- major bugfixes, especially in 2D arrays
- separated each subroutine into own file
- reconfigured arrays to use 1-based indexing
- Arrays.demo uses macros now
- added overflow error handling to get and put routines
- added error handling
- no more massive library; just a subroutine per file. This is because Merlin doesn't like large files.
- added a "minify" BASIC utility that gets rid of *most* comments in a source textfile. This dramatically reduces space used if you're not terribly interested in non-inline comments.
- TFILL,THLIN,TVLIN and TPUT not directly access the video memory (page one), making for a much faster draw without interfering COUT.
- some stylistic changes, primarily to TFILL
- change required files to minified versions only. The whole files can be found on disk 2.
- got a norovirus so pretty much couldn't do anything requiring sustained attention, so focused on small things here and not on my dayjob. Cool.
- created a required.vars file that separates variables and settings from the other required files. Not minified.
- This current bout of revision will probably be the last, once all initial 6 disks are revamped, that focuses on all subroutines/macros in a given library at a single push. After this round, commits will be done on a subroutine or related file basis.
mostly updated the required and common libraries, as well as created a minify program in applesoft basic that automatically creates a .min file from fully-commented source.
- added _RDUMP to required library
- added MSWAP to common library
- deleted full required library from each disk except #2, replaced with min versions (still need to update demos accordingly)
- added beginnings of error handling in required library
- fixed a plethora of bugs
- overhauled demo
- integrated shared required library and macros
- began early planning of floating-point routines and macros
- created minified, no-comment versions of every routine
- Some major bugfixes
- more compact commenting
- added required.lib, mac and hooks
- changed array get routines to copy appropriate element to memory address designated as "return"
- created .min versions of each file that has no comments to save space in large projects
- reordered catalog alphabetically
- 16bit array subroutines will be added here at a later date.
- Strings library separated from arrays on its own disk in anticipation of larger libraries.
items in disk folder will be updated automatically, whereas items in the source folder will be updated periodically due to having to manually sort through files to copy and paste
As it turns out, I'm already running out of disk space with two libraries on the core disk, leaving about 50 sectors leeway for future growth. So I've had to rethink the disk management.