- Fixed painting routines corrupting PAGE2 switch at random
- Fancy views can now detect clicks in their scroll bar areas
- Callbacks now used as "re-render" messages in scrollable windows
- Scrollbars now automagically functional
- Fixed dragging near buttons leaving trails sometimes
- Fixed a number of interrupt integrity issues with mouse pointer
- Fixed mouse slot scan start from wrong place
- Added dirty background recovery to mouse pointer
- Added safety to prevent mouse pointer stamping
- Fixed some rendering bugs when mouse pointer is in vicinity of updated views
- Eliminated WGInverse and WGNormal API calls
- Added the basic dispatcher for ML API
- Trimmed some unneeded code
- Prototyped assembly language API file
- Another pass on reducing code size
- X register now reserved for dispatcher
- API calls using X register as a parameter converted to Y register
- Added WGSetGlobalCursor
- Some code cleanup
- Procedural GOSUBs no longer rely on V flag in Applesoft (wasn't reliable with interrupts)
- Added &MOUSE
- Added &PDACT
- Added &GET
- Button clicking with mouse now flashes state
- Mouse clicking on controls now works from AppleSoft
- Added XY saving macro
- Tightened up view macros a bit
- Views can now be found and acted on by the mouse
- Mouse rendering now handles missing mouse
- Added the concept of "no focus", so that one view doesn't always have to be highlighted
- Added View finding by screenspace point
- Improved some AppleSoft error messages
- Integer arguments in AppleSoft now handle signed values as well as unsigned
- Fixed a bug in string arguments
- Added a temp string argument type, whereby the string is pointed to within the AppleSoft source
- Added &CURSR
- Added &PRINT
- Added &SCR
- Added &SCRBY
- Added &ERASE
- Fixed WGPrint not clipping top properly if last line is short and above the plane
- Fixed decorated window titles not rendering properly
- Support for procedural AppleSoft GOSUB
- Support for more varied parameter types in AppleSoft API calls
- Support for 16-bit integers in AppleSoft API calls
- Added line number GOSUB feature to buttons built from AppleSoft
- Buttons now take callback pointer in init struct
- Added flag bits to upper nibble of style byte on views
- ViewAction now has option for AppleSoft GOSUBs
- Fixed a bug in the AppleSoft command matcher with prefixes
- Removed useless &weegui command
- Added &select, &focus, &act, &focusn, and &focusp commands for AppleSoft
- Changed some AppleSoft APIs to be more keyword-friendly
- Fixed button string pointers being wrong endian in AppleSoft API
- Fixed incorrect endian in return value of string allocator
- Added string block allocator and copier
- Added AppleSoft API for creating checkboxes and buttons
- Fixed bug with view constructors not correctly selecting the view after creation
- Added support for struct parameters in AppleSoft
- Added &HOME
- Renamed &VIEW to &WINDOW
- Separated style and ID bytes in view creation
- View state, callbacks, and title pointers are now initialized
- NULL pointers are handled in window titles
- Added function to restore a valid cursor state for AppleSoft upon API exit
- Fixed WGPrint doing the wrong thing when entire string is below the clip box
- Fixed WGPrint missing end of string if it lands exactly on logical view boundary
- Added some API for focus selection
- Fixed a bug in selected view table lookup
- View creation now selects new view
- Refactored and fixed bugs in checkbox rendering
- Checkboxes can now be toggled
- Basic API for view actions
- Convenience routine for painting all views
- Painting code for Buttons
- Data structures for controls
- Support for single width and height rectangle stroking
- Abstraction of normal and inverse text printing
- Support for lowercase in hex scanning
- Creation of checkboxes and buttons
- Support for view titles