changed partial token in lexer back from string to vector, until it is closed

This commit is contained in:
Richard Harrington 2013-07-06 02:27:13 -04:00
parent a554b68c93
commit 63d396cf80

View File

@ -3,54 +3,48 @@
(use '[clojure.core.match :only (match)])
(def registers (set (concat (map #(-> % char str) (range (int \A) (inc (int \Z))))
(def operators #{"=" "<" ">" "#" "+" "-" "*" "/"})
(def operators #{\= \< \> \# \+ \- \* \/})
(defn digit?
(re-find #"\d" (str string-or-char)))
(defn int-str?
(re-find #"^-?\d+$" (str string)))
(re-find #"\d" (str ch)))
(defn lex
[line initial-line
partial-token ""
partial-token []
saved-pos 0
result []]
(let [conj-with-metadata (fn [coll s n]
(conj coll {:string s, :column n}))
close-partial-token (fn [] (conj-with-metadata result partial-token saved-pos))
(conj coll {:token s, :column n}))
close-partial-token (fn [] (conj-with-metadata result (apply str partial-token) saved-pos))
current-pos (- (count initial-line) (count line))
previous-token (:string (last result) "")
previous-token (:token (last result) "")
parsing-token? (not (empty? partial-token))
; a binary operator is any character on the operator list,
; unless it's a minus sign that is actually a unary operator
; because the token before it could not be a number
binary-op? #(and (operators %)
(or (not= % "-")
(or (not= % \-)
(digit? (last previous-token))
(registers previous-token)))
head (str (first line))
head (first line)
tail (rest line)]
(match [head parsing-token?]
["" true ] (close-partial-token)
["" false] result
[(:or " " "\t") true ] (recur tail "" saved-pos (close-partial-token))
[(:or " " "\t") false] (recur tail "" saved-pos result)
[(_ :guard binary-op?) true ] (recur line "" saved-pos (close-partial-token))
[(:or \; nil) true ] (close-partial-token)
[(:or \; nil) false] result
[(:or \space \t) true ] (recur tail [] saved-pos (close-partial-token))
[(:or \space \t) false] (recur tail [] saved-pos result)
[(_ :guard binary-op?) true ] (recur line [] saved-pos (close-partial-token))
[(_ :guard binary-op?) false] (recur tail
(conj-with-metadata result head current-pos))
:else (recur tail (str partial-token head) saved-pos result)))))
(conj-with-metadata result (str head) current-pos))
:else (recur tail (conj partial-token head) saved-pos result)))))
(def parse
@ -60,7 +54,7 @@
(defn pretty-print-tokens [token-seq]
(map #(format "%2d %s" (:column %) (:string %))
(map #(format "%2d %s" (:column %) (:token %))
(defn evaluate [token-seq]
@ -99,7 +93,7 @@
; [s, idx]
; (if (empty? s)
; nil
; {:string s
; {:token s
; :idx idx}))
; (defn tokens-with-column-numbers