mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 04:30:55 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
; Apple II UniDisk 3.5 (Liron) disk interface card firmware
; Firmware P/N 341-????
; Copyright 2018 Eric Smith <spacewar@gmail.com>
; Copyright 1985 Apple Computer, Inc.
; Disassembly copyright 2018 Eric Smith <spacewar@gmail.com>
cpu 6502
@ -54,23 +55,23 @@ prodos_buffer equ $44
prodos_block equ $46
Z48 equ $48
Z4b equ $4b
Z4c equ $4c
Z4d equ $4d
Z4e equ $4e
Z4f equ $4f
Z50 equ $50
Z51 equ $51
group_count equ $4b ; count of seven-byte groups
odd_byte_count equ $4c ; count of "odd bytes"
Z4d equ $4d ; rx packet data status byte
Z4e equ $4e ; rx packet aux type
Z4f equ $4f ; rx packet type
Z50 equ $50 ; rx packet source ID
Z51 equ $51 ; rx packet destination ID
Z52 equ $52
Z53 equ $53
Z54 equ $54
Z55 equ $55
Z56 equ $56
Z57 equ $57
slot equ $58
Z59 equ $59
Z5a equ $5a
Z5b equ $5b
Z5a equ $5a ; destination ID
Z5b equ $5b ; packet type
; per-slot screen holes (index by slot)
@ -173,13 +174,15 @@ Lcn14: ldx #$c0 + slotnum
jmp shared_rom_entry
; continuation of Sc960 subroutine (in shared ROM)
; continuation of smartport_bus_read_packet subroutine (in shared ROM)
Lcn21: ldy #$00
lda Z4b
bne Lcn2b
jmp Lcnb8
lda group_count ; get group count
pha ; and save for later
bne Lcn2b
jmp Lcnb8 ; no groups, skip
; read seven-byte groups
Lcn2b: lda iwm_q6l + (slotnum << 4)
bpl Lcn2b
sta Z59
@ -200,7 +203,7 @@ Lcn3e: lda iwm_q6l + (slotnum << 4)
sta checksum
bne Lcn51
inc Z57
inc Z56+1
Lcn51: lda iwm_q6l + (slotnum << 4)
bpl Lcn51
@ -226,7 +229,7 @@ Lcn6f: lda iwm_q6l + (slotnum << 4)
sta checksum
bne Lcn82
inc Z57
inc Z56+1
Lcn82: ldx Z59
Lcn84: lda iwm_q6l + (slotnum << 4)
@ -252,15 +255,17 @@ Lcna2: lda iwm_q6l + (slotnum << 4)
eor checksum
sta checksum
dec Z4b
dec group_count
beq Lcnb8
jmp Lcn2b
Lcnb8: lda iwm_q6l + (slotnum << 4)
bpl Lcnb8
sta Z59
sta Z4b
pla ; restore group count
sta group_count
Lcnc2: lda iwm_q6l + (slotnum << 4)
bpl Lcnc2
@ -273,7 +278,7 @@ Lcncd: ldy iwm_q6l + (slotnum << 4)
bpl Lcncd
cpy #$c8
bne Lcnf2
ldx Z4c
ldx odd_byte_count
beq Lcne2
ldy #$00
@ -364,17 +369,17 @@ Lc82c: asl iwm_q6l,x
jsr send_80 ; aux type
jsr send_80 ; data statys byte
jsr send_80 ; data status byte
lda Z4c ; length of packet "odd bytes", 0-6
lda odd_byte_count ; length of packet "odd bytes", 0-6
ora #$80
jsr send_nib7
lda Z4b ; number of encoded 7-byte groups
lda group_count ; number of encoded 7-byte groups
ora #$80
jsr send_nib7
lda Z4c ; any "odd bytes"?
lda odd_byte_count ; any "odd bytes"?
beq Lc873 ; no, skip
; send "odd bytes"
@ -386,11 +391,11 @@ Lc862: asl iwm_q6l,x
lda (Z54),y
ora #$80
cpy Z4c
cpy odd_byte_count
bcc Lc862
; send groups
Lc873: lda Z4b ; any groups to send?
Lc873: lda group_count ; any groups to send?
bne Lc87a ; yes
jmp send_checksum ; no
@ -414,7 +419,7 @@ Lc888: ldy iwm_q6l,x
rol Z41
bne Lc8a1
inc Z57
inc Z56+1
jmp Lc8a3
Lc8a1: pha
@ -447,7 +452,7 @@ Lc8a3: lda #$02
rol Z41
bne Lc8dd
inc Z57
inc Z56+1
jmp Lc8df
Lc8dd: pha
@ -476,7 +481,7 @@ Lc8df: lda Z51
rol Z41
dec Z4b ; sent last group?
dec group_count ; sent last group?
beq send_checksum ; yes
jmp Lc87d ; no, send another group
@ -538,23 +543,29 @@ packet_sync_sequence:
packet_sync_sequence_len equ *-packet_sync_sequence
; delay routine - unused?
jsr Sc95b
Sc95b: nop
Lc95d: jmp Sc93d
Sc960: lda #$00
; on entry, Z54
smartport_bus_read_packet: lda #$00
sta checksum
; copy buffer pointer to group pointer
lda Z54
sta Z56
lda Z55
sta Z57
lda Z54+1
sta Z56+1
lda #$21 ; point Z52 at LCn21 for later continuation of execution
; point Z52 at LCn21 for later continuation of execution
lda #$21
sta Z52
lda slot
@ -576,26 +587,28 @@ Lc987: lda iwm_q6l,x ; read a nibble
cmp #$c3 ; is it the sync byte?
bne Lc987 ; loop if not
ldy #$06
ldy #$06 ; read first six nibbles of packet
Lc995: lda iwm_q6l,x ; read a nibble
bpl Lc995 ; loop if don't have a nibble yet
and #$7f
sta Z4b,y
sta group_count,y ; store in reverse order
eor #$80
eor checksum
sta checksum
bpl Lc995
lda Z4c
beq Lc9d3
lda odd_byte_count ; any odd bytes?
beq Lc9d3 ; no
clc ; advance group pointer by number of odd bytes
adc Z54
sta Z56
lda Z55
lda Z54+1
adc #$00
sta Z57
sta Z56+1
; receive "odd bytes"
ldy #$00
Lc9b9: lda iwm_q6l,x
bpl Lc9b9
@ -608,8 +621,9 @@ Lc9c1: lda iwm_q6l,x
eor #$80
Lc9cc: sta (Z54),y
cpy Z4c
cpy odd_byte_count
bcc Lc9c1
Lc9d3: jmp (Z52) ; continue from slot ROM space
@ -740,7 +754,7 @@ Lcabc: rts
Scabd: ldy slot
lda #$05
sta sh_04f8,y
Lcac4: jsr Sc960
Lcac4: jsr smartport_bus_read_packet
bcc Lcad8
ldy #1
@ -774,12 +788,12 @@ Dcaeb: fcb $00,$7f,$ff
; number of 7-byte groups and the number of "odd bytes"
Scaee: ldx Z4e ; high byte of length
beq Lcb05
lda Z55
sta Z57
lda Z54+1
sta Z56+1
lda #$80
cpx #$01
beq Lcb00
inc Z57
inc Z56+1
lda #$00
Lcb00: clc
adc Z54
@ -787,9 +801,9 @@ Lcb00: clc
; divide high byte of length by 7 using table lookup
Lcb05: lda page_div_7_tab,x
sta Z4b
sta group_count
lda page_rem_7_tab,x
sta Z4c
sta odd_byte_count
ldx #$05 ; start table lookup at entry for 2^7
@ -805,15 +819,15 @@ Lcb18: asl Z59
lda pow2_rem_7,x
Lcb1f: clc
adc Z4c
adc odd_byte_count
cmp #$07
bcc Lcb28
sbc #$07
Lcb28: sta Z4c
Lcb28: sta odd_byte_count
lda pow2_div_7,x
adc Z4b
sta Z4b
adc group_count
sta group_count
Lcb31: dex
bmi Lcb3a
@ -821,7 +835,7 @@ Lcb31: dex
jmp Lcb1f
Lcb3a: lda Z55
Lcb3a: lda Z54+1
lda #$00
ldx Z4e
@ -835,8 +849,8 @@ Lcb46: eor (Z54),y
eor (Z56),y
cpx #$01
beq Lcb57
inc Z55
Lcb57: inc Z55
inc Z54+1
Lcb57: inc Z54+1
Lcb59: ldy Z4d
beq Lcb66
eor (Z54),y
@ -846,8 +860,8 @@ Lcb5f: eor (Z54),y
eor (Z54),y
Lcb66: sta checksum
sta Z55
ldy Z4c
sta Z54+1
ldy odd_byte_count
lda #$00
sta Z59
@ -858,13 +872,13 @@ Lcb72: lda (Z54),y
bpl Lcb72
ror Z59
lda Z4c
lda odd_byte_count
adc Z54
sta Z56
lda Z55
lda Z54+1
adc #$00
sta Z57
sta Z56+1
ldy #$06
Lcb8c: sec
lda (Z56),y
@ -881,7 +895,7 @@ Lcb95: ror Z41
adc #$07
sta Z56
bcc Lcba8
inc Z57
inc Z56+1
Lcba8: rts
@ -901,25 +915,25 @@ Lcbb6: tya
Scbbf: lda Z4b
Scbbf: lda group_count
ldx #$00
stx Z4b
stx group_count
ldx #$03
Lcbc8: asl
rol Z4b
rol group_count
bne Lcbc8
adc Z4c
adc odd_byte_count
bcc Lcbd5
inc Z4b
Lcbd5: sty Z4c
inc group_count
Lcbd5: sty odd_byte_count
sbc Z4c
sbc odd_byte_count
bcs Lcbde
dec Z4b
Lcbde: ldy Z4b
dec group_count
Lcbde: ldy group_count
@ -999,7 +1013,7 @@ Lcc30: tax
Lcc3c: lda sh_05f8,y ; set Z54 to point to cmd num -1
sta Z54
lda sh_0678,y
sta Z55
sta Z54+1
ldy #$01 ; copy SmartPort command
lda (Z54),y
@ -1010,7 +1024,7 @@ Lcc3c: lda sh_05f8,y ; set Z54 to point to cmd num -1
lda (Z54),y
sta Z55
sta Z54+1
stx Z54
lda #$01
@ -1091,7 +1105,7 @@ Lcccf: lda #$28
lda #$00
sta Z4e
sta Z55
sta Z54+1
lda #$42
sta Z54
@ -1121,7 +1135,7 @@ Lcd02: lda Z5a
lda prodos_buffer
sta Z54
lda prodos_buffer+1
sta Z55
sta Z54+1
ldx prodos_command
lda Dcde3,x
@ -1140,7 +1154,7 @@ Lcd02: lda Z5a
sta Z54
bcc Lcd4f
inc Z55
inc Z54+1
jmp Lcd4f
Lcd41: cpx #$02
bne Lcd4b
@ -1167,7 +1181,7 @@ Lcd60: ldy slot
lda #$45
ldx #$00
sta Z54
stx Z55
stx Z54+1
Lcd73: jsr Scabd
bcs Lcd5c
jsr Scbbf
@ -1267,7 +1281,7 @@ Scded: pha
lda #$42
sta Z54
lda #$00
sta Z55
sta Z54+1
lda #$80
sta Z5b
jsr smartport_bus_disable
@ -1283,7 +1297,7 @@ Lce19: inc Z5a
dec Z5a
jmp Lce34
Lce2d: jsr Sc960
Lce2d: jsr smartport_bus_read_packet
lda Z4d
beq Lce19
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