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package jace.cheat;
import jace.EmulatorUILogic;
import jace.config.ConfigurableField;
import jace.core.Computer;
import jace.core.RAMEvent;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseButton;
public class MontezumasRevengeCheats extends Cheats {
@ConfigurableField(category = "Hack", name = "Repulsive", defaultValue = "false", description = "YOU STINK!")
public static boolean repulsiveHack = false;
@ConfigurableField(category = "Hack", name = "Feather Fall", defaultValue = "false", description = "Falling will not result in death")
public static boolean featherFall = false;
@ConfigurableField(category = "Hack", name = "Moon Jump", defaultValue = "false", description = "Wheeee!")
public static boolean moonJump = false;
@ConfigurableField(category = "Hack", name = "Infinite Lives", defaultValue = "false", description = "Game on!")
public static boolean infiniteLives = false;
@ConfigurableField(category = "Hack", name = "Score hack", defaultValue = "false", description = "Change the score")
public static boolean scoreHack = false;
@ConfigurableField(category = "Hack", name = "Snake Charmer", defaultValue = "false", description = "Disable collision detection with enemies")
public static boolean snakeCharmer = false;
@ConfigurableField(category = "Hack", name = "Teleport", defaultValue = "false", description = "Click to teleport!")
public static boolean mouseHack = false;
public static int X_MAX = 80;
public static int Y_MAX = 160;
public static int MAX_VEL = 4;
public static int MOON_JUMP_VELOCITY = -14;
public static int ROOM_LEVEL = 0x0d1;
public static int LIVES = 0x0e0;
public static int SCORE = 0x0e8;
public static int SCORE_END = 0x0ea;
public static int PLAYER_X = 0x01508;
public static int PLAYER_Y = 0x01510;
public static int Y_VELOCITY = 0x01550;
public static int CHAR_STATE = 0x01570;
public static int lastX = 0;
public MontezumasRevengeCheats(Computer computer) {
double mouseX;
double mouseY;
EventHandler<javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent> listener = (event) -> {
Node source = (Node) event.getSource();
mouseX = event.getSceneX() / source.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth();
mouseY = event.getSceneY() / source.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight();
if (event.isPrimaryButtonDown()) {
void registerListeners() {
if (repulsiveHack) {
addCheat(RAMEvent.TYPE.WRITE, this::repulsiveBehavior, 0x1508, 0x1518);
if (featherFall) {
addCheat(RAMEvent.TYPE.WRITE, this::featherFallBehavior, PLAYER_Y);
// Bypass the part that realizes you should die when you hit the floor
bypassCode(0x6bb3, 0x6bb4);
if (moonJump) {
addCheat(RAMEvent.TYPE.WRITE, this::moonJumpBehavior, Y_VELOCITY);
if (infiniteLives) {
forceValue(LIVES, 11);
if (scoreHack) {
// Score: 900913
forceValue(0x90, SCORE);
forceValue(0x09, SCORE + 1);
forceValue(0x13, SCORE + 2);
if (snakeCharmer) {
// Skip the code that determines you're touching an enemy
bypassCode(0x07963, 0x07964);
if (mouseHack) {
} else {
private void repulsiveBehavior(RAMEvent e) {
int playerX = computer.getMemory().readRaw(PLAYER_X);
int playerY = computer.getMemory().readRaw(PLAYER_Y);
for (int num = 7; num > 0; num--) {
int monsterX = computer.getMemory().readRaw(PLAYER_X + num);
int monsterY = computer.getMemory().readRaw(PLAYER_Y + num);
if (monsterX != 0 && monsterY != 0) {
if (Math.abs(monsterY - playerY) < 19) {
if (Math.abs(monsterX - playerX) < 7) {
int movement = Math.max(1, Math.abs(lastX - playerX));
if (monsterX > playerX) {
monsterX += movement;
} else {
monsterX -= movement;
if (monsterX <= 0) {
monsterX = 80;
computer.getMemory().write(PLAYER_X + num, (byte) monsterX, false, false);
lastX = playerX;
private void featherFallBehavior(RAMEvent yCoordChangeEvent) {
if (yCoordChangeEvent.getNewValue() != yCoordChangeEvent.getOldValue()) {
int yVel = computer.getMemory().readRaw(Y_VELOCITY);
if (yVel > MAX_VEL) {
computer.getMemory().write(Y_VELOCITY, (byte) MAX_VEL, false, false);
private void moonJumpBehavior(RAMEvent velocityChangeEvent) {
if (inStartingSequence()) {
if (velocityChangeEvent.getNewValue() < 0
&& velocityChangeEvent.getNewValue() < velocityChangeEvent.getOldValue()) {
private boolean inStartingSequence() {
int roomLevel = computer.getMemory().readRaw(ROOM_LEVEL);
return roomLevel == -1;
public String getName() {
return "Montezuma's Revenge";
protected String getDeviceName() {
return "Montezuma's Revenge";
public void tick() {
private void mouseClicked(MouseButton button) {
byte newX = (byte) (mouseX * X_MAX);
byte newY = (byte) (mouseY * Y_MAX);
computer.memory.write(PLAYER_X, newX, false, false);
computer.memory.write(PLAYER_Y, newY, false, false);