This is a change made in A2SERVER already--the choice between the which,
command -v, type, and hash... The problem is that POSIX defines none of
these so consistently that you can depend on one of them to work. We
happen to use bash specifically, which gives us an advantage in that
bash's behavior is well-defined.
For us, hash is the best way to find out whether or not a command exists
as it turns out. So that's what we'll use.
GSPort truly does replace it now. I was going to make it not installed
by default, but still optional. Ivan thinks it's truly no longer
necessary. He's right, it's not.
There are a number of issues regarding A2Pi at the moment:
1. The default A2Pi config or anything resembling it does not presently
work on Raspberry Pi 3 model B at all due to an upstream bug.
2. The default A2Pi config may not make sense anymore because it was
really tailored for the Apple II Pi card. This is a cool device that
looks like a modified Super Serial Card, but connects your Pi as an
interal part of your Apple //! Of course, you can't currently get
one, it wouldn't be able to power Pi 2/3, etc.
3. Parts of A2Pi like the apple2 user are not updated for Raspbian
jessie at this time
4. We initially planned one more wheezy release, with me working on
jessie stuff in the background that was more major and structural in
nature. I sort of planned to spin A2Pi out of A2CLOUD during that
rework and promoting it to its own thing within RasppleII's
ecosystem. That way delays in development of either project would
not hold things back for the other, and because cutting A2CLOUD down
to size a bit would really make A2CLOUD easier to develop too.
The combination of needing a new release, the sudden dropping of wheezy
support, and the pile of new Pi releases is kinda hurting us a little.
We have a definite regression for A2Pi any way we look at it because of
the Pi3 bug. :( And we need to move to Jessie now.
If you're using A2Pi now, this change shouldn't affect you. A2Pi is
updated through Debian package mechanisms at the moment, so removing the
initial setup from A2CLOUD shouldn't affect existing users on wheezy,
even if they run the next release of the A2CLOUD installer script. If
you don't have it, this version won't install it for you.
Hopefully we can get back to it soon--I actually use it, so for me it's
a missing feature! :)
offers to download and install Java if needed (OS X, and Linux with apt-get)
downloads AppleCommander jarfile to /usr/local/bin if not installed
OS X (and probably BSD) compatibility for -ad option
There were just a few UTF-8 characters in the changelog section of
setup.txt, so I changed those to ASCII characters. Sticking with 7-bit
ASCII is probably a good idea for anything that is specifically related
to the Apple // series because there's a possibility it might be viewed
ON such a machine via terminal emulator or something. Updated Changelog
Having an outdated copy of the source code in a subdir of the source
code was proving to be annoying--it's bitten both Ivan and I a time or
two, and we have a GitHub organization to put repositories for these
kinds of things. As such, this stuff is neither needed nor particularly
desirable where it is. It lives on here:
Most of this script works fine for jessie, but some of it doesn't and
the script is actually quite long and complex. Ivan notes he found it
easier to develop it as a cohesive unit that didn't need to worry about
semaphores after doing A2SERVER, and that's obviously going to be
particularly true since he was the only one working on it at the time.
Well, now that's changing we'll want a little more structure. I won't
be breaking things out into their own files right now, but I'm going to
begin organizing things based on where they should go as I re-enable
Basically, we'll port to jessie block-by-block.
The only major difference I noticed that we use is the fenced code block
format for GFM is different (using the backtick instead of the tilde).
If I missed anything, feel free to reopen the bug and tell me what, or
just submit a patch yourself!