mirror of
synced 2025-01-13 18:30:09 +00:00
Folibus is finished
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -17,96 +17,92 @@
asc 8D"Vous detenez : "00
asc 8D"You carry: "00
asc 8D"Vous ne detenez absolument rien !!!"00
asc 8D"You carry absolutely nothing!!!"00
asc "."00
asc 8D"Vous ne pouvez porter plus"00
asc 8D"You cannot carry more"00
asc 8D"Vous l"A7"avez deja."00
asc 8D"You already have it."00
asc 8D"Vous n"A7"avez pas"00
asc 8D"You do not carry"00
asc "D"A7"accord"00
asc "OK"00
str7010 asc "La generatrice vient d"A7"exploser. La"8D
asc "maison n"A7"existe plus, vous non plus."00
str7020 asc "L"A7"ascenseur ne bouge pas. Il faudrait"8D
asc "peut-etre du courant ?"00
str7030 asc "La porte vient de se fermer. Impossible"8D
asc "de l"A7"ouvrir..."00
str7040 asc "Vous avez raison. La curiosite est un"8D
asc "vilain defaut..."00
str7050 asc "L"A7"odeur que vous sentiez etait celle d"A78D
asc "un gaz explosif. Vous etes mort."00
str7060 asc "Il faudrait peut-etre du feu..."00
str7070 asc "Ah, ah... Vous etes prisonnier"00
str7080 asc "Vous avez dit papier ? Quel papier ?"00
str7090 asc "Bravez les interdits."00
str7100 asc "Elle a l"A7"air de s"A7"emballer..."00
str7110 asc "La generatrice se met en marche"00
str7120 asc "Impossible, elle ne veut rien savoir"00
str7130 asc "Bravo, je ne savais pas que vous aviez"8D
asc "des dons d"A7"electricien."00
str7140 asc "Votre machine est reparee. Mais elle"8D
asc "sent le chaud."00
str7150 asc "La machine est reparee. Dommage qu"A7"il"8D
asc "n"A7"y ait pas de courant."00
str7160 asc "Il faudrait peut-etre des outils."00
str7170 asc "L"A7"ascenseur semble monter..."00
str7180 asc "L"A7"ascenseur ne bouge pas"00
str7190 asc "Le cable vient de casser. Vous vous"8D
asc "ecrasez en bas : mort"00
str7200 asc "Il faut noir. Il faudrait allumer"00
str7210 asc "Vous vous ecrasez au sol"00
str7220 asc "Il y a une clef."00
str7230 asc "La porte est fermee a clef"00
str7240 asc "Tiens, la porte du placard se referme."8D00
str7250 asc "La generatrice vient d"A7"exploser,"8D
asc "l"A7"ascenseur est detruit. Vous en"8D
asc "rechappez de justesse"8D00
str7260 asc "Vous etes mort electrocute"00
str7270 asc "Vous avez raison, rien ne sert de courir"
asc "Une fumee monte du sol. Il faut sortir"8D
asc "quand meme."00
str7280 asc "Dehors il fait noir, on ne voit pas le"8D
asc "sol."00
str7290 asc "C"A7"est deja fait."00
str7300 asc "Vous etes au bout de la corde."00
str7310 asc "Vraiment pas au point cette machine."8D
asc "Vous etes mort"00
str7320 asc "Il faudrait peut-etre ouvrir la fenetre."00
str7330 asc "Tant pis. On a essaye."00
str7340 asc "Bravo, quel trait de genie."00
str7350 asc "Une trappe s"A7"ouvre sous vos pieds."8D
asc "Vous etes mort."00
str7360 asc "Sage precaution."00
str7370 asc "C"A7"est du poison. Vous etes mort."00
str7380 asc "Vous apprenez a piloter une soucoupe en"8D
asc "une lecon"00
str7390 asc "Ca ne se pilote pas comme ca"00
str7400 asc "C"A7"est de l"A7"acide. Vous etes mort."00
str7410 asc "Il y a de l"A7"eau. Vous vous noyez"00
str7420 asc "Ouf, vous vous retrouvez dehors.."00
str7430 asc "Sain et sauf..."00
str7440 asc "Ca marche... Mais il n"A7"y avait pas assez"
asc "de carburant"00
str7450 asc "Mais. Vous etes tout bleu, ce doit etre"8D
asc "les pilules"00
str7460 asc "Et irradie. Vous mourez au bout de"8D
asc "quelques jours"00
str7010 asc "The generator just exploded. The house"8D
asc "no longer exists, neither do you."00
str7020 asc "The elevator does not move. Perhaps we"8D
asc "need power?"00
str7030 asc "The door has just closed."8D
asc "Cannot open it..."00
str7040 asc "You are right. Curiosity killed the cat"00
str7050 asc "The odor you smelled was that of explo-"8D
asc "-sive gas. You are dead."00
str7060 asc "Maybe we need a fire..."00
str7070 asc "Ah, ah... You are a prisoner."00
str7080 asc "Did you say paper? What paper?"00
str7090 asc "Ban the bans"00
str7100 asc "It seems to be getting carried away..."00
str7110 asc "The generator starts"00
str7120 asc "Impossible, it does not start at all"00
str7130 asc "Well done, I did not know you had"8D
asc "electrician skills."00
str7140 asc "Your machine is repaired. But it feels"8D
asc "hot."00
str7150 asc "The machine is repaired. Too bad there"8D
asc "is no power."00
str7160 asc "Maybe we need some tools."00
str7170 asc "The elevator seems to go up..."00
str7180 asc "The elevator does not move"00
str7190 asc "The cable has just broken. You crash"8D
asc "down: deaed"00
str7200 asc "It is dark. It should be lit"00
str7210 asc "You crash to the ground"00
str7220 asc "There is a key."00
str7230 asc "The door is locked"00
str7240 asc "Here, the closet door closes."8D00
str7250 asc "The generator just exploded. The eleva-"8D
asc "-tor is destroyed. You narrowly escape"8D00
str7260 asc "You died electrocuted"00
str7270 asc "You are right, there is no rush. Smoke"8D
asc "rises from the ground. You have to go"8D
asc "out anyway."00
str7280 asc "It is dark outside, you cannot see the"8D
asc "ground"00
str7290 asc "It is already done."00
str7300 asc "You are at the end of the ropoe."00
str7310 asc "The machine is really not up to par."8D
asc "You are dead"00
str7320 asc "Perhaps we should open the window."00
str7330 asc "Too bad. We tried."00
str7340 asc "Well done. What a stroke of genius."00
str7350 asc "A trapdoor opens beneath your feet."8D
asc "You are dead."00
str7360 asc "Wise precaution."00
str7370 asc "It is poison. You are dead."00
str7380 asc "You learn to fly a saucer in one lesson"00
str7390 asc "It is not the way to drive it"00
str7400 asc "It is acid. You are dead."00
str7410 asc "There is water. You are drowing"00
str7420 asc "Phew, you find yourself outside..."00
str7430 asc "Safe and sound..."00
str7440 asc "It works... But there was not enough"8D
asc "fuel"00
str7450 asc "But. You are all blue. It must be the"8D
asc "pills"00
str7460 asc "And radiates. You die after a few days"00
@ -116,107 +112,98 @@ str7460 asc "Et irradie. Vous mourez au bout de"8D
* "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
* "----------------------------------------"
str8010 asc "Vous etes devant une maison, la porte"8D
asc "est ouverte."00
str8020 asc "Vous etes dans un couloir. Il y a une"8D
asc "porte a l"A7"est et une porte a l"A7"ouest."00
str8030 asc "Vous etes dans un salon. Il y a une"8D
asc "porte a l"A7"ouest."00
str8040 asc "Il y a une drole d"A7"odeur."00
str8050 asc "Il y a une grosse machine qui ressemble"8D
asc "a 1 generatrice avec un bouton vert, un"8D
asc "bouton rouge. Il y a une porte au nord."00
str8060 asc "Une machinerie d"A7"ascenseur. Une porte"8D
asc "au nord."00
str8070 asc "Il y a plein de materiel."00
str8080 asc "Vous etes dans un ascenseur. Il y a un"8D
asc "bouton monter, un bouton descendre."00
str8090 asc "L"A7"ascenseur vient de s"A7"arreter."00
str8100 asc "La piece est humide, il y a des fils qui"
asc "trainent par terre. Il y a une fenetre"8D
asc "et une porte au nord."00
str8110 asc "La porte vient de se refermer. Bonjour.."
asc "Comment ecrivez-vous ceci en 4 lettres ?"00
str8120 asc "Vous etes dans une machine a remonter le"
asc "temps. Trois boutons : passe, present et"
asc "avenir."00
str8130 asc "Vous vous retrouvez dans le laboratoire"8D
asc "du Professeur. Il y a une porte en fer a"
asc "l"A7"ouest, porte au sud marque danger."00
str8140 asc "Il y a une douche. Un trou dans le sol."00
str8150 asc "Il y a un cube noir d"A7"au moins une"8D
asc "tonne, une echelle monte. Une porte a"8D
asc "l"A7"est."00
str8160 asc "Vous etes dans une bibliotheque."00
str8170 asc "Vous etes dans une soucoupe sur une"8D
asc "terrasse."00
str8010 asc "You are in front of a house, the door is"
asc "open."00
str8020 asc "You are in a corridor. There is a door"8D
asc "to the east and a door to the west."00
str8030 asc "You are in a living room. There is a"8D
asc "door to the west."00
str8040 asc "There is a funny smell."00
str8050 asc "There is a big machine that looks like"8D
asc "a generator with a green button, a red"8D
asc "button. There is a door to the north."00
str8060 asc "Elevator machinery. A door to the north"00
str8070 asc "There is plenty of material."00
str8080 asc "You are in an elevator. There is a up"8D
asc "button, a down button."00
str8090 asc "The elevator has just stopped"00
str8100 asc "The room is damp, there are wires lying"8D
asc "around on the floor. There is a window"8D
asc "and a door to the north."00
str8110 asc "The door has just closed. Hello.."8D
asc "How do you write this in 4 letters?"00
str8120 asc "You are in a time machine. With three"8D
asc "buttons: past, present and future."00
str8130 asc "You find yourself in the Professor"A7"s"8D
asc "laboratory. There is an iron door to the"
asc "west, door to the south marked danger"00
str8140 asc "There is a shower. A hole in the ground"00
str8150 asc "There is a black cube of at least a ton,"
asc "a ladder going up. A door to the east"00
str8160 asc "You are in a library."00
str8170 asc "You are in a saucer on a terrace."00
strREPLAY asc 8D"Voulez-vous rejouer ? "00
strREPLAY asc 8D"Do you want to play again? "00
strGAGNE asc "Cela est exceptionnel. Vous etes le "8D8D
asc "premier a etre sorti vivant de la"8D8D
asc "maison du Professeur Folibus"00
strINSTR asc 8D"La liste des instructions ? "00
strINSTR asc 8D"Instructions (Y/N)? "00
strINSTR2 asc 8D8D
asc "Vous voici arrive dans la maison du"8D
asc "You have arrived in the house of"8D
asc " Pr Folibus..."8D
asc 8D
asc "Pour converser avec l"A7"ordinateur, il"8D
asc "faut rentrer les ordres en 1 ou 2 mots"8D
asc "tels que :"8D
asc " NORD"8D
asc "To converse with the computer, you"8D
asc "must enter orders in 1 or 2 words"8D
asc "such as"8D
asc " NORTH"8D
asc " TAKE PILL"8D
asc 8D
asc "ou pour commencer :"8D
asc " ENTRE"8D
asc "or to start:"8D
asc " ENTER"8D
asc 8D8D
asc "Si vous voulez faire durer la phrase"8D
asc "decrivant la salle, tapez une touche"8D
asc "If you want to make the sentence"8D
asc "describing the room last, type a key"8D
asc 8D
asc "Un dernier conseil : il peut parfois y"8D
asc "avoir une porte derriere vous. "00
asc "One last advice: sometimes, there may"8D
asc "be a door behind you. "00
* 51000 - DISCLAIMER
asc "L"A7"utilisation de ce programme est"8D8D
asc "deconseillee aux personnes sensibles,"8D8D
asc "aux enfants en bas age, ainsi qu"A7"a"8D8D
asc "tout personne susceptible d"A7"avoir"8D8D
asc "des malaises cardiaques."8D8D
asc "The use of this program is not"8D8D
asc "recommended to sensitive people,"8D8D
asc "young children, as well as"8D8D
asc "anyone who have heart diseases."8D8D
asc 8D8D
asc "Nous ne pourrions etre tenus responsa-"8D8D
asc "-bles des troubles physiques ou mentaux"8D8D
asc "provoques par votre echec dans"8D8D
asc "la maison du Pr Folibus ............."00
asc "We cannot be held responsible for any"8D8D
asc "physical or mental disorder caused"8D8D
asc "by your failure in"8D8D
asc "The House of Pr Folibus ............."00
* introPIC - la picture GR
asc "MICRO-SYSTEMES est fier de presenter"00
asc " MICRO-SYSTEMES is proud to present "00
asc " @ @ @ @ @@@ @ @@@ @@@ @ @"8D
asc " @ @ @ @@ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @"8D
asc " @ @@@ @ @ @ @@@ @ @@@ @ @ @@@@"8D
asc " @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@"8D
asc " @@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@@ @@@ @ @@"8D
asc " @@@ @ @ @@@ @ @ @@@ @ @ @@@ @@@"8D
asc " @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ "8D
asc " @ @@@ @@ @@@ @ @ @ @ @@@ @@ "8D
asc " @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ "8D
asc " @ @ @ @@@ @ @ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@"8D
asc 8D
asc " @@ @ @ @@@"8D
asc " @ @ @ @ @ @ @"8D
asc " @ @ @ @ @@@ @@"8D
asc " @ @ @ @ @ @ @"8D
asc " @@@ @@@ @ @"8D
asc " @@@ @@@ @@@"8D
asc " @ @ @ @ @ @"8D
asc " @ @ @@ @@@ @@"8D
asc " @ @ @ @ @ @"8D
asc " @@@ @ @ @"8D
asc 8D8D
asc " @@@ @@@ @ @ @@@ @ @ @@@"8D
asc " @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @"8D
@ -226,9 +213,9 @@ strLEMANOIR
asc " @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @"8D
asc " @ @@@ @@@ @ @@@ @@@@ @@@ @ @"00
strINTRO1 asc " Version Apple II par "00
strINTRO1 asc " Apple II version by "00
strINTRO2 asc " Brutal Deluxe Software "00
strINTRO3 asc " Merci a XavSnap "00
strINTRO3 asc " Thanks XavSnap "00
strINTRO4 asc " (C) 1982, Alain Bregeon "00
@ -236,105 +223,105 @@ strINTRO4 asc " (C) 1982, Alain Bregeon "00
V$1 str "N"
V$2 str "NORD"
V$2 str "NORT"
V$3 str "E"
V$4 str "EST"
V$4 str "EAST"
V$5 str "S"
V$6 str "SUD"
V$7 str "O"
V$8 str "OUES"
V$9 str "H"
V$10 str "MONT"
V$6 str "SOUT"
V$7 str "W"
V$8 str "WEST"
V$9 str "U"
V$10 str "UP"
V$11 str "D"
V$12 str "DESC"
V$13 str "ENTR"
V$14 str "AVAN"
V$15 str "HAUT"
V$16 str "BAS"
V$17 str "LIT"
V$18 str "REGA"
V$19 str "TOUR"
V$20 str "RETO"
V$21 str "PREN"
V$22 str "RAMA"
V$23 str "PAPI"
V$24 str "ALLU"
V$25 str "BOUG"
V$26 str "APPU"
V$27 str "ENFO"
V$28 str "VERT"
V$29 str "ROUG"
V$30 str "OUTI"
V$31 str "OUVR"
V$32 str "DOUC"
V$33 str "PLAC"
V$34 str "PORT"
V$35 str "ASCE"
V$36 str "BRIQ"
V$37 str "REPA"
V$38 str "DEPA"
V$39 str "RIEN"
V$40 str "MACH"
V$41 str "POSE"
V$42 str "QUIT"
V$43 str "DECR"
V$44 str "INVE"
V$45 str "CLEF"
V$46 str "FILS"
V$47 str "CORD"
V$48 str "FENE"
V$49 str "ACCR"
V$50 str "SAUT"
V$51 str "ATTA"
V$52 str "SORT"
V$53 str "FERM"
V$54 str "CECI"
V$55 str "ATTE"
V$56 str "TAPE"
V$57 str "FRAP"
V$58 str "PASS"
V$59 str "AVEN"
V$60 str "PRES"
V$61 str "MET"
V$62 str "AVAL"
V$63 str "GANT"
V$64 str "K"
V$65 str "Q"
V$66 str "Z"
V$67 str "ENFI"
V$68 str "LASE"
V$69 str "PIST"
V$70 str "LIVR"
V$71 str "DEMA"
V$72 str "PILO"
V$12 str "DOWN"
V$13 str "ENTE" ; ENTRER
V$14 str "ADVA" ; AVANCER
V$15 str "TOP" ; HAUT
V$16 str "BOTT" ; BAS
V$17 str "BED" ; LIT
V$18 str "LOOK" ; REGARDER
V$19 str "TURN" ; TOURNER
V$21 str "TAKE" ; PRENDRE
V$22 str "PICK" ; PRENDRE
V$23 str "PAPE" ; PAPIER
V$24 str "LIGH" ; ALLUMER
V$25 str "CAND" ; BOUGIE
V$26 str "PUSH" ; APPUYER
V$27 str "PUSH" ; POUSSER
V$28 str "GREE" ; VERT
V$29 str "RED" ; ROUGE
V$30 str "TOOL" ; OUTILS
V$31 str "OPEN" ; OUVRIR
V$32 str "SHOW" ; DOUCHE
V$33 str "CLOS" ; PLACARD
V$34 str "CARR" ; PORTER
V$36 str "FIRE" ; BRIQUET
V$37 str "REPA" ; REPARER
V$38 str "HELP" ; DEPANNER
V$39 str "NOTH" ; RIEN
V$41 str "DROP" ; POSER
V$42 str "QUIT" ; QUITTER
V$43 str "DECR" ; DECR
V$45 str "KEY" ; CLEF
V$46 str "WIRE" ; FILS
V$47 str "ROPE" ; CORDE
V$48 str "WIND" ; FENETRE
V$50 str "JUMP" ; SAUTER
V$51 str "ATTA" ; ATTAQUER
V$52 str "EXIT" ; SORTIR
V$53 str "SHUT" ; FERMER
V$54 str "THIS" ; CECI
V$55 str "WAIT" ; ATTENDRE
V$56 str "HIT" ; TAPER
V$57 str "HIT" ; FRAPPER
V$58 str "PAST" ; PASSE
V$59 str "FUTU" ; AVENIR
V$60 str "PRES" ; PRESENT
V$61 str "WEAR" ; METTRE
V$62 str "SWAL" ; AVALER
V$63 str "GLOV" ; GANT
V$64 str "KK" ; KK
V$65 str "QQ" ; QQ
V$66 str "ZZ" ; ZZ
V$67 str "WEAR" ; PORTER
V$68 str "LASE" ; LASER
V$69 str "GUN" ; PISTOLET
V$70 str "BOOK" ; LIVRE
V$71 str "STAR" ; DEMARRER
V$72 str "DRIV" ; AVANCER
V$73 str "TEMPO" ; Apple II
V$74 str "QUITTER" ; Apple II
V$75 str "CASSE" ; Apple II
V$74 str "QUIT" ; Apple II
V$75 str "CASE" ; Apple II
O$1 asc "briquet"00
O$2 asc "briquet allume"00
O$3 asc "bougie"00
O$4 asc "bougie allumee"00
O$5 asc "placard"00
O$6 asc "outils"00
O$7 asc "papier"00
O$8 asc "fils arraches"00
O$9 asc "fils repares"00
O$10 asc "une corde"00
O$11 asc "gants caoutchouc"00
O$12 asc "gants enfiles"00
O$13 asc "pilule K"00
O$14 asc "pilule K avalee"00
O$15 asc "pilule Z"00
O$16 asc "pilule Z avalee"00
O$17 asc "pilule Q"00
O$18 asc "pilule Q avalee"00
O$19 asc "pistolet laser"00
O$20 asc "livre"00
O$1 asc "fire"00
O$2 asc "lighted light"00
O$3 asc "candle"00
O$4 asc "lighted candle"00
O$5 asc "closet"00
O$6 asc "tools"00
O$7 asc "paper"00
O$8 asc "torn wires"00
O$9 asc "repaired wires"00
O$10 asc "a rope"00
O$11 asc "rubber gloves"00
O$12 asc "gloves put on"00
O$13 asc "KK pill"00
O$14 asc "KK pill swallowed"00
O$15 asc "ZZ pill"00
O$16 asc "ZZ pill swallowed"00
O$17 asc "QQ pill"00
O$18 asc "QQ pill swallowed"00
O$19 asc "laser gun"00
O$20 asc "book"00
@ -343,24 +330,24 @@ O$20 asc "livre"00
* asc "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
asc "On n"A7"y voit rien, mieux vaudrait allumer"
asc "pour eviter les ennuis."00
asc "It is very dark, perhaps you should"8D
asc "turn on the lights"00
strILYA asc 8D"Il y a aussi :"00
strILYA asc 8D"There is also:"00
strCOMMA asc ","00
strSPACE asc " "00
strRETURN asc 8D00
asc 8D"Que faites-vous ? "00
asc 8D"Command? "00
asc "Pardon ?"8D00
asc "Sorry?"8D00
asc "Impossible "00
asc "Not possible "00
asc "de prendre ce chemin"00
asc "to take this path"00
asc " !"00
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ chrRET2 = $8d
chrSPC2 = $a0
chrOUI = "O"
chrOUI = "Y"
chrNON = "N"
PRODOS = $bf00
@ -1139,6 +1139,7 @@ tbl7000 da $bdbd
:7250 @print #str7250
:7260 @print #str7260
@ -1564,8 +1565,8 @@ tblKEY
V = 75
tblV$ da $bdbd
da V$1,V$2,V$3,V$4,V$5,V$6,V$7,V$8,V$9,V$10
da V$11,V$12,V$13,V$14,V$15,V$16,V$17,V$18,V$19,V$20
da V$1,V$2,V$3,V$4,V$5,V$6,V$7,V$8,V$9,V$10,V$11,V$12
da V$13,V$14,V$15,V$16,V$17,V$18,V$19,V$20
da V$21,V$22,V$23,V$24,V$25,V$26,V$27,V$28,V$29,V$30
da V$31,V$32,V$33,V$34,V$35,V$36,V$37,V$38,V$39,V$40
da V$41,V$42,V$43,V$44,V$45,V$46,V$47,V$48,V$49,V$50
@ -1574,8 +1575,8 @@ tblV$ da $bdbd
da V$71,V$72,V$73,V$74,V$75
tblV dfb $bd
dfb 01,01,02,02,03,03,04,04,05,05
dfb 06,06,07,07,05,06,13,35,14,14
dfb 01,01,02,02,03,03,04,04,05,05,06,06,07,07
dfb 05,06,13,35,14,14
dfb 15,15,16,17,18,19,19,20,21,22
dfb 23,55,25,26,27,28,29,29,30,31
dfb 32,33,35,34,36,31,37,38,39,40
@ -1899,7 +1900,7 @@ tblD2H dfb 0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90
put fr.s
put en.s
put ../common/musiques.s
*--- It's the end
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ TAKE GLOVES
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ str7170 asc "L"A7"ascenseur semble monter..."00
str7180 asc "L"A7"ascenseur ne bouge pas"00
str7190 asc "Le cable vient de casser. Vous vous"8D
asc "ecrasez en bas : mort"00
str7200 asc "Il faut noir. Il faudrait allumer"00
str7200 asc "Il fait noir. Il faudrait allumer"00
str7210 asc "Vous vous ecrasez au sol"00
str7220 asc "Il y a une clef."00
str7230 asc "La porte est fermee a clef"00
@ -298,9 +298,9 @@ V$60 str "PRES"
V$61 str "MET"
V$62 str "AVAL"
V$63 str "GANT"
V$64 str "K"
V$65 str "Q"
V$66 str "Z"
V$64 str "KK"
V$65 str "QQ"
V$66 str "ZZ"
V$67 str "ENFI"
V$68 str "LASE"
V$69 str "PIST"
@ -327,12 +327,12 @@ O$9 asc "fils repares"00
O$10 asc "une corde"00
O$11 asc "gants caoutchouc"00
O$12 asc "gants enfiles"00
O$13 asc "pilule K"00
O$14 asc "pilule K avalee"00
O$15 asc "pilule Z"00
O$16 asc "pilule Z avalee"00
O$17 asc "pilule Q"00
O$18 asc "pilule Q avalee"00
O$13 asc "pilule KK"00
O$14 asc "pilule KK avalee"00
O$15 asc "pilule ZZ"00
O$16 asc "pilule ZZ avalee"00
O$17 asc "pilule QQ"00
O$18 asc "pilule QQ avalee"00
O$19 asc "pistolet laser"00
O$20 asc "livre"00
Binary file not shown.
@ -1139,6 +1139,7 @@ tbl7000 da $bdbd
:7250 @print #str7250
:7260 @print #str7260
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue
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