set and unset softswitches so we properly detect VidHD in slot 3 without messing up 128K games

This commit is contained in:
4am 2019-07-20 21:51:55 -05:00
parent dd6e517291
commit 44a32229a1
2 changed files with 4 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -20,8 +20,10 @@
jsr DisableAccelerator ; set to 1 MHz (supports IIgs and many common accelerator cards)
jsr IsGS ; check for IIgs (allows super hi-res artwork)
ror zpMachineStatus
jsr HasVidHDCard ; check for VidHD card (allows super hi-res artwork even on non-IIgs machines)
ror zpMachineStatus
jsr Has128K ; check for 128K (allows DHGR slideshows and 128K games)
ror zpMachineStatus
jsr HasJoystick ; check for joystick (absence is OK but we filter out some games that require a joystick)

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@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ READMAINMEM = $C002 ; STA to read from main mem
READAUXMEM = $C003 ; STA to read from aux mem
WRITEMAINMEM = $C004 ; STA to write to main mem
WRITEAUXMEM = $C005 ; STA to write to aux mem
CLRC3ROM = $C00A ; STA to use internal Slot 3 ROM (required to use 128K and DHGR)
SETC3ROM = $C00B ; STA to use external Slot 3 ROM (required to detect VidHD in slot 3)
CLR80VID = $C00C ; 40 columns (also used to get out of DHGR mode)
SET80VID = $C00D ; 80 columns (also used to get into DHGR mode)
PRIMARYCHARSET= $C00E ; no mousetext for you