First sprite that actually appears where it's supposed to be. Sometimes at lest.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2014-05-22 08:15:20 -07:00
parent 3c1aa135f2
commit 9902773b35
2 changed files with 58 additions and 39 deletions

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ pDst = $8 ; len 2
pTex = $A ; len 2
pixNum = $C ; len 1
byteNum = $D ; len 1
unused0E = $E ; len 6
__unused0E = $E ; len 6
pRayData = $14 ; len 2
txNum = $16 ; len 1
txColumn = $17 ; len 1
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ bSgnCosT = $91
bSgnDx = $92
bSgnDy = $93
bSgnRy = $94
bStartTx = $95
__unused95 = $95
wLogSinT = $96
wLogCosT = $98
wLogDx = $9A

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ start:
; Conditional assembly flags
DOUBLE_BUFFER = 1 ; whether to double-buffer
DEBUG = 1 ; 1=some logging, 2=lots of logging
DEBUG = 0 ; 1=some logging, 2=lots of logging
; Shared constants, zero page, buffer locations, etc.
!source "render.i"
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ castRay: !zone
; We found a sprite cell on the map. We only want to process this sprite once,
; so check if we've already done it.
and #$40
bne .dupeSprite
bne .spriteDone ; already done, don't do again
; Haven't seen this one yet. Mark it, and also record the address of the flag
; so we can clear it later after tracing all rays.
lda (pMap),y ; get back the original byte
@ -436,8 +436,10 @@ castRay: !zone
sta spriteX+1
lda mapY
sta spriteY+1 ; y coord of sprite
jsr spriteCalc ; do all the magic math to put the sprite on the screen
jsr spriteCalc ; do all the magic math to calculate the sprite's position
bcc .spriteDone ; if sprite is off-screen, don't draw it
jsr drawSprite ; put it on screen
jmp .DDA_step ; trace this ray some more
; wall calculation: X=dir1, Y=dir2, A=dir2step
@ -558,34 +560,12 @@ castRay: !zone
; pretend stuff to test out sprite compositing
lda screenCol
lda #0
.lup sta txColumn
lda screenCol
bcs .done
ldy #32 ; column height
lda #$FF ; depth index
jsr saveLink
lda txColumn
sta txColBuf,x
inc screenCol
lda txColumn
adc #1
cmp #32
bne .lup
.done pla
sta screenCol
; Perform screen position calculations for a sprite.
; Input: spriteX, spriteY, playerX, playerY
; Output: clc if sprite is off screen
; sec if sprite is on screen, and sets the following variables:
; lineCt (height), wSpriteLeft, txColumn, wTxColBump, depth
spriteCalc: !zone
lda #0 ; track sign bits
sta bSgnSinT
@ -705,6 +685,7 @@ spriteCalc: !zone
; if wRx is negative, it means sprite is behind viewer... we get out of school early.
bpl +
!if DEBUG { +prStr : !text "Sprite is behind viewer.",0 }
@ -822,6 +803,12 @@ spriteCalc: !zone
sta wSize
stx wSize+1
; Clamp wSize to form lineCt (height of final drawn sprite)
cpx #0
beq +
lda #$FF
+ sta lineCt
; Calculate wSpriteTop = 32 - (wSize >> 1);
tay ; stash lo byte of wSize
txa ; work on hi byte
@ -880,9 +867,10 @@ spriteCalc: !zone
cpy #NUM_COLS ; right side of screen
bcs .offR ; if left >= 63, sprite is off right side.
lda #0 ; start with first column of texture
sta bStartTx ; save starting tex coord
sta txColumn ; save starting tex coord
jmp .cBump ; sprite starts on screen, might run off to right but that's ok
.offR !if DEBUG { +prStr : !text "Sprite is off-screen to right.",0 }
.ckLeft ; Left coord is negative, check against left side
@ -891,9 +879,10 @@ spriteCalc: !zone
cpy #0-NUM_COLS ; now check lo byte, should be >= -63
bpl .clipL
.offL !if DEBUG { +prStr : !text "Sprite is off-screen to left.",0 }
.clipL ; Sprite overlaps left edge of screen; calculate clipping.
; Calculate bStartTx = Math.min(255, pow2_w_w(log2_w_w(-wSpriteLeft) - wLogSize + wLog256))
; Calculate txColumn = Math.min(255, pow2_w_w(log2_w_w(-wSpriteLeft) - wLogSize + wLog256))
lda #0
sbc wSpriteLeft ; Negate wSpriteLeft to get positive number
@ -911,7 +900,7 @@ spriteCalc: !zone
cpx #0 ; in some anomalous cases, it comes out > 255
beq + ; normal case, no clamping
lda #$FF ; clamp to 255
+ sta bStartTx
+ sta txColumn
.cBump ; Calculate the texture bump per column. Result is really an 8.8 fix-point.
; wTxColBump = pow2_w_w(wLog65536 - wLogSize)
@ -948,7 +937,8 @@ spriteCalc: !zone
!if DEBUG { jsr .debug6 }
.draw ; Okay, I think we're all done with calculations for this sprite.
rts ; would draw sprite here
sec ; flag to say draw it
rts ; all done
.negYX: ; subroutine to negate value in Y=lo,X=hi.
@ -1012,8 +1002,8 @@ spriteCalc: !zone
.debug5 +prStr : !text "wX=",0
.debug6 +prStr : !text "bStartTx=",0
+prByte bStartTx
.debug6 +prStr : !text "txColumn=",0
+prByte txColumn
+prStr : !text "wTxColBump=",0
+prWord wTxColBump
+prStr : !text "depth=",0
@ -1022,6 +1012,35 @@ spriteCalc: !zone
; Draw sprite on screen. Uses all the variables output by spriteCalc.
drawSprite: !zone
lda screenCol
lda wSpriteLeft
sta screenCol
lda #$80 ; fractional byte of txColumn
.lup lda screenCol
bcs .done
ldy lineCt ; column height
lda depth ; depth index
jsr saveLink ; save height and depth, link in to column data
lda txColumn ; also save the column number
sta txColBuf,x
inc screenCol ; next column on screen
pla ; fractional byte
adc wTxColBump ; advance lo byte
lda txColumn ; integer part
adc wTxColBump+1 ; advance integer part
sta txColumn ; and save it
bcc .lup ; back for more
.done pla ; discard fractional byte
pla ; get back to old screen column
sta screenCol
; Save a link in the linked column data, sorted according to its depth.