1 Directory Header
ksherlock edited this page 2015-04-23 11:36:44 -04:00

This is the directory header, as originally defined in ProDOS/SOS.

Name Offset Size
storage_type $00 4 bits (high)
name_length $00 4 bits (low)
file_name $01 15 bytes
reserved $10 8 bytes
creation $18 4 bytes
version $1c 1 byte
min_version $1d 1 byte
access $1e 1 byte
entry_length $1f 1 byte
entries_per_block $20 1 byte
file_count $21 2 byte
parent_pointer $23 2 bytes
parent_entry_number $25 1 byte
parent_entry_length $26 1 byte


  • SOS 1.3 and ProDOS 1.7 source code refer to the reserved data as the password enabled byte/password. Neither actually implemented password support, though.
  • SOS 1.3 stores $76 in the password_enabled byte.
  • ProDOS 1.7 stores $75 in the password_enabled byte. When reading a directory, the password_enabled byte MUST have 5 bits set (eg $75 or $76). Otherwise, error $4a is returned.
Name Offset Size
storage_type $00 4 bits (high)
name_length $00 4 bits (low)
file_name $01 15 bytes
password_enabled $10 1 byte
encoded_password $11 7 bytes
creation $18 4 bytes
version $1c 1 byte
min_version $1d 1 byte
access $1e 1 byte
entry_length $1f 1 byte
entries_per_block $20 1 byte
file_count $21 2 byte
parent_pointer $23 2 bytes
parent_entry_number $25 1 byte
parent_entry_length $26 1 byte