mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 16:30:37 +00:00
refactoring transition scripts
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from math import sqrt, sin, cos, acos, pi
import util
# Graph is plotted across the entire HGR screen, but only coordinates
# - in the left half of the screen, AND
@ -10,7 +11,8 @@ from math import sqrt, sin, cos, acos, pi
# the left and half sides of the screen (along an axis at X=140).
# X coordinates are converted to byte+bitmask (but see notes below).
# Y coordinates are incremented by 1 so that 0 can terminate the loop.
# Y coordinates are flipped (so 0,0 ends up on the bottom left) then
# incremented by 1 so that 0 can terminate the loop,
# 6502 code will be responsible for plotting each of these coordinates
# in a 2x2 block. The bitmask usually includes 2 adjacent pixels;
@ -42,36 +44,8 @@ for k_mul in range(2000):
d = {}
unique_coords = []
for c in coords:
if not d.get(c):
d[c] = 1
unique_vals = []
even_byte_bitmask = (0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3)
odd_byte_bitmask = (5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 4)
for x, y in unique_coords:
y = 191 - y
aval = "$" + hex(y)[2:].rjust(2, "0").upper()
byte = x//7
if byte % 2 == 0:
# high 3 bits are 0-3, low 5 bits are 0-39
bval = "%" + bin(even_byte_bitmask[x % 7])[2:].rjust(3, "0") + bin(byte)[2:].rjust(5, "0")
unique_vals.append((aval, bval))
if x % 7 == 6:
# this 2x2 block will be split across bytes, so add an extra coordinate pair with the adjacent byte and high 3 bits = 4
bval = "%100" + bin(byte+1)[2:].rjust(5, "0") + ";"
unique_vals.append((aval, bval))
# high 3 bits are 5-7 or 4, low 5 bits are 0-39
bval = "%" + bin(odd_byte_bitmask[x % 7])[2:].rjust(3, "0") + bin(byte)[2:].rjust(5, "0")
unique_vals.append((aval, bval))
if x % 7 == 6:
# this 2x2 block will be split across bytes, so add an extra coordinate pair with the adjacent byte and high 3 bits = 3
bval = "%011" + bin(byte+1)[2:].rjust(5, "0") + ";"
unique_vals.append((aval, bval))
unique_coords = util.unique(coords)
unique_vals = util.vals_2bit(unique_coords)
with open("../../../src/fx/fx.hgr.heart.data.a", "w") as f:
for aval, bval in unique_vals:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import math
def f(x,r=36.3):
return math.sqrt(r*r*(1.0-(x*x/(r*r*0.6))))
return -1
coords = [(255,255)]
for i in range(300, 0, -1):
a = float(i)/10.0
any = False
b = f(a)
for x in range(20, 0, -1):
y = round(float(x)*b/a)
if y < 1 or y > 24:
for m in range(1, y+1):
if (x-1,m-1) not in coords:
any = True
if any:
q1 = coords.copy()
q2 = [(-x-1,y) for x,y in coords]
q3 = [(-x-1,-y-1) for x,y in coords]
q4 = [(x,-y-1) for x,y in coords]
coords = q4 + q1 + q2 + q3
with open("../../src/fx/fx.hgr.radial.data.a", "w") as f:
for x, y in coords:
if x not in range(-40,40):
f.write(" !byte 255,255\n")
f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % ((23-y,19-x)))
coords = []
for cs in list(zip(q1,q3)) + list(zip(q2,q4)):
for c in cs:
with open("../../src/fx/fx.hgr.radial2.data.a", "w") as f:
for x, y in coords:
if x not in range(-40,40):
f.write(" !byte 255,255\n")
f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % ((23-y,19-x)))
coords = []
for cs in zip(q1,q2,q3,q4):
for c in cs:
with open("../../src/fx/fx.hgr.radial3.data.a", "w") as f:
for x, y in coords:
if x not in range(-40,40):
f.write(" !byte 255,255\n")
f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % ((23-y,19-x)))
coords = []
for cs in zip(q1,q2,q3,q4):
for c in cs:
with open("../../src/fx/fx.hgr.radial4.data.a", "w") as f:
for x, y in coords:
if x not in range(-40,40):
f.write(" !byte 255,255\n")
f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % ((23-y,19-x)))
coords = []
for cs in zip(q1,q2,q3,q4):
for c in cs:
with open("../../src/fx/fx.hgr.radial5.data.a", "w") as f:
for x, y in coords:
if x not in range(-40,40):
f.write(" !byte 255,255\n")
f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % ((23-y,19-x)))
@ -2,88 +2,43 @@
import math
radius_x = 280//2
radius_y = 192//2
def f(x,r=36.3):
return math.sqrt(r*r*(1.0-(x*x/(r*r*0.6))))
return -1
coords = [(255,255)]
for i in range(300, 0, -1):
a = float(i)/10.0
any = False
coords = []
for i in range(30000, 0, -1):
a = float(i)/1000.0
b = f(a)
for x in range(20, 0, -1):
for x in range(140, 0, -1):
y = round(float(x)*b/a)
if y < 1 or y > 24:
if x < 1 or x > radius_x or y < 1 or y > radius_y:
for m in range(1, y+1):
if (x-1,m-1) not in coords:
any = True
if any:
if m % 2 != 0:
coords.append((radius_x - x,radius_y - m))
q1 = coords.copy()
q2 = [(-x-1,y) for x,y in coords]
q3 = [(-x-1,-y-1) for x,y in coords]
q4 = [(x,-y-1) for x,y in coords]
coords = q4 + q1 + q2 + q3
with open("../../src/fx/fx.hgr.radial.data.a", "w") as f:
for x, y in coords:
if x not in range(-40,40):
f.write(" !byte 255,255\n")
f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % ((23-y,19-x)))
d = {}
unique_coords = []
for c in coords:
if not d.get(c):
d[c] = 1
coords = []
for cs in list(zip(q1,q3)) + list(zip(q2,q4)):
for c in cs:
with open("../../src/fx/fx.hgr.radial2.data.a", "w") as f:
for x, y in coords:
if x not in range(-40,40):
f.write(" !byte 255,255\n")
f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % ((23-y,19-x)))
unique_vals = []
for x, y in unique_coords:
aval = "$" + hex(y)[2:].rjust(2, "0").upper()
bval = "%" + \
bin(x%7)[2:].rjust(3, "0") + \
bin(x//7)[2:].rjust(5, "0")
unique_vals.append((aval, bval))
coords = []
for cs in zip(q1,q2,q3,q4):
for c in cs:
with open("../../src/fx/fx.hgr.radial3.data.a", "w") as f:
for x, y in coords:
if x not in range(-40,40):
f.write(" !byte 255,255\n")
f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % ((23-y,19-x)))
coords = []
for cs in zip(q1,q2,q3,q4):
for c in cs:
with open("../../src/fx/fx.hgr.radial4.data.a", "w") as f:
for x, y in coords:
if x not in range(-40,40):
f.write(" !byte 255,255\n")
f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % ((23-y,19-x)))
coords = []
for cs in zip(q1,q2,q3,q4):
for c in cs:
with open("../../src/fx/fx.hgr.radial5.data.a", "w") as f:
for x, y in coords:
if x not in range(-40,40):
f.write(" !byte 255,255\n")
f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % ((23-y,19-x)))
with open("../../../src/fx/fx.hgr.radial.data.a", "w") as f:
for aval, bval in unique_vals:
f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % (aval, bval))
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import math
radius_x = 280//2
radius_y = 192//2
def f(x,r=36.3):
return math.sqrt(r*r*(1.0-(x*x/(r*r*0.6))))
return -1
coords = []
for i in range(30000, 0, -1):
a = float(i)/1000.0
b = f(a)
for x in range(140, 0, -1):
y = round(float(x)*b/a)
if x < 1 or x > radius_x or y < 1 or y > radius_y:
for m in range(1, y+1):
if m % 2 != 0:
coords.append((radius_x - x,radius_y - m))
d = {}
unique_coords = []
for c in coords:
if not d.get(c):
d[c] = 1
unique_vals = []
for x, y in unique_coords:
aval = "$" + hex(y)[2:].rjust(2, "0").upper()
bval = "%" + \
bin(x%7)[2:].rjust(3, "0") + \
bin(x//7)[2:].rjust(5, "0")
unique_vals.append((aval, bval))
with open("../../../src/fx/fx.hgr.radial.data.a", "w") as f:
for aval, bval in unique_vals:
f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % (aval, bval))
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from math import sqrt, sin, cos, acos, pi
# Graph is plotted across the entire HGR screen, but only coordinates
# - in the left half of the screen, AND
# - on even rows, AND
# - on even columns
# are included. It is assumed that the graph is symmetrical across
# the left and half sides of the screen (along an axis at X=140).
# X coordinates are converted to byte+bitmask (but see notes below).
# Y coordinates are incremented by 1 so that 0 can terminate the loop.
# 6502 code will be responsible for plotting each of these coordinates
# in a 2x2 block. The bitmask usually includes 2 adjacent pixels;
# the code will also plot the same 2 adjacent pixels in the adjacent row,
# AND mirror both of those plots in the right half of the screen.
# Unfortunately, since bytes are 7 bits across, some blocks will cross a
# byte boundary. To simplify the 6502 code, those are simply listed as
# separate coordinate pairs, each with a bitmask that includes 1 pixel
# instead of 2.
max_x = 280
max_y = 192
def f(t, k):
r = k/cos(0.4*acos(sin(2.5*(t+pi/2))))
return r*cos(t),r*sin(t)
coords = []
for k_mul in range(1000):
for t_mul in range(int(pi*1000+1)):
a, b = f(float(t_mul/100), float(k_mul)/10.0)
x = round(max_x//2+a*1.2)
y = round(max_y//2+b)
if (x % 2 != 0) or (y % 2 != 0):
if x < 0 or x >= max_x//2 or y < 0 or y >= max_y:
d = {}
unique_coords = []
for c in coords:
if not d.get(c):
d[c] = 1
unique_vals = []
even_byte_bitmask = (0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3)
odd_byte_bitmask = (5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 4)
for x, y in unique_coords:
y = y + 1
aval = "$" + hex(y)[2:].rjust(2, "0").upper()
byte = x//7
if byte % 2 == 0:
# high 3 bits are 0-3, low 5 bits are 0-39
bval = "%" + bin(even_byte_bitmask[x % 7])[2:].rjust(3, "0") + bin(byte)[2:].rjust(5, "0")
unique_vals.append((aval, bval))
if x % 7 == 6:
# this 2x2 block will be split across bytes, so add an extra coordinate pair with the adjacent byte and high 3 bits = 4
bval = "%100" + bin(byte+1)[2:].rjust(5, "0") + ";"
unique_vals.append((aval, bval))
# high 3 bits are 5-7 or 4, low 5 bits are 0-39
bval = "%" + bin(odd_byte_bitmask[x % 7])[2:].rjust(3, "0") + bin(byte)[2:].rjust(5, "0")
unique_vals.append((aval, bval))
if x % 7 == 6:
# this 2x2 block will be split across bytes, so add an extra coordinate pair with the adjacent byte and high 3 bits = 3
bval = "%011" + bin(byte+1)[2:].rjust(5, "0") + ";"
unique_vals.append((aval, bval))
with open("../../../src/fx/fx.hgr.star.data.a", "w") as f:
for aval, bval in unique_vals:
f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % (aval, bval))
ripple_vals = []
for i, j, k, l in zip(range(1920), range(1920,3840), range(3840,5760), range(5760,7680)):
with open("../../../src/fx/fx.hgr.star.ripple.data.a", "w") as f:
for aval, bval in ripple_vals:
f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % (aval, bval))
with open("../../../src/fx/fx.hgr.star.in.data.a", "w") as f:
for aval, bval in unique_vals:
f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % (aval, bval))
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from math import sqrt, sin, cos, acos, pi
import util
# Graph is plotted across the entire HGR screen, but only coordinates
# - in the left half of the screen, AND
@ -10,7 +11,8 @@ from math import sqrt, sin, cos, acos, pi
# the left and half sides of the screen (along an axis at X=140).
# X coordinates are converted to byte+bitmask (but see notes below).
# Y coordinates are incremented by 1 so that 0 can terminate the loop.
# Y coordinates are flipped (so 0,0 ends up on the bottom left) then
# incremented by 1 so that 0 can terminate the loop,
# 6502 code will be responsible for plotting each of these coordinates
# in a 2x2 block. The bitmask usually includes 2 adjacent pixels;
@ -42,36 +44,8 @@ for k_mul in range(1000):
d = {}
unique_coords = []
for c in coords:
if not d.get(c):
d[c] = 1
unique_vals = []
even_byte_bitmask = (0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3)
odd_byte_bitmask = (5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 4)
for x, y in unique_coords:
y = y + 1
aval = "$" + hex(y)[2:].rjust(2, "0").upper()
byte = x//7
if byte % 2 == 0:
# high 3 bits are 0-3, low 5 bits are 0-39
bval = "%" + bin(even_byte_bitmask[x % 7])[2:].rjust(3, "0") + bin(byte)[2:].rjust(5, "0")
unique_vals.append((aval, bval))
if x % 7 == 6:
# this 2x2 block will be split across bytes, so add an extra coordinate pair with the adjacent byte and high 3 bits = 4
bval = "%100" + bin(byte+1)[2:].rjust(5, "0") + ";"
unique_vals.append((aval, bval))
# high 3 bits are 5-7 or 4, low 5 bits are 0-39
bval = "%" + bin(odd_byte_bitmask[x % 7])[2:].rjust(3, "0") + bin(byte)[2:].rjust(5, "0")
unique_vals.append((aval, bval))
if x % 7 == 6:
# this 2x2 block will be split across bytes, so add an extra coordinate pair with the adjacent byte and high 3 bits = 3
bval = "%011" + bin(byte+1)[2:].rjust(5, "0") + ";"
unique_vals.append((aval, bval))
unique_coords = util.unique(coords)
unique_vals = util.vals_2bit(unique_coords)
with open("../../../src/fx/fx.hgr.soft.iris.data.a", "w") as f:
for aval, bval in unique_vals:
@ -1,26 +1,66 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from math import sqrt, sin, cos, acos, pi
import util
# Graph is plotted across the entire HGR screen, but only coordinates
# - in the left half of the screen, AND
# - on even rows, AND
# - on even columns
# are included. It is assumed that the graph is symmetrical across
# the left and half sides of the screen (along an axis at X=140).
# X coordinates are converted to byte+bitmask (but see notes below).
# Y coordinates are flipped (so 0,0 ends up on the bottom left) then
# incremented by 1 so that 0 can terminate the loop,
# 6502 code will be responsible for plotting each of these coordinates
# in a 2x2 block. The bitmask usually includes 2 adjacent pixels;
# the code will also plot the same 2 adjacent pixels in the adjacent row,
# AND mirror both of those plots in the right half of the screen.
# Unfortunately, since bytes are 7 bits across, some blocks will cross a
# byte boundary. To simplify the 6502 code, those are simply listed as
# separate coordinate pairs, each with a bitmask that includes 1 pixel
# instead of 2.
max_x = 280
max_y = 192
def f(t, k):
t = float(t)
r = k/cos(0.4*acos(sin(2.5*(t+pi/2))))
return r*cos(t),r*sin(t)
coords = []
for k_mul in range(500):
any = False
for k_mul in range(1000):
for t_mul in range(int(pi*1000+1)):
a, b = f(float(t_mul/100), float(k_mul)/10.0)
x = round(20+a*.6)
y = round(24+b)
if x < 0 or x > 39 or y < 0 or y > 47 or (x,y) in coords:
x = round(max_x//2+a*1.2)
y = round(max_y//2+b)
if (x % 2 != 0) or (y % 2 != 0):
if x < 0 or x >= max_x//2 or y < 0 or y >= max_y:
any = True
if any:
with open("../../src/fx/fx.hgr.star.data.a", "w") as f:
for x, y in coords:
f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % (y,x))
unique_coords = util.unique(coords)
unique_vals = util.vals_2bit(unique_coords)
with open("../../../src/fx/fx.hgr.star.data.a", "w") as f:
for aval, bval in unique_vals:
f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % (aval, bval))
ripple_vals = []
for i, j, k, l in zip(range(1920), range(1920,3840), range(3840,5760), range(5760,7680)):
with open("../../../src/fx/fx.hgr.star.ripple.data.a", "w") as f:
for aval, bval in ripple_vals:
f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % (aval, bval))
with open("../../../src/fx/fx.hgr.star.in.data.a", "w") as f:
for aval, bval in unique_vals:
f.write(" !byte %s,%s\n" % (aval, bval))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
def unique(coords):
d = {}
unique_coords = []
for c in coords:
if not d.get(c):
d[c] = 1
return unique_coords
even_byte_bitmask = (0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3)
odd_byte_bitmask = (5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 4)
def vals_2bit(unique_coords):
unique_vals = []
for x, y in unique_coords:
y = 191 - y
aval = "$" + hex(y)[2:].rjust(2, "0").upper()
byte = x//7
if byte % 2 == 0:
# high 3 bits are 0-3, low 5 bits are 0-39
bval = "%" + bin(even_byte_bitmask[x % 7])[2:].rjust(3, "0") + bin(byte)[2:].rjust(5, "0")
unique_vals.append((aval, bval))
if x % 7 == 6:
# this 2x2 block will be split across bytes, so add an extra coordinate pair with the adjacent byte and high 3 bits = 4
bval = "%100" + bin(byte+1)[2:].rjust(5, "0") + ";"
unique_vals.append((aval, bval))
# high 3 bits are 5-7 or 4, low 5 bits are 0-39
bval = "%" + bin(odd_byte_bitmask[x % 7])[2:].rjust(3, "0") + bin(byte)[2:].rjust(5, "0")
unique_vals.append((aval, bval))
if x % 7 == 6:
# this 2x2 block will be split across bytes, so add an extra coordinate pair with the adjacent byte and high 3 bits = 3
bval = "%011" + bin(byte+1)[2:].rjust(5, "0") + ";"
unique_vals.append((aval, bval))
return unique_vals
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user