Implement fma().

This tries to carefully follow the C and IEEE standards regarding rounding, exceptions, etc. Like the other ORCA/C <math.h> functions, there is really just one version that has extended precision, so double rounding is still possible if the result gets assigned to a float or double variable.

In addition to the tests I added to the ORCA/C test suite, I have also tested this against (somewhat modified versions of) the following:

*FreeBSD fma tests by David Schultz:

*Tests by Bruno Haible, in the Gnulib test suite and attached to this bug report:
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Heumann 2023-04-02 16:30:29 -05:00
parent 3c1f357b0c
commit 68fc475721
2 changed files with 469 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1147,6 +1147,430 @@ ret plx clean up stack
* double fma(double x, double y, double z);
* Compute (x * y) + z, rounded only once at the end.
fma start
fmaf entry
fmal entry
using MathCommon2
mant1 equ 1 mantissa of value 1
exp1 equ mant1+16 exponent of value 1
sign1 equ exp1+4 sign of value 1 (high bit)
mant2 equ sign1+2 mantissa of value 2
exp2 equ mant2+16 exponent of value 2
sign2 equ exp2+4 sign of value 2 (low bit)
expdiff equ sign2+2 difference between exponents
extra equ expdiff+4 extra bits (guard, round, sticky)
xcps equ extra+2 floating-point exceptions
csubroutine (10:x,10:y,10:z),54
stz extra
lda x if x or y is NAN, INF, or 0 then
ora x+2
ora x+4
ora x+6
beq nanInf0 return (x * y) + z computed with SANE
lda x+8
asl a
cmp #32767*2
beq nanInf0
lda y
ora y+2
ora y+4
ora y+6
beq nanInf0
lda y+8
asl a
cmp #32767*2
beq nanInf0
lda z+8 else if z is INF or NAN then
asl a
cmp #32767*2
beq x_plus_z return x + z computed with SANE
inc extra
lda z else if z is 0 then
ora z+2
ora z+4
ora z+6 return x * y computed with SANE
bne compute else compute fma(x,y,z) ourselves
; Compute with SANE if any operands are NAN/INF/0
nanInf0 tdc if in first or third case above then
adc #y
pea 0
adc #x-y
pea 0
FMULX x = x * y
x_plus_z ldy extra if in first or second case above then
bne return_x
adc #z
adc #x-z
FADDX x = x + z
return_x lda x copy result to t1
sta t1
lda x+2
sta t1+2
lda x+4
sta t1+4
lda x+6
sta t1+6
lda x+8
sta t1+8
brl ret return result
; Compute it ourselves if all operands are finite and non-zero
compute stz xcps no exceptions so far
lda x copy mantissa of x to mant1
sta mant1
lda x+2
sta mant1+2
lda x+4
sta mant1+4
lda x+6
sta mant1+6
stz mant1+8
stz mant1+10
stz mant1+12
stz mant1+14
ldy #64 multiply mantissas (64 x 64 to 128-bit)
ml1 lda mant1
lsr a
bcc ml2
clc add multiplicand to partial product
lda mant1+8
adc y
sta mant1+8
lda mant1+10
adc y+2
sta mant1+10
lda mant1+12
adc y+4
sta mant1+12
lda mant1+14
adc y+6
sta mant1+14
ml2 ror mant1+14 shift the interim result
ror mant1+12
ror mant1+10
ror mant1+8
ror mant1+6
ror mant1+4
ror mant1+2
ror mant1
dey loop until done
bne ml1
lda x+8 calculate exponent
asl a
sta exp1
lda y+8
asl a
adc exp1
ror a
sta exp1
stz exp1+2
add4 exp1,#-16383+1
lda mant1+14 normalize calculated value
bmi getsign1
norm1_lp dec4 exp1
asl mant1
rol mant1+2
rol mant1+4
rol mant1+6
rol mant1+8
rol mant1+10
rol mant1+12
rol mant1+14
bpl norm1_lp
getsign1 lda x+8 get sign of x*y
eor y+8
sta sign1
lda z+8 get sign of z
sta sign2
and #$7fff copy exponent of z to exp2
sta exp2
stz exp2+2
stz mant2 copy mantissa of z to mant2
stz mant2+2
stz mant2+4
stz mant2+6
lda z
sta mant2+8
lda z+2
sta mant2+10
lda z+4
sta mant2+12
lda z+6
sta mant2+14
bmi exp_cmp normalize z value
norm2_lp dec4 exp2
asl mant2+8 (low mantissa bits stay 0)
rol mant2+10
rol mant2+12
rol mant2+14
bpl norm2_lp
exp_cmp cmp4 exp1,exp2 if exp1 < exp2
bge do_align
jsr exchange exchange value 1 and value 2
; at this point, exp1 >= exp2
do_align stz extra initially extra bits are 0
sub4 exp1,exp2,expdiff expdiff = exp1 - exp2
cmpl expdiff,#65+1 if expdiff > 65 then
blt aligntst
stz mant2 zero out mant2
stz mant2+2
stz mant2+4
stz mant2+6
stz mant2+8
stz mant2+10
stz mant2+12
stz mant2+14
inc extra but set the sticky bit for rounding
bra addorsub else
align_lp dec4 expdiff
lsr mant2+14 shift mant2 until it is aligned
ror mant2+12
ror mant2+10
ror mant2+8
ror mant2+6
ror mant2+4
ror mant2+2
ror mant2
ror extra
bcc aligntst maintain sticky bit
lda #$0001
tsb extra
aligntst lda expdiff
ora expdiff+2
bne align_lp
addorsub lda sign1 if signs of x*y and z are the same then
eor sign2
bmi subtract
clc mant1 = mant1 + mant2
ldx #-16
addLoop lda mant1+16,x
adc mant2+16,x
sta mant1+16,x
bmi addLoop
bcc add_done if there is carry out
ror mant1+14 rotate carry back into result
ror mant1+12
ror mant1+10
ror mant1+8
ror mant1+6
ror mant1+4
ror mant1+2
ror mant1
ror extra
bcc inc_exp maintain sticky bit
lda #$0001
tsb extra
inc_exp inc4 exp1 increment exponent
add_done bra xtrabits else
subtract ldx #14 if mant1 < mant2 then
subCmpLp lda mant1,x (note: only occurs if mant2 was
cmp mant2,x not shifted, so extra is 0)
bne sub_cmp
bpl subCmpLp
sub_cmp bge do_sub
jsr exchange exchange mant2 and mant1
do_sub sec mant1 = mant1 - mant2 (including extra)
lda #0
sbc extra
sta extra
ldx #-16
subLoop lda mant1+16,x
sbc mant2+16,x
sta mant1+16,x
bmi subLoop
ora mant1 if result (including extra bits) is 0 then
ora mant1+2
ora mant1+4
ora mant1+6
ora mant1+8
ora mant1+10
ora mant1+12
ora extra
bne subalign
stz exp1 set exponent to 0
stz sign1 set sign to +
FGETENV if rounding direction is downward then
bpl savezero
asl a
bmi savezero
dec sign1 set sign to -
savezero brl do_save skip to return
subalign lda mant1+14
bmi xtrabits normalize after subtraction, if needed
subAl_lp dec4 exp1
asl extra
rol mant1
rol mant1+2
rol mant1+4
rol mant1+6
rol mant1+8
rol mant1+10
rol mant1+12
rol mant1+14
subAlNeg bpl subAl_lp
xtrabits lda mant1 consolidate extra bits (into mant1+6)
ora mant1+2
ora mant1+4
ora extra
beq denorm
lda #$0001
tsb mant1+6
denorm lda #INEXACT assume INEXACT is just INEXACT
bra denormCk while exponent is too small
denormLp inc4 exp1 increment exponent
lsr mant1+14 shift mantissa right
ror mant1+12
ror mant1+10
ror mant1+8
ror mant1+6
bcc denorm2 maintain sticky bit
lda #$0001
tsb mant1+6
denorm2 lda #UNDERFLOW+INEXACT flag that INEXACT also implies UNDERFLOW
denormCk ldy exp1+2
bmi denormLp
ldy mant1+6 if there are extra bits then
beq saveval
tsb xcps set inexact (+ maybe underflow) exception
FGETENV get rounding direction
asl a
bcs roundDn0
bmi roundUp if rounding to nearest then
lda mant1+6 if first extra bit is 0
bpl saveval do not round
asl a else if remaining extra bits are non-zero
bne do_round
lda mant1+8 or low-order bit of result is 1 then
lsr a
bcc saveval
bra do_round apply rounding
roundUp lda sign1 if rounding upward then
bmi saveval if positive then
bra do_round apply rounding
roundDn0 bmi saveval if rounding downward then
lda sign1 if negative then
bpl saveval apply rounding
do_round inc mant1+8 (perform the rounding, if needed)
bne saveval
inc mant1+10
bne saveval
inc mant1+12
bne saveval
inc mant1+14
bne saveval
ror mant1+14
ror mant1+12
ror mant1+10
ror mant1+8
inc4 exp1
saveval lda exp1+2 if value is too large to represent then
bne save_inf
lda exp1
cmp #32766+1
blt do_save
save_inf lda #32767 set it to infinity
sta exp1
stz mant1+8
stz mant1+10
stz mant1+12
stz mant1+14
lda #OVERFLOW+INEXACT set overflow and inexact exceptions
tsb xcps
do_save lda mant1+8 generate result
sta t1
lda mant1+10
sta t1+2
lda mant1+12
sta t1+4
lda mant1+14
sta t1+6
lda exp1
asl a
asl sign1
ror a
sta t1+8
lda xcps if there were exceptions then
beq ret
pha set them in SANE environment
ret creturn 10:t1 return t1
; local subroutine - exchange value 1 and value 2
; Note: requires mant1/exp1/sign1 and mant2/exp2/sign2 to be in order
exchange ldx #16+4+2-2
xchgLp lda mant1,x
ldy mant2,x
sta mant2,x
sty mant1,x
bpl xchgLp
* double fmax(double x, double y);

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@ -703,3 +703,48 @@
LDX #$090A
JSL $E10000
&l dec4 &a
&l ~setm
lda &a
bne ~&SYSCNT
dec 2+&a
~&SYSCNT dec &a
&l add4 &m1,&m2,&m3
lclb &yistwo
lclc &c
&l ~setm
aif c:&m3,.a
&c amid "&m2",1,1
aif "&c"<>"#",.a
&c amid "&m1",1,1
aif "&c"="{",.a
aif "&c"="[",.a
&c amid "&m2",2,l:&m2-1
aif &c>=65536,.a
~lda &m1
~op adc,&m2
~sta &m1
bcc ~&SYSCNT
~op.h inc,&m1
~&SYSCNT anop
ago .c
aif c:&m3,.b
lclc &m3
&m3 setc &m1
~lda &m1
~op adc,&m2
~sta &m3
~lda.h &m1
~op.h adc,&m2
~sta.h &m3