- eliminate some dead macros
- change formatting a bit; I forgot that one section is taken
almost verbatim to create the README.install file, and the
previous checkin made things a bit messy.
- strip out hturl{} TeX stuff when creating the README.install
- correct name of GS-ShrinkIt
- mention that spaces cannot be used in pathnames in the
/etc/namespace file
- fixed some formatting problems where words were run together
when switching from boldface or italic back to roman type
- updated disk space requirements for v2.0.6
- be more explicit in "extracting and installing [v2.0.6]"
about the destination volume names and requirements
- some changes of awkward text
- don't specify the date; TeX will pick up the current date for
the date of publication
- update some copyright notices
- my current version of tex2html can't handle boldface text within
enumerated lists. Eliminate the boldface for now.
The file ../../verbatim/boot/README.install is now partially
generated from intro.tex via the mknotes script.
- expanded and corrected v2.0.6 installation notes
- translated " --> '' (TeX style)
Don't try to create man pages from resource forks (which would
have been created by either CAP or Netatalk).
The "up" link in the reference manuals was broken; the -up_title
flag to tex2html was missing.
- reworked Overview chapter. Replaced "The GNO/ME Package" with
"Documentation Roadmap", updated "Obtaining GNO", etc.
- Added section to "Installing v2.0.6" about how to obtain source
by anonymous cvs and anonymous ftp.
- publish date changed
- updated copyright dates
- minor grammatical changes
added links for status lists
added installation chapter for GNO v2.0.6. This isn't finished
yet, but it's a start.
fixed typo for listen(2)
fixed html link.
added some ... deleted some
- The describe-submit address is now active. In fact, it has
been for some time; I just forgot to remove from this page
the note saying that it was not.
- changed occurances from trenco.myrias.com to either ftp.gno.org
or www.gno.org, as appropriate
- make reference to post-v2.0.4 patches avail from ftp.gno.org
- deleted reference to Soenke's describe database (obsolete),
replaced it with ref to the hosted by www.gno.org
- fixed bug where a non-man-page file was picked up by this script
out of the gsh source directory.
- man pages may appear now as both name.n and name.nG, where the
"n" is the section number. If both files appear, then the former
is BSD-formatted source and the latter is GNO-formatted source.
Make sure we're only picking up the latter.