mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 10:32:20 +00:00
Commit to a huge unrolled loop to do bitfield -> render function
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,35 +54,35 @@ DOWN_ARROW equ $0A
SPRITE_ID equ {SPRITE_16X16+1}
OKTOROK equ {SPRITE_16X16+79}
lda PlayerX
ora PlayerY
tay ; (x, y) position
ldx #0
lda #SPRITE_ID ; 16x16 sprite
ldx PlayerX
ldy PlayerY
jsl AddSprite
bcc :sprite_ok
brl Exit ; If we could not allocate a sprite, exit
sta PlayerID
; Add 4 octoroks
; lda #OKTOROK
; ldx #32
; ldy #48
; jsl AddSprite
; Add 4 octoroks
ldx #1
ldy #{32*256}+48
jsl AddSprite
; lda #OKTOROK
; ldx #96
; ldy #32
; jsl AddSprite
ldx #2
ldy #{32*256}+96
jsl AddSprite
; lda #OKTOROK
; ldx #56
; ldy #96
; jsl AddSprite
ldx #3
ldy #{96*256}+56
jsl AddSprite
; lda #OKTOROK
; ldx #72
; ldy #96
; jsl AddSprite
ldx #4
ldy #{96*256}+72
jsl AddSprite
; Draw the initial screen
@ -176,6 +176,32 @@ EvtLoop
ldy PlayerY
jsl MoveSprite ; Move the sprite to the current position
; Based on the frame count, move an oktorok
jsl GetVBLTicks
and #$0003
and #$007C
lda OktorokX,x
adc OktorokDelta,y
ldy OktorokY,x
jsl MoveSprite
; Let's see what it looks like!
lda vsync
@ -185,7 +211,7 @@ EvtLoop
bcc :vsyncloop
sbc ScreenY0
cmp #8
cmp #4
bcs :vsyncloop ; Wait until we're within the top 8 scanlines
lda #1
jsl SetBorderColor
@ -297,6 +323,9 @@ PlayerID ds 2
PlayerX ds 2
PlayerY ds 2
OktorokX dw 32,32,96,96
OktorokY dw 48,96,56,72
OktorokDelta dw 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,0,0
TransitionX ds 2
TransitionY ds 2
@ -1,58 +1,16 @@
; Renders a frame of animation
; The rendering engine is built around the idea of compositing all of the moving components
; on to the Bank 01 graphics buffer and then revealing everything in a single, vertical pass.
; If there was just a scrolling screen with no sprites, the screen would just get rendered
; in a single pass, but it gets more complicated with sprites and various effects.
; Here is the high-level pipeline:
; 1. Identify row ranges with effects. These effects can be sprites or user-defined overlays
; 2. Turn shadowing off
; 3. Render the background for each effect row range (in any order)
; 4. Render the sprites (in any order)
; 5. Turn shadowing on
; 6. Render the background for each non-effect row, a pei slam for sprite rows, and
; the user-defined overlays (in sorted order)
; As a concrete example, consider:
; Rows 0 - 9 have a user-defined floating overlay for a score board
; Rows 10 - 100 are background only
; Rows 101 - 120 have one or more sprites
; Rows 121 - 140 are background only
; Rows 141 - 159 have a user-defined solid overlay for an animated platform
; A floating overlay means that some background data bay show through. A solid overlay means that
; the user-defined data covers the entire scan line.
; The renderer would proceed as:
; - shadow off
; - render_background(0, 10)
; - render_background(101, 121)
; - render_sprites()
; - shadow_on
; - render_user_overlay_1()
; - render_background(10, 101)
; - pei_slam(101, 121)
; - render_background(121, 141)
; - render_user_overlay_2()
; Generally speaking, a PEI Slam is faster that trying to do any sort of dirty-rectangle update by
; tracking sprinte bounding boxes. But, if an application would benefit from skipping some background
; drawing on sprite rows, that can be handled by using the low level routines to control the left/right
; edges of the rendered play field.
; The render function is the point of committment -- most of the APIs that set sprites and
; update coordinates are lazy; they simply save the value and set a dirty flag in the
; update coordinates are lazy; they simply save their values and set a dirty flag in the
; DirtyBits word.
; This function examines the dirty bits and actually performs the work to update the code field
; and internal data structure to properly render the play field. Then the update pipeline is
; executed.
; Everything is composited into the tiles in the playfield and then the screen is rendered in
; a single pass.
Render ENT
@ -122,9 +80,9 @@ _Render
ldy ScreenHeight
jsr _BltRange
ldx #0
ldy ScreenHeight
jsr _BltSCB
; ldx #0
; ldy ScreenHeight
; jsr _BltSCB
lda StartY ; Restore the fields back to their original state
ldx ScreenHeight
@ -149,6 +107,35 @@ _Render
; ignores almost all of the capabilities of GTE, but it does provide a convenient way to use
; the sprite subsystem + tile attributes for single-screen games which should be able to run
; close to 60 fps.
; Because we are register starved, there is a lot of inline code to quickly fetch the information
; needed to render sprites appropriately. If there was a way to efficiently maintain an ordered
; and compact array of per-tile VBUFF addresses, rather than the current sparse array, then
; the sprite handling code could be significantly streamlined. A note for anyone attempting
; this optimization:
; The _MarkDirtyTiles simply stores a sprite's per-tile VBUFF address and marks the tile
; as being occupied by the sprite with just 4 instructions
; sta (vbuff_array_ptr),y
; lda TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
; ora SpriteBit,y
; sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
; Then, we have an unrolled loop that does repeated tests of
; lsr
; bcc *+
; lda vbuff_array_ptr,y
; sta spriteVBuffArr
; The only gain to be had is if the sprites that are marked are in the high bits and there are no low-index
; sprites. Skipping over N bits of the SPRITE_FLAG takes only 5*N cycles. So, on average, we might waste
; 40 cycles looking for the proper bit.
; Any improvement to the existing code would need to be able to maintain a data structure and get the final
; values into the spriteVBuffArr for a total cost of under 75 cycles per tile.
RenderDirty ENT
@ -157,7 +144,7 @@ RenderDirty ENT
; In this renderer, we assume that thwere is no scrolling, so no need to update any information about
; In this renderer, we assume that there is no scrolling, so no need to update any information about
; the BG0/BG1 positions
lda LastRender ; If the full renderer was last called, we assume that
@ -218,13 +205,6 @@ _RenderDirtyTile
lda TileStore+TS_SCREEN_ADDR,y ; Get the on-screen address of this tile
; pha
; lda TileStore+TS_WORD_OFFSET,y ; We don't support this in dirty rendering mode
; ply
; pea $0101
; plb
plb ; set the bank
; B is set to Bank 01
@ -234,42 +214,465 @@ _RenderDirtyTile
:tiledisp jmp $0000 ; render the tile
; Use some temporary space for the spriteIdx array (maximum of 4 entries)
stkSave equ tmp9
screenAddr equ tmp10
tileAddr equ tmp11
spriteIdx equ tmp12
; Handler for the sprite path
pei TileStoreBankAndTileDataBank ; Special value that has the TileStore bank in LSB and TileData bank in MSB
; Cache a couple of values into the direct page, but preserve the Accumulator
ldy TileStore+TS_TILE_ADDR,x ; load the address of this tile's data (pre-calculated)
sty tileAddr
ldy TileStore+TS_SCREEN_ADDR,x ; Get the on-screen address of this tile
sty screenAddr
; Now do all of the deferred work of actually drawing the sprites. We put considerable effort into
; figuring out if there is only one sprite or more than one since we optimize the former case as it
; is very common and can be done significantly faster.
; We use the logic operation of A & (A - 1) which removes the least-significant set bit position. If
; this results in a zero value, then we know that there is only a single sprite and can move to an
; optimized routine.
; This is a big, unrolled chunk of code that packs the VBUFF addresses for the sprite positions marked
; in the bitfield into the spriteIdx array and then jumps to an optimized rendering function based on
; the number of sprites on the tile.
; After each set bit is identified, we check to see if that was the last one and immediately exit. Since
; a maximum of 4 sprites are processed per tile, this only results in (at most) 4 extra branch instructions.
and TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
bne multi_sprite
ldy TileStore+TS_VBUFF_ARRAY_ADDR,x ; base address of the VBUFF sprite address array for this tile
; Now we are on the fast path. There is only one sprite at this tile, so load the cached VBUFF address
; from the TileStore data structure. This is only guaranteed to be a VBUFF address from one of the
; sprites at the tile, but if there is only one, it's the value we want.
bcc :loop_0_bit_1
ldx: $0000,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_1
jmp BlitOneSprite
lda TileStore+TS_LAST_VBUFF,x
ldy TileStore+TS_TILE_ADDR,x ; load the address of this tile's data
lda TileStore+TS_SCREEN_ADDR,x ; Get the on-screen address of this tile
plx ; Set the vbuff address
jmp FastBlit
:loop_0_bit_1 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_2
ldx: $0002,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_2
jmp BlitOneSprite
; This is the code path to handle tile with multiple, overlapping sprites.
rts ; TBD
:loop_0_bit_2 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_3
ldx: $0004,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_3
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_3 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_4
ldx: $0006,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_4
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_4 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_5
ldx: $0008,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_5
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_5 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_6
ldx: $000A,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_6
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_6 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_7
ldx: $000C,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_7
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_7 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_8
ldx: $000E,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_8
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_8 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_9
ldx: $0010,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_9
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_9 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_10
ldx: $0012,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_10
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_10 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_11
ldx: $0014,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_11
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_11 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_12
ldx: $0016,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_12
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_12 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_13
ldx: $0018,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_13
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_13 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_14
ldx: $001A,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_14
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_0_bit_14 lsr
bcc :loop_0_bit_15
ldx: $001C,y
stx spriteIdx
cmp #0
jne :loop_1_bit_15
jmp BlitOneSprite
; If we get to bit 15, then it *must* be a bit that is set
:loop_0_bit_15 ldx: $001E,y
stx spriteIdx
jmp BlitOneSprite
:loop_1_bit_1 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_2
ldx: $0002,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_2
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_2 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_3
ldx: $0004,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_3
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_3 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_4
ldx: $0006,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_4
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_4 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_5
ldx: $0008,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_5
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_5 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_6
ldx: $000A,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_6
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_6 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_7
ldx: $000C,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_7
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_7 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_8
ldx: $000E,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_8
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_8 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_9
ldx: $0010,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_9
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_9 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_10
ldx: $0012,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_10
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_10 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_11
ldx: $0014,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_11
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_11 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_12
ldx: $0016,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_12
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_12 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_13
ldx: $0018,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_13
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_13 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_14
ldx: $001A,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_14
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_14 lsr
bcc :loop_1_bit_15
ldx: $001C,y
stx spriteIdx+2
cmp #0
jne :loop_2_bit_15
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_1_bit_15 ldx: $001E,y
stx spriteIdx+2
jmp BlitTwoSprites
:loop_2_bit_2 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_3
ldx: $0004,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_3
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_3 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_4
ldx: $0006,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_4
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_4 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_5
ldx: $0008,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_5
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_5 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_6
ldx: $000A,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_6
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_6 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_7
ldx: $000C,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_7
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_7 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_8
ldx: $000E,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_8
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_8 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_9
ldx: $0010,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_9
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_9 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_10
ldx: $0012,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_10
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_10 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_11
ldx: $0014,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_11
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_11 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_12
ldx: $0016,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_12
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_12 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_13
ldx: $0018,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_13
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_13 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_14
ldx: $001A,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_14
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_14 lsr
bcc :loop_2_bit_15
ldx: $001C,y
stx spriteIdx+4
cmp #0
jne :loop_3_bit_15
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_2_bit_15 ldx: $001E,y
stx spriteIdx+4
jmp BlitThreeSprites
:loop_3_bit_3 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_4
ldx $0006,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_4 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_5
ldx $0008,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_5 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_6
ldx $000A,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_6 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_7
ldx $000C,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_7 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_8
ldx $000E,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_8 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_9
ldx $0010,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_9 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_10
ldx $0012,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_10 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_11
ldx $0014,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_11 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_12
ldx $0016,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_12 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_13
ldx $0018,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_13 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_14
ldx $001A,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_14 lsr
bcc :loop_3_bit_15
ldx $001C,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
:loop_3_bit_15 ldx $001E,y
stx spriteIdx+6
jmp BlitFourSprites
DirtyTileProcs dw _TBDirtyTile_00,_TBDirtyTile_0H,_TBDirtyTile_V0,_TBDirtyTile_VH
DirtyTileSpriteProcs dw _TBDirtySpriteTile_00,_TBDirtySpriteTile_0H,_TBDirtySpriteTile_V0,_TBDirtySpriteTile_VH
;DirtyTileSpriteProcs dw _TBDirtySpriteTile_00,_TBDirtySpriteTile_0H,_TBDirtySpriteTile_V0,_TBDirtySpriteTile_VH
; Blit tiles directly to the screen.
@ -298,123 +701,201 @@ _TBDirtyTile_VH
jsr _TBCopyTileDataToCBuff ; Copy the tile into the compositing buffer (using correct x-register)
jmp _TBApplyDirtySpriteData ; Overlay the data from the sprite plane (and copy into the code field)
jsr _TBCopyTileDataToCBuffV
jmp _TBApplyDirtySpriteData
; Just copy in the data from the first sprite
ldx _SPR_X_REG ; set to the unaligned tile block address in the sprite plane
]line equ 0
lup 8
lda blttmp+{]line*4}
andl spritemask+{]line*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{]line*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta: $0000+{]line*160},y
lda blttmp+{]line*4}+2
andl spritemask+{]line*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{]line*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta: $0002+{]line*160},y
]line equ ]line+1
; Input: A = bit field, assumed non-zero
; Output: A = number of bits set
; Side Effect: Fill in the ActiveSprite list with sprite indices.
; We try very hard to be fast and clever here. Early out, keeping everything in
; registers when possible, and reducing overhead.
spriteIdx equ tmp12
; Push a sentinel value on the stack so we know where to end later. We con't count during the
; initial process, because the Z flag needs to be maintained and almost evey opcode affects it.
; cmp lastActiveValue ; Assume that there is a decent chance of having the same
; beq early_out ; sprite bitfield in consecutive dirty tiles. Saves a lot.
tsx ; save the stack pointer
pea $FFFF ; sentinel value
; This first loop scans the bits in the accumulator and pushed a sprite index onto the stack. We
; could push any constanct, which gives us some flexibility. This only works because the PEA
; instruction does not affect any register. We also check to see if the acumulator is zero as
; an early-out test, but only do that every 4 bits in order to amortize the overhead a bit.
]step equ 0
lup 4
bcc :skip_1
pea ]step
:skip_1 lsr
bcc :skip_2
pea ]step+2
:skip_2 lsr
bcc :skip_3
pea ]step+4
:skip_3 lsr
bcc :skip_4
pea ]step+6
:skip_4 beq :end_1
]step equ ]step+8
; This second loop pops values off of the stack and places them into a linear array. We also
; set the count on exit. As an optimization / restriction, we only allow up to four overlapping
; sprites. This is similar to the NES/C64 "8 sprites per line" restriction.
pla ; Can always assume at least one bit was set...
sta spriteIdx
bmi :out_1
sta spriteIdx+2
bmi :out_2
sta spriteIdx+4
bmi :out_3
sta spriteIdx+6
; Reset the stack point if we did not pop everything off yet
; These are the exit points which know exactly how many items (x2) have been processed
:out_4 lda #8
:out_0 lda #0
:out_1 lda #2
:out_2 lda #4
:out_3 lda #6
; Fast blit that directly combines a tile with a single sprite and renders directly to the screen
; A = screen address
; X = sprite VBUFF address
; Y = tile data address
; If there are two or more sprites at a tile, we can still be fast, but need to do extra work because
; the VBUFF values need to be read from the direct page. Thus, the direct page cannot be mapped onto
; the graphics screen. We use the stack instead, but have to do extra work to save and restore the
; stack value.
sta stkSave ; Save the stack on the direct page
ldy tileAddr
lda screenAddr ; Saved in direct page locations
lda tiledata+{0*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{0*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{0*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{0*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{0*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $00,s
lda tiledata+{0*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{0*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{0*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{0*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{0*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $02,s
lda tiledata+{1*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{1*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{1*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{1*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{1*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $A0,s
lda tiledata+{1*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{1*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{1*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{1*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{1*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $A2,s
adc #320
lda tiledata+{2*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{2*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{2*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{2*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{2*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $00,s
lda tiledata+{2*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{2*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{2*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{2*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{2*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $02,s
lda tiledata+{3*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{3*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{3*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{3*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{3*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $A0,s
lda tiledata+{3*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{3*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{3*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{3*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{3*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $A2,s
adc #320
lda tiledata+{4*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{4*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{4*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{4*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{4*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $00,s
lda tiledata+{4*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{4*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{4*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{4*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{4*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $02,s
lda tiledata+{5*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{5*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{5*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{5*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{5*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $A0,s
lda tiledata+{5*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{5*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{5*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{5*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{5*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $A2,s
adc #320
lda tiledata+{6*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{6*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{6*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{6*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{6*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $00,s
lda tiledata+{6*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{6*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{6*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{6*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{6*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $02,s
lda tiledata+{7*TILE_DATA_SPAN},y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{7*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{7*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{7*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
oral spritedata+{7*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN},x
sta $A0,s
lda tiledata+{7*TILE_DATA_SPAN}+2,y
ldx spriteIdx+2
andl spritemask+{7*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{7*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
ldx spriteIdx
andl spritemask+{7*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
oral spritedata+{7*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}+2,x
sta $A2,s
lda stkSave
; There is only one sprite at this tile, so do a fast blit that directly combines a tile with a single
; sprite and renders directly to the screen
; NOTE: Expect X-register to already have been set to the correct VBUFF address
ldy tileAddr ; load the address of this tile's data
lda screenAddr ; Get the on-screen address of this tile
@ -518,47 +999,3 @@ TILE_DATA_SPAN equ 4
; Run through all of the active sprites and put then on-screen. We have three different heuristics depending on
; how many active sprites there are intersecting this tile.
; Version 2. No sprite place, instead each sprite has a set of pre-rendered panels and we render from
; those panels in tile-sized blocks.
; If there is only one sprite + tile background, then we can render directly to the screen
; ldal tiledata+0,x
; and sprite+MASK_OFFSET,y
; ora sprite,y
; sta 00
; ...
; sta 02
; ...
; sta A0
; ...
; sta A2
; tdc
; adc #320
; tcd
; Since this is a common case, it is reasonable to do so. Otherwise, we must explode the TS_SPRITE_FLAG to
; get a list of sprite origin addresses and then flatten against the tile
; ldal tiledata+0,x
; ldx spriteCount
; jmp (disp,x)
; ...
; ldy list+2
; and sprite+MASK_OFFSET,y
; ora sprite,y
; ldy list
; and sprite+MASK_OFFSET,y
; ora sprite,y
; sta 00
; sta 02
; sta A0
; sta A2
; tdc
; adc #320
; tcd
@ -70,12 +70,9 @@ VBUFF_SPRITE_START equ {8*VBUFF_TILE_ROW_BYTES}+4
; the vertical tiles are taken from tileId + 32. This is why tile sheets should be saved
; with a width of 256 pixels.
; Single sprite are limited to 24 lines high because there are 28 lines of padding above and below the
; sprite plane buffers, so a sprite that is 32 lines high could overflow the drawing area.
; A = tileId + flags
; X = x position
; Y = y position
; Y = High Byte = x-pos, Low Byte = y-pos
; X = Sprite Slot (0 - 15)
AddSprite ENT
@ -85,15 +82,13 @@ AddSprite ENT
phx ; Save the horizontal position
ldx _NextOpenSlot ; Get the next free sprite slot index
bpl :open ; A negative number means we are full
and #$000F
plx ; Early out
sec ; Signal that no sprite slot was available
sta _Sprites+SPRITE_ID,x ; Keep a copy of the full descriptor
jsr _GetBaseTileAddr ; This applies the TILE_ID_MASK
sta _Sprites+TILE_DATA_OFFSET,x
@ -101,10 +96,14 @@ _AddSprite
sta _Sprites+SPRITE_STATUS,x
and #$00FF
sta _Sprites+SPRITE_Y,x ; Y coordinate
pla ; X coordinate
sta _Sprites+SPRITE_X,x
and #$00FF
sta _Sprites+SPRITE_X,x ; X coordinate
jsr _PrecalcAllSpriteInfo ; Cache sprite property values (simple stuff)
jsr _DrawSpriteSheet ; Render the sprite into internal space
@ -121,16 +120,6 @@ _AddSprite
txa ; And return the sprite ID
clc ; Mark that the sprite was successfully added
; We can only get to this point if there was an open slot, so we know we're not at the
; end of the list yet.
ldx _OpenListHead
stx _OpenListHead
ldy _OpenList,x ; If this is the end, then the sentinel value will
sty _NextOpenSlot ; get stored into _NextOpenSlot
; Run through the list of tile store offsets that this sprite was last drawn into and mark
@ -138,79 +127,73 @@ _AddSprite
; (an unaligned 4x3 sprite), covering a 5x4 area of play field tiles.
; Y register = sprite record index
_CSFTS_Out rts
ldx _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_1,y
bne *+3
beq _CSFTS_Out
ldal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x ; Clear the bit in the bit field. This seems wasteful, but
and _SpriteBitsNot,y ; there is no indexed form of TSB/TRB and caching the value in
stal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x ; a direct page location, only saves 1 or 2 cycles per and costs 10.
jsr _PushDirtyTileX
ldx _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_2,y
bne *+3
beq _CSFTS_Out
ldal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
and _SpriteBitsNot,y
stal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
jsr _PushDirtyTileX
ldx _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_3,y
bne *+3
beq _CSFTS_Out
ldal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
and _SpriteBitsNot,y
stal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
jsr _PushDirtyTileX
ldx _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_4,y
bne *+3
beq _CSFTS_Out
ldal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
and _SpriteBitsNot,y
stal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
jsr _PushDirtyTileX
ldx _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_5,y
bne *+3
beq :out
ldal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
and _SpriteBitsNot,y
stal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
jsr _PushDirtyTileX
ldx _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_6,y
bne *+3
beq :out
ldal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
and _SpriteBitsNot,y
stal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
jsr _PushDirtyTileX
ldx _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_7,y
bne *+3
beq :out
ldal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
and _SpriteBitsNot,y
stal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
jsr _PushDirtyTileX
ldx _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_8,y
bne *+3
beq :out
ldal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
and _SpriteBitsNot,y
stal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
jsr _PushDirtyTileX
ldx _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_9,y
bne *+3
beq :out
ldal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
and _SpriteBitsNot,y
stal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
jmp _PushDirtyTileX
:out rts
; This function looks at the sprite list and renders the sprite plane data into the appropriate
; tiles in the code field. There are a few phases to this routine. The assumption is that
; any sprite that needs to be re-drawn has been marked as DIRTY or DAMAGED.
@ -300,8 +283,7 @@ _DoPhase1
jsr _ClearSpriteFromTileStore
; Check to see if sprite was REMOVED If so, then this is where we return its Sprite ID to the
; list of open slots
; Check to see if sprite was REMOVED If so, clear the sprite slot status
lda _Sprites+SPRITE_STATUS,y
@ -313,13 +295,6 @@ _DoPhase1
lda _SpriteBits,y ; Clear from the sprite bitmap
trb SpriteMap
ldx _OpenListHead
stx _OpenListHead
sta _OpenList,x
sty _NextOpenSlot
@ -390,6 +365,7 @@ _DoPhase2
beq :out
; Last thing to do, so go ahead and clear the flags
sta _Sprites+SPRITE_STATUS,y
@ -494,8 +470,6 @@ phase1_rtn
jmp (phase2,x)
; Sprite rendering complete, clear the dirty bits
; _GetTileAt
@ -849,10 +823,4 @@ SPRITE_HEIGHT equ {MAX_SPRITES*46}
; Maintain the index of the next open sprite slot. This allows us to have amortized
; constant sprite add performance. A negative value means no slots are available.
_NextOpenSlot dw 0
_OpenListHead dw 0
_OpenList dw 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,$FFFF ; List with sentinel at the end
@ -330,7 +330,6 @@ _MarkDirtySprite
lda VBuffOrigin
sta [tmp0],y
stal TileStore+TS_LAST_VBUFF,x
; lda VBuffOrigin ; This is an interesting case. The mapping between the tile store
; adc #{0*4}+{0*256} ; and the sprite buffers changes as the StartX, StartY values change
@ -362,7 +361,6 @@ _MarkDirtySprite
lda VBuffOrigin
adc #{0*4}+{1*8*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}
sta [tmp0],y
stal TileStore+TS_LAST_VBUFF,x
lda SpriteBit
oral TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
@ -383,7 +381,6 @@ _MarkDirtySprite
lda VBuffOrigin
adc #{0*4}+{2*8*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}
sta [tmp0],y
stal TileStore+TS_LAST_VBUFF,x
lda SpriteBit
oral TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
@ -405,7 +402,6 @@ _MarkDirtySprite
lda VBuffOrigin
adc #{1*4}+{0*8*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}
sta [tmp0],y
stal TileStore+TS_LAST_VBUFF,x
lda SpriteBit
oral TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
@ -427,7 +423,6 @@ _MarkDirtySprite
lda VBuffOrigin
adc #{1*4}+{1*8*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}
sta [tmp0],y
stal TileStore+TS_LAST_VBUFF,x
lda SpriteBit
oral TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
@ -449,7 +444,6 @@ _MarkDirtySprite
lda VBuffOrigin
adc #{1*4}+{2*8*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}
sta [tmp0],y
stal TileStore+TS_LAST_VBUFF,x
lda SpriteBit
oral TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
@ -471,7 +465,6 @@ _MarkDirtySprite
lda VBuffOrigin
adc #{2*4}+{0*8*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}
sta [tmp0],y
stal TileStore+TS_LAST_VBUFF,x
lda SpriteBit
oral TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
@ -493,7 +486,6 @@ _MarkDirtySprite
lda VBuffOrigin
adc #{2*4}+{1*8*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}
sta [tmp0],y
stal TileStore+TS_LAST_VBUFF,x
lda SpriteBit
oral TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
@ -515,7 +507,6 @@ _MarkDirtySprite
lda VBuffOrigin
adc #{2*4}+{2*8*SPRITE_PLANE_SPAN}
sta [tmp0],y
stal TileStore+TS_LAST_VBUFF,x
lda SpriteBit
oral TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ _RenderTile2
ldx TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,y ; This is a bitfield of all the sprites that intersect this tile, only care if non-zero or not
beq :nosprite
jsr BuildActiveSpriteArray ; Build the max 4 array of active sprites for this tile
; txa
; jsr BuildActiveSpriteArray ; Build the max 4 array of active sprites for this tile
; sta ActiveSpriteCount
lda TileStore+TS_VBUFF_ARRAY_ADDR,y ; Scratch space
@ -591,7 +591,6 @@ InitTiles
stal TileStore+TS_TILE_ID,x ; clear the tile store with the special zero tile
stal TileStore+TS_TILE_ADDR,x
stal TileStore+TS_TILE_DISP,x
stal TileStore+TS_LAST_VBUFF,x
stal TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x ; no sprites are set at the beginning
lda #$FFFF ; none of the tiles are dirty
@ -737,11 +736,11 @@ _PushDirtyTileX
txa ; any non-negative value will work, this saves work below
stal TileStore+TS_DIRTY,x ; and is 1 cycle faster than loading a constant value
ldx DirtyTileCount ; 5
sta DirtyTiles,x ; 5
stx DirtyTileCount
ldx DirtyTileCount ; 4
sta DirtyTiles,x ; 6
inx ; 2
inx ; 2
stx DirtyTileCount ; 4 = 18
txa ; Make sure TileStore offset is returned in the accumulator
Reference in New Issue
Block a user