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// Copyright 2000-2005 the Contributors, as shown in the revision logs.
// Licensed under the Apache Public Source License 2.0 ("the License").
// You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
package org.ibex.nestedvm.util;
import java.io.*;
public abstract class Seekable {
public abstract int read(byte[] buf, int offset, int length) throws IOException;
public abstract int write(byte[] buf, int offset, int length) throws IOException;
public abstract int length() throws IOException;
public abstract void seek(int pos) throws IOException;
public abstract void close() throws IOException;
public abstract int pos() throws IOException;
public void sync() throws IOException {
throw new IOException("sync not implemented for " + getClass());
public void resize(long length) throws IOException {
throw new IOException("resize not implemented for " + getClass());
/** If pos == 0 and size == 0 lock covers whole file. */
public Lock lock(long pos, long size, boolean shared) throws IOException {
throw new IOException("lock not implemented for " + getClass());
public int read() throws IOException {
byte[] buf = new byte[1];
int n = read(buf,0,1);
return n == -1 ? -1 : buf[0]&0xff;
public int tryReadFully(byte[] buf, int off, int len) throws IOException {
int total = 0;
while(len > 0) {
int n = read(buf,off,len);
if(n == -1) break;
off += n;
len -= n;
total += n;
return total == 0 ? -1 : total;
public static class ByteArray extends Seekable {
protected byte[] data;
protected int pos;
private final boolean writable;
public ByteArray(byte[] data, boolean writable) {
this.data = data;
this.pos = 0;
this.writable = writable;
public int read(byte[] buf, int off, int len) {
len = Math.min(len,data.length-pos);
if(len <= 0) return -1;
pos += len;
return len;
public int write(byte[] buf, int off, int len) throws IOException {
if(!writable) throw new IOException("read-only data");
len = Math.min(len,data.length-pos);
if(len <= 0) throw new IOException("no space");
pos += len;
return len;
public int length() { return data.length; }
public int pos() { return pos; }
public void seek(int pos) { this.pos = pos; }
public void close() { /*noop*/ }
public static class File extends Seekable {
private final java.io.File file;
private final RandomAccessFile raf;
public File(String fileName) throws IOException { this(fileName,false); }
public File(String fileName, boolean writable) throws IOException { this(new java.io.File(fileName),writable,false); }
public File(java.io.File file, boolean writable, boolean truncate) throws IOException {
this.file = file;
String mode = writable ? "rw" : "r";
raf = new RandomAccessFile(file,mode);
if (truncate) Platform.setFileLength(raf, 0);
public int read(byte[] buf, int offset, int length) throws IOException { return raf.read(buf,offset,length); }
public int write(byte[] buf, int offset, int length) throws IOException { raf.write(buf,offset,length); return length; }
public void sync() throws IOException { raf.getFD().sync(); }
public void seek(int pos) throws IOException{ raf.seek(pos); }
public int pos() throws IOException { return (int) raf.getFilePointer(); }
public int length() throws IOException { return (int)raf.length(); }
public void close() throws IOException { raf.close(); }
public void resize(long length) throws IOException { Platform.setFileLength(raf, (int)length); }
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o != null && o instanceof File
&& file.equals(((File)o).file);
public Lock lock(long pos, long size, boolean shared)
throws IOException {
return Platform.lockFile(this, raf, pos, size, shared);
public static class InputStream extends Seekable {
private byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
private int bytesRead = 0;
private boolean eof = false;
private int pos;
private java.io.InputStream is;
public InputStream(java.io.InputStream is) { this.is = is; }
public int read(byte[] outbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException {
if(pos >= bytesRead && !eof) readTo(pos + 1);
len = Math.min(len,bytesRead-pos);
if(len <= 0) return -1;
pos += len;
return len;
private void readTo(int target) throws IOException {
if(target >= buffer.length) {
byte[] buf2 = new byte[Math.max(buffer.length+Math.min(buffer.length,65536),target)];
buffer = buf2;
while(bytesRead < target) {
int n = is.read(buffer,bytesRead,buffer.length-bytesRead);
if(n == -1) {
eof = true;
bytesRead += n;
public int length() throws IOException {
while(!eof) readTo(bytesRead+4096);
return bytesRead;
public int write(byte[] buf, int off, int len) throws IOException { throw new IOException("read-only"); }
public void seek(int pos) { this.pos = pos; }
public int pos() { return pos; }
public void close() throws IOException { is.close(); }
public abstract static class Lock {
private Object owner = null;
public abstract Seekable seekable();
public abstract boolean isShared();
public abstract boolean isValid();
public abstract void release() throws IOException;
public abstract long position();
public abstract long size();
public void setOwner(Object o) { owner = o; }
public Object getOwner() { return owner; }
public final boolean contains(int start, int len) {
return start >= position() && position() + size() >= start + len;
public final boolean contained(int start, int len) {
return start < position() && position() + size() < start + len;
public final boolean overlaps(int start, int len) {
return contains(start, len) || contained(start, len);