mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:29:06 +00:00
Now displays map name centered at top of window.
This commit is contained in:
@ -291,10 +291,15 @@ class PackPartitions
row.each { pix -> print pix }
println ""
def writeString(buf, str)
str.each { buf.put((byte)it) }
def write2DMap(buf, rows)
def write2DMap(buf, mapName, rows)
def width = rows[0].size()
def height = rows.size()
@ -322,6 +327,9 @@ class PackPartitions
// Followed by name
writeString(buf, mapName.replaceFirst(/ ?-? ?2D/, ""))
// Followed by the list of tiles
tileList.each { buf.put((byte)it) }
@ -334,7 +342,7 @@ class PackPartitions
def write3DMap(buf, rows) // [ref BigBlue1_50]
def write3DMap(buf, mapName, rows) // [ref BigBlue1_50]
def width = rows[0].size()
def height = rows.size()
@ -366,6 +374,9 @@ class PackPartitions
// Followed by name
writeString(buf, mapName.replaceFirst(/ ?-? ?3D/, ""))
// Followed by the list of textures
texList.each { buf.put((byte)it) }
@ -445,7 +456,7 @@ class PackPartitions
//println "Packing 2D map #$num named '$name'."
def rows = parseMap(mapEl, tileEls)
def buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(50000)
write2DMap(buf, rows)
write2DMap(buf, name, rows)
maps2D[name] = [num:num, buf:buf]
@ -456,7 +467,7 @@ class PackPartitions
//println "Packing 3D map #$num named '$name'."
def rows = parseMap(mapEl, tileEls)
def buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(50000)
write3DMap(buf, rows)
write3DMap(buf, name, rows)
maps3D[name] = [num:num, buf:buf]
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ mapHeader: !word 0 ; map with header first
mapBase: !word 0 ; first byte after the header
mapRayOrigin: !word 0
mapNum: !byte 1
mapName: !word 0 ; pointer to map name
mapNameLen: !byte 0 ; length of map name
; Sky / ground colors
skyGndTbl1: !byte $20 ; hi-bit black
@ -955,7 +957,17 @@ loadTextures: !zone
sta mapWidth ; and save it
jsr .get ; get map height
sta mapHeight ; and save it
lda #0
lda .get+1 ; current pointer is the map name
sta mapName ; save it
lda .get+2
sta mapName+1
lda #$FF ; pre-decrement, since the zero is going to be counted
sta mapNameLen
.skip: jsr .get ; skip over the map name
inc mapNameLen
cmp #0
bne .skip ; until end-of-string is reached (zero byte)
lda #0 ; now comes the list of textures.
sta txNum
.lup: jsr .get ; get texture resource number
tay ; to Y for mem manager
@ -1267,17 +1279,34 @@ main: !zone
jsr makeLines
jsr graphInit
bit clrMixed
; Write some test text
ldx #24
ldy #2
; Display the name of the map in the upper left box.
lda mapNameLen ; prepare to calculate half the length
eor #$FF ; negate
adc #8 ; to center the string
sta tmp
lda #14 ; calculate remainder after string
sbc tmp
sbc mapNameLen
sta tmp+1
ldx #4 ; start of window
ldy #1
jsr tabXY
jsr printSCSTR
!raw "Bonjour tout",0
ldx #24
ldy #3
jsr tabXY
jsr printSCSTR
!raw "le monde.",0
.slup1 dec tmp ; spaces to put at start of name
bmi .done1
lda #$20
jsr printCHAR
jmp .slup1
.done1 ldy mapName ; now display the name itself
ldx mapName+1
jsr printCSTR
.slup2 dec tmp+1 ; spaces after the name
bmi .nextFrame
lda #$20
jsr printCHAR
jmp .slup2
; Render the frame and flip it onto the screen
jsr renderFrame
Reference in New Issue
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