Global slot hole comments.

This commit is contained in:
Eric Smith 2018-02-12 01:30:19 -07:00
parent 06dc1237fe
commit 949e378615

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@ -62,23 +62,30 @@ Z5b equ $5b
; per-slot screen holes (index by slot)
sh_prodos_flag equ $0478 ; MSB = 1 for ProDOS, 0 for SmartPort
sh_04f8 equ $04f8
sh_0578 equ $0578
sh_05f8 equ $05f8
sh_0678 equ $0678
sh_06f8 equ $06f8
sh_0778 equ $0778
sh_07f8 equ $07f8
sh_04f8 equ $04f8
sh_0578 equ $0578
sh_05f8 equ $05f8
sh_0678 equ $0678
sh_magic1 equ $06f8 ; $a5 if firmware initialized
sh_magic2 equ $0778 ; $5a if firmware initialized
sh_07f8 equ $07f8
; global screen holes
gh_06f8 equ $06f8
gh_0778 equ $0778
gh_shared_rom_slot equ $07f8
; global screen holes - undocumented
; these seem to be used as temporaries
gh_06f8 equ $06f8
; note - 06f8 is used by Apple DOS RWTS for RECLBCNT (recal counter),
; not needed between RWTS calls
gh_0778 equ $0778
; global screen holes - documented
gh_shared_slot equ $07f8 ; $Cn if card in slot n $c800 ROM active
; needed for interrupt handling
D0800 equ $0800
L0801 equ $0801
D0800 equ $0800
L0801 equ $0801
basic_cold equ $e000
@ -151,7 +158,7 @@ Lcn0e: ldx #slotnum
; combined ProDOS/SmartPort/boot dispatch
; carry = 1 for boot, 0 for ProDOS/SmartPort
Lcn14: ldx #$c0 + slotnum
stx gh_shared_rom_slot
stx gh_shared_slot
ldx #slotnum
lda rom_dis
jmp shared_rom_entry
@ -891,12 +898,14 @@ Lcc03: lda Z40,x
bpl Lcc03
sty slot
lda sh_06f8,y
lda sh_magic1,y ; has card been initialized?
cmp #$a5
bne Lcc19
eor #$ff
eor sh_0778,y
eor sh_magic2,y
beq Lcc1e
Lcc19: lda #$00
jsr Scded
@ -1202,10 +1211,12 @@ Lce34: lda Z5a
sta prodos_unit_num
sta prodos_command
lda #$a5
sta sh_06f8,y
lda #$a5 ; mark firmware as initialized
sta sh_magic1,y
eor #$ff
sta sh_0778,y
sta sh_magic2,y
Sce4f: ldx slot
@ -1218,7 +1229,7 @@ Sce4f: ldx slot
boot: stx slot
lda #$aa
sta sh_prodos_flag,x ; sets MSB, to indicate use of ProDOS protocol
sta sh_06f8,x
sta sh_magic1,x ; mark firmware not initialized
; copy boot_prodos_command_block into zero page for use
ldy #boot_prodos_command_block_len - 1
@ -1258,7 +1269,7 @@ boot_error:
ldx Z00
bne Lcea4
ldx Z01
cpx gh_shared_rom_slot
cpx gh_shared_slot
bne Lcea4
jmp mon_sloop