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The Epple ][ Emulator is most useful when properly configured. After downloading and installing the Epple ][ Program, some System ROM (demo or real), and optionally the peripheral card ROMs you want to use, you will need to configure the program. Configuring is concerned primarily with telling the program what peripheral cards to use, and where the ROM files are located (and what memory addresses to load them at).


The default configuration file for the Epple ][ emulator is:


For Windows, the file will be:

C:\<Path to>\epple2\epple2.conf

You can specify a different configuration file for the emulator to use by specifying its name as the argument when running the epple2 program.

The format of the configuration file is just lines of commands. Comments begin with a hash # character, and continue to the end of the line.


Firmware, commonly called ROM images or ROMs, will need to be loaded into the emulated ROM areas of the emulated Apple in order for it to be able to boot the emulated Apple machine. The firmware available is described in this documentation. Once the firmware image files are installed on your computer, you can use the import command in the configuration file to load the image files into the emulator.

Since the Epple ][ program emulates only the hardware, you will need to load some system software into in, in order for it to operate usefully. This software is commonly called firmware or ROMs, because it is stored in the read-only memory area of the emulated system. The original system software on the Apple ][ machines is copyright by Apple, and is proprietary. If you own an actual Apple ][ or Apple ][ plus machine, you can copy the firmware from it ($D000-$FFFF) (into a file on your PC) and use it. Alternatively, you can download the firmware images from the Apple II Library.

If you do not want to download the proprietary firmware, you can still use the emulator (albeit in a rudimentary manner) with the free (GPLv3) System ROM (Demo) package (included with EPPLE ][). The source code is also available; you can assemble it using the xa Assembler. The Demo System ROM only provides commands to dump or set memory bytes, or run a program in memory. It is not compatible with any Apple software, nor can it read from disks. It's just a free simple demo system to make the emulator do something reasonable.

Peripheral Cards

Another primary concern for configuring the Epple ][ is the insertion of peripheral cards into the Apple's slots. The most useful card is probably the Disk ][ Controller card; you will need to insert one of these cards if you want to be able to load floppy disk images into the emulated Apple. The various types of cards available are described in the cards section. You can use the slot command in the configuration file to insert them into the Apple's slots.

If you are going to use the Disk ][ Controller peripheral card (which you almost certainly will, if you want to read any floppy disk images), you will need to have to original ROMs from Apple. No demo of the Disk ROMs are provided here; you will need to use the original ROMs, which can be obtained from an original machine (by copying it from $C600-$C6FF into a file on the PC), or by downloading it from the Apple II Library. (And, of course, you will need the real Apple System ROM, as noted in the previous section, not the Demo System ROM.)

If you are using any of the clock, the standard output, or the standard input cards, you will need to load their firmware as well.

Sample Configuration Files

There are a number of configuration files provided with the distribution for your convenience. They provide various common configurations of machines. You can use one of these files directly, by specifying its path as the argument to the program, or as a starting point for you own configuration file. These sample files are in the same location as the default epple2.conf file.

The Epple ][ Emulator can actually be run without a configuration file at all. In this case, you will be able to power on the Apple and see the low-resolution graphics display showing random RAM data. The system will not run, because there is no firmware loaded, but the emulator will otherwise be functional.