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synced 2025-03-13 11:29:24 +00:00
Add check for buffer overflow when globbing, expanding variables, or inserting aliases (PR#110). Increase buffer size from 1024 to 4096. Increase buffer for reading commands from 256 to 1024 bytes in order to match the maximum length used when reading.
196 lines
3.4 KiB
196 lines
3.4 KiB
* The GNO Shell Project
* Developed by:
* Jawaid Bazyar
* Tim Meekins
* $Id: main.asm,v 1.9 1999/02/08 17:26:51 tribby Exp $
* By Tim Meekins
* Modified by Dave Tribby for GNO 2.0.6
* Startup portion of shell
* Note: text set up for tabs at col 16, 22, 41, 49, 57, 65
* | | | | | |
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
mcopy /obj/gno/bin/gsh/main.mac
setcom 60
; Segment for direct-page and stack
stack data STACK ; ends up in main.root
kind $12
; Define direct-page/stack and fill it with question marks it can be
; examined for how much is used.
dc 128c'??' ; 256 bytes
dc 128c'??' ; 512 bytes total
dc 128c'????' ; 1024 bytes total
dc 128c'????????' ; 2048 bytes total
init START
; Call the code to emulate C program startup:
; store Accumulator in ~USER_ID, X- and Y- registers as ~COMMANDLINE
; start up memory manager (~MM_INIT)
; parse commandline (via ~GNO_PARSEARG) and push argc and arvg on stack
; Control continues with the entry point "MAIN". When MAIN returns to
; ~GNO_COMMAND via rtl, it frees argv and argc before doing its own rtl.
using global
p equ 0
arg equ p+4
space equ arg+4
subroutine (2:argc,4:argv),space
kernStatus @a
bcc ok
ErrWriteCString #str
jmp done
ok stz FastFlag
stz CmdFlag
stz ExecFlag
; Parse gsh's command-line arguments.
argloop dec argc Decrement argument count.
jeq go_start If none left, ready to start working.
lda argv Point to next
adc #4 argument pointer.
sta argv
ldy #2
lda [argv] Set arg to point to
sta arg the argument text.
lda [argv],y
sta arg+2
lda [arg] Get first character
and #$FF of argument.
cmp #'-' If it's a "-",
beq intoption handle as an option.
; Parse remaining args as a command to run (in ExecCmd)
inc ExecFlag
inc FastFlag
ph4 maxline_size
sta ExecCmd
sta p
stx ExecCmd+2
stx p+2
cmd3 ldy #0
cmd0 lda [arg],y
and #$ff
beq cmd1
sta [p],y
bra cmd0
cmd1 lda #' '
sta [p],y
sec ;inc a
adc p
sta p
dec argc
beq cmd2
lda argv
adc #4
sta argv
ldy #2
lda [argv]
sta arg
lda [argv],y
sta arg+2
bra cmd3
cmd2 lda #0
sta [p]
go_start bra start
; Parse an argument as an option (first character is "-")
intoption ldy #1
optloop lda [arg],y
and #$FF
beq nextarg
cmp #'f'
beq optf
cmp #'c'
beq parsec
; Option is not recognized.
showusage ErrWriteCString #usage
bra done
; Option = "-f": Skip history, gshrc
optf inc FastFlag
nextopt iny
bra optloop
nextarg cpy #1
beq showusage
jmp argloop
; Option = "-c": execute shell commands found in file named by next argument
parsec clc
lda argv
adc #4
sta argv
dec argc
beq showusage
inc CmdFlag
inc FastFlag
mv4 argv,CmdArgV
mv2 argc,CmdArgC
; When preliminary setup is complete, control transfers to here!
start case on
jsl shell
case off
done return
str dc h'0d0a0a'
dc c'Before gsh may be run, the GNO/ME system, or kernel, must be running.'
dc h'0d0a0a00'
usage dc c'Usage: gsh [-cf] [argument...]',h'0d0a00'