2017-12-15 21:35:49 -08:00

876 B

Keyboard Control

OA = Open Apple


  • OA-W - Activate window; Left/Right Arrows to navigate
  • OA-G - Resize window; Arrows to resize, Return to finish
  • OA-M - Move window; Arrows to move, Return to finish
  • OA-X - Scroll contents; Arrows to scroll, Esc or Return when done


  • OA-H - Highlight icon; Left/Right Arrows to navigate, Esc or Return when done
  • OA-A - Select all icons


  • Escape - menu mode; Arrows to navigate, Return to select


  • OA-F - New Folder

  • OA-O - Open

  • OA-C - Close

  • OA-B - Close All

  • OA-A - Select All

  • OA-Y - Copy a File

  • OA-D - Delete a File

  • OA-E - Eject

  • OA-Q - Quit

  • OA-J - View By Icon

  • OA-N - View By Name

  • OA-T - View By Date

  • OA-K - View By Size

  • OA-L - View By Type

  • OA-S - Format a Disk

  • OA-Z - Erase a Disk

  • OA-I - Get Info

  • OA-0 - Run Selector

  • OA-1-9 - Selector Entries