2014-08-05 22:19:14 -07:00

1.9 KiB

Integer basic ROM D0 and D8 contents:

Information on contents of INTBASIC file, version changes, etc: http://apple2history.org/history/ah15/

Information on programmer's aid, and INTBASIC file, including the fact that the D8 area was filled (uselessly) with the D8 part of the FPBASIC file: http://apple2history.org/history/ah03/

Bitmap scan PDF: ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/documentation/programming/6502assembly/Apple%20II%20Programmer's%20Aid%201_alt.pdf OCR'd (badly) PDF: http://www.classiccmp.org/cini/pdf/Apple/Apple%20Programmers%20Aid%20Book.pdf


hires High-Resolution Graphics $D000-$D3FF Gap from $D340-D38F?
renumapp Renumber $D400-$D4BB
Append $D4BC-$D4D4
relocate Relocate $D4DC-$D52D
verify Tape Verify (BASIC) $D535-$D553
Tape Verify (6502 Code & Data) $D554-$D5AA
ramtest RAM Test $D5BC-$D691
music Music $D717-$D7F8

script generator

parts = [ ('hires', 0xD000, 0xD3FF), ('renumapp', 0xD400, 0xD4D4), ('relocate', 0xD4DC, 0xD52D), ('verify', 0xD535, 0xD5AA), ('ramtest', 0xD5BC, 0xD691), ('music', 0xD717, 0xD7F8), ]

for name, start, end in parts: tail = 0x10000 - start length = end - start + 1 print 'tail -c %d ../../apple2.orig.rom | head -c %d > %s.rom' % (tail, length, name)