3 Developing Davex Itself
David Schmidt edited this page 2020-08-01 23:36:18 -04:00

Developing Davex used four main components to go from source code to disk images:

  • Ant - orchestrates the build process
  • Java SDK - compiles Java-based server
  • cc65 - a multiplatform toolchain with a nice 6502 macro assembler named ca65
  • AppleCommander - a cross-platform virtual disk manipulation program

You will need to have an IDE that incorporates these elements (the source tree is a ready-made project in Eclipse), or you can download the tools individually and just ensure that ant, Java, and ca65 are invokable from the command line.

Download the Code

The first step is to download the code. See the Davex code page for details on that.

Prepare the Environment

Navigate to the build directory. Copy the file named Davex-default.properties to a new file named Davex.properties in the same directory and modify it to point to the place where your ca65 executable lives. For example:


Ensure that you have the ca65 version V2.18 or later.


Now you're ready to build. All you need to do is type ant and the Ant build system will take over. You should see output something like this:

Buildfile: davex\build\build.xml
   [delete] Deleting directory davex\obj
   [delete] Deleting directory davex\dist
     [echo] Assembling Dav3x source...
    [mkdir] Created dir: davex\obj\3\xtn
     [echo] Linking Dav3x...
     [echo] Assembling Davex source...
    [mkdir] Created dir: davex\obj\2\xtn
     [echo] Linking Davex...
     [copy] Copying 1 file to davex\dist
     [echo] SOS 5.25 disk image complete.
     [copy] Copying 1 file to davex\dist
     [echo] Copying files to ProDOS 5.25 disk image...
     [echo] ProDOS 5.25 disk image complete.
     [copy] Copying 1 file to davex\dist
     [echo] Copying files to ProDOS 3.5 disk image...
     [echo] ProDOS 3.5 disk image complete.
     [echo] Assembling Davex externals...
     [echo] Linking externals...
     [echo] Copying external files to ProDOS 5.25 disk image...
     [echo] ProDOS 5.25 disk externals complete.
     [echo] Copying external files to ProDOS 3.5 disk image...
     [echo] ProDOS 3.5 disk externals complete.
     [echo] Copying documentation files...
     [copy] Copying 89 files to davex\dist\doc
     [echo] Creating distribution package...
      [zip] Building zip: davex\build\Davex.zip
Total time: 10 seconds

Once the build is successful, completed disk images and documentation should be in the dist directory.