blondie7575 80f6662ede Moved WeeGUI to HGR2 in memory
Trying to co-exist with ProDOS, BASIC.SYSTEM and Applesoft at the top of memory was giving me too many gray hairs. WeeGUI apps shouldn’t need the HGR2 page, so we’re going to live there from now on.
2018-01-06 17:50:22 -08:00

73 lines
1.5 KiB

; WeeGUI_MLI.s
; Machine Language API for WeeGUI
; Created by Quinn Dunki on 8/15/14.
; Copyright (c) 2014 One Girl, One Laptop Productions. All rights reserved.
; Reserved zero page locations
PARAM0 = $06
PARAM1 = $07
PARAM2 = $08
PARAM3 = $09
; WeeGUI entry point
; Set up your call, then do a JSR to this address.
WeeGUI = $4004 ; Offset of WGDispatch from 4000
; API call names, to be passed to WeeGUI via X register
; e.g.
; ldx #WGDesktop
; jsr WeeGUI
WGClearScreen = 0
WGDesktop = 2
WGSetCursor = 4
WGSetGlobalCursor = 6
WGSyncGlobalCursor = 8
WGPlot = 10
WGPrint = 12
WGFillRect = 14
WGStrokeRect = 16
WGFancyRect = 18
WGPaintView = 20
WGViewPaintAll = 22
WGEraseViewContents = 24
WGCreateView = 26
WGCreateCheckbox = 28
WGCreateButton = 30
WGViewSetTitle = 32
WGViewSetAction = 34
WGSelectView = 36
WGViewFromPoint = 38
WGViewFocus = 40
WGViewUnfocus = 42
WGViewFocusNext = 44
WGViewFocusPrev = 46
WGViewFocusAction = 48
WGPendingViewAction = 50
WGPendingView = 52
WGScrollX = 54
WGScrollXBy = 56
WGScrollY = 58
WGScrollYBy = 60
WGEnableMouse = 62
WGDisableMouse = 64
WGDeleteView = 66
WGEraseView = 68
WGExit = 70
WGCreateProgress = 72
WGSetState = 74
WGViewSetRawTitle = 76