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synced 2025-03-12 05:32:16 +00:00
Add check for buffer overflow when globbing, expanding variables, or inserting aliases (PR#110). Increase buffer size from 1024 to 4096. Increase buffer for reading commands from 256 to 1024 bytes in order to match the maximum length used when reading.
320 lines
6.8 KiB
320 lines
6.8 KiB
* The GNO Shell Project
* Developed by:
* Jawaid Bazyar
* Tim Meekins
* $Id: orca.asm,v 1.9 1999/02/08 17:26:51 tribby Exp $
* By Tim Meekins
* Modified by Dave Tribby for GNO 2.0.6
* Builtin command for ORCA editor
* Note: text set up for tabs at col 16, 22, 41, 49, 57, 65
* | | | | | |
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
* Interfaces defined in this file:
* edit subroutine (4:argv,2:argc) builtin command
mcopy /obj/gno/bin/gsh/orca.mac
dummyorca start ; ends up in .root
setcom 60
* EDIT: builtin command
* syntax: edit pathname...
* Invokes the ORCA editor and edits a file or files.
MAXPARMBUF gequ 1023
edit START
strPtr equ 0
inLoopPtr equ strPtr+4
argLoopPtr equ inLoopPtr+4
sLen equ argLoopPtr+4
pathLen equ sLen+2
pnum equ pathLen+2
editcommand equ pnum+2
retval equ editcommand+4
sFile equ retval+2 GSString255Ptr
inPath equ sFile+4
outPath equ inPath+4
space equ outPath+4
subroutine (4:argv,2:argc),space
lda argc Make sure there are two or
cmp #2 more parameters.
bcs enoughparms Otherwise,
ldx #^enofile report error:
lda #enofile no filename specified
jsr errputs
lda #1
sta retval
jmp donedealloc
; Allocate memory for sFile, inPath, and outPath
enoughparms anop
jsl allocmaxline
sta sFile
stx sFile+2
ora sFile+2
beq memerr1
jsl allocmaxline
sta inPath
stx inPath+2
ora inPath+2
beq memerr1
jsl allocmaxline
sta outPath
stx outPath+2
ora outPath+2
bne noerr1
memerr1 ldx #^enomem Report error:
lda #enomem out of memory
jsr errputs
lda #-1
seterr sta retval
jmp goaway
; Parameters were provided, and memory has been allocated.
; Ready to start processing the filename(s).
noerr1 anop
stz retval Zero return status
stz sLen and length of source names.
lda #1 Initialize parameter
sta pnum number to 1.
lda sFile strPtr = sFile + 2
adc #2
sta strPtr
lda sFile+2
adc #0
sta strPtr+2
bra nodelimit Skip delimiter for 1st file.
; Loop for getting name, converting it to a full path, and
; appending it to sFile
doloop short m Between parameters:
lda #10 Store newline as delimiter
sta [strPtr] character in strPtr.
long m
inc sLen Bump string length
incad strPtr and pointer.
nodelimit anop
lda pnum Get parameter number
asl a and turn it into an
asl a index to the proper
tay argv pointer.
lda [argv],y Store address in
sta argLoopPtr direct page variable
iny2 argLoopPtr.
lda [argv],y
sta argLoopPtr+2
lda inPath Get address of text field
clc in inPath.
adc #2
sta inLoopPtr
lda inPath+2
adc #0
sta inLoopPtr+2
; Move argument into inPath, counting characters
ldy #0
whileloop lda [argLoopPtr],y Get next character of name.
and #$00FF If it's the terminating null,
beq donewhile done copying.
sta [inLoopPtr],y Store character (and null byte)
cpy #255 If < 255,
bcc whileloop stay in loop.
ldx #^einval Print error:
lda #einval invalid argument (filename too long)
jsr errputs
lda #2
bra seterr
donewhile tya Set length of GS/OS string inPath.
sta [inPath]
lda #1024 Set max len of result buffer outPath.
sta [outPath]
; Set up GS/OS ExpandPath parameter buffer and make call.
mv4 inPath,ep_inputPath
mv4 outPath,ep_outputPath
ExpandPath ep Expand the pathname.
; Note: The GS/OS reference says ExpandPath can detect invalid pathname
; syntax error, but I can't get this to happen (even with names like
; "::/^" and " "). Ignore errors and let the editor report them.
ldy #2 Get length of result string
lda [outPath],y
sta pathLen and store in pathLen.
adc sLen If accumulated length is
cmp #MAXPARMBUF beyond the maximum,
bcs doloopend don't add this name.
sta sLen Store accumulated length in sLen.
pei (pathLen) Append outPath string
pei (outPath+2) to the end of sFile's text.
lda outPath
adc #4
pei (strPtr+2)
pei (strPtr)
jsl rmemcpy
lda strPtr Add pathLen to strPtr.
adc pathLen
sta strPtr
lda strPtr+2
adc #0
sta strPtr+2
doloopend inc pnum pnum++
lda pnum if pnum < argc,
cmp argc
jcc doloop continue processing filenames.
; All of the arguments have been processed.
lda sLen Save length in
sta [sFile] GS/OS buffer.
; Set up shell SetLInfo parameter buffer and make call.
mv4 sFile,gl_sFile
SetLInfoGS gl Set the edit environment.
ph4 #editorvar Get value of environment
jsl getenv variable "editor".
sta editcommand
stx editcommand+2
ora editcommand+2
bne goteditvar If $editor is not defined,
ph4 #defedit use default value.
bra execit
goteditvar anop Add 4 to value returned by getenv
ldx editcommand+2 to get address of text portion.
lda editcommand
adc #4
bcc nobump
nobump anop
phx Push address onto stack.
execit ph2 #0 Tells execute we're called by system
jsl execute
sta retval
lda editcommand If getenv allocated it,
ora editcommand+2
beq goaway
pei (editcommand+2) free the "editcommand" string.
pei (editcommand)
jsl nullfree
; See which GS/OS buffers need to be deallocated
goaway lda sFile
ora sFile+2
beq donedealloc
ldx sFile+2
lda sFile
jsl freemaxline
lda inPath
ora inPath+2
beq donedealloc
ldx inPath+2
lda inPath
jsl freemaxline
lda outPath
ora outPath+2
beq donedealloc
ldx outPath+2
lda outPath
jsl freemaxline
; Return to caller with status set to value in retval
donedealloc return 2:retval
; Parameter block for GS/OS ExpandPath call (p. 140 in GS/OS Reference)
ep dc i2'2' pCount
ep_inputPath dc i4'0' input pointer (GS/OS string)
ep_outputPath dc i4'0' output pointer (GS/OS result buf)
; Error messages
enofile dc c'edit: no filename specified',h'0D00'
enomem dc c'edit: out of memory',h'0D00'
einval dc c'edit: invalid argument (filename too long)',h'0D00'
; Parameter block for shell SetLInfo call (p. 433 in ORCA/M book)
gl anop
dc i2'11' pCount
gl_sfile dc i4'0' source file name (GS/OS string)
dc i4'nullparm' output file name (compile/link)
dc i4'nullparm' names in NAMES parameter list (compile)
dc i4'nullparm' compiler commands (compiler)
dc i1'0' max err level allowed (compile/link)
dc i1'0' max err level found (compile/link)
dc i1'0' operations flags (compile/link)
dc i1'0' keep flag (compile)
dc i4'0' minus flags (see ASML command descr)
dc i4'$08000000' plus flags [+E] (see ASML)
dc i4'0' origin (link)
nullparm dc i2'0'
editorvar gsstr 'editor' Name of editor environment variable
defedit dc c'4:editor',h'00' Default value for editor