- ir: can we determine for the loop variable in forloops if it could be kept in a (virtual) register instead of a real variable? Need to be able to check if the variable is used by another statement beside just the for loop.
- ir: peephole opt: reuse registers in chunks (but keep result registers in mind that pass values out! and don't renumber registers above SyscallRegisterBase!)
- ir: for expressions with array indexes that occur multiple times, can we avoid loading them into new virtualregs everytime and just reuse a single virtualreg as indexer? (simple form of common subexpression elimination)
- [problematic due to using 64tass:] add a compiler option to not remove unused subroutines. this allows for building library programs. But this won't work with 64tass's .proc ...
Perhaps replace all uses of .proc/.pend/.endproc by .block/.bend will fix that with a compiler flag?
But all library code written in asm uses .proc already..... (textual search/replace when writing the actual asm?)
Once new codegen is written that is based on the IR, this point is mostly moot anyway as that will have its own dead code removal on the IR level.
- Zig-like try-based error handling where the V flag could indicate error condition? and/or BRK to jump into monitor on failure? (has to set BRK vector for that) But the V flag is also set on certain normal instructions
- add special (u)word array type (or modifier?) that puts the array into memory as 2 separate byte-arrays 1 for LSB 1 for MSB -> allows for word arrays of length 256 and faster indexing
this is an enormous amout of work, if this type is to be treated equally as existing (u)word , because all expression / lookup / assignment routines need to know about the distinction....
So maybe only allow the bare essntials? (store, get)
- Once the evalstack-free expression codegen is in place, the Eval Stack can be removed from the compiler.
Machinedefinition, .p8 and .asm library files, all routines operationg on estack, and everything saving/restoring the X register related to this stack.
- no arrays of struct -- because too slow on 6502 to access those, rather use struct of arrays instead.
can we make this a compiler/codegen only issue? i.e. syntax is just as if it was an array of structs?
or make it explicit in the syntax so that it is clear what the memory layout of it is.
- ability to assign struct variable to another? this is slow but can be quite handy sometimes.
however how to handle this in a function that gets the struct passed as reference? Don't allow it there? (there's no pointer dereferencing concept in prog8)
- ability to be passed as argument to a function (by reference)?
however there is no typed pointer in prog8 at the moment so this can't be implemented in a meaningful way yet,
because there is no way to reference it as the struct type again. (current ast gets the by-reference parameter
type replaced by uword)
So-- maybe don't replace the parameter type in the ast? Should fix that for str and array types as well then