2020-05-06 12:43:07 -04:00

208 lines
4.2 KiB

; Autumn, based on the code in Hellmood's Autumn
; by deater (Vince Weaver) <>
; Zero Page Addresses
EBP1 = $F4
EBP2 = $F5
EBP3 = $F6
EBP4 = $F7
; Soft Switches
; ROM routines
; Some of these are in the Applesoft ROMs so need at least an Apple II+
; or later to run
TEXT = $FB36 ; Set text mode
HGR2 = $F3D8 ; Set full-screen hi-res mode using page 2 ($4000)
; 280x192 6-colors
HPLOT0 = $F457 ; Plot point, (Y,X) = Horizontal, (A=Vertical)
HCOLOR = $F6EC ; Set color in X, must be 0..7
; init screen ; Instruction Length
jsr HGR2 ; 3
; init vars to zero. Apple II doesn't clear RAM
; some of these might not be necessary
; should make this a loop
ldx #0 ; 2
stx XCOORDL ; 2
stx YCOORDL ; 2
stx XCOORDH ; 2
stx YCOORDH ; 2
stx EBP1 ; 2
stx EBP2 ; 2
stx EBP3 ; 2
stx EBP4 ; 2
stx COLORH ; 2
; not necessary? on x86 is probably the
; result of the VESA BIOS call
; lda #$4f
; sta COLORL
; 16-bit shift of color
; 2nd is a rotate as asl doesn't shift in cary
asl COLORL ; 2 ; shl %ax
rol COLORH ; 2
; put old X value to X/Y
; push/pop is 1 byte each but have to get
; value into accumulator first
ldx XCOORDL ; 2
ldy XCOORDH ; 2
; 16-bit subtraction x=x-y
; need to set carry before subtraction on 6502
sec ; 1
lda XCOORDL ; 2
sbc YCOORDL ; 2
sta XCOORDL ; 2
lda XCOORDH ; 2
sbc YCOORDH ; 2
sta XCOORDH ; 2
; 16-bit arithmatic shift right of X
; 6502 has no asr instruction
; cmp #$80 sets carry if high bit set
cmp #$80 ; 2
ror XCOORDH ; 2
ror XCOORDL ; 2
; 16-bit add, y=y+oldx
clc ; 1
txa ; 1
adc YCOORDL ; 2
sta YCOORDL ; 2
tya ; 2
adc YCOORDH ; 2
sta YCOORDH ; 2
; 16-bit arithmatic shift right of y-coord
cmp #$80 ; 2
ror YCOORDH ; 2
ror YCOORDL ; 2
; 32 bit rotate of low bit shifted out of Y-coordinate
ror EBP1 ; 2
ror EBP2 ; 2
ror EBP3 ; 2
ror EBP4 ; 2
; branch if carry set
bcs label_11f ; 2
; 16-bit increment of color
; no need to clear carry as we wouldn't be
; here if it wasn't
inc COLORL ; 2
bne no_oflo ; 2
inc COLORH ; 2
; 16-bit add of X-coord by 0x80
; this keeps the drawing roughly to the 280x192 screen
; carry should still be clear (inc doesn't set it)
lda XCOORDL ; 2
adc #$80 ; 2
sta XCOORDL ; 2
lda XCOORDH ; 2
adc #$0 ; 2
sta XCOORDH ; 2
; 16-bit negate of Y-coord
sec ; 1
lda YCOORDL ; 2
eor #$FF ; 2
adc #$0 ; 2
sta YCOORDL ; 2
lda YCOORDH ; 2
eor #$FF ; 2
adc #$0 ; 2
sta YCOORDH ; 2
; skipping the color manipulation done here by original
; if ycoord negative, loop
lda YCOORDH ; 2
bmi autumn_forever ; 2
; if top bits of xcoord, loop
lda XCOORDH ; 2
and #$f0 ; 2
bne autumn_forever ; 2
; get color mapping
; using lookup table for now whil trying to find best
lda COLORL ; 2
and #$7 ; 2
tay ; 1
ldx color_lookup,Y ; 3 (could be 2 if we had in zero page)
; actually set the color
jsr HCOLOR ; 3
; set up paramaters for HPLOT call
ldx XCOORDL ; 2
ldy XCOORDH ; 2
lda YCOORDL ; 2
jsr HPLOT0 ; 3
lda KEYPRESS ; 3 ; see if key pressed
; bpl autumn_forever ; loop if not
bmi exit_to_prompt ; 2 ; jump target too far away
jmp autumn_forever ; 3 ; if we get under 128 bytes
; can use the smaller jump
jsr TEXT ; 3 ; return to text mode
jmp $3D0 ; 3 ; return to Applesoft prompt
; Apple II Hi-Res Colors
; It's all NTSC artifacting and complex
; There can be color-class at a 3.5 pixel level
; And adjacent on pixels make white, adjacent off make black
; Simplistic summary, you can have these 8 colors (6 unique)
; 0 = Black0
; 1 = Green
; 2 = Purple
; 3 = White0
; 4 = Black1
; 5 = Orange
; 6 = Blue
; 7 = White2
; my default, colorful palette
; .byte $01,$01,$02,$03, $05,$05,$06,$07
; orange and gren palette
.byte $01,$01,$03,$05, $05,$05,$01,$07
; "Leaves"