2013-07-25 13:34:46 -05:00

19 lines
765 B

Apple IIgs Assembly Language Crash Course
Source Files in "Lesson" Order
* quit.s Quit, Old-School simple quit program
* quit8.s Quit8.System, ProDOS8 simple quit program
* quit16.s Quit16, GSOS/P16 simple quit program
* shr1.s SHR1, Shows how to turn on SHR Graphics Mode and clear screen
* shr2.s SHR2, Adds functions to write palettes, clear screen to color, set scan-line control bytes
* font.s Font routines, this is a library you can include to draw text
* shrhello.s "Hello World", Example program showing how to use the font routines
* shrloadimg.s SHRLoadImage, Loads a PackBytes image and unpacks it to screen
* shrloadimg.m.s macros for ToolBox calls in SHRLoadImage