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synced 2025-02-10 21:30:46 +00:00
Add check for buffer overflow when globbing, expanding variables, or inserting aliases (PR#110). Increase buffer size from 1024 to 4096. Increase buffer for reading commands from 256 to 1024 bytes in order to match the maximum length used when reading.
672 lines
10 KiB
672 lines
10 KiB
* The GNO Shell Project
* Developed by:
* Jawaid Bazyar
* Tim Meekins
* $Id: history.asm,v 1.8 1999/02/08 17:26:50 tribby Exp $
* By Tim Meekins
* Modified by Dave Tribby for GNO 2.0.6
* Routines for dealing with history buffers.
* History Data Structures:
* HistoryPtr -> historyRec [HistoryPtr is the most recent history]
* Where historyRec is:
* [+0] NextHistory: pointer to historyRec
* [+4] HistoryCmd: string of characters
* Note: text set up for tabs at col 16, 22, 41, 49, 57, 65
* | | | | | |
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
* Interfaces defined in this file:
* InsertHistory
* PrevHistory
* NextHistory
* SaveHistory
* ReadHistory
* InitHistory
* PrintHistory
mcopy /obj/gno/bin/gsh/history.mac
dummyhistory start ; ends up in .root
setcom 60
histNext gequ 0
histCmd gequ 4
cmdbuflen gequ 1024
; Add a C string to the head of the history buffer.
InsertHistory START
using HistoryData
using global
ptr2 equ 0
ptr equ ptr2+4
len equ ptr+4
histvalptr equ len+2
space equ histvalptr+4
subroutine (4:cmd),space
pei (cmd+2)
pei (cmd)
jsr cstrlen
sta len
pea 0
adc #4+1
sta ptr
stx ptr+2
ora ptr+2
beq putdone
inc lasthist
inc numhist
lda historyptr ;Set up linked list pointers
sta [ptr]
ldy #histNext+2
lda historyptr+2
sta [ptr],y
mv4 ptr,historyptr
pei (cmd+2)
pei (cmd)
pei (ptr+2)
lda ptr
adc #4
jsr copycstr
; Now, find out what the maximum history is and prune to that value
putdone anop
; Get value of $HISTORY environment variable
ph4 #historyStr
jsl getenv
sta histvalptr Save pointer to GS/OS result buffer.
stx histvalptr+2
ora histvalptr+2 If buffer wasn't allocated,
jeq goback all done.
; Call Dec2Int to convert value of string into an integer
pha Reserve room on stack for result.
lda histvalptr Get pointer to $HISTORY value.
ldx histvalptr+2
clc Add 4 to address to skip
adc #4 over length words.
bcc pushaddr
pushaddr phx Push address onto stack.
ldy #2
lda [histvalptr],y
pha Push length.
pea 0 Push signedFlag = 0 (unsigned)
Tool $280b Dec2Int.
pla Get result.
sta size
beq alldone
; Follow linked list until we reach size histories
mv4 historyptr,ptr
ldy #histNext+2
follow lda [ptr]
ora [ptr],y
beq alldone ;not enough
dec size
beq prune
lda [ptr],y
sta ptr+2
stx ptr
bra follow
; we have enough, start pruning
prune lda [ptr]
sta ptr2
lda [ptr],y
sta ptr2+2
lda #0
sta [ptr]
sta [ptr],y ;terminate last history
; Dispose remaining
dispose lda ptr2
ora ptr2+2
beq alldone
dec numhist
lda [ptr2]
sta ptr
lda [ptr2],y
sta ptr+2
pei (ptr2+2)
pei (ptr2)
jsl nullfree
lda ptr
sta ptr2
lda ptr+2
sta ptr2+2
ldy #histNext+2
bra dispose
alldone pei (histvalptr+2)
pei (histvalptr)
jsl nullfree
goback return
size ds 2
; Places the previous history into the command buffer, called when pressing
PrevHistory START
using HistoryData
using global
using termdata
ora2 historyptr,historyptr+2,@a ;If no history, then skip
jeq ctl5a
ldx cmdloc ;Move cursor to beginning of line
jsr moveleft
lda cdcap
ora cdcap
beq ctl5b0
tputs (cdcap,#0,#outc)
bra ctl5g
ctl5b0 ldx cmdlen ;clear line
ctl5b dex
bmi ctl5c
lda #' '
jsr putchar
bra ctl5b
ctl5c ldx cmdlen
jsr moveleft
ctl5g ora2 currenthist,currenthist+2,@a
bne ctl5i ;If not set up for current hist then
lda historyptr+2 ;Set up at start.
ldx historyptr
ldy #2
bra ctl5j
ctl5i mv4 currenthist,0 ;Otherwise move to previous history
stz cmdlen
stz cmdloc
ldy #HistNext+2
lda [0]
lda [0],y
ctl5j sta 0+2 ;Save some pointers
stx 0
sta currenthist+2
stx currenthist
ora 0 ;If ptr is 0 then at end, quit
beq ctl5a
ldx #0 ;Display and store command
ctl5h lda [0],y
and #$FF
sta cmdline,x
beq ctl5ha
bra ctl5h
ctl5ha stx cmdlen
stx cmdloc
ldx #^cmdline
lda #cmdline
jsr puts
ctl5a rts
; Places the next history into the command buffer, called when pressing
NextHistory START
using HistoryData
using global
using termdata
ora2 historyptr,historyptr+2,@a ;No hist, then skip
jeq ctl6a
stz 4 ;Walk through linked list searching
stz 4+2 ; for hist prior to last hist.
mv4 historyptr,0
ctl6i if2 0,ne,currenthist,ctl6j
if2 0+2,eq,currenthist+2,ctl6k
ctl6j mv4 0,4
ldy #HistNext+2
lda [0]
lda [0],y
sta 0+2
stx 0
bra ctl6i
ctl6k ldx cmdloc ;Move cursor to left
jsr moveleft
lda cdcap
ora cdcap
beq ctl6b0
tputs (cdcap,#0,#outc)
bra ctl6g
ctl6b0 ldx cmdlen ;clear line
ctl6b dex
bmi ctl6c
lda #' '
jsr putchar
bra ctl6b
ctl6c ldx cmdlen
jsr moveleft
ctl6g stz cmdlen ;Get hist info.
stz cmdloc
mv4 4,currenthist
ora2 4,4+2,@a
beq ctl6a ;Whoops, back to end, quit
ldx #0 ;Output the new command
ldy #4
ctl6h lda [4],y
and #$ff
sta cmdline,x
beq ctl6ha
bra ctl6h
ctl6ha stx cmdlen
stx cmdloc
ldx #^cmdline
lda #cmdline
jsr puts
ctl6a rts
; Save History if variable set
SaveHistory START
using HistoryData
using global
svhisvalptr equ 0
space equ svhisvalptr+4
subroutine ,space
lda historyFN
sta DestroyParm+2
sta CreateParm+2
sta OpenParm+4
lda historyFN+2
sta DestroyParm+4
sta CreateParm+4
sta OpenParm+6
; Get value of $SAVEHISTORY environment variable
ph4 #savehistStr
jsl getenv
sta svhisvalptr Save pointer to GS/OS result buffer.
stx svhisvalptr+2
ora svhisvalptr+2 If buffer wasn't allocated,
jeq goback all done.
; Call Dec2Int to convert value of string into an integer
pha Reserve room on stack for result.
lda svhisvalptr Get pointer to $HISTORY value.
ldx svhisvalptr+2
clc Add 4 to address to skip
adc #4 over length words.
bcc pushaddr
pushaddr phx Push address onto stack.
ldy #2
lda [svhisvalptr],y
pha Push length.
pea 0 Push signedFlag = 0 (unsigned)
Tool $280b Dec2Int
pla Get result.
sta size
jeq done
; Create and write history to file
Destroy DestroyParm
Create CreateParm
jcs done
Open OpenParm
bcs done
mv2 OpenRef,(WriteRef,WriteCRRef,CloseRef)
loop1 mv4 historyptr,0
mv2 size,count
ldy #histNext+2
loop2 lda 0
ora 0+2
beq next
lda [0]
dec count
beq write
lda [0],y
sta 0+2
stx 0
bra loop2
write clc
lda 0
adc #4
sta WriteBuf
lda 0+2
adc #0
sta WriteBuf+2
jsr cstrlen
sta WriteReq
Write WriteParm
bcs doneclose
Write WriteCR
bcs doneclose
next dec size
bne loop1
doneclose Close CloseParm
done pei (svhisvalptr+2) Free $SAVEHISTORY value buffer
pei (svhisvalptr)
jsl nullfree
goback return
DestroyParm dc i2'1'
dc a4'historyFN'
CreateParm dc i2'3'
dc a4'historyFN'
dc i2'$C3'
dc i2'0'
OpenParm dc i2'2'
OpenRef ds 2
dc a4'historyFN'
WriteParm dc i2'4'
WriteRef ds 2
WriteBuf dc a4'cmdline'
WriteReq ds 4
ds 4
WriteCR dc i2'4'
WriteCRRef ds 2
dc a4'CRBuf'
dc i4'1'
ds 4
CRBuf dc i1'13'
CloseParm dc i2'1'
CloseRef ds 2
size ds 2
count ds 2
; Read History file
ReadHistory START
using HistoryData
using global
lda historyFN
sta OpenParm+4
lda historyFN+2
sta OpenParm+6
lda #0
sta historyptr
sta historyptr+2
Open OpenParm
bcs done
mv2 OpenRef,(ReadRef,NLRef,CloseRef)
NewLine NLParm
bcs doneclose
loop anop
Read ReadParm
bcs doneclose
ldy ReadTrans
beq doneclose
lda #0
sta cmdline,y
ph4 #cmdline
jsl InsertHistory
bra loop
doneclose Close CloseParm
done rts
OpenParm dc i2'2'
OpenRef ds 2
dc a4'historyFN'
NLParm dc i2'4'
NLRef ds 2
dc i2'$7F'
dc i2'1'
dc a4'NLTable'
NLTable dc i1'13'
ReadParm dc i2'4'
ReadRef ds 2
dc a4'cmdline'
dc i4'cmdbuflen'
ReadTrans ds 4
CloseParm dc i2'1'
CloseRef ds 2
size ds 2
; Init History
InitHistory START
using HistoryData
ph4 #histName Create string
jsl AppendHome $HOME/history
stx historyFN+2 Store pointer to it
sta historyFN in historyFN
; Print History (this is the history command)
PrintHistory START
using HistoryData
using global
ptr equ 0
status equ ptr+4
space equ status+2
subroutine (4:argv,2:argc),space
stz status
lda argc
dec a
beq chkptr
ldx #^usage
lda #usage
jsr errputs
inc status Return status = 1.
bra done
chkptr lda historyptr
ora historyptr+2
beq done
lda numhist
sta num
loop1 mv4 historyptr,ptr
lda num
bmi done
sta count
loop2 lda count
beq print
ldy #histNext+2
lda [ptr]
lda [ptr],y
sta ptr+2
stx ptr
ora ptr
beq next
dec count
bra loop2
print sub2 lasthist,num,@a
Int2Dec (@a,#numbstr,#4,#0)
ldx #^numbstr
lda #numbstr
jsr puts
ldx ptr+2
lda ptr
adc #4
ok jsr puts
jsr newline
next dec num
bra loop1
done return 2:status
numbstr dc c'0000: ',h'00'
num ds 2
count ds 2
usage dc c'Usage: history',h'0d00'
; History Data
HistoryData DATA
lasthist dc i2'0'
numhist dc i2'0'
currenthist ds 4
historyptr dc i4'0'
historyStr gsstr 'HISTORY'
savehistStr gsstr 'SAVEHIST'
histName dc c'/history',i1'0'
historyFN ds 4