Use 2D for hires, images textures; not RECTANGLE

Rename "texture" to "opengl_texture" for a touch more readability
and less ambiguity.

Switch hires and image textures to "opengl_texture".

Use coordinate scale for image textures and hires textures in shaders
and pass in as Uniforms
This commit is contained in:
Brad Grantham 2017-01-07 14:51:29 -08:00
parent 4a3dc4a9b7
commit be750dfac4

View File

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ static void CheckOpenGL(const char *filename, int line)
struct texture
struct opengl_texture
int w;
int h;
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ struct texture
operator GLuint() const { return t; }
texture initialize_texture(int w, int h, unsigned char *pixels = NULL)
opengl_texture initialize_texture(int w, int h, unsigned char *pixels = NULL)
GLuint tex;
@ -116,11 +116,11 @@ texture initialize_texture(int w, int h, unsigned char *pixels = NULL)
return {w, h, tex};
texture font_texture;
opengl_texture font_texture;
const int fonttexture_w = 7;
const int fonttexture_h = 8 * 96;
texture textport_texture[2][2]; // [aux][page]
opengl_texture textport_texture[2][2]; // [aux][page]
GLuint text_program;
const int textport_w = 40;
@ -158,22 +158,25 @@ GLuint lores_to_screen_location;
const int hires_w = 320; // MSBit is color chooser, Apple ][ weirdness
const int hires_h = 192;
GLuint hires_texture[2];
opengl_texture hires_texture[2];
GLuint hires_program;
GLuint hires_texture_location;
GLuint hires_texture_coord_scale_location;
GLuint hires_to_screen_location;
GLuint hires_x_offset_location;
GLuint hires_y_offset_location;
GLuint hirescolor_program;
GLuint hirescolor_texture_location;
GLuint hirescolor_texture_coord_scale_location;
GLuint hirescolor_to_screen_location;
GLuint hirescolor_x_offset_location;
GLuint hirescolor_y_offset_location;
GLuint image_program;
GLuint image_texture_location;
GLuint image_texture_coord_scale_location;
GLuint image_to_screen_location;
GLuint image_x_offset_location;
GLuint image_y_offset_location;
@ -284,21 +287,23 @@ static const char *hires_vertex_shader = "\n\
static const char *image_fragment_shader = "\n\
in vec2 raster_coords;\n\
uniform usampler2DRect image;\n\
uniform vec2 image_coord_scale;\n\
uniform usampler2D image;\n\
out vec4 color;\n\
void main()\n\
ivec2 tc = ivec2(raster_coords.x, raster_coords.y);\n\
uint pixel = texture(image, raster_coords).x;\n\
uint pixel = texture(image, raster_coords * image_coord_scale).x;\n\
float value = pixel / 255.0;\n\
color = vec4(value, value, value, 1);\n\
static const char *hires_fragment_shader = "\n\
in vec2 raster_coords;\n\
uniform usampler2DRect hires_texture;\n\
uniform vec2 hires_texture_coord_scale;\n\
uniform usampler2D hires_texture;\n\
out vec4 color;\n\
@ -308,23 +313,24 @@ static const char *hires_fragment_shader = "\n\
int bit = int(raster_coords.x) % 7;\n\
int texturex = byte * 8 + bit;\n\
ivec2 tc = ivec2(texturex, raster_coords.y);\n\
uint pixel = texture(hires_texture, tc).x;\n\
uint pixel = texture(hires_texture, tc * hires_texture_coord_scale).x;\n\
float value = pixel / 255.0;\n\
color = vec4(value, value, value, 1);\n\
static const char *hirescolor_fragment_shader = "\n\
in vec2 raster_coords;\n\
uniform usampler2DRect hires_texture;\n\
uniform vec2 hires_texture_coord_scale;\n\
uniform usampler2D hires_texture;\n\
out vec4 color;\n\
ivec2 raster_to_texture(int x, int y)\n\
vec2 raster_to_texture(int x, int y)\n\
int byte = x / 7;\n\
int bit = x % 7;\n\
int texturex = byte * 8 + bit;\n\
return ivec2(texturex, y); \n\
return vec2(texturex, y) * hires_texture_coord_scale; \n\
void main()\n\
@ -344,7 +350,7 @@ static const char *hirescolor_fragment_shader = "\n\
} else { \n\
uint even = (x % 2 == 1) ? left : pixel; \n\
uint odd = (x % 2 == 1) ? pixel : right; \n\
uint palette = texture(hires_texture, ivec2((x / 7) * 8 + 7, raster_coords.y)).x; \n\
uint palette = texture(hires_texture, vec2((x / 7) * 8 + 7, raster_coords.y) * hires_texture_coord_scale).x; \n\
if(palette == 0u) { \n\
if((even == 0u) && (odd == 255u)) { \n\
@ -591,10 +597,12 @@ static GLuint GenerateProgram(const string& shader_name, const string& vertex_sh
if(!CheckShaderCompile(fragment_shader, shader_name + " fragment shader"))
return 0;
CheckOpenGL(__FILE__, __LINE__);
GLuint program = glCreateProgram();
glAttachShader(program, vertex_shader);
glAttachShader(program, fragment_shader);
CheckOpenGL(__FILE__, __LINE__);
// XXX Really need to do this generically
glBindAttribLocation(program, raster_coords_attrib, "vertex_coords");
@ -640,38 +648,25 @@ void initialize_screen_areas()
lower_screen_area = make_rectangle_vertex_array(0, 160, 280, 32);
GLuint initialize_texture_integer(int w, int h, unsigned char *pixels = NULL)
GLuint texture;
glGenTextures(1, &texture);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, texture);
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
CheckOpenGL(__FILE__, __LINE__);
CheckOpenGL(__FILE__, __LINE__);
return texture;
void set_image_shader(float to_screen[9], GLuint texture, float x, float y)
void set_image_shader(float to_screen[9], const opengl_texture& texture, float x, float y)
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, texture);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
glUniform2f(image_texture_coord_scale_location, 1.0 / (texture.w - 0), 1.0 / (texture.h - 0));
glUniform1i(image_texture_location, 0);
glUniformMatrix3fv(image_to_screen_location, 1, GL_FALSE, to_screen);
glUniform1f(image_x_offset_location, x);
glUniform1f(image_y_offset_location, y);
void set_hires_shader(float to_screen[9], GLuint hires_texture, bool color, float x, float y)
void set_hires_shader(float to_screen[9], const opengl_texture& texture, bool color, float x, float y)
if(color) {
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, hires_texture);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
glUniform2f(hirescolor_texture_coord_scale_location, 1.0 / (texture.w - 0), 1.0 / (texture.h - 0));
glUniform1i(hirescolor_texture_location, 0);
glUniformMatrix3fv(hirescolor_to_screen_location, 1, GL_FALSE, to_screen);
glUniform1f(hirescolor_x_offset_location, x);
@ -682,7 +677,8 @@ void set_hires_shader(float to_screen[9], GLuint hires_texture, bool color, floa
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, hires_texture);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
glUniform2f(hires_texture_coord_scale_location, 1.0 / (texture.w - 0), 1.0 / (texture.h - 0));
glUniform1i(hires_texture_location, 0);
glUniformMatrix3fv(hires_to_screen_location, 1, GL_FALSE, to_screen);
glUniform1f(hires_x_offset_location, x);
@ -691,7 +687,7 @@ void set_hires_shader(float to_screen[9], GLuint hires_texture, bool color, floa
void set_textport_shader(float to_screen[9], const texture& textport, int blink, float x, float y, float fg[4], float bg[4])
void set_textport_shader(float to_screen[9], const opengl_texture& textport, int blink, float x, float y, float fg[4], float bg[4])
@ -720,7 +716,7 @@ void set_textport_shader(float to_screen[9], const texture& textport, int blink,
CheckOpenGL(__FILE__, __LINE__);
void set_textport80_shader(float to_screen[9], const texture& textport80, GLuint textport80_aux_texture, int blink, float x, float y, float fg[4], float bg[4])
void set_textport80_shader(float to_screen[9], const opengl_texture& textport80, GLuint textport80_aux_texture, int blink, float x, float y, float fg[4], float bg[4])
CheckOpenGL(__FILE__, __LINE__);
@ -1135,7 +1131,7 @@ struct apple2screen : public widget
struct image_widget : public widget
GLuint image;
opengl_texture image;
vertex_array rectangle;
int w, h;
@ -1143,7 +1139,7 @@ struct image_widget : public widget
image = initialize_texture_integer(w, h, buffer);
image = initialize_texture(w, h, buffer);
rectangle = make_rectangle_vertex_array(0, 0, w, h);
@ -1164,7 +1160,7 @@ struct image_widget : public widget
struct text_widget : public widget
texture string_texture;
opengl_texture string_texture;
vertex_array rectangle;
string content;
float fg[4];
@ -1384,24 +1380,27 @@ void initialize_gl(void)
textport_texture[0][1] = initialize_texture(textport_w, textport_h);
textport_texture[1][0] = initialize_texture(textport_w, textport_h);
textport_texture[1][1] = initialize_texture(textport_w, textport_h);
hires_texture[0] = initialize_texture_integer(hires_w, hires_h);
hires_texture[1] = initialize_texture_integer(hires_w, hires_h);
hires_texture[0] = initialize_texture(hires_w, hires_h);
hires_texture[1] = initialize_texture(hires_w, hires_h);
CheckOpenGL(__FILE__, __LINE__);
image_program = GenerateProgram("image", hires_vertex_shader, image_fragment_shader);
image_texture_location = glGetUniformLocation(image_program, "image_texture");
image_texture_location = glGetUniformLocation(image_program, "image");
image_texture_coord_scale_location = glGetUniformLocation(image_program, "image_coord_scale");
image_to_screen_location = glGetUniformLocation(image_program, "to_screen");
image_x_offset_location = glGetUniformLocation(image_program, "x_offset");
image_y_offset_location = glGetUniformLocation(image_program, "y_offset");
hires_program = GenerateProgram("hires", hires_vertex_shader, hires_fragment_shader);
hires_texture_location = glGetUniformLocation(hires_program, "hires_texture");
hires_texture_coord_scale_location = glGetUniformLocation(hires_program, "hires_texture_coord_scale");
hires_to_screen_location = glGetUniformLocation(hires_program, "to_screen");
hires_x_offset_location = glGetUniformLocation(hires_program, "x_offset");
hires_y_offset_location = glGetUniformLocation(hires_program, "y_offset");
hirescolor_program = GenerateProgram("hirescolor", hires_vertex_shader, hirescolor_fragment_shader);
hirescolor_texture_location = glGetUniformLocation(hirescolor_program, "hires_texture");
hirescolor_texture_coord_scale_location = glGetUniformLocation(hirescolor_program, "hirescolor_texture_coord_scale");
hirescolor_to_screen_location = glGetUniformLocation(hirescolor_program, "to_screen");
hirescolor_x_offset_location = glGetUniformLocation(hirescolor_program, "x_offset");
hirescolor_y_offset_location = glGetUniformLocation(hirescolor_program, "y_offset");
@ -2031,11 +2030,11 @@ void write2(int addr, bool aux, unsigned char data)
int scanout_address = hires_memory_to_scanout_address[within_page];
int row = scanout_address / 40;
int col = scanout_address % 40;
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, hires_texture[page]);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, hires_texture[page]);
unsigned char pixels[8];
for(int i = 0; i < 8 ; i++)
pixels[i] = ((data & (1 << i)) ? 255 : 0);
glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, 0, col * 8, row, 8, 1, GL_RED_INTEGER, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, col * 8, row, 8, 1, GL_RED_INTEGER, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
CheckOpenGL(__FILE__, __LINE__);