mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 22:30:46 +00:00
less joins
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class MemAllocationError(message: String) : Exception(message)
abstract class MemoryAllocator(protected val options: CompilationOptions) {
data class VarAllocation(val address: UInt, val dt: DataType, val size: Int)
abstract fun allocate(name: String,
abstract fun allocate(name: List<String>,
datatype: DataType,
numElements: Int?,
position: Position?,
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ abstract class Zeropage(options: CompilationOptions): MemoryAllocator(options) {
// the variables allocated into Zeropage.
// name (scoped) ==> pair of address to (Datatype + bytesize)
val allocatedVariables = mutableMapOf<String, VarAllocation>()
val allocatedVariables = mutableMapOf<List<String>, VarAllocation>()
val free = mutableListOf<UInt>() // subclasses must set this to the appropriate free locations.
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ abstract class Zeropage(options: CompilationOptions): MemoryAllocator(options) {
return free.windowed(2).any { it[0] == it[1] - 1u }
override fun allocate(name: String,
override fun allocate(name: List<String>,
datatype: DataType,
numElements: Int?,
position: Position?,
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ abstract class Zeropage(options: CompilationOptions): MemoryAllocator(options) {
private fun reserve(range: UIntRange) = free.removeAll(range)
private fun makeAllocation(address: UInt, size: Int, datatype: DataType, name: String): UInt {
private fun makeAllocation(address: UInt, size: Int, datatype: DataType, name: List<String>): UInt {
free.removeAll(address until address+size.toUInt())
if(name.isNotEmpty()) {
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ class GoldenRam(options: CompilationOptions, val region: UIntRange): MemoryAlloc
private var nextLocation: UInt = region.first
override fun allocate(
name: String,
name: List<String>,
datatype: DataType,
numElements: Int?,
position: Position?,
@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ class C64Zeropage(options: CompilationOptions) : Zeropage(options) {
// This is important because the compiler sometimes treats ZP variables more efficiently (for example if it's a pointer)
// The base addres is $04. Unfortunately it cannot be the same as on the Commander X16 ($02).
for(reg in 0..15) {
allocatedVariables["cx16.r${reg}"] = VarAllocation((4+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.UWORD, 2) // cx16.r0 .. cx16.r15
allocatedVariables["cx16.r${reg}s"] = VarAllocation((4+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.WORD, 2) // cx16.r0s .. cx16.r15s
allocatedVariables["cx16.r${reg}L"] = VarAllocation((4+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.UBYTE, 1) // cx16.r0L .. cx16.r15L
allocatedVariables["cx16.r${reg}H"] = VarAllocation((5+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.UBYTE, 1) // cx16.r0H .. cx16.r15H
allocatedVariables["cx16.r${reg}sL"] = VarAllocation((4+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.BYTE, 1) // cx16.r0sL .. cx16.r15sL
allocatedVariables["cx16.r${reg}sH"] = VarAllocation((5+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.BYTE, 1) // cx16.r0sH .. cx16.r15sH
allocatedVariables[listOf("cx16", "r${reg}")] = VarAllocation((4+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.UWORD, 2) // cx16.r0 .. cx16.r15
allocatedVariables[listOf("cx16", "r${reg}s")] = VarAllocation((4+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.WORD, 2) // cx16.r0s .. cx16.r15s
allocatedVariables[listOf("cx16", "r${reg}L")] = VarAllocation((4+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.UBYTE, 1) // cx16.r0L .. cx16.r15L
allocatedVariables[listOf("cx16", "r${reg}H")] = VarAllocation((5+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.UBYTE, 1) // cx16.r0H .. cx16.r15H
allocatedVariables[listOf("cx16", "r${reg}sL")] = VarAllocation((4+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.BYTE, 1) // cx16.r0sL .. cx16.r15sL
allocatedVariables[listOf("cx16", "r${reg}sH")] = VarAllocation((5+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.BYTE, 1) // cx16.r0sH .. cx16.r15sH
@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ class CX16Zeropage(options: CompilationOptions) : Zeropage(options) {
// However, to be able for the compiler to "see" them as zero page variables, we have to register them here as well.
// This is important because the compiler sometimes treats ZP variables more efficiently (for example if it's a pointer)
for(reg in 0..15) {
allocatedVariables["cx16.r${reg}"] = VarAllocation((2+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.UWORD, 2) // cx16.r0 .. cx16.r15
allocatedVariables["cx16.r${reg}s"] = VarAllocation((2+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.WORD, 2) // cx16.r0s .. cx16.r15s
allocatedVariables["cx16.r${reg}L"] = VarAllocation((2+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.UBYTE, 1) // cx16.r0L .. cx16.r15L
allocatedVariables["cx16.r${reg}H"] = VarAllocation((3+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.UBYTE, 1) // cx16.r0H .. cx16.r15H
allocatedVariables["cx16.r${reg}sL"] = VarAllocation((2+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.BYTE, 1) // cx16.r0sL .. cx16.r15sL
allocatedVariables["cx16.r${reg}sH"] = VarAllocation((3+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.BYTE, 1) // cx16.r0sH .. cx16.r15sH
allocatedVariables[listOf("cx16", "r${reg}")] = VarAllocation((2+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.UWORD, 2) // cx16.r0 .. cx16.r15
allocatedVariables[listOf("cx16", "r${reg}s")] = VarAllocation((2+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.WORD, 2) // cx16.r0s .. cx16.r15s
allocatedVariables[listOf("cx16", "r${reg}L")] = VarAllocation((2+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.UBYTE, 1) // cx16.r0L .. cx16.r15L
allocatedVariables[listOf("cx16", "r${reg}H")] = VarAllocation((3+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.UBYTE, 1) // cx16.r0H .. cx16.r15H
allocatedVariables[listOf("cx16", "r${reg}sL")] = VarAllocation((2+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.BYTE, 1) // cx16.r0sL .. cx16.r15sL
allocatedVariables[listOf("cx16", "r${reg}sH")] = VarAllocation((3+reg*2).toUInt(), DataType.BYTE, 1) // cx16.r0sH .. cx16.r15sH
@ -100,12 +100,12 @@ class AsmGen(internal val program: Program,
fun asmSymbolName(identifier: IdentifierReference) = asmSymbolName(identifier.nameInSource)
fun asmVariableName(identifier: IdentifierReference) = asmVariableName(identifier.nameInSource)
internal fun getTempVarName(dt: DataType): List<String> {
internal fun getTempVarName(dt: DataType): String {
return when(dt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> listOf("cx16", "r9L")
DataType.BYTE -> listOf("cx16", "r9sL")
DataType.UWORD -> listOf("cx16", "r9")
DataType.WORD -> listOf("cx16", "r9s")
DataType.UBYTE -> "cx16.r9L"
DataType.BYTE -> "cx16.r9sL"
DataType.UWORD -> "cx16.r9"
DataType.WORD -> "cx16.r9s"
DataType.FLOAT -> TODO("no temporary float var available")
else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid dt $dt")
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class AsmGen(internal val program: Program,
is VarDecl -> {
val sourceName = asmVariableName(pointervar)
if (isTargetCpu(CpuType.CPU65c02)) {
return if (allocator.isZpVar(target.scopedName.joinToString("."))) {
return if (allocator.isZpVar(target.scopedName)) {
// pointervar is already in the zero page, no need to copy
out(" lda ($sourceName)")
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class AsmGen(internal val program: Program,
} else {
return if (allocator.isZpVar(target.scopedName.joinToString("."))) {
return if (allocator.isZpVar(target.scopedName)) {
// pointervar is already in the zero page, no need to copy
out(" ldy #0 | lda ($sourceName),y")
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class AsmGen(internal val program: Program,
val sourceName = asmVariableName(pointervar)
val vardecl = pointervar.targetVarDecl(program)!!
if (isTargetCpu(CpuType.CPU65c02)) {
if (allocator.isZpVar(vardecl.scopedName.joinToString("."))) {
if (allocator.isZpVar(vardecl.scopedName)) {
// pointervar is already in the zero page, no need to copy
out(" sta ($sourceName)")
} else {
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ class AsmGen(internal val program: Program,
sta (P8ZP_SCRATCH_W2)""")
} else {
if (allocator.isZpVar(vardecl.scopedName.joinToString("."))) {
if (allocator.isZpVar(vardecl.scopedName)) {
// pointervar is already in the zero page, no need to copy
out(" ldy #0 | sta ($sourceName),y")
} else {
@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ $repeatLabel lda $counterVar
val counterVar = program.makeLabel("counter")
when(dt) {
DataType.UBYTE, DataType.UWORD -> {
val result = zeropage.allocate(counterVar, dt, null, stmt.position, errors)
val result = zeropage.allocate(listOf(counterVar), dt, null, stmt.position, errors)
success = { (address, _) -> asmInfo.extraVars.add(Triple(dt, counterVar, address)) },
failure = { asmInfo.extraVars.add(Triple(dt, counterVar, null)) } // allocate normally
@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ $repeatLabel lda $counterVar
internal fun isZpVar(variable: IdentifierReference): Boolean =
internal fun jmp(asmLabel: String, indirect: Boolean=false) {
if(indirect) {
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ $loopLabel sty $indexVar
if(length>=16) {
// allocate index var on ZP if possible
val result = zeropage.allocate(indexVar, DataType.UBYTE, null, stmt.position, asmgen.errors)
val result = zeropage.allocate(listOf(indexVar), DataType.UBYTE, null, stmt.position, asmgen.errors)
success = { (address,_)-> asmgen.out("""$indexVar = $address ; auto zp UBYTE""") },
failure = { asmgen.out("$indexVar .byte 0") }
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ $loopLabel sty $indexVar
if(length>=16) {
// allocate index var on ZP if possible
val result = zeropage.allocate(indexVar, DataType.UBYTE, null, stmt.position, asmgen.errors)
val result = zeropage.allocate(listOf(indexVar), DataType.UBYTE, null, stmt.position, asmgen.errors)
success = { (address,_)-> asmgen.out("""$indexVar = $address ; auto zp UBYTE""") },
failure = { asmgen.out("$indexVar .byte 0") }
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ internal class ProgramAndVarsGen(
// normal statically allocated variables
val variables = varsInBlock
.filter { it.value.type==StNodeType.STATICVAR && !allocator.isZpVar(it.value.scopedName) }
.filter { it.value.type==StNodeType.STATICVAR && !allocator.isZpVar(it.value.scopedName.split('.')) }
.map { it.value as StStaticVariable }
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ internal class ProgramAndVarsGen(
// normal statically allocated variables
val variables = varsInSubroutine
.filter { it.value.type==StNodeType.STATICVAR && !allocator.isZpVar(it.value.scopedName) }
.filter { it.value.type==StNodeType.STATICVAR && !allocator.isZpVar(it.value.scopedName.split('.')) }
.map { it.value as StStaticVariable }
@ -443,9 +443,10 @@ internal class ProgramAndVarsGen(
val result = mutableListOf<ZpStringWithInitial>()
val vars = allocator.zeropageVars.filter { it.value.dt==DataType.STR }
for (variable in vars) {
val svar = symboltable.flat.getValue(variable.key) as StStaticVariable
val scopedName = variable.key.joinToString(".")
val svar = symboltable.flat.getValue(scopedName) as StStaticVariable
result.add(ZpStringWithInitial(variable.key, variable.value, svar.onetimeInitializationStringValue!!))
result.add(ZpStringWithInitial(scopedName, variable.value, svar.onetimeInitializationStringValue!!))
return result
@ -454,20 +455,21 @@ internal class ProgramAndVarsGen(
val result = mutableListOf<ZpArrayWithInitial>()
val vars = allocator.zeropageVars.filter { it.value.dt in ArrayDatatypes }
for (variable in vars) {
val svar = symboltable.flat.getValue(variable.key) as StStaticVariable
val scopedName = variable.key.joinToString(".")
val svar = symboltable.flat.getValue(scopedName) as StStaticVariable
result.add(ZpArrayWithInitial(variable.key, variable.value, svar.onetimeInitializationArrayValue!!))
result.add(ZpArrayWithInitial(scopedName, variable.value, svar.onetimeInitializationArrayValue!!))
return result
private fun zeropagevars2asm(varNames: Set<String>) {
val zpVariables = allocator.zeropageVars.filter { it.key in varNames }
val namesLists = varNames.map { it.split('.') }.toSet()
val zpVariables = allocator.zeropageVars.filter { it.key in namesLists }
for ((scopedName, zpvar) in zpVariables) {
val parts = scopedName.split('.')
if (parts.size == 2 && parts[0] == "cx16" && parts[1][0] == 'r' && parts[1][1].isDigit())
if (scopedName.size == 2 && scopedName[0] == "cx16" && scopedName[1][0] == 'r' && scopedName[1][1].isDigit())
continue // The 16 virtual registers of the cx16 are not actual variables in zp, they're memory mapped
asmgen.out("${parts.last()} \t= ${zpvar.address} \t; zp ${zpvar.dt}")
asmgen.out("${scopedName.last()} \t= ${zpvar.address} \t; zp ${zpvar.dt}")
@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ internal class VariableAllocator(private val symboltable: SymbolTable,
private val zeropage = options.compTarget.machine.zeropage
internal val globalFloatConsts = mutableMapOf<Double, String>() // all float values in the entire program (value -> varname)
internal val zeropageVars: Map<String, MemoryAllocator.VarAllocation> = zeropage.allocatedVariables
internal val zeropageVars: Map<List<String>, MemoryAllocator.VarAllocation> = zeropage.allocatedVariables
init {
internal fun isZpVar(scopedName: String) = scopedName in zeropageVars
internal fun isZpVar(scopedName: List<String>) = scopedName in zeropageVars
internal fun getFloatAsmConst(number: Double): String {
val asmName = globalFloatConsts[number]
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ internal class VariableAllocator(private val symboltable: SymbolTable,
varsRequiringZp.forEach { variable ->
val result = zeropage.allocate(
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ internal class VariableAllocator(private val symboltable: SymbolTable,
if(errors.noErrors()) {
varsPreferringZp.forEach { variable ->
val result = zeropage.allocate(
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ internal class VariableAllocator(private val symboltable: SymbolTable,
} else {
val result = zeropage.allocate(
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ internal class AssignmentAsmGen(private val program: Program,
} else {
// array[x] = -value ... use a tempvar then store that back into the array.
val tempvar = asmgen.getTempVarName(assign.target.datatype).joinToString(".")
val tempvar = asmgen.getTempVarName(assign.target.datatype)
val assignToTempvar = AsmAssignment(assign.source,
AsmAssignTarget(TargetStorageKind.VARIABLE, asmgen, assign.target.datatype, assign.target.scope, variableAsmName=tempvar, origAstTarget = assign.target.origAstTarget),
false, program.memsizer, assign.position)
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class TestGoldenRam: FunSpec({
test("empty golden ram allocations") {
val errors = ErrorReporterForTests()
val golden = GoldenRam(options, UIntRange.EMPTY)
val result = golden.allocate("test", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
val result = golden.allocate(listOf("test"), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
result.expectError { "should not be able to allocate anything" }
@ -33,28 +33,28 @@ class TestGoldenRam: FunSpec({
val errors = ErrorReporterForTests()
val golden = GoldenRam(options, 0x400u until 0x800u)
var result = golden.allocate("test", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
var result = golden.allocate(listOf("test"), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
var alloc = result.getOrThrow()
alloc.size shouldBe 1
alloc.address shouldBe 0x400u
result = golden.allocate("test", DataType.STR, 100, null, errors)
result = golden.allocate(listOf("test"), DataType.STR, 100, null, errors)
alloc = result.getOrThrow()
alloc.size shouldBe 100
alloc.address shouldBe 0x401u
repeat(461) {
result = golden.allocate("test", DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors)
result = golden.allocate(listOf("test"), DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors)
alloc = result.getOrThrow()
alloc.size shouldBe 2
result = golden.allocate("test", DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors)
result = golden.allocate(listOf("test"), DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors)
result.expectError { "just 1 more byte available" }
result = golden.allocate("test", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
result = golden.allocate(listOf("test"), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
alloc = result.getOrThrow()
alloc.size shouldBe 1
alloc.address shouldBe golden.region.last
result = golden.allocate("test", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
result = golden.allocate(listOf("test"), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
result.expectError { "nothing more available" }
@ -71,26 +71,26 @@ class TestC64Zeropage: FunSpec({
compTarget = c64target, loadAddress = 999u
var result = zp.allocate("", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
var result = zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
result.onFailure { fail(it.toString()) }
result = zp.allocate("", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
result = zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
result.onFailure { fail(it.toString()) }
result = zp.allocate("varname", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
result = zp.allocate(listOf("varname"), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
result.onFailure { fail(it.toString()) }
shouldThrow<IllegalArgumentException> { zp.allocate("varname", DataType.UBYTE,null, null, errors) }
result = zp.allocate("varname2", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
shouldThrow<IllegalArgumentException> { zp.allocate(listOf("varname"), DataType.UBYTE,null, null, errors) }
result = zp.allocate(listOf("varname2"), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
result.onFailure { fail(it.toString()) }
test("testZpFloatEnable") {
val zp = C64Zeropage(CompilationOptions(OutputType.RAW, CbmPrgLauncherType.NONE, ZeropageType.FULL, emptyList(), false, false, c64target, 999u))
var result = zp.allocate("", DataType.FLOAT, null, null, errors)
var result = zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.FLOAT, null, null, errors)
result.expectError { "should be allocation error due to disabled floats" }
val zp2 = C64Zeropage(CompilationOptions(OutputType.RAW, CbmPrgLauncherType.NONE, ZeropageType.DONTUSE, emptyList(), true, false, c64target, 999u))
result = zp2.allocate("", DataType.FLOAT, null, null, errors)
result = zp2.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.FLOAT, null, null, errors)
result.expectError { "should be allocation error due to disabled ZP use" }
val zp3 = C64Zeropage(CompilationOptions(OutputType.RAW, CbmPrgLauncherType.NONE, ZeropageType.FLOATSAFE, emptyList(), true, false, c64target, 999u))
zp3.allocate("", DataType.FLOAT, null, null, errors)
zp3.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.FLOAT, null, null, errors)
test("testZpModesWithFloats") {
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class TestC64Zeropage: FunSpec({
val zp = C64Zeropage(CompilationOptions(OutputType.RAW, CbmPrgLauncherType.NONE, ZeropageType.DONTUSE, emptyList(), false, false, c64target, 999u))
zp.availableBytes() shouldBe 0
val result = zp.allocate("", DataType.BYTE, null, null, errors)
val result = zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.BYTE, null, null, errors)
result.expectError { "expected error due to disabled ZP use" }
@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ class TestC64Zeropage: FunSpec({
zp3.availableBytes() shouldBe 97
val zp4 = C64Zeropage(CompilationOptions(OutputType.RAW, CbmPrgLauncherType.NONE, ZeropageType.FULL, emptyList(), false, false, c64target, 999u))
zp4.availableBytes() shouldBe 207
zp4.allocate("test", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
zp4.allocate(listOf("test"), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
zp4.availableBytes() shouldBe 206
zp4.allocate("test2", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
zp4.allocate(listOf("test2"), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
zp4.availableBytes() shouldBe 205
@ -166,19 +166,19 @@ class TestC64Zeropage: FunSpec({
zp.hasByteAvailable() shouldBe true
zp.hasWordAvailable() shouldBe true
var result = zp.allocate("", DataType.FLOAT, null, null, errors)
var result = zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.FLOAT, null, null, errors)
result.expectError { "expect allocation error: in regular zp there aren't 5 sequential bytes free" }
for (i in 0 until zp.availableBytes()) {
val alloc = zp.allocate("", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
val alloc = zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
alloc.getOrElse { throw it }
zp.availableBytes() shouldBe 0
zp.hasByteAvailable() shouldBe false
zp.hasWordAvailable() shouldBe false
result = zp.allocate("", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
result = zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
result.expectError { "expected allocation error" }
result = zp.allocate("", DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors)
result = zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors)
result.expectError { "expected allocation error" }
@ -187,47 +187,47 @@ class TestC64Zeropage: FunSpec({
zp.availableBytes() shouldBe 207
zp.hasByteAvailable() shouldBe true
zp.hasWordAvailable() shouldBe true
var result = zp.allocate("", DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors)
var result = zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors)
val loc = result.getOrElse { throw it } .address
loc shouldBeGreaterThan 3u
loc shouldNotBeIn zp.free
val num = zp.availableBytes() / 2
for(i in 0..num-3) {
zp.allocate("", DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors)
zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors)
zp.availableBytes() shouldBe 5
// can't allocate because no more sequential bytes, only fragmented
result = zp.allocate("", DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors)
result = zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors)
result.expectError { "should give allocation error" }
for(i in 0..4) {
zp.allocate("", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
zp.availableBytes() shouldBe 0
zp.hasByteAvailable() shouldBe false
zp.hasWordAvailable() shouldBe false
result = zp.allocate("", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
result = zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
result.expectError { "should give allocation error" }
test("testEfficientAllocation") {
val zp = C64Zeropage(CompilationOptions(OutputType.RAW, CbmPrgLauncherType.NONE, ZeropageType.BASICSAFE, emptyList(), true, false, c64target, 999u))
zp.availableBytes() shouldBe 18
zp.allocate("", DataType.WORD, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0x04u
zp.allocate("", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0x06u
zp.allocate("", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0x0au
zp.allocate("", DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0x9bu
zp.allocate("", DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0x9eu
zp.allocate("", DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0xa5u
zp.allocate("", DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0xb0u
zp.allocate("", DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0xbeu
zp.allocate("", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0x0eu
zp.allocate("", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0x92u
zp.allocate("", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0x96u
zp.allocate("", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0xf9u
zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.WORD, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0x04u
zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0x06u
zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0x0au
zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0x9bu
zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0x9eu
zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0xa5u
zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0xb0u
zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UWORD, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0xbeu
zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0x0eu
zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0x92u
zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0x96u
zp.allocate(emptyList(), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors).getOrElse{throw it}.address shouldBe 0xf9u
zp.availableBytes() shouldBe 0
@ -258,9 +258,9 @@ class TestCx16Zeropage: FunSpec({
zp2.availableBytes() shouldBe 175
val zp3 = CX16Zeropage(CompilationOptions(OutputType.RAW, CbmPrgLauncherType.NONE, ZeropageType.FULL, emptyList(), false, false, cx16target, 999u))
zp3.availableBytes() shouldBe 216
zp3.allocate("test", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
zp3.allocate(listOf("test"), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
zp3.availableBytes() shouldBe 215
zp3.allocate("test2", DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
zp3.allocate(listOf("test2"), DataType.UBYTE, null, null, errors)
zp3.availableBytes() shouldBe 214
@ -276,12 +276,12 @@ class TestCx16Zeropage: FunSpec({
test("preallocated zp vars") {
val zp1 = CX16Zeropage(CompilationOptions(OutputType.RAW, CbmPrgLauncherType.NONE, ZeropageType.FULL, emptyList(), false, false, cx16target, 999u))
zp1.allocatedVariables["test"] shouldBe null
zp1.allocatedVariables["cx16.r0"] shouldNotBe null
zp1.allocatedVariables["cx16.r15"] shouldNotBe null
zp1.allocatedVariables["cx16.r0L"] shouldNotBe null
zp1.allocatedVariables["cx16.r15L"] shouldNotBe null
zp1.allocatedVariables["cx16.r0sH"] shouldNotBe null
zp1.allocatedVariables["cx16.r15sH"] shouldNotBe null
zp1.allocatedVariables[listOf("test")] shouldBe null
zp1.allocatedVariables[listOf("cx16", "r0")] shouldNotBe null
zp1.allocatedVariables[listOf("cx16", "r15")] shouldNotBe null
zp1.allocatedVariables[listOf("cx16", "r0L")] shouldNotBe null
zp1.allocatedVariables[listOf("cx16", "r15L")] shouldNotBe null
zp1.allocatedVariables[listOf("cx16", "r0sH")] shouldNotBe null
zp1.allocatedVariables[listOf("cx16", "r15sH")] shouldNotBe null
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ TODO
For next release
- optimize scoped symbols: .split('.') / .joinToString(".")
- optimize array1[index] += / -= array2[index] to not use slow stackeval (attemptAssignOptimizedBinexpr)
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Compiler:
- ir: peephole opt: renumber registers in chunks to start with 1 again every time (but keep entry values in mind!)
- ir: peephole opt: reuse registers in chunks (but keep result registers in mind that pass values out! and don't renumber registers above SyscallRegisterBase!)
- ir: add more optimizations in IRPeepholeOptimizer
- ir: for expressions with array indexes that occur multiple times, can we avoid loading them into new virtualregs everytime and just reuse a single virtualreg as indexer?
- vm: somehow be able to load a label address as value? (VmProgramLoader)
- 6502 codegen: see if we can let for loops skip the loop if startvar>endvar, without adding a lot of code size/duplicating the loop condition.
It is documented behavior to now loop 'around' $00 but it's too easy to forget about!
Reference in New Issue
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