DeskTop: complete diasm of screen dumper

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Bell 2018-01-07 17:16:26 -08:00
parent aaa258e0f9
commit 8db5fe3d36
2 changed files with 129 additions and 93 deletions

View File

@ -40,9 +40,22 @@ itself. It then (in a convoluted way) loads in the second $200 bytes of
This code then loads the rest of the file as a sequence of segments,
moving them to the appropriate destination in aux/banked/main memory.
There's fourth chunk of code; it's unclear where that ends up or how
it is invoked, but it appears to handle an OpenApple+ClosedApple+P
key sequence and invoke slot one code - possibly debugging support?
There's fourth chunk of code, which expects to live at $280 so it
can't co-exist with the Invoker; it may be temporary code, as there is
no sign that it is ever moved into place. It's also unclear how it
would be hooked in. The routine detects OA+CA+P and prints the DHR
screen to an ImageWriter II printer attached to Slot 1. (This may have
been used to produce screenshots during development for manuals.)
### Invoker
Loaded at $290-$03EF, this small routine is used to invoke a target,
e.g. a double-clicked file. System files are loaded/run at $2000,
binary files at the location specified by their aux type, and BASIC
files loaded by searching for BASIC.SYSTEM and running it with the
pathname passed at $2006 (see ProDOS TLM).
### Initializer
@ -52,16 +65,6 @@ Loaded at $800-$FFF, this does one-time initialization of the
DeskTop. It is later overwritten when any desk accessories are
### Invoker
Loaded at $290-$03EF, this small routine is used to invoke a target,
e.g. a double-clicked file. System files are loaded/run at $2000,
binary files at the location specified by their aux type, and BASIC
files loaded by searching for BASIC.SYSTEM and running it with the
pathname passed at $2006 (see ProDOS TLM).
### GUI Library "A2D"

View File

@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ max_page:
;;; ==================================================
;;; Not sure where this could be invoked from
.proc rest
.proc dump_screen
.org $280
SLOT1 := $C100
@ -486,6 +486,9 @@ max_page:
CR := $0D
ESC := $1B
hbasl := $6
screen_width := 560
;; Test for OpenApple+ClosedApple+P
lda BUTN0
@ -493,12 +496,11 @@ max_page:
bpl :+
lda KBD
cmp #('P' | $80)
beq L0294
beq invoke
: pla
jmp L7ECA ; ???
;; Invoked if OA+CA+P is held
L0294: sta KBDSTRB
invoke: sta KBDSTRB
sta SET80COL
sta SET80VID
@ -507,11 +509,11 @@ L0294: sta KBDSTRB
sta ROMIN2
lda #0
sta L03C5
jmp L035F
sta y_row
jmp print_screen
.proc send_spacing_sequence
.proc send_spacing
ldy #0
: lda spacing_sequence,y
beq done
@ -543,66 +545,90 @@ init_graphics:
.byte ESC,"G0560" ; Graphics, 560 data bytes
L02E6: jsr send_init_graphics
ldy #$00
sty L03CC
lda #$01
sta L03C9
lda #$00
sta L03C6
sta L03C7
L02FB: lda #$08
sta L03CB
lda L03C5
sta L03C8
L0306: lda L03C8
jsr L0393
lda L03CC
lsr a
bcs L0319
L0319: lda ($06),y
and L03C9
cmp #1
ror L03CA
inc L03C8
dec L03CB
bne L0306
lda L03CA
eor #$FF
jsr cout
lda L03C6
cmp #$2F
bne L0344
lda L03C7
cmp #2
beq L035B
L0344: asl L03C9
bpl L0351
.proc send_row
;; Tell printer to expect graphics
jsr send_init_graphics
ldy #0
sty col_num
lda #1
sta L03C9
inc L03CC
L0351: inc L03C6
bne L02FB
inc L03C7
bne L02FB
L035B: sta LOWSCR
sta mask
lda #0
sta x_coord
sta x_coord+1
L035F: jsr pr_num_1
jsr send_spacing_sequence
L0365: jsr L02E6
lda #8 ; 8 vertical pixels per row
sta count
lda y_row
sta y_coord
;; Accumulate 8 pixels
y_loop: lda y_coord
jsr compute_hbasl ; Row address in screen
lda col_num
lsr a ; Even or odd column?
sta PAGE2OFF ; By default, read main mem $2000-$3FFF
bcs :+ ; But even columns come from aux, so...
sta PAGE2ON ; Read aux mem $2000-$3FFF
: lda (hbasl),y ; Grab the whole byte
and mask ; Isolate the pixel we care about
cmp #1 ; Set carry if non-zero
ror accum ; And slide it into place
inc y_coord
dec count
bne y_loop
;; Send the 8 pixels to the printer.
lda accum ; Now output it
eor #$FF ; Invert pixels (screen vs. print)
sta PAGE2OFF ; Read main mem $2000-$3FFF
jsr cout ; And actually print
;; Done all pixels across?
lda x_coord
cmp #<(screen_width-1)
bne :+
lda x_coord+1
cmp #>(screen_width-1)
beq done
;; Next pixel to the right
: asl mask
bpl :+ ; Only 7 pixels per column
lda #1
sta mask
inc col_num
: inc x_coord
bne col_loop
inc x_coord+1
bne col_loop
done: sta PAGE2OFF ; Read main mem $2000-$3FFF
.proc print_screen
;; Init printer
jsr pr_num_1
jsr send_spacing
;; Print a row (560x8), CR+LF
loop: jsr send_row
lda #CR
jsr cout
lda #LF
jsr cout
lda L03C8
sta L03C5
lda y_coord
sta y_row
cmp #192 ; screen height in pixels
bcc L0365
bcc loop
;; Finish up
lda #CR
jsr cout
lda #CR
@ -612,8 +638,11 @@ L0365: jsr L02E6
L0393: pha
;; Given y-coordinate in A, compute HBASL-equivalent
.proc compute_hbasl
and #$C7
eor #$08
sta $07
@ -621,21 +650,22 @@ L0393: pha
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
sta $06
sta hbasl
and #$38
asl a
asl a
eor $06
eor hbasl
asl a
rol $07
rol hbasl+1
asl a
rol $07
eor $06
sta $06
rol hbasl+1
eor hbasl
sta hbasl
.proc pr_num_1
lda #>SLOT1
lda #<SLOT1
@ -643,19 +673,22 @@ pr_num_1:
lda #(CR | $80)
jsr invoke_slot1
cout: jsr COUT
.proc cout
jsr COUT
L03C5: .byte 0
L03C6: .byte 0
L03C7: .byte 0
L03C8: .byte 0
L03C9: .byte 0
L03CA: .byte 0
L03CB: .byte 0
L03CC: .byte 0
.byte $00,$00
y_row: .byte 0 ; y-coordinate of row start (0, 8, ...)
x_coord:.word 0 ; x-coordinate of pixels being accumulated
y_coord:.byte 0 ; iterates y_row to y_row+7
mask: .byte 0 ; mask for pixel being processed
accum: .byte 0 ; accumulates pixels for output
count: .byte 0 ; 8...1 while a row is output
col_num:.byte 0 ; 0...79
.byte 0, 0
.byte ESC,'e' ; 107 DPI (horizontal)
@ -674,6 +707,6 @@ invoke_slot1:
;; Padding
.res $400 - *, 0
.endproc ; rest
.endproc ; dump_screen
.assert .sizeof(install_as_quit) + .sizeof(quit_routine) + .sizeof(install_segments) + .sizeof(rest) = $580, error, "Size mismatch"
.assert .sizeof(install_as_quit) + .sizeof(quit_routine) + .sizeof(install_segments) + .sizeof(dump_screen) = $580, error, "Size mismatch"