Differences compared to Mockingboard:
. TIMER1 underflows to $FFFE before it's reloaded with latch.
. TIMER1's LATCH=$0000 gets interpreted as $FFFF.
. Partial TIMER2 support: IFR.T2 gets set on underflow. But T2 reads as 0x00FF.
. AY register reads are unsupported (always read as 0).
Config->Sound: show 'MEGA Audio' in drop-down menus only if it was specified on the cmd line.
Mockingboard or Phasor cards can be inserted into any slot.
Change Config->Sound to that slots 4+5 to be individually selected for the 3 soundcard types.
Add MockingboardCardManager class to manage multiple cards and mix the sound buffers.
- Add a drop-down menu to the 'Advanced' tab that lets the user select a dongle in use
- Add a new file "CopyProtectionDongles.cpp" that is a place to put drivers for these.
- Add a driver for the one known dongle we have now - Speed Star
- Modify Joystick.cpp to allow PB0-PB2 to be "pushed" by the protection dongle.
. In 2x windowed mode: always show slot 5 Disk II LEDs.
. Add tooltips for slot 5/6 track/sector info (d1 & d2) - shows dec/hex & fractional track position.
- but this track/sector info is now on a UI toggle in the Config -> Disk tab.
. Debugger: add 'DISK SLOT n' - to set current slot of Disk II card
- ie. support 'DISK INFO' for slot 5
* Enable virtual DNS by default.
* Improve handling of header size:
This fixes an issue in UDP, where it would not take the header size into account when deciding how much to read.
* IPRAW socket. Fix an issue where the header would include "our" IP Address.
The doc is not very clear 5.2.3: they say "destination". But for consistency with UDP (5.2.2) where it seems clear that this is the peer's ip, we replace with the "destination" of the socket, or the "source" of the packet.
* minor tweak: signal with SOCK_SYNSENT that a connection is being established.
* remove Socket::myErrno as it serves no purpose.
It is a duplicate of (sn_sr == W5100_SN_SR_SOCK_SYNSENT).
* add some logging when reading/writing on a closed socket.
Uthernet II: add extended feature to virtualise DNS requests.
. This allows pure TCP/UDP sockets to run *without* MACRAW requests (and so without libpcap).
. Raw sockets will not work.
. Add configuration for Virtual DNS.
libpcap: ensure all functions check if the library is loaded before using it.
Uthernet 1: do NOT overwrite tfe_cannot_use as it should only reflect the availability of npcap on *this* system.
Add Copyright notice, and mention Virtual DNS in html.
. tfe.cpp renamed to Uthernet1.cpp.
. add class NetworkBackend: common to both U1 and U2 cards, and abstracts Windows/Linux backends.
. modernise error message if WPCAP.DLL is not installed.
And these Debugger related:
. Improve FormatAddress() and GetSymbol().
. GetSymbol(), FindSymbolFromAddress(), FormatAddress() are changed to use std::string instead.
. Remove static variable (not nice) in FormatAddress().
. GetSymbol() returns std::string reference instead of pointer.
Support VidHD in slot 3 (via Config GUI or '-s3 vidhd') for SHR video modes only.
- AppleWin window is slightly enlarged when VidHD card is inserted.
Support IIgs 320x200 (and fill mode) and 640x200 video modes.
Debugger: add 'shr' command to view video
CUI: Allow user to specify width & height (for full-screen); and allow separate x,y scaling in full-screen mode.
. Add user-protection when unchecking HDD controller (as images aren't restored on a 'cancel')
. Fix possible crash when removing (via Config->Disk) either Disk2 card(s5) or HDD card(s7), then cancelling during emulation
. Fix m_buf[] size
Initially all cards are removed before loading save-state.
Use new Registry "Configuration/Slot 2" location to save SSC's port name.
Use new Registry "Configuration/Slot 7" location to save HDV's image names.
Use new Registry "Configuration/Slot n" (and "Configuration/Slot Auxiliary") locations to save all other card types.
Command line: -s<slot> (eg. -s7 empty) now get persisted to the Registry.
Only update 'HDV Starting Directory' for slot7 & drive1.
Support these new cards in slots 3, 4 or 5; based on code from Lukazi.
- extend Configuration's Input prop sheet page.
- add save/load snapshot for both cards.
- add command line switch for alt controller type (for SNES MAX card).
Change to using Registry's 'Configuration\Slot 3' for slot 3 cards (Uthernet, 4Play & SNES MAX).
Update help doc.
Change to using Registry's 'Configuration\Slot n' for disk ii image pathnames (was 'Preferences').
Delete Registry's 'Configuration\Slot n' section each time there's a change of card.
Add same functionality to conf.ini.
LoadConfiguration(): load from the new Slot-n section (or otherwise the old legacy key).
Only update Registry's 'Starting Directory' for s6,d1.
Update help doc.
* Make Uthernet settings behave like all other cards.
Fix as well the fact that the Uthernet interface would not be reapplied after a restart.
* Uthernet: use consistent types to reduce code complexity.
Use std::string everywhere.
This reduces the chances of incompatibility between gcc and vs.
99% is "const char *" literals.
1 case of a goto jumping over a variable declaration (but it is not needed).
. simplify the interface FrameBase to make it easier to implement it for different cases (remove HDC and make parameters more explicit)
. remove functions which are only called on a Win32Frame (in which case a cast is guaranteed to succeed)
. otherwise there is the risk that every FrameBase implementation wants to add its own variants.
. FrameBase::FrameRefreshStatus() simplify implementation: pass all flags explicitly
* Video / FrameBase: move arch specific code to FrameBase.
* Video::Initialize & SetFrameBuffer.
Ensure initialization and SetBuffer can only happen in the right order.
* Video: move virtual functions to FrameBase.
With these changes all the virtual functions are in FrameBase and Video gets closer to be (only) the Apple ][ Video device.
* Move a few more functions from Video to FrameBase (snapshot related)
Now, the inclusion is one way with Video *not* including FrameBase.
* FrameBase::VideoRefreshScreen move Video related code to Video.
And only leave management to FrameBase.
Here are a few changes to make 64-bit build possible.
The changes are mainly to use windows api in the correct way that works for both 32-bit and 64-bit builds.
. class hierarchy: WinVideo IS_A Video (ie. WinVideo is a subclass of Video)
. GetVideo() singleton instance of WinVideo in AppleWin.cpp, exposed via Interface.h
* Interface.h: ensure that functions in the interface are not exported by other header files.
This is generally harmless, except for the presence of default arguments, in which case the version with default arguments must come first.
To avoid the issue, these functions are only ever exported in the Interface.h header file.
. Do not include alarm.h as it is not needed.
The code in alarm.h is not complete: all the extern functions are missing and different linkers might complain about this.
. Do not redefine some windows.h types in VICE/types.h as it becomes harder to keep them consistent.
Biggest problem is DWORD_IS_LONG as the best way to define it in linux 64 bit is as an int. Prefer to use StdAfx.h.
. Split AppleWin -> Core with the functionality really needed by the emulator.
. Split AppleWin -> Utilities for generic code not called by other emulator components.
. Split AppleWin -> CmdLine for the command line option parsing.