kris 666272a8fc Checkpoint WIP for easier comparison to dhgr branch:
- naive version of NTSC artifacting, it uses a sliding 4-bit window to
  assign a nominal (D)HGR colour to each dot position.  A more
  sophisticated/correct implementation would model the YIQ signal

- Switch DHGRBitmap implementation to use a 34-bit representation of
  the 4-byte tuple, comprised of a 3-bit header and footer, plus
  4*7=28-bit body.  The headers/footers account for the influence on
  neighbouring tuples from the 4-bit NTSC window.

- With this model each screen byte influences 13 pixels, so we need to
  precompute 2^26 edit distances for all possible (source, target)
  13-bit sequences.

- Checkpointing not-yet-working HGR implementation.

- Add new unit tests but not yet all passing due to refactoring
2019-07-02 22:40:50 +01:00

677 lines
22 KiB

"""Various representations of Apple II video display."""
import bz2
import functools
import pickle
from typing import Union, List, Optional
import numpy as np
import palette as pal
# Type annotation for cases where we may process either an int or a numpy array.
IntOrArray = Union[int, np.ndarray]
def y_to_base_addr(y: int, page: int = 0) -> int:
"""Maps y coordinate to base address on given screen page"""
a = y // 64
d = y - 64 * a
b = d // 8
c = d - 8 * b
addr = 8192 * (page + 1) + 1024 * c + 128 * b + 40 * a
return addr
[y_to_base_addr(y, screen_page) for y in range(192)]
for screen_page in (0, 1)
# Array mapping (page, offset) to x (byte) and y coords respectively
# TODO: is np.dtype(int) faster for these?
PAGE_OFFSET_TO_X = np.zeros((32, 256), dtype=np.uint8)
PAGE_OFFSET_TO_Y = np.zeros((32, 256), dtype=np.uint8)
# Inverse mappings
X_Y_TO_PAGE = np.zeros((192, 40), dtype=np.uint8)
X_Y_TO_OFFSET = np.zeros((192, 40), dtype=np.uint8)
# Mask of which (page, offset) bytes represent screen holes
SCREEN_HOLES = np.full((32, 256), True, dtype=np.bool)
# Dict mapping memory address to (page, y, x_byte) tuple
def _populate_mappings():
for y in range(192):
for x in range(40):
y_base = Y_TO_BASE_ADDR[0][y]
page = y_base >> 8
offset = y_base - (page << 8) + x
PAGE_OFFSET_TO_Y[page - 32, offset] = y
PAGE_OFFSET_TO_X[page - 32, offset] = x
X_Y_TO_PAGE[y, x] = page - 32
X_Y_TO_OFFSET[y, x] = offset
# This (page, offset) is not a screen hole
SCREEN_HOLES[page - 32, offset] = False
for p in range(2):
a = Y_TO_BASE_ADDR[p][y] + x
ADDR_TO_COORDS[a] = (p, y, x)
class FlatMemoryMap:
"""Linear 8K representation of HGR screen memory."""
def __init__(self, screen_page: int, data: np.array = None):
if screen_page not in [1, 2]:
raise ValueError("Screen page out of bounds: %d" % screen_page)
self.screen_page = screen_page # type: int
self._addr_start = 8192 * self.screen_page
self._addr_end = self._addr_start + 8191
self.data = None # type: np.array
if data is not None:
if data.shape != (8192,):
raise ValueError("Unexpected shape: %r" % (data.shape,))
self.data = data
self.data = np.zeros((8192,), dtype=np.uint8)
def to_memory_map(self):
return MemoryMap(self.screen_page, self.data.reshape((32, 256)))
def write(self, addr: int, val: int) -> None:
"""Updates screen image to set 0xaddr = val (including screen holes)"""
if addr < self._addr_start or addr > self._addr_end:
raise ValueError("Address out of range: 0x%04x" % addr)
self.data[addr - self._addr_start] = val
class MemoryMap:
"""Page/offset-structured representation of HGR screen memory."""
def __init__(self, screen_page: int, page_offset: np.array = None):
if screen_page not in [1, 2]:
raise ValueError("Screen page out of bounds: %d" % screen_page)
self.screen_page = screen_page # type: int
self._page_start = 32 * screen_page
self.page_offset = None # type: np.array
if page_offset is not None:
if page_offset.shape != (32, 256):
raise ValueError("Unexpected shape: %r" % (page_offset.shape,))
self.page_offset = page_offset
self.page_offset = np.zeros((32, 256), dtype=np.uint8)
def to_flat_memory_map(self) -> FlatMemoryMap:
return FlatMemoryMap(self.screen_page, self.page_offset.reshape(8192))
def write(self, page: int, offset: int, val: int) -> None:
"""Updates screen image to set (page, offset)=val (inc. screen holes)"""
self.page_offset[page - self._page_start][offset] = val
def _edit_distances(name: str, palette_id: pal.Palette) -> List[np.ndarray]:
"""Load edit distance matrices for masked, shifted byte values.
This is defined at module level to be a singleton.
data = "transcoder/data/%s_palette_%d_edit_distance.pickle.bz2" % (
with bz2.open(data, "rb") as ed:
return pickle.load(ed) # type: List[np.ndarray]
class Bitmap:
"""Packed 28-bit bitmap representation of (D)HGR screen memory.
The memory layout is still page-oriented, not linear y-x buffer but the
bit map is such that 20 consecutive entries linearly encode the 28*20 =
560-bit monochrome dot positions that underlie both Mono and Colour (
D)HGR screens.
For Colour display the (nominal) colours are encoded as 4-bit pixels.
def __init__(
palette: pal.Palette,
main_memory: MemoryMap,
aux_memory: Optional[MemoryMap]
self.palette = palette # type: pal.Palette
self.main_memory = main_memory # type: MemoryMap
self.aux_memory = aux_memory # type: Optional[MemoryMap]
self.packed = np.empty(
shape=(32, 128), dtype=np.uint64) # type: np.ndarray
def _pack(self) -> None:
"""Pack MemoryMap into 34-bit representation."""
raise NotImplementedError
NAME = None
def edit_distances(self, palette_id: pal.Palette) -> List[np.ndarray]:
"""Load edit distance matrices for masked, shifted byte values."""
return _edit_distances(self.NAME, palette_id)
def apply(
page: int,
offset: np.uint8,
is_aux: bool,
value: np.uint8) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
def byte_pair_difference(
byte_offset: int,
old_packed: int,
content: int
) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError
def diff_weights(
other: "DHGRBitmap",
is_aux: bool
) -> np.ndarray:
raise NotImplementedError
def compute_delta(
content: int,
old: np.ndarray,
is_aux: bool
) -> np.ndarray:
raise NotImplementedError
class HGRBitmap(Bitmap):
# 11111110000000 <- byte 0, 1
# 1111110000000000
# 5432109876543210
# 00GGFFEEDDCCBBAA <- pixel A..G
# Representation
# 1111110000000000
# 5432109876543210
# Where palette bit influences all of the pixels in the byte
# Map to 3-bit pixels, i.e. 21-bit quantity
# 222211111111110000000000
# 321098765432109876543210
# XXX 3-bit pixel isn't quite correct, e.g. the case of conflicting
# palette bits across byte boundary
# Also hard to interleave the palette bit in multiple places - could use
# a mapping array but maybe don't need to, can just use 8-bit values as is?
# But need contiguous representation for edit distance tables
# P
# (0)00 --> 0.0.
# (0)01 --> 0.1.
# (1)01 --> .0.1
# (1)11 --> .1.1
# etc
BYTE_SHIFTS = [0, 9]
def __init__(self, palette: pal.Palette, main_memory: MemoryMap):
super(HGRBitmap, self).__init__(palette, main_memory, None)
def _pack(self) -> None:
"""Pack main memory into (28+3)-bit uint64 array"""
# 00000000001111111111222222222233
# 01234567890123456789012345678901
# Even, P0: store unshifted (0..14)
# Even, P1: store shifted << 1 (1..15) (only need 1..14)
# Odd, P0: store shifted << 14 (14 .. 28) - set bit 14 as bit 0 of next
# byte
# Odd, p1: store shifted << 15 (15 .. 29) (only need 15 .. 28) - set
# bit 13 as bit 0 of next byte
# Odd overflow only matters for even, P1
# - bit 0 is either bit 14 if odd, P0 or bit 13 if odd, P1
# - but these both come from the undoubled bit 6.
main = self.main_memory.page_offset.astype(np.uint64)
# Double 7-bit pixel data from a into 14-bit fat pixels, and extend MSB
# into 15-bits tohandle case when subsequent byte has palette bit set,
# i.e. is right-shifted by 1 dot. This only matters for even bytes
# with P=0 that are followed by odd bytes with P=1; in other cases
# this extra bit will be overwritten.
double = (
# Bit pos 6
((main & 0x40) << 8) + ((main & 0x40) << 7) + (
(main & 0x40) << 6)) + (
# Bit pos 5
((main & 0x20) << 6) + ((main & 0x20) << 5)) + (
# Bit pos 4
((main & 0x10) << 5) + ((main & 0x10) << 4)) + (
# Bit pos 3
((main & 0x08) << 4) + ((main & 0x08) << 3)) + (
# Bit pos 2
((main & 0x04) << 3) + ((main & 0x04) << 2)) + (
# Bit pos 1
((main & 0x02) << 2) + ((main & 0x02) << 1)) + (
# Bit pos 0
((main & 0x01) << 1) + (main & 0x01))
a_even = main[:, ::2]
a_odd = main[:, 1::2]
double_even = double[:, ::2]
double_odd = double[:, 1::2]
# Place even offsets at bits 1..15 (P=1) or 0..14 (P=0)
packed = np.where(a_even & 0x80, double_even << 1, double_even)
# Place off offsets at bits 15..27 (P=1) or 14..27 (P=0)
packed = np.where(
a_odd & 0x80,
np.bitwise_and(packed, (2 ** 15 - 1)),
double_odd << 15
np.bitwise_and(packed, (2 ** 14 - 1)),
double_odd << 14
# Patch up even offsets with P=1 with extended bit from previous odd
# column
previous_odd = np.roll(a_odd, 1, axis=1).astype(np.uint64)
packed = np.where(
a_even & 0x80,
# Truncate to 28-bits and set bit 0 from bit 6 of previous byte
np.bitwise_and(packed, (2 ** 28 - 2)),
(previous_odd & (1 << 6)) >> 6
# Truncate to 28-bits
np.bitwise_and(packed, (2 ** 28 - 1))
# Append first 3 bits of next even byte so we can correctly
# decode the effective colours at the end of the 28-bit tuple
trailing = np.roll(packed, -1, axis=1).astype(np.uint64)
packed = np.bitwise_xor(
(trailing & 0b111) << 28
self.packed = packed
def byte_offset(x_byte: int) -> int:
"""Returns 0..1 offset in ByteTuple for a given x_byte,"""
is_odd = x_byte % 2 == 1
return 1 if is_odd else 0
def masked_update(
byte_offset: int,
old_value: IntOrArray,
new_value: int) -> IntOrArray:
raise NotImplementedError
def apply(self, page: int, offset: int, is_aux: bool, value: int) -> None:
"""Update packed representation of changing main/aux memory."""
assert not is_aux
# XXX fix
byte_offset = self.byte_offset(offset)
packed_offset = offset // 2
self.packed[page, packed_offset] = self.masked_update(
byte_offset, self.packed[page, packed_offset], value)
# XXXX Generic?
def mask_and_shift_data(
data: IntOrArray,
byte_offset: int) -> IntOrArray:
"""Masks and shifts data into the 8 or 12-bit range."""
return (data & self.BYTE_MASK32[byte_offset]) >> (
class DHGRBitmap(Bitmap):
# NOTE: See https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/2524 and related issues
# for why we have to cast things explicitly to np.uint64 - type promotion
# to uint64 is broken in numpy :(
# 3-bit header + 28-bit body + 3-bit trailer
# 3333333222222211111110000000 <- byte 0.3
# 3333222222222211111111110000000000 <- bit pos in uint64
# 3210987654321098765432109876543210
# 3210321032103210321032103210 <- bit pos in A..G pixel
np.uint64(0b0000000000000000000001111111111111), # byte 0 int13 mask
np.uint64(0b0000000000000011111111111110000000), # byte 1 int13 mask
np.uint64(0b0000000111111111111100000000000000), # byte 2 int13 mask
np.uint64(0b1111111111111000000000000000000000), # byte 3 int13 mask
# How much to right-shift bits after masking to bring into int13 range
BYTE_SHIFTS = [np.uint64(0), np.uint64(7), np.uint64(14), np.uint64(21)]
def _pack(self) -> None:
"""Interleave and pack aux and main memory into 34-bit uint64 array"""
# Palette bit is unused for DHGR so mask it out
aux = (self.aux_memory.page_offset & 0x7f).astype(np.uint64)
main = (self.main_memory.page_offset & 0x7f).astype(np.uint64)
# Interleave aux and main memory columns and pack 7-bit masked values
# into a 28-bit value, with 3-bit header and trailer. This
# sequentially encodes 7 4-bit DHGR pixels, together with the
# neighbouring 3 bits that are necessary to decode artifact colours.
# See make_data_tables.py for more discussion about this representation.
packed = (
(aux[:, 0::2] << 3) +
(main[:, 0::2] << 10) +
(aux[:, 1::2] << 17) +
(main[:, 1::2] << 24)
# Prepend last 3 bits of previous main odd byte so we can correctly
# decode the effective colours at the beginning of the 28-bit
# tuple
prevcol = np.roll(packed, 1, axis=1).astype(np.uint64)
# Append first 3 bits of next aux even byte so we can correctly
# decode the effective colours at the end of the 28-bit tuple
nextcol = np.roll(packed, -1, axis=1).astype(np.uint64)
self.packed = np.bitwise_xor(
# Prepend last 3 bits of 28-bit body from previous column
(prevcol & (0b111 << 28)) >> 28
# Append first 3 bits of 28-bit body from next column
(nextcol & (0b111 << 3)) << 28
def interleaved_byte_offset(x_byte: int, is_aux: bool) -> int:
"""Returns 0..3 offset in ByteTuple for a given x_byte and is_aux"""
is_odd = x_byte % 2 == 1
if is_aux:
if is_odd:
return 2
return 0
else: # main memory
if is_odd:
return 3
return 1
# XXX test
def masked_update_scalar(
byte_offset: int,
old_value: np.uint64,
new_value: np.uint8) -> np.uint64:
# Mask out 7-bit value where update will go
masked_value = old_value & (
~np.uint64(0x7f << (7 * byte_offset + 3)))
update = (new_value & np.uint64(0x7f)) << np.uint64(
7 * byte_offset + 3)
new = masked_value ^ update
return new
# XXX test
def masked_update_array(
byte_offset: int,
old_value: np.ndarray,
new_value: int) -> np.ndarray:
# Mask out 7-bit value where update will go
masked_value = old_value & (
~np.uint64(0x7f << (7 * byte_offset + 3)))
update = (new_value & np.uint64(0x7f)) << np.uint64(7 * byte_offset + 3)
new = masked_value ^ update
# TODO: don't leak headers across screen rows.
if byte_offset == 0:
# Need to also update the 3-bit trailer of the preceding column
shifted = np.roll(new, -1, axis=1)
new &= np.uint64(2 ** 31 - 1)
new ^= (shifted & np.uint64(0b111 << 3)) << np.uint64(28)
elif byte_offset == 3:
# Need to also update the 3-bit header of the next column
shifted = np.roll(new, 1, axis=1)
new &= np.uint64((2 ** 31 - 1) << 3)
new ^= (shifted & np.uint64(0b111 << 28)) >> np.uint64(28)
return new
# XXX test
def apply(
page: int,
offset: int,
is_aux: bool,
value: np.uint8) -> None:
"""Update packed representation of changing main/aux memory."""
byte_offset = self.interleaved_byte_offset(offset, is_aux)
packed_offset = offset // 2
self.packed[page, packed_offset] = self.masked_update_scalar(
byte_offset, self.packed[page, packed_offset], value)
# TODO: don't leak headers/trailers across screen rows.
if byte_offset == 0 and packed_offset > 0:
# Need to also update the 3-bit trailer of the preceding column
self.packed[page, packed_offset - 1] &= np.uint64(2 ** 31 - 1)
self.packed[page, packed_offset - 1] ^= (
(self.packed[page, packed_offset] & np.uint64(0b111 << 3))
<< np.uint64(28)
elif byte_offset == 3 and packed_offset < 127:
# Need to also update the 3-bit header of the next column
self.packed[page, packed_offset + 1] &= np.uint64(
(2 ** 31 - 1) << 3)
self.packed[page, packed_offset + 1] ^= (
(self.packed[page, packed_offset] & np.uint64(0b111 << 28))
>> np.uint64(28)
def mask_and_shift_data(
data: IntOrArray,
byte_offset: int) -> IntOrArray:
"""Masks and shifts data into the 13-bit range."""
res = (data & self.BYTE_MASK34[byte_offset]) >> (
assert np.all(res <= 2 ** 13)
return res
def byte_pair_difference(
byte_offset: int,
old_packed: np.uint64,
content: np.uint8
) -> int:
old_pixels = self.mask_and_shift_data(
old_packed, byte_offset)
new_pixels = self.mask_and_shift_data(
byte_offset, old_packed, content), byte_offset)
pair = (old_pixels << np.uint64(13)) + new_pixels
return self.edit_distances(self.palette)[byte_offset][pair]
def diff_weights(
source: "DHGRBitmap",
is_aux: bool
) -> np.ndarray:
return self._diff_weights(source.packed, is_aux)
def _diff_weights(
source_packed: np.ndarray,
is_aux: bool
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Computes diff from source_packed to self.packed"""
diff = np.ndarray((32, 256), dtype=np.int)
if is_aux:
offsets = [0, 2]
offsets = [1, 3]
dists = []
for o in offsets:
# Pixels influenced by byte offset o
source_pixels = self.mask_and_shift_data(source_packed, o)
target_pixels = self.mask_and_shift_data(self.packed, o)
# Concatenate 13-bit source and target into 26-bit values
pair = (source_pixels << np.uint64(13)) + target_pixels
dist = self.edit_distances(self.palette)[o][pair].reshape(
diff[:, 0::2] = dists[0]
diff[:, 1::2] = dists[1]
return diff
def compute_delta(
content: int,
old: np.ndarray,
is_aux: bool
) -> np.ndarray:
# TODO: use error edit distance
# XXX reuse code
diff = np.ndarray((32, 256), dtype=np.int)
if is_aux:
# Pixels influenced by byte offset 0
source_pixels0 = self.mask_and_shift_data(
self.masked_update_array(0, self.packed, content), 0)
target_pixels0 = self.mask_and_shift_data(self.packed, 0)
# Concatenate 13-bit source and target into 26-bit values
pair0 = (source_pixels0 << np.uint64(13)) + target_pixels0
dist0 = self.edit_distances(self.palette)[0][pair0].reshape(
# Pixels influenced by byte offset 2
source_pixels2 = self.mask_and_shift_data(
self.masked_update_array(2, self.packed, content), 2)
target_pixels2 = self.mask_and_shift_data(self.packed, 2)
# Concatenate 13-bit source and target into 26-bit values
pair2 = (source_pixels2 << np.uint64(13)) + target_pixels2
dist2 = self.edit_distances(self.palette)[2][pair2].reshape(
diff[:, 0::2] = dist0
diff[:, 1::2] = dist2
# Pixels influenced by byte offset 1
source_pixels1 = self.mask_and_shift_data(
self.masked_update_array(1, self.packed, content), 1)
target_pixels1 = self.mask_and_shift_data(self.packed, 1)
pair1 = (source_pixels1 << np.uint64(13)) + target_pixels1
dist1 = self.edit_distances(self.palette)[1][pair1].reshape(
# Pixels influenced by byte offset 3
source_pixels3 = self.mask_and_shift_data(
self.masked_update_array(3, self.packed, content), 3)
target_pixels3 = self.mask_and_shift_data(self.packed, 3)
pair3 = (source_pixels3 << np.uint64(13)) + target_pixels3
dist3 = self.edit_distances(self.palette)[3][pair3].reshape(
diff[:, 0::2] = dist1
diff[:, 1::2] = dist3
# TODO: try different weightings
return (diff * 5) - old