kris 666272a8fc Checkpoint WIP for easier comparison to dhgr branch:
- naive version of NTSC artifacting, it uses a sliding 4-bit window to
  assign a nominal (D)HGR colour to each dot position.  A more
  sophisticated/correct implementation would model the YIQ signal

- Switch DHGRBitmap implementation to use a 34-bit representation of
  the 4-byte tuple, comprised of a 3-bit header and footer, plus
  4*7=28-bit body.  The headers/footers account for the influence on
  neighbouring tuples from the 4-bit NTSC window.

- With this model each screen byte influences 13 pixels, so we need to
  precompute 2^26 edit distances for all possible (source, target)
  13-bit sequences.

- Checkpointing not-yet-working HGR implementation.

- Add new unit tests but not yet all passing due to refactoring
2019-07-02 22:40:50 +01:00

141 lines
3.5 KiB

"""Apple II nominal display colours, represented by 4-bit dot sequences.
These are distinct from the effective colours that are actually displayed,
e.g. due to white/black coalescing and NTSC artifacting.
from typing import Tuple, Type
import enum
import functools
def ror(int4: int, howmany: int) -> int:
"""Rotate-right an int4 some number of times."""
res = int4
for _ in range(howmany):
res = _ror(res)
return res
def _ror(int4: int) -> int:
return ((int4 & 0b1110) >> 1) ^ ((int4 & 0b0001) << 3)
def rol(int4: int, howmany: int) -> int:
"""Rotate-left an int4 some number of times."""
res = int4
for _ in range(howmany):
res = _rol(res)
return res
def _rol(int4: int) -> int:
return ((int4 & 0b0111) << 1) ^ ((int4 & 0b1000) >> 3)
class NominalColours(enum.Enum):
class HGRColours(NominalColours):
# Value is memory bit order, which is opposite to screen order (bits
# ordered Left to Right on screen)
BLACK = 0b0000
MAGENTA = 0b0001
BROWN = 0b1000
ORANGE = 0b1001 # HGR colour
DARK_GREEN = 0b0100
GREY1 = 0b0101
GREEN = 0b1100 # HGR colour
YELLOW = 0b1101
DARK_BLUE = 0b0010
VIOLET = 0b0011 # HGR colour
GREY2 = 0b1010
PINK = 0b1011
MED_BLUE = 0b0110 # HGR colour
LIGHT_BLUE = 0b0111
AQUA = 0b1110
WHITE = 0b1111
class DHGRColours(NominalColours):
# DHGR 4-bit memory representation is right-rotated from the HGR video
# representation.
BLACK = 0b0000
MAGENTA = 0b1000
BROWN = 0b0100
ORANGE = 0b1100 # HGR colour
DARK_GREEN = 0b0010
GREY1 = 0b1010
GREEN = 0b0110 # HGR colour
YELLOW = 0b1110
DARK_BLUE = 0b0001
VIOLET = 0b1001 # HGR colour
GREY2 = 0b0101
PINK = 0b1101
MED_BLUE = 0b0011 # HGR colour
LIGHT_BLUE = 0b1011
AQUA = 0b0111
WHITE = 0b1111
# @functools.lru_cache(None)
# def int28_to_nominal_colour_pixels2(int28):
# return tuple(
# HGRColours(
# (int28 & (0b1111 << (4 * i))) >> (4 * i)) for i in range(7)
# )
def int34_to_nominal_colour_pixels(
int34: int,
colours: Type[NominalColours],
init_phase: int = 1 # Such that phase = 0 at start of 28-bit body
) -> Tuple[NominalColours]:
"""Produce sequence of 31 nominal colour pixels via sliding 4-bit window.
Includes the 3-bit header that represents the trailing 3 bits of the
previous 28-bit tuple. i.e. storing a byte in aux even columns will also
influence the colours of the previous main odd column.
This naively models the NTSC colour artifacting.
TODO: Use a more careful colour composition model to produce effective
pixel colours.
TODO: DHGR vs HGR colour differences can be modeled by changing init_phase
res = []
shifted = int34
phase = init_phase
# Omit trailing 3 bits which are only there to provide a trailer for
# bits 28..31
for i in range(31):
colour = rol(shifted & 0b1111, phase)
shifted >>= 1
phase += 1
if phase == 4:
phase = 0
return tuple(res)
def int34_to_nominal_colour_pixel_values(
int34: int,
colours: Type[NominalColours],
init_phase: int = 1 # Such that phase = 0 at start of 28-bit body
) -> Tuple[int]:
return tuple(p.value for p in int34_to_nominal_colour_pixels(
int34, colours, init_phase