mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 10:30:50 +00:00
Changes for gsh version 2.0d10:
Add check for buffer overflow when globbing, expanding variables, or inserting aliases (PR#110). Increase buffer size from 1024 to 4096. Increase buffer for reading commands from 256 to 1024 bytes in order to match the maximum length used when reading.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,34 @@
Feb 2 99 [dmt] Changed maxline_size from 1024 to 4096.
Recode copy loop in expandalias to be more efficient.
Feb 1 99 [dmt] Change names of alloc1024 and free1024 to allocmaxline
and freemaxline (many .asm files) in anticipation of changing
the maximum line size from 1024. Reviewed all uses of 1024
constants, and changed appropriately to use new bufpool.asm
location maxline_size.
While reviewing 1024 constants, determined that shell.asm was
using "buffer" for reads with max len of 1024, when it really
had a size of 256. Changed "buffer" to "cmdline" and "1024"
to "cmdbuflen". Removed definitions of buffer and wordbuf
(each ds 256) from global data area, since they were unused.
Jan 30 99 [dmt] Add check for output buffer overflow when globbing, and
print error message (PR#110). Code restructured to use
base address and offset, so that offset could easily be checked
against limit. Also moved allocation/deallocation of two buffers
outside a loop. (expand.asm)
Add check for overflow when expanding variables (expand.asm)
and allow command processor to recognize error (cmd.asm).
Modify alias expansion not to treat "." as escaped character,
to truly eat leading blanks (per comments), and to check for
buffer overflow (alias.cmd). (Also tightened up the code.)
Jan 13 98 [dmt] Changes to this point checked-in to master archive.
Released as version 2.0d9
Jan 12 99 [dmt] Add debug routine DB~CHKBNK, which causes BRK B0 if
program bank is not the same as data bank (mmdebug.asm).
Modify lock and unlock macros to call DB~CHKBNK (gsh.mac).
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* Jawaid Bazyar
* Tim Meekins
* $Id: alias.asm,v 1.8 1998/12/31 18:29:11 tribby Exp $
* $Id: alias.asm,v 1.9 1999/02/08 17:26:49 tribby Exp $
@ -323,140 +323,167 @@ outbuf equ 0
sub equ outbuf+4
word equ sub+4
buf equ word+4
space equ buf+4
bufend equ buf+4
inquote equ bufend+2
bsflag equ inquote+2
space equ bsflag+2
subroutine (4:cmd),space
ph4 #1024
ph4 maxline_size Allocate result buffer.
stx buf+2
sta buf
stx outbuf+2
sta outbuf
jsl alloc1024
stx word+2
stx outbuf+2 Initialize "next
sta outbuf output char" pointer.
clc Calculate end of buffer-1;
adc maxline_size note: it's allocated to be in one
dec a bank, so only need low-order word.
sta bufend
jsl allocmaxline Allocate buffer for word that
stx word+2 might be an alias.
sta word
lda #0
sta [buf] In case we're called with empty string
sta [buf] In case we're called with empty string.
sta [word]
; eat leading spaces
; Eat leading space and tabs (just in case expanding a variable added them!)
bra eatleader
bump_cmd inc cmd
eatleader lda [cmd]
and #$FF
jeq done
jeq stringend
cmp #' '
bne getword
inc cmd
sta [outbuf]
inc outbuf
bra eatleader
beq bump_cmd
cmp #9
beq bump_cmd
; find the leading word
; Parse the leading word
getword short a
short a
ldy #0
bra makeword1 First time, already checked 0, ' ', 9
makeword lda [cmd],y
if2 @a,eq,#0,gotword
if2 @a,eq,#' ',gotword
if2 @a,eq,#';',gotword
if2 @a,eq,#9,gotword
makeword1 if2 @a,eq,#';',gotword
if2 @a,eq,#'&',gotword
if2 @a,eq,#'|',gotword
if2 @a,eq,#'>',gotword
if2 @a,eq,#'<',gotword
if2 @a,eq,#13,gotword
if2 @a,eq,#9,gotword
if2 @a,eq,#10,gotword
sta [word],y
bra makeword
; we got a word, now check if it's an alias
; We have a word. See if it's an alias.
gotword lda #0
sta [word],y
long a
add2 @y,cmd,cmd
cpy #0 Check for 0 length.
beq copyrest
pei (word+2)
pei (word)
jsl findalias
sta sub
stx sub+2
ora sub+2
beq noalias
beq copyrest
; expand it, if you hadn't figured it out for yourself by now.
; Yes, this is an alias. Copy it into the output buffer.
add2 @y,cmd,cmd Add length to cmd pointer.
pei (sub+2) Make sure that
pei (sub) substituted string
jsr cstrlen will fit into buffer.
adc outbuf
jge overflow
cmp bufend
jge overflow
ldy #0
putalias lda [sub],y
and #$FF
beq next
sta [outbuf]
short a
lda [sub]
putalias sta [outbuf]
inc outbuf
bra putalias
lda [sub],y
bne putalias
long a
; no alias, so just copy the original string
; That alias is expanded. Copy until we reach the next command.
noalias plx
beq next
ldy #0
noalias2 lda [word],y
copyrest stz inquote Clear the "in quotes" flag
stz bsflag and "backslashed" flag.
next anop
lda outbuf Check for output overflow.
cmp bufend
jcs overflow
lda [cmd] Transfer the character.
and #$00FF
cmp #13 If carriage-return,
bne go8bits
lda #0 treat like end-of-string.
go8bits short a
sta [outbuf]
long a
inc cmd Bump pointers.
inc outbuf
bne noalias2
if2 @a,eq,#0,done
; the alias is expanded, now copy until we reach the next command
; If that was a backslashed character, don't check for special chars.
next lda [cmd]
inc cmd
sta [outbuf]
inc outbuf
and #$FF
beq done
if2 @a,eq,#13,nextalias
ldx bsflag
beq testq
stz bsflag
bra next
testq if2 @a,eq,#"'",singquoter
if2 @a,eq,#'"',doubquoter
; Remaining characters aren't special if we are in a quoted string
ldx inquote
bne next
if2 @a,eq,#';',nextalias
if2 @a,eq,#'&',nextalias
if2 @a,eq,#'|',nextalias
if2 @a,eq,#'\',backstabber
if2 @a,eq,#"'",singquoter
if2 @a,eq,#'"',doubquoter
bra next
if2 @a,ne,#'\',next
; "\" found
backstabber lda [cmd]
inc cmd
sta [outbuf]
inc outbuf
and #$FF
beq done
backstabber sta bsflag
bra next
; "'" found
singquoter lda [cmd]
inc cmd
sta [outbuf]
inc outbuf
and #$FF
beq done
if2 @a,ne,#"'",singquoter
singquoter bit inquote Check "in quotes" flag.
bvs next In double quotes. Keep looking.
lda inquote Toggle single quote
eor #$8000
sta inquote
bra next
; '"' found
doubquoter lda [cmd]
inc cmd
sta [outbuf]
inc outbuf
and #$FF
beq done
if2 @a,ne,#'"',doubquoter
doubquoter bit inquote Check "in quotes" flag.
bmi next In single quotes. Keep looking.
lda inquote Toggle single quote
eor #$4000
sta inquote
bra next
@ -464,12 +491,40 @@ doubquoter lda [cmd]
nextalias jmp eatleader
; Terminate string and exit
stringend short a
sta [outbuf]
long a
; All done: clean up and return to caller
done ldx word+2
lda word
jsl free1024
jsl freemaxline
return 4:buf
; Report overflow error
overflow anop
pei (buf+2) Free the output buffer.
pei (buf)
jsl nullfree
stz buf
stz buf+2
ldx #^ovferr Report overflow error.
lda #ovferr
jsr errputs
bra done
ovferr dc c'gsh: Alias overflowed line limit',h'0d00'
@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
* Jawaid Bazyar
* Tim Meekins
* $Id: bufpool.asm,v 1.6 1998/12/21 23:57:04 tribby Exp $
* $Id: bufpool.asm,v 1.7 1999/02/08 17:26:50 tribby Exp $
* By Tim Meekins
* Modified by Dave Tribby for GNO 2.0.6 (256-byte buffer code removed)
* Modified by Dave Tribby for GNO 2.0.6
* This is the buffer pool
@ -24,13 +24,13 @@
* Interfaces defined in this file:
* The alloc routine is a jsl without any stack params.
* Pointer to requested buffer is returned in X/A registers.
* alloc1024
* allocmaxline
* The free routine takes the address from the X/A registers
* free1024
* freemaxline
* bufpool data:
* pool1024 dc i4'0'
* pool1024mutex key
* pmaxline dc i4'0'
* pmaxlinemutex key
@ -39,32 +39,34 @@
dummybufpool start ; ends up in .root
setcom 60
* Get a buffer of size 1024
* Get a buffer of size maxline_size
alloc1024 START
allocmaxline START
using bufpool
lock pool1024mutex
lock pmaxlinemutex
lda pool1024 If pool pointer
ora pool1024+2 isn't NULL,
lda pmaxline If pool pointer
ora pmaxline+2 isn't NULL,
beq allocbuf
ph4 pool1024 Push pool pointer on stack.
ph4 pmaxline Push pool pointer on stack.
lda [1] Replace pool pointer with
sta pool1024 the address it points to.
sta pmaxline the address it points to.
ldy #2
lda [1],y
sta pool1024+2
unlock pool1024mutex
sta pmaxline+2
unlock pmaxlinemutex
@ -73,20 +75,26 @@ alloc1024 START
; No memory in free pool; must allocate a new block.
allocbuf unlock pool1024mutex
ph4 #1024
allocbuf unlock pmaxlinemutex
ph4 maxline_size
; Constant indicating # of bytes in a maxline buffer
maxline_size entry Make this easily seen.
dc i4'4096'
* Free a buffer of size 1024, putting it into the free pool
* Free a buffer of size maxline_size, putting it into the free pool
free1024 START
freemaxline START
using bufpool
@ -95,17 +103,17 @@ free1024 START
lock pool1024mutex
lda pool1024 Move current head of pool list
lock pmaxlinemutex
lda pmaxline Move current head of pool list
sta [1] into the buffer being freed.
ldy #2
lda pool1024+2
lda pmaxline+2
sta [1],y
lda 1 Put address of buffer being freed
sta pool1024 into the pool list head.
sta pmaxline into the pool list head.
lda 3
sta pool1024+2
unlock pool1024mutex
sta pmaxline+2
unlock pmaxlinemutex
@ -121,8 +129,8 @@ free1024 START
bufpool DATA
pool1024 dc i4'0' Head of free pool list.
pmaxline dc i4'0' Head of free pool list.
pool1024mutex key Mutual exclusion when modifying list.
pmaxlinemutex key Mutual exclusion when modifying list.
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* Jawaid Bazyar
* Tim Meekins
* $Id: cmd.asm,v 1.10 1999/01/14 17:44:22 tribby Exp $
* $Id: cmd.asm,v 1.11 1999/02/08 17:26:50 tribby Exp $
@ -367,14 +367,14 @@ end equ waitpid+4
ph4 #1024 Allocate 1024 bytes
ph4 maxline_size Allocate maxline_size bytes
~NEW and pointer in cmdline.
sta cmdline
stx cmdline+2
lda #0 Initialize to null C string.
sta [cmdline]
jsl alloc1024 Allocate memory for token.
jsl allocmaxline Allocate memory for token.
sta word
stx word+2
@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ lt1 lda inpipe
beq lt2
lda #err09 ;< conflicts with |
jmp error
lt2 jsl alloc1024
lt2 jsl allocmaxline
stx srcfile+2
sta srcfile
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ tok_gtgt lda dstfile
beq gt1
lda #err04 ;Extra > or >> encountered
jmp error
gt1 jsl alloc1024
gt1 jsl allocmaxline
stx dstfile+2
sta dstfile
@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ tok_gtgtamp lda errfile
beq ga1
lda #err06 ;Extra >& or >>& encountered
jmp error
ga1 jsl alloc1024
ga1 jsl allocmaxline
stx errfile+2
sta errfile
@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ exit pha Hold return status on stack.
beq ex1
ldx dstfile+2
lda dstfile
jsl free1024
jsl freemaxline
ex1 anop
lda srcfile
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ ex1 anop
beq ex2
ldx srcfile+2
lda srcfile
jsl free1024
jsl freemaxline
ex2 anop
lda errfile
@ -740,12 +740,12 @@ ex2 anop
beq ex3
ldx errfile+2
lda errfile
jsl free1024
jsl freemaxline
ex3 anop
ldx word+2
lda word
jsl free1024
jsl freemaxline
ply Get return value.
@ -1354,22 +1354,36 @@ expand anop
sta ptr_envexp
stx ptr_envexp+2
; Was there a variable error?
ora ptr_envexp+2
bne expglob
pha Put null pointer
pha on stack
jmp errexit and go to error exit.
; Expand wildcard characters in the modified command line
expglob phx
lda ptr_envexp
jsl glob
sta ptr_glob
stx ptr_glob+2
ldx ptr_envexp+2 Free memory allocated
lda ptr_envexp for env var expansion
jsl freemaxline
; Was there a globbing error?
lda ptr_glob
ora ptr_glob+2
bne expalias
pha Put null pointer
pha on stack
jmp errexit and go to error exit.
jmp errexit Go to error exit.
; Expand aliases in the modified command line (final expansion)
expalias phx
expalias ldx ptr_glob+2
lda ptr_glob
jsl expandalias
@ -1379,35 +1393,25 @@ expalias phx
phx Put exebuf on stack for
pha nullfree at endcmd.
ldx ptr_glob+2 Free memory allocated
lda ptr_glob for globbing expansion.
jsl freemaxline
; Was there a alias error?
lda exebuf
ora exebuf+2
jeq errexit
* >> Temporary debug code: echo expanded command if echo is set.
using vardata
ldy varecho
beq noecho
jsr puts NOTE: x/a = exebuf
ldx exebuf+2
lda exebuf
jsr puts
jsr newline
noecho anop
ldx ptr_envexp+2 Free memory allocated
lda ptr_envexp for env var expansion
jsl free1024
ldx ptr_glob+2 and globbing.
lda ptr_glob
jsl free1024
; If exebuf pointer is null, bail out.
; >> NOTE: if exebuf is checked for null, shouldn't the other ptrs?
lda exebuf
ora exebuf+2
bne loop
stz term
lda #0
jmp chk_cmd
* command subroutine (4:waitpid,2:inpipe,2:jobflag,2:inpipe2,
* 4:pipesem,4:stream,4:awaitstatus)
loop pea 0 ;Bank 0 waitpid (hi)
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* Jawaid Bazyar
* Tim Meekins
* $Id: expand.asm,v 1.7 1998/12/31 18:29:13 tribby Exp $
* $Id: expand.asm,v 1.8 1999/02/08 17:26:50 tribby Exp $
@ -46,15 +46,16 @@ exppath equ eptr+4
filesep equ exppath+4
shallweglob equ filesep+2
wordbuf equ shallweglob+2
ptr equ wordbuf+4
buf equ ptr+4
index equ wordbuf+4
buf equ index+2
globflag equ buf+4
space equ globflag+2
overflag equ globflag+2
space equ overflag+2
subroutine (4:cmd),space
; Allocate buffer to hold result
jsl alloc1024
jsl allocmaxline
sta buf
stx buf+2
@ -73,14 +74,24 @@ space equ globflag+2
; noglob isn't set, so we can start globbing.
doglob sta ptr ptr points to next
stx ptr+2 position in buf.
doglob lda #$FFFF Start output index at -1.
sta index
jsl alloc1024 Create a word buffer.
jsl allocmaxline Create a word buffer.
sta wordbuf
stx wordbuf+2
jsl allocmaxline Alloc buffer for wildcard pattern.
sta exppath
stx exppath+2
ph4 #65 Allocate memory for
~NEW expanded name.
sta gname Store in direct
stx gname+2 page pointer
stz globflag globflag = no globbing done (yet).
stz overflag Clear output buffer overflow flag.
; Find the beginning of the next word
@ -108,7 +119,6 @@ findword jsr g_getbyte Get character from command line.
passthru jsr g_putbyte
bra findword
; single out the next word [y is initialized above]
@ -190,7 +200,10 @@ flushloop lda [wordbuf],y
jsr g_putbyte
bra flushloop
doneflush jmp findword
doneflush anop
lda overflag If buffer overflowed,
jne errexit clean up and return null pointer.
jmp findword
; Hello, boys and goils, velcome to Tim's Magik Shoppe
@ -216,10 +229,9 @@ doneflush jmp findword
; filename separator... then we can isolate him!
globword stz filesep
jsl alloc1024 Alloc buffer for wildcard pattern.
sta exppath
stx exppath+2
lda exppath Get addr of wildcard
ldx exppath+2 pattern buffer.
incad @xa Leave room for length word
incad @xa
sta eptr
@ -296,18 +308,19 @@ copyback lda [wordbuf],y
mv4 exppath,initWCpath
InitWildcardGS initWCparm
ph4 #65 Allocate memory for
~NEW expanded name.
sta gname Store in direct
stx gname+2 page pointer
sta nWCname and in NextWildcardGS
lda gname Store expanded
ldx gname+2 name addr
sta nWCname in NextWildcardGS
stx nWCname+2 parameter block.
lda #65 Store maximum length at
sta [gname] beginning of result buf.
; Call shell routine NextWildcardGS to get the next name that matches.
WCloop NextWildcardGS nWCparm
WCloop anop
lda overflag If buffer overflowed,
bne nomore quit expanding.
NextWildcardGS nWCparm
ldy #2
lda [gname],y
beq nomore
@ -350,15 +363,9 @@ globoutta lda [gname],y Copy next character
nomore anop
unlock glob_mutex
; Deallocate path buffers (we should probably alloc once, not each word... )
pei (gname+2)
pei (gname)
jsl nullfree
ldx exppath+2
lda exppath
jsl free1024
lda overflag If buffer overflowed,
bne errexit clean up and return null pointer.
lda count If something was expanded,
beq nothingfound
@ -381,8 +388,10 @@ nothingfound anop
; Goodbye, cruel world, I'm leaving you today, Goodbye, goodbye.
alldone jsr g_putbyte Store null byte at end of string.
alldone anop
jsr g_putbyte Store null byte at end of string.
lda overflag If buffer overflowed,
bne errexit clean up and return null ptr.
; Check globflag for no valid matches found in any pattern
@ -394,16 +403,24 @@ alldone jsr g_putbyte Store null byte at end of string.
lda #nomatch
jsr errputs
ldx buf+2
errexit ldx buf+2
lda buf
jsl free1024
jsl freemaxline
stz buf+2
stz buf
stz buf+2 Return NULL
stz buf value from routine.
alldone2 ldx wordbuf+2
lda wordbuf
jsl free1024
jsl freemaxline
pei (gname+2)
pei (gname)
jsl nullfree
ldx exppath+2
lda exppath
jsl freemaxline
bye return 4:buf
@ -422,7 +439,7 @@ g_getbyte lda [cmd]
g_putspecial and #$7F
if2 @a,eq,#' ',special
if2 @a,eq,#'.',special
; if2 @a,eq,#'.',special >> NOTE: '.' isn't special!
if2 @a,eq,#013,special
if2 @a,eq,#009,special
if2 @a,eq,#';',special
@ -438,12 +455,29 @@ special pha
; Subroutine of glob: store a byte into the new command-line
g_putbyte short a
sta [ptr]
g_putbyte anop
phx Hold X-reg on stack.
inc index Bump the buffer index.
ldx index
cpx maxline_size
bcc nooverflow If more chars than will fit in buffer:
lda overflag If already reported,
bne ovflwreturn return to caller.
inc overflag Set overflow flag.
ldx #^ovferr Report overflow error.
lda #ovferr
jsr errputs
bra ovflwreturn Return to caller.
nooverflow phy Hold Y-reg on stack.
short a
sta [buf],y Store character in output buffer.
long a
incad ptr
ply Restore Y-reg.
ovflwreturn plx Restore X-reg.
ovferr dc c'gsh: Globbing overflowed line limit',h'0d00'
glob_mutex key
@ -476,10 +510,11 @@ expandvars START
MAXVAL equ 512
ptr equ 1
buf equ ptr+4
index equ 1
buf equ index+2
dflag equ buf+4
space equ dflag+2
overflag equ dflag+2
space equ overflag+2
cmd equ space+3
end equ cmd+4
@ -493,12 +528,13 @@ end equ cmd+4
stz dflag Delimiter flag = FALSE.
stz overflag Clear output buffer overflow flag.
lda #$FFFF Start output index at -1.
sta index
jsl alloc1024
jsl allocmaxline
sta buf
sta ptr
stx buf+2
stx ptr+2
loop jsr e_getbyte
jeq done
@ -665,14 +701,20 @@ putval lda value,x
expanded unlock exp_mutex
stz dflag Delimiter flag = FALSE.
jmp loop
lda overflag If no buffer overflow,
jeq loop stay in loop.
done jsr e_putbyte
done jsr e_putbyte Store terminating null char.
ldx buf+2 Set return value
ldy buf to buffer pointer.
lda overflag If buffer overflowed,
beq return
jsl freemaxline Free the output buffer
ldx #0 and set return pointer
ldy #0 to NULL.
ldx buf+2
ldy buf
lda space
return lda space
sta end-3
lda space+1
sta end-2
@ -685,17 +727,39 @@ done jsr e_putbyte
; expandvars internal subroutines to get and put bytes in buffers
e_getbyte lda [cmd]
incad cmd
and #$FF
e_putbyte short a
sta [ptr]
e_putbyte anop
phx Hold X-reg on stack.
inc index Bump the buffer index.
ldx index
cpx maxline_size
bcc nooverflow If more chars than will fit in buffer:
lda overflag If already reported,
bne ovflwreturn return to caller.
inc overflag Set overflow flag.
ldx #^ovferr Report overflow error.
lda #ovferr
jsr errputs
bra ovflwreturn Return to caller.
nooverflow phy Hold Y-reg on stack.
short a
sta [buf],y Store character in output buffer.
long a
incad ptr
ply Restore Y-reg.
ovflwreturn plx Restore X-reg.
ovferr dc c'gsh: Variable expansion overflowed line limit',h'0d00'
exp_mutex key
@ -1945,7 +1945,7 @@ skip&syscnt anop
using memglobal
lock memmutex
unlock memmutex
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* Resources for version and comment
* $Id: gsh.rez,v 1.11 1999/01/14 17:44:24 tribby Exp $
* $Id: gsh.rez,v 1.12 1999/02/08 17:26:50 tribby Exp $
#define PROG "gsh"
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
resource rVersion (1, purgeable3) {
{ 2, 0, 0, /* Version 2.0.0 */
development, /* development|alpha|beta|final|release */
9 }, /* non-final release number */
10 }, /* non-final release number */
verUS, /* Country */
PROG, /* Program name */
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* Jawaid Bazyar
* Tim Meekins
* $Id: history.asm,v 1.7 1998/12/21 23:57:06 tribby Exp $
* $Id: history.asm,v 1.8 1999/02/08 17:26:50 tribby Exp $
@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ dummyhistory start ; ends up in .root
histNext gequ 0
histCmd gequ 4
cmdbuflen gequ 1024
; Add a C string to the head of the history buffer.
@ -472,7 +474,7 @@ OpenRef ds 2
WriteParm dc i2'4'
WriteRef ds 2
WriteBuf dc a4'buffer'
WriteBuf dc a4'cmdline'
WriteReq ds 4
ds 4
@ -524,8 +526,8 @@ loop anop
beq doneclose
lda #0
sta buffer,y
ph4 #buffer
sta cmdline,y
ph4 #cmdline
jsl InsertHistory
bra loop
@ -546,8 +548,8 @@ NLTable dc i1'13'
ReadParm dc i2'4'
ReadRef ds 2
dc a4'buffer'
dc i4'1024'
dc a4'cmdline'
dc i4'cmdbuflen'
ReadTrans ds 4
CloseParm dc i2'1'
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* Jawaid Bazyar
* Tim Meekins
* $Id: main.asm,v 1.8 1999/01/14 17:44:25 tribby Exp $
* $Id: main.asm,v 1.9 1999/02/08 17:26:51 tribby Exp $
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ argloop dec argc Decrement argument count.
inc ExecFlag
inc FastFlag
ph4 #1024
ph4 maxline_size
sta ExecCmd
sta p
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* Jawaid Bazyar
* Tim Meekins
* $Id: orca.asm,v 1.8 1998/12/31 18:29:14 tribby Exp $
* $Id: orca.asm,v 1.9 1999/02/08 17:26:51 tribby Exp $
@ -75,19 +75,19 @@ space equ outPath+4
; Allocate memory for sFile, inPath, and outPath
enoughparms anop
jsl alloc1024
jsl allocmaxline
sta sFile
stx sFile+2
ora sFile+2
beq memerr1
jsl alloc1024
jsl allocmaxline
sta inPath
stx inPath+2
ora inPath+2
beq memerr1
jsl alloc1024
jsl allocmaxline
sta outPath
stx outPath+2
ora outPath+2
@ -264,21 +264,21 @@ goaway lda sFile
beq donedealloc
ldx sFile+2
lda sFile
jsl free1024
jsl freemaxline
lda inPath
ora inPath+2
beq donedealloc
ldx inPath+2
lda inPath
jsl free1024
jsl freemaxline
lda outPath
ora outPath+2
beq donedealloc
ldx outPath+2
lda outPath
jsl free1024
jsl freemaxline
; Return to caller with status set to value in retval
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* Jawaid Bazyar
* Tim Meekins
* $Id: shell.asm,v 1.9 1998/12/31 18:29:14 tribby Exp $
* $Id: shell.asm,v 1.10 1999/02/08 17:26:51 tribby Exp $
@ -577,9 +577,7 @@ GSOSDP ds 2
cmdloc ds 2
cmdlen ds 2
cmdline ds cmdbuflen
buffer ds 256
wordlen ds 2
wordbuf ds 256
nummatch ds 2
matchbuf ds 512*4
cmdcontext ds 2
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* Tim Meekins
* Derek Taubert
* $Id: shellvar.asm,v 1.7 1998/12/21 23:57:08 tribby Exp $
* $Id: shellvar.asm,v 1.8 1999/02/08 17:26:51 tribby Exp $
@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ showvars anop
stx varbuf+2
ora varbuf+2
beq svwhoops
jsl alloc1024 Allocate 1024 bytes
sta valbuf for result buffer.
jsl allocmaxline Allocate
sta valbuf result buffer.
stx valbuf+2
ora valbuf+2 If memory was not allocated,
bne startshow
@ -155,8 +155,10 @@ svwhoops ld2 $201,ErrError report memory error
jmp exit and exit.
startshow anop
lda #1022 Store buffer len == 1022 in value
sta [valbuf] buffer (save 2 bytes at end for 0).
lda maxline_size Store maxline_size - 2
dec a in result buffer
dec a (save 2 bytes
sta [valbuf] at end for 0).
lda #260 Store buffer len == 260 in name
sta [varbuf] buffer.
lock setmutex
@ -194,7 +196,7 @@ showdone anop
jsl nullfree Free the name buffer.
ldx valbuf+2
lda valbuf
jsl free1024 Free the value buffer.
jsl freemaxline Free the value buffer.
jmp exit Exit.
@ -291,15 +293,17 @@ skipvar add2 argv,#4,argv
showonevar anop
jsl alloc1024 Allocate 1024 bytes
sta valbuf for result buffer.
jsl allocmaxline Allocate
sta valbuf result buffer.
sta RSvalue
stx valbuf+2
stx RSvalue+2
ora valbuf+2 Check for memory error.
jeq nextvar
lda #1022 Store max len == 1022 in result
sta [valbuf] buffer (save 2 bytes at end for 0).
lda maxline_size Store maxline_size - 2
dec a in result buffer
dec a (save 2 bytes
sta [valbuf] at end for 0).
pei (arg+2) Create GS/OS string that
pei (arg) contains the variable name.
@ -334,7 +338,7 @@ def ldx RSexport X = export flag.
doneone anop
ldx valbuf+2
lda valbuf
jsl free1024 Free valbuf.
jsl freemaxline Free valbuf.
ph4 varbuf
jsl nullfree Free varbuf.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user