINT and ADDINT statements. This routine is not blocking and does not wait for a key; it returns either a zero for no key or the ASCII value of the key. In the KEY(1) form, a non-zero byte will be returned if the key pressed was the 'file stop' character. In the KEY(2) form, a non-zero byte will be returned if the pressed key is the 'file next' key defined in config.
KILL KILL filename
KILL #MSG(expression)
dev The KILL statement can be used in two different ways. In both ways it is used to delete data. In the first form, with the filename, it will delete the file from disk. In its second form, it will delete a message within the currently active message base. After using KILL on a message, it is always a good idea to follow it with an UPDATE to make sure the modified message database is persisted to disk.
LEFT$ string=LEFT$(source, length) dev Returns the first length characters of source string.
LEN expression=LEN(string) dev Returns the length of the supplied string. A result of zero means the string is empty.
LINK LINK filename [,label] dev The LINK statement allows you to load a different program segment and execute that one, optionally starting at a specified label. The purpose of this is to allow for your code to be split up into multiple segments, but also to support additional code to be used without modifying the other. The filename argument is mandatory and is in the standard filename syntax. If you wish the execution to begin at a point other than the beginning of the module, then the label argument can be specified in string form (e.g. LINK "A:MSG.SEG","BULLETINS"). The label must be enclosed in quotes or must be in a string variable. Note that for the label to be usable by the LINK command, the label must be declared as PUBLIC in the target file.
LOG LOG drivespec dev The LOG statement simply changes the default disk drive to the drivespec drive. If the drive is not legal, a BAD DRIVE SPECIFIER error will occur.
MARK expression=MARK(device)
dev The MARK function will allow you to either set or check the offset within the current file I/O. If you want to go to the beginning of a file, you would issue a MARK(1)=0 assuming it was file device #1. MARK has a second function in that it can be used to see if a file exists. Normally ACOS will not generate an error if a file exists, so it can be hard to tell if there is one. To see if a file exists:

OPEN #1,filename

MID$ string=MID$(source, start [,length]) dev Returns the contents of source into string starting at character position start to the end of source, or only up to length number of characters.
MODEM MODEM(number) dev The MODEM command is used for controlling the communication session with the remote user. The ACOS language was originally written for modems and thus the keyword is kept for consistency despite A2osX having replaced the underlying communications with a networking stack. Regardless, the functionality remains the same albeit applied to telnet sessions. The modem functions are as follows:

  • MODEM(0) - this command needs to be issued before any other modem command is used. Its function is to initialize the modem driver for later use.
  • MODEM(1) - this command waits for an incoming call and establishes a connection. Execution will continue when either a call is connected or the user goes into local mode.
  • MODEM(2) - this command causes the modem to hangup (terminate telnet session). All further output will be sent to console only.
MOVE MOVE start, length TO destination dev The MOVE statement is used to move segments of memory around. The only limitation is that only a maximum of 255 bytes can be moved at any one time. Both start and destination are 16 bit memory addresses while length is an 8 bit [0-255] number.
MSG expression=MSG(number)
dev The MSG function is a specialized function for the ACOS message handling routines. Once a message file has been opened via the READY command, the MSG function is used to access individual messages within the message file. The MSG function has two radically different syntaxs. Under the first and second syntax, it is being used to access and set information about a message. For each message, you can maintain one number that gives information about it via the MSG function. The MSG(0) function returns the number of messages within the message file and may not be changed. To access a message, it is used as a device channel. While to show the editor COPY #8 would suffice, since the message file is made up of many messages, it is necessary to tell which message you want to work with. COPY #MSG(3) would show message number three within the currently open message file.
NEXT NEXT dev For use with the FOR statement in FOR-NEXT loops. Unlike with AppleSoft or some other BASIC implementations, you cannot use a variable after NEXT. (NEXT X is illegal).
dev The NIBBLE function is similar to the FLAG function in that it is a low overhead data storage method. With the NIBBLE function, you can store 4 bit numbers that have the range 0-15. Use the first syntax of NIBBLE to point to the memory where the data will be stored. Use the second and third syntax to read and write the actual data. BJB TODO: Need to clarify the 3rd form.
NOT expression= NOT expression dev The NOT operator is a boolean logic operator. It changes the value of an expression from true to false or from false to true. In booleon logic, false is considered to be zero while not false or true, is considered to be any other number. The NOT operator is most commonly used in IF statements.
ON NOCAR ON NOCAR GOTO label dev The ON NOCAR statement is used to setup a routine that can be used when carrier is lost or otherwise the connection with a remote user is dropped. When the connection is lost, ACOS will then hang up the modem / terminate the connection. It will then change the current execution point to the label that was setup, i.e. a GOTO label. Whenever you link to another segment you must set up a new ON NOCAR vector to a routine within that segment. If you don't have a vector set up and a remote caller drops carrier, the system will just sit there until it times out.
OPEN OPEN #device, filename dev The OPEN statement is used to make disk files ready to do I/O with out a program. You open a disk file using either device channel 1 or 2, and all further references to that channel will access the file associated with it. When you are finished with the file, use the CLOSE command. This will free up the device channel for later use. If you try to use a channel that is already in use, or one besides channel 1 or 2, you will get a BAD DEVICE CHANNEL error. If the file you open does not exist, no error will be generated. If you try to read from the file, it will appear to be empty. Use the CREATE command to make a file.
PDL expression=PDL(number) dev The PDL function is used to read one of the paddles on the system, specified by number. You can read paddle zero through three. The value returned will be in the range 0-255.
PEEK expression=PEEK(address) dev Returns the value of the byte located at address. REMY TODO: Does this work in A2osX? Perhaps limit it to $C000-CFFF?
POKE POKE address, value dev Sets the value of the memory location specified at address with value. REMY TODO: Does this work in A2osX? Perhaps limit it to $C000-CFFF?
POP POP dev Removes the last execution address from the stack, i.e. if a PUSH or GOSUB was called which put an execution address on the stack, the POP command can be used to remove it (and render that PUSH or GOSUB 'forgotten'). Works the same as the AppleSoft POP statement with the exception of it also can be used with the ACOS PUSH command.
POSITION POSITION #device, record_length, record_number [,offset] dev The POSITION statement is used to position within a random access file. The device argument is the disk device channel number that was used to open the file. The record_length argument is the length of each record. The record_number argument is the record number to be positioned to. The optional offset argument is the offset within the record that is to be positioned to. Note that there is no check to see if files actually conform to record_length; it along with the other record_number and offset arguments simply form a means of providing a calculation for a byte offset in the file as a while. For example, POSITION #1, 1000, 3, 50 would result in seeking file device #1 to the 3050'th byte in the file.
PRINT PRINT [#device,] [expression] [,expression] [;] impl Sends/displays text or data to the screen, remote user, or specified device handler. There are a few rules for PRINT:

  • control: ',' - the comma is used to separate expressions within the print statement and will be printed literally, i.e. this is for creating comma-separated file output.
  • control: ';' - the semi-colon is also used to separate expressions it will not be printed when encountered, if a semi-colon is the last character in the line, then the carriage return will be suppressed.
  • control: '\' - the backslash is used to generate a newline character. Using the backslash, there is no need to put a bunch of print:print... statements.
  • exprs: TEXT - text must be contained within quotes and will be printed exactly as typed. Within quotes, you may have any special characters including return. Note that you MUST close quotes on the same line - multi-line quotes are not allowed.
  • exprs: STRING- the contents of the listed string will be printed.
  • exprs: NUMBER- the content of the listed number will be printed.
PUBLIC PUBLIC label dev The PUBLIC statement is used to make a label within a program module available to other modules to LINK to. If you wish to link to another program module, and start execution at a point other than the beginning of the module, you will need to make that point public. You can have a maximum of 8 public labels within a program module.
PUSH PUSH label dev The PUSH statement is a subset of the GOSUB statement. It does not actually change the current point of execution, but places a return address on the stack so that the next time a RETURN statement is encountered, control will return to this present point. A POP statement will remove the last address added to the return table.
RAM RAM dev The RAM function is really just a constant pointer. It just points to a free 64 bytes of memory that has been set aside for program use.
RAM2 RAM2 dev The RAM2 function is the same as the RAM function except that it points to a different 64 bytes that are available for program use. Generally this memory is used in conjunction with the READ, WRITE, NIBBLE, and BYTE functions.
RANDOM expression=RANDOM(number) dev The RANDOM function is used to generate a random number within the range 0-number. It is important to note that the random number generator only runs when the system goes to get input. In other words, if you take two random numbers in a row without some kind of user input in the middle, the random numbers will always be the same. If you need more than one, use the RND$ string between. The RND$ string will cause the random number generator to re-random. REMY TODO: Is there an A2osX random number service that would be used instead?
READ READ #device, memloc, number dev The READ statement is used to load data from a file into memory in its binary form without any processing or changing. The input does not have to come from a file, it can come from the editor or a message file. It is similar to an Apple DOS BLOAD command. BJB TODO: Need to improve this to describe memloc, number.
READY READY filename
READY #MSG(number)
dev The READY statement is used to make a message file ready for use. It is similar to an OPEN statement being used before a file is accessed. After a message file is ready, all the following references to MSG will be directed to that file. Once a message file has been made ready, it can also be used in its second syntax to ready a specific message within the file. This is generally used if further references to the file will use the device channel associated with the message base.
RETURN RETURN impl Return from a subroutine. More specifically, it retrieves the last execution point off the stack and continues program execution from that point. Used in conjunction with GOSUB and PUSH statements.
REWIND REWIND dev The REWIND statement is to change the pointer within a message file to some previously accessed point within the file. Normally this is used in conjunction with the READY MSG(x):COPY #7 statements. Using REWIND will put the internal pointer back to where it was before the last message operation took place. This is generally used for doing a 're-read' function of sorts.
RIGHT$ string=RIGHT$(source, length) dev Returns the last length number of characters from the source.
RND$ char=RND$ dev The RND$ function is used to generate random characters. Each time RND$ is accessed a new random character will be returned. Be warned: the random number is generated from timing how long a user takes to enter his input. This is really a pretty random number since it is based on the users typing skill and speed. The only problem is that the random character generator can start repeating patterns after about 15-20 characters have been generated and before another input has taken place. REMY TODO: Is this how your implementation works or are you using an A2osX random generator?
SET SET string=memloc, number dev The SET statement is another statement set up for the optimum management of memory. With SET you can manually set up pointers for strings anywhere in memory. Along with the locations of the string, you can also specify the length. Whenever the string is accessed, the text present at the memory locations will be returned.
SETINT SETINT (string1 [,string1...])
SETINT (number)
dev The SETINT command is used to set up 'interrupt' keys. Once setup the system will check for those keys whenever text is being displayed. If one of the keys are encountered, all further output will be suppressed until an input statement of some kind is encountered or the SETINT is reset. To reset the SETINT command, use the second syntax. If you wish to set the interrupt keys to those pre-defined by the ACOS config program, use the third syntax. SETINT(1) will set the interrupt key to the 'file stop' character. SETINT(2) will set the interrupt keys to the 'file stop' and 'file next' characters.
STR$ string=STR$(number) dev Returns the numerical supplied numerical expression as a string.
TEXT TEXT dev Used to clear the screen and any window on the local console. BJB REMY TODO: How is this different from HOME?
THEN THEN dev Separates statements within IF statements.
TIME$ string=TIME$ dev The TIME$ function is used to get the current time from your clock. If your system is equipped with a clock, the time will be returned in a "HH:MM:SS XM" format. If your clock is in the 24 hour configuration then it will be returned in the "HH:MM:SS" format. If you have no clock, then your estimated time on will be returned. The estimated time is based upon the number of characters output and the speed they were sent. The format for estimated time is "HH:MM:SS ET". When the clock is first reset via a MODEM(0) command, the time will be "00:00:00 ET" and will advance from there. REMY TODO: How is your implementation of no clocks?
TONE TONE (pitch, duration) dev The TONE function is used to generate a tone from the speaker in your computer. BJB TODO: Need to determine limits.
UPDATE UPDATE dev The UPDATE statement is used to write any information about the current message base from memory out to disk (i.e. a flush operation). Normally, certain things are buffered and will stay within memory for long periods of time. In the event of a power failure or a system reset, this data will be lost before it is written out to disk. Use the UPDATE statement to force the data to be written out to disk.
USE USE filename [,any options] dev The USE statement is used to access a routine that is external to the ACOS language. What happens is that the USE statement loads in an external command and transfer control to that command. The command will normally get parameters from the continuation of the line after the filename argument. REMY TODO: This is used for protocol handlers; have you implemented something for this?
VAL expression=VAL(string) dev Returns the numerical value of a number spelled out in a string.
WHEN$ WHEN$=address
dev The WHEN$ function is really just a data compression scheme. You initially point WHEN$ to a address in memory. At this address there must be 2 free bytes. When you read from WHEN$, the 2 bytes will be retrieved from the memory location and translated into a "MM/DD/YY" format. When you assign WHEN$ a value, the current date will be read and changed into a 2 byte compressed format and saved at the current address pointer.
WIDTH expression=WIDTH(number) dev The WIDTH function is really an interface to the config program. It will return 4 widths that were setup as the most commonly used widths under config, along with the width that should be used for a default when the video width is not known. WIDTH(1-4) will return the 4 most commonly used widths. WIDTH(0) will return the number of the width(1-4) that should be used as a default.
WRITE WRITE #device, memloc, number dev The WRITE statement is the opposite of the READ statement. It is used to write unprocessed binary data from memory to a file or other device. Almost all the device channels can be written and none will generate errors. Just specify the memory location and length to be written. BJB TODO: Need to expand on this for the arguments.


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